#include "../config.h" #include "animation.h" #include /****************************************************************** * cDetacher ******************************************************************/ cDetacher::cDetacher(cDetachable *detachable, bool wait, bool animation) : cThread("detacher thread") { this->detachable = detachable; waitOnWakeup = wait; keepSleeping = false; doAnimation = animation; } cDetacher::~cDetacher(void) { sleepWait.Signal(); Cancel(2); } void cDetacher::WakeUp(void) { sleepWait.Signal(); } void cDetacher::ResetSleep(void) { keepSleeping = true; sleepWait.Signal(); } void cDetacher::Stop(bool deletePixmaps) { sleepWait.Signal(); Cancel(2); } void cDetacher::Action(void) { if (!detachable) { return; } if (waitOnWakeup) { Wait(); int delay = 50 + detachable->Delay(); Sleep(delay); } else { int delay = detachable->Delay(); if (delay > 0) Sleep(delay); } detachable->ParseDetached(); detachable->RenderDetached(); if (!doAnimation) detachable->Flush(); if (!Running()) return; if (doAnimation) { detachable->StartAnimation(); } } void cDetacher::Sleep(int duration) { if (duration <= 0) return; do { keepSleeping = false; sleepWait.Wait(duration); } while (keepSleeping); } void cDetacher::Wait(void) { //wait has to be waked up from outside sleepWait.Wait(0); } /****************************************************************** * cAnimaton ******************************************************************/ cAnimation::cAnimation(void) { started = 0; finished = false; persistent = false; frametime = 1000 / config.FPS; } cAnimation::~cAnimation(void) { } /****************************************************************** * cScroller ******************************************************************/ cScroller::cScroller(cScrollable *scrollable) { this->scrollable = scrollable; paused = true; pauseTime = 0; scrollingStarted = false; secondDelay = false; delScrollPix = true; Init(); } cScroller::~cScroller(void) { } void cScroller::Init(void) { delay = scrollable->ScrollDelay(); orientation = scrollable->ScrollOrientation(); if (orientation == eOrientation::horizontal) { scrollLength = scrollable->ScrollWidth(); } else if (orientation == eOrientation::vertical) { scrollLength = scrollable->ScrollHeight(); } eScrollMode mode = scrollable->ScrollMode(); carriageReturn = (mode == eScrollMode::carriagereturn) ? true : false; drawPortX = 0.0f; drawPortY = 0.0f; eScrollSpeed speed = scrollable->ScrollSpeed(); if (speed == eScrollSpeed::slow) scrollDelta = 0.5f; else if (speed == eScrollSpeed::fast) scrollDelta = 2.0f; else scrollDelta = 1.0f; } void cScroller::Reactivate(void) {} void cScroller::SetInitial(void) {} bool cScroller::Pause(void) { if (!paused) return false; if ((pauseTime + frametime) > delay) { paused = false; pauseTime = 0; return false; } pauseTime += frametime; return true; } bool cScroller::Overflow(void) { if (orientation == eOrientation::horizontal) { if (!carriageReturn && (drawPortX >= 1)) { drawPortX = 0; scrollDelta *= -1; paused = true; return true; } if (carriageReturn && (drawPortX >= 0) && secondDelay) { cPoint drawPortPoint(drawPortX,0); scrollable->SetDrawPort(drawPortPoint); drawPortX = -1; paused = true; secondDelay = false; return true; } if (abs((int)drawPortX) < scrollLength) return false; if (carriageReturn) { drawPortX = 0; secondDelay = true; } else { scrollDelta *= -1; drawPortX -= scrollDelta; } } else if (orientation == eOrientation::vertical) { if ((drawPortY >= 0) && secondDelay) { cPoint drawPortPoint(0, drawPortY); scrollable->SetDrawPort(drawPortPoint); drawPortY = -1; paused = true; secondDelay = false; return true; } if (abs((int)drawPortY) < scrollLength) return false; secondDelay = true; drawPortY = 0; } paused = true; return true; } void cScroller::SetFinished(void) { finished = true; if (delScrollPix) { scrollable->StopScrolling(); } } bool cScroller::Tick(void) { if (finished) { return false; } if (Pause()) return true; if (!scrollingStarted) { scrollable->StartScrolling(); scrollingStarted = true; } if (Overflow()) return