#include "templatepixmap.h" using namespace std; // --- cTemplatePixmap ------------------------------------------------------------- cTemplatePixmap::cTemplatePixmap(void) { parameters = NULL; containerX = 0; containerY = 0; containerWidth = 0; containerHeight = 0; globals = NULL; scrolling = false; background = false; } cTemplatePixmap::~cTemplatePixmap() { for (vector::iterator it = functions.begin(); it != functions.end(); it++) { delete (*it); } if (parameters) delete parameters; } void cTemplatePixmap::SetParameters(vector > ¶ms) { parameters = new cTemplateFunction(ftPixmap); parameters->SetGlobals(globals); parameters->SetParameters(params); } void cTemplatePixmap::SetContainer(int x, int y, int w, int h) { containerX = x; containerY = y; containerWidth = w; containerHeight = h; } void cTemplatePixmap::SetWidth(int width) { cString pWidth = cString::sprintf("%d", width); parameters->SetWidthManually(*pWidth); } void cTemplatePixmap::SetHeight(int height) { cString pHeight = cString::sprintf("%d", height); parameters->SetHeightManually(*pHeight); } void cTemplatePixmap::SetX(int x) { parameters->SetXManually(x); } void cTemplatePixmap::SetY(int y) { parameters->SetYManually(y); } void cTemplatePixmap::SetWidthPercent(double width) { int absWidth = containerWidth * width; cString pWidth = cString::sprintf("%d", absWidth); parameters->SetWidthManually(*pWidth); } void cTemplatePixmap::SetHeightPercent(double height) { int absHeight = containerHeight * height; cString pHeight = cString::sprintf("%d", absHeight); parameters->SetHeightManually(*pHeight); } void cTemplatePixmap::SetXPercent(double x) { int absX = containerX + containerWidth * x; parameters->SetXManually(absX); } void cTemplatePixmap::SetYPercent(double y) { int absY = containerY + containerHeight * y; parameters->SetYManually(absY); } void cTemplatePixmap::ClearDynamicParameters(void) { parameters->ClearDynamicParameters(); } void cTemplatePixmap::ParseDynamicParameters(map *intTokens, bool initFuncs) { parameters->ClearDynamicParameters(); parameters->SetIntTokens(intTokens); parameters->ParseParameters(); parameters->UnsetIntTokens(); if (!DoExecute()) { parameters->ClearDynamicParameters(); return; } if (!initFuncs || !Ready()) return; int x = parameters->GetNumericParameter(ptX); int y = parameters->GetNumericParameter(ptY); int width = parameters->GetNumericParameter(ptWidth); int height = parameters->GetNumericParameter(ptHeight); for (vector::iterator func = functions.begin(); func != functions.end(); func++) { (*func)->SetContainer(x, y, width, height); (*func)->ReCalculateParameters(); (*func)->CompleteParameters(); if ((*func)->GetType() == ftLoop) { cTemplateLoopFunction *loopFunc = dynamic_cast(*func); if (!loopFunc->Ready()) { loopFunc->CalculateParameters(); loopFunc->SetIntTokens(intTokens); loopFunc->ParseParameters(); loopFunc->UnsetIntTokens(); } loopFunc->CalculateLoopFuncParameters(); } } } void cTemplatePixmap::AddFunction(string name, vector > ¶ms) { eFuncType type = ftNone; if (!name.compare("fill")) { type = ftFill; } else if (!name.compare("drawtext")) { type = ftDrawText; } else if (!name.compare("drawtextbox")) { type = ftDrawTextBox; } else if (!name.compare("drawtextvertical")) { type = ftDrawTextVertical; } else if (!name.compare("drawimage")) { type = ftDrawImage; } else if (!name.compare("drawrectangle")) { type = ftDrawRectangle; } else if (!name.compare("drawellipse")) { type = ftDrawEllipse; } else if (!name.compare("drawslope")) { type = ftDrawSlope; } if (type == ftNone) { return; } cTemplateFunction *f = new cTemplateFunction(type); f->SetParameters(params); functions.push_back(f); } void cTemplatePixmap::AddLoopFunction(cTemplateLoopFunction *lf) { functions.push_back(lf); } bool cTemplatePixmap::CalculateParameters(void) { bool paramsValid = true; //Calculate Pixmap Size parameters->SetContainer(containerX, containerY, containerWidth, containerHeight); parameters->SetGlobals(globals); paramsValid = parameters->CalculateParameters(); int pixWidth = parameters->GetNumericParameter(ptWidth); int pixHeight = parameters->GetNumericParameter(ptHeight); for (vector::iterator func = functions.begin(); func != functions.end(); func++) { (*func)->SetGlobals(globals); (*func)->SetContainer(0, 0, pixWidth, pixHeight); paramsValid = (*func)->CalculateParameters(); (*func)->CompleteParameters(); if ((*func)->GetType() == ftLoop) { cTemplateLoopFunction *loopFunc = dynamic_cast(*func); loopFunc->CalculateLoopFuncParameters(); } } background = parameters->GetNumericParameter(ptBackground); return paramsValid; } void cTemplatePixmap::ClearDynamicFunctionParameters(void) { InitIterator(); cTemplateFunction *func = NULL; while(func = GetNextFunction()) { func->ClearDynamicParameters(); } } void cTemplatePixmap::ParseDynamicFunctionParameters(map *stringTokens, map *intTokens) { InitIterator(); cTemplateFunction *func = NULL; bool completelyParsed = true; while(func = GetNextFunction()) { func->SetStringTokens(stringTokens); func->SetIntTokens(intTokens); bool funcCompletelyParsed = func->ParseParameters(); if (!funcCompletelyParsed) completelyParsed = false; if (func->Updated()) func->CompleteParameters(); func->UnsetIntTokens(); func->UnsetStringTokens(); } if (completelyParsed) { return; } bool replacedWidth = ReplaceWidthFunctions(); bool replacedHeight = ReplaceHeightFunctions(); bool replacedPosX = ReplacePosXFunctions(); bool replacedPosY = ReplacePosYFunctions(); if (!replacedWidth && !replacedHeight && !replacedPosX && !replacedPosY) return; InitIterator(); func = NULL; while(func = GetNextFunction()) { if (func->ParsedCompletely()) continue; func->SetStringTokens(stringTokens); func->SetIntTokens(intTokens); func->ParseParameters(); if (func->Updated()) func->CompleteParameters(); func->UnsetIntTokens(); func->UnsetStringTokens(); } } bool cTemplatePixmap::CalculateDrawPortSize(cSize &size, map < string, vector< map< string, string > > > *loopTokens) { int pixWidth = parameters->GetNumericParameter(ptWidth); int pixHeight = parameters->GetNumericParameter(ptHeight); int orientation = parameters->GetNumericParameter(ptOrientation); if (orientation < 0) orientation = orVertical; if (orientation == orHorizontal) { //get function which determinates drawport width cTemplateFunction *scrollFunc = GetScrollFunction(); if (!scrollFunc) return false; int drawportWidth = scrollFunc->GetWidth(false) + scrollFunc->GetNumericParameter(ptX) + 10; if (drawportWidth > pixWidth) { size.SetWidth(drawportWidth); size.SetHeight(pixHeight); return true; } } else if (orientation == orVertical) { //check "last" element height InitIterator(); cTemplateFunction *f = NULL; int drawportHeight = 1; while (f = GetNextFunction()) { if (f->GetType() == ftLoop) { cTemplateLoopFunction *loopFunc = dynamic_cast(f); //get number of loop tokens string loopTokenName = loopFunc->GetParameter(ptName); int numLoopTokens = 0; map < string, vector< map< string, string > > >::iterator hit = loopTokens->find(loopTokenName); if (hit != loopTokens->end()) { vector< map > loopToken = hit->second; numLoopTokens = loopToken.size(); //parse first loop token element to get correct height vector< map >::iterator firstLoopToken = loopToken.begin(); loopFunc->ClearDynamicParameters(); loopFunc->ParseDynamicParameters(&(*firstLoopToken)); } int orientation = loopFunc->GetNumericParameter(ptOrientation); int yFunc = loopFunc->GetNumericParameter(ptY); int heightFunc = loopFunc->GetLoopElementsHeight(); if (loopTokens && orientation == orVertical) { //height is height of loop elements times num loop elements heightFunc = heightFunc * numLoopTokens; } else if (loopTokens && orientation == orHorizontal) { int overflow = loopFunc->GetNumericParameter(ptOverflow); if (overflow == otCut) { //do nothing, height is only height of one line } else if (overflow == otWrap) { int widthFunc = loopFunc->GetLoopElementsWidth(); if (widthFunc <= 0) continue; int loopWidth = loopFunc->GetNumericParameter(ptWidth); if (loopWidth <= 0) loopWidth = loopFunc->GetContainerWidth(); int elementsPerRow = loopWidth / widthFunc; int rest = loopWidth % widthFunc; if (rest > 0) elementsPerRow++; if (elementsPerRow <= 0) continue; int lines = numLoopTokens / elementsPerRow; rest = numLoopTokens % elementsPerRow; if (rest > 0) lines++; heightFunc = heightFunc * lines; } } int neededHeight = heightFunc + yFunc; if (neededHeight > drawportHeight) drawportHeight = neededHeight; } else { int yFunc = f->GetNumericParameter(ptY); int heightFunc = f->GetHeight(); int neededHeight = heightFunc + yFunc; if (neededHeight > drawportHeight) drawportHeight = neededHeight; } } if (drawportHeight > pixHeight) { size.SetWidth(pixWidth); size.SetHeight(drawportHeight); return true; } } size.SetWidth(0); size.SetHeight(0); return false; } void cTemplatePixmap::SetScrollingTextWidth(void) { int orientation = parameters->GetNumericParameter(ptOrientation); if (orientation != orHorizontal) return; int pixWidth = parameters->GetNumericParameter(ptWidth); InitIterator(); cTemplateFunction *func = NULL; while(func = GetNextFunction()) { if (func->GetType() == ftDrawText) { int offset = func->GetNumericParameter(ptX); func->SetMaxTextWidth(pixWidth - offset); } } } cTemplateFunction *cTemplatePixmap::GetScrollFunction(void) { string scrollElement = parameters->GetParameter(ptScrollElement); if (scrollElement.size() == 0) return NULL; InitIterator(); cTemplateFunction *f = NULL; while (f = GetNextFunction()) { string funcName = f->GetParameter(ptName); if (!funcName.compare(scrollElement)) { return f; } } return NULL; } cRect cTemplatePixmap::GetPixmapSize(void) { cRect size; size.SetX(GetNumericParameter(ptX)); size.SetY(GetNumericParameter(ptY)); size.SetWidth(GetNumericParameter(ptWidth)); size.SetHeight(GetNumericParameter(ptHeight)); return size; } int cTemplatePixmap::GetNumericParameter(eParamType type) { if (!parameters) return -1; return parameters->GetNumericParameter(type); } void cTemplatePixmap::InitIterator(void) { funcIt = functions.begin(); } cTemplateFunction *cTemplatePixmap::GetNextFunction(void) { if (funcIt == functions.end()) return NULL; cTemplateFunction *func = *funcIt; funcIt++; return func; } bool cTemplatePixmap::Ready(void) { int myX = parameters->GetNumericParameter(ptX); if (myX < 0) return false; int myY = parameters->GetNumericParameter(ptY); if (myY < 0) return false; int myWidth = parameters->GetNumericParameter(ptWidth); if (myWidth < 1) return false; int myHeight = parameters->GetNumericParameter(ptHeight); if (myHeight < 1) return false; return true; } bool cTemplatePixmap::ReplaceWidthFunctions(void) { bool replaced = false; InitIterator(); cTemplateFunction *func = NULL; while(func = GetNextFunction()) { if (func->ParsedCompletely()) { continue; } multimap widths; func->GetNeededWidths(&widths); for (map::iterator names = widths.begin(); names !=widths.end(); names++) { eParamType type = names->first; string label = names->second; int funcWidth = 0; for (vector::iterator it = functions.begin(); it != functions.end(); it++) { cTemplateFunction *myFunc = *it; string myFuncName = myFunc->GetParameter(ptName); if (!myFuncName.compare(label)) { funcWidth = myFunc->GetWidth(); func->SetWidth(type, label, funcWidth); if (func->Updated()) { func->CompleteParameters(); } else { replaced = true; } } } } } return replaced; } bool cTemplatePixmap::ReplaceHeightFunctions(void) { bool replaced = false; InitIterator(); cTemplateFunction *func = NULL; while(func = GetNextFunction()) { if (func->ParsedCompletely()) { continue; } multimap heights; func->GetNeededHeights(&heights); for (map::iterator names = heights.begin(); names !=heights.end(); names++) { eParamType type = names->first; string label = names->second; int funcHeight = 0; for (vector::iterator it = functions.begin(); it != functions.end(); it++) { cTemplateFunction *myFunc = *it; string myFuncName = myFunc->GetParameter(ptName); if (!myFuncName.compare(label)) { funcHeight = myFunc->GetHeight(); func->SetHeight(type, label, funcHeight); if (func->Updated()) { func->CompleteParameters(); } else { replaced = true; } } } } } return replaced; } bool cTemplatePixmap::ReplacePosXFunctions(void) { bool replaced = false; InitIterator(); cTemplateFunction *func = NULL; while(func = GetNextFunction()) { if (func->ParsedCompletely()) { continue; } multimap posXs; func->GetNeededPosX(&posXs); for (map::iterator names = posXs.begin(); names !=posXs.end(); names++) { eParamType type = names->first; string label = names->second; int funcX = 0; for (vector::iterator it = functions.begin(); it != functions.end(); it++) { cTemplateFunction *myFunc = *it; string myFuncName = myFunc->GetParameter(ptName); if (!myFuncName.compare(label)) { funcX = myFunc->GetNumericParameter(ptX); if (funcX > -1) { func->SetX(type, label, funcX); if (func->Updated()) { func->CompleteParameters(); } else { replaced = true; } } } } } } return replaced; } bool cTemplatePixmap::ReplacePosYFunctions(void) { bool replaced = false; InitIterator(); cTemplateFunction *func = NULL; while(func = GetNextFunction()) { if (func->ParsedCompletely()) { continue; } multimap posYs; func->GetNeededPosY(&posYs); for (map::iterator names = posYs.begin(); names !=posYs.end(); names++) { eParamType type = names->first; string label = names->second; int funcY = 0; for (vector::iterator it = functions.begin(); it != functions.end(); it++) { cTemplateFunction *myFunc = *it; string myFuncName = myFunc->GetParameter(ptName); if (!myFuncName.compare(label)) { funcY = myFunc->GetNumericParameter(ptY); if (funcY > -1) { func->SetY(type, label, funcY); if (func->Updated()) { func->CompleteParameters(); } else { replaced = true; } } } } } } return replaced; } void cTemplatePixmap::Debug(void) { esyslog("skindesigner: pixmap container size x: %d, y: %d, width: %d, height %d", containerX, containerY, containerWidth, containerHeight); parameters->Debug(); for (vector::iterator it = functions.begin(); it != functions.end(); it++) { (*it)->Debug(); } }