true; cPoint drawPortPoint(0,0); if (orientation == eOrientation::horizontal) { drawPortX -= scrollDelta; drawPortPoint.SetX(drawPortX); } else if (orientation == eOrientation::vertical) { drawPortY -= scrollDelta; drawPortPoint.SetY(drawPortY); } scrollable->SetDrawPort(drawPortPoint); return true; }; /****************************************************************** * cFader ******************************************************************/ cFader::cFader(cFadable *fadable) { this->fadable = fadable; fadein = true; fadetime = fadable->FadeTime(); step = 100.0f / ((double)fadetime / (double)frametime); transparency = 100; hideWhenFinished = false; } cFader::~cFader(void) { } void cFader::Reactivate(void) { started = 0; finished = false; fadein = false; } void cFader::SetInitial(void) { fadable->SetTransparency(transparency); } void cFader::SetFadeOut(void) { fadein = false; transparency = 0; } void cFader::SetFinished(void) { finished = true; if (hideWhenFinished) fadable->SetTransparency(100); } bool cFader::Tick(void) { if (finished) { if (fadein) fadable->SetTransparency(0); else fadable->SetTransparency(100); return false; } if (!started) { started = cTimeMs::Now(); } if ((int)(cTimeMs::Now() - started) > fadetime) { if (fadein) fadable->SetTransparency(0); else fadable->SetTransparency(100); finished = true; return false; } fadable->SetTransparency(transparency); if (fadein) { transparency -= step; } else { transparency += step; } return true; }; /****************************************************************** * cShifter ******************************************************************/ cShifter::cShifter(cShiftable *shiftable) { this->shiftable = shiftable; step = 0; shiftin = true; shifttime = 0; x = 0.0f; y = 0.0f; stepXLinear = 0; stepYLinear = 0; stepsFast = 0; stepXFast = 0; stepXSlow = 0; stepYFast = 0; stepYSlow = 0; Init(); } cShifter::~cShifter(void) { } void cShifter::Init(void) { shifttime = shiftable->ShiftTime(); mode = (eShiftMode)shiftable->ShiftMode(); shiftable->ShiftPositions(&start, &end); int steps = (double)shifttime / (double)frametime; if (steps <= 0) steps = 1; float percentFast = 33.3f; float distanceFast = 85.0f; stepsFast = (float)steps * percentFast / 100.0f; if (start.X() == end.X()) { stepYLinear = (float)(end.Y() - start.Y()) / (float)steps; stepYFast = (float)(end.Y() - start.Y()) * distanceFast / 100.0f / (float)stepsFast; stepYSlow = (float)(end.Y() - start.Y()) * (100.0f - distanceFast) / 100.0f / (float)(steps-stepsFast); } else if (start.Y() == end.Y()) { stepXLinear = (end.X() - start.X()) / steps; stepXFast = (float)(end.X() - start.X()) * distanceFast / 100.0f / (float)stepsFast; stepXSlow = (float)(end.X() - start.X()) * (100.0f - distanceFast) / 100.0f / (float)(steps-stepsFast); } else { stepXLinear = (end.X() - start.X()) / steps; stepXFast = (float)(end.X() - start.X()) * distanceFast / 100.0f / (float)stepsFast; stepXSlow = (float)(end.X() - start.X()) * (100.0f - distanceFast) / 100.0f / (float)(steps-stepsFast); stepYLinear = (end.Y() - start.Y()) / steps; stepYFast = (float)(end.Y() - start.Y()) * distanceFast / 100.0f / (float)stepsFast; stepYSlow = (float)(end.Y() - start.Y()) * (100.0f - distanceFast) / 100.0f / (float)(steps-stepsFast); } x = start.X(); y = start.Y(); } void cShifter::Reactivate(void) { started = 0; finished = false; shiftin = false; step = 0; } void cShifter::SetInitial(void) { cPoint pos(x, y); shiftable->SetPosition(pos, end); } void cShifter::NextPosition(void) { if (mode == eShiftMode::linear) { if (shiftin) { x += stepXLinear; y += stepYLinear; } else { x -= stepXLinear; y -= stepYLinear; } } else if (mode == eShiftMode::slowedDown) { if (shiftin) { if (step <= stepsFast) { x += stepXFast; y += stepYFast; } else { x += stepXSlow; y += stepYSlow; } } else { if (step <= stepsFast) { x -= stepXFast; y -= stepYFast; } else { x -= stepXSlow; y -= stepYSlow; } } } } bool cShifter::Tick(void) { if (finished) return false; if (!started) { started = cTimeMs::Now(); } if ((int)(cTimeMs::Now() - started) > shifttime) { if (shiftin) shiftable->SetPosition(end, end); else shiftable->SetPosition(start, end); finished = true; return false; } cPoint pos(x, y); shiftable->SetPosition(pos, end); step++; NextPosition(); return true; }; /****************************************************************** * cListShifter ******************************************************************/ cListShifter::cListShifter(cListShiftable *shiftable) { this->shiftable = shiftable; shifttime = shiftable->ListShiftTime(); distance = shiftable->ShiftDistance(); orientation = shiftable->ShiftOrientation(); int steps = (double)shifttime / (double)frametime; if (steps <= 0) steps = 1; step = distance / steps; shiftin = true; fromtop = true; } cListShifter::~cListShifter(void) { } void cListShifter::Reactivate(void) {} void cListShifter::SetInitial(void) { if (shiftin) { if (orientation == eOrientation::horizontal) { if (fromtop) { pos.SetX(-1 * distance); pos.SetY(0); } else { pos.SetX(distance); pos.SetY(0); } } else { if (fromtop) { pos.SetX(0); pos.SetY(-1 * distance); } else { pos.SetX(0); pos.SetY(distance); } } } shiftable->SetIndicatorPosition(pos); } void cListShifter::NextPosition(void) { int x = pos.X(); int y = pos.Y(); if (orientation == eOrientation::horizontal) { if (fromtop) { pos.SetX(x+step); } else { pos.SetX(x-step); } } else { if (fromtop) { pos.SetY(y+step); } else { pos.SetY(y-step); } } } void cListShifter::EndPosition(void) { if (shiftin) { pos.SetX(0); pos.SetY(0); } else { if (orientation == eOrientation::horizontal) { pos.SetX(distance); } else { pos.SetY(distance); } } shiftable->SetIndicatorPosition(pos); } bool cListShifter::Tick(void) { if (finished) { EndPosition(); return false; } if (!started) { started = cTimeMs::Now(); } if ((int)(cTimeMs::Now() - started) > shifttime) { EndPosition(); finished = true; return false; } shiftable->SetIndicatorPosition(pos); NextPosition(); return true; }; /****************************************************************** * cBlinker ******************************************************************/ cBlinker::cBlinker(cBlinkable *blinkable, int blinkFunc) { this->blinkable = blinkable; this->blinkFunc = blinkFunc; freq = blinkable->BlinkFreq(blinkFunc); blinkOn = false; paused = true; pauseTime = 0; } cBlinker::~cBlinker(void) { } void cBlinker::Reactivate(void) {} void cBlinker::SetInitial(void) {} bool cBlinker::Pause(void) { if (!paused) return false; if ((pauseTime + frametime) > freq) { paused = false; pauseTime = 0; return false; } pauseTime += frametime; return true; } bool cBlinker::Tick(void) { if (finished) return false; if (Pause()) return true; blinkable->DoBlink(blinkFunc, blinkOn); blinkOn = !blinkOn; paused = true; pauseTime = 0; return true; }; /****************************************************************** * cAnimator ******************************************************************/ cAnimator::cAnimator(cSdOsd *osd) : cThread("animator thread") { this->osd = osd; timeneeded = 0; timeslice = 1000 / config.FPS; } cAnimator::~cAnimator(void) { Stop(); } void cAnimator::Sleep(uint64_t start) { timeneeded = cTimeMs::Now() - start; int sleepTime = (timeslice - timeneeded) > 0 ? timeslice - timeneeded : 0; if (sleepTime) sleepWait.Wait(sleepTime); } void cAnimator::DoTick(bool &animActive) { animLock.Lock(); for (cAnimation *animation = animations.First(); animation; animation = animations.Next(animation)) { if (Running()) { bool currentAnimActive = animation->Tick(); animActive = animActive || currentAnimActive; } } animLock.Unlock(); } /***************************************************************************************** * Cleanup Anims * removes finished anims * remembers persistent anims *****************************************************************************************/ void cAnimator::CleanupAnims(void) { bool found; animLock.Lock(); do { found = false; for (cAnimation *animation = animations.First(); animation; animation = animations.Next(animation)) { if (!animation->Finished()) continue; if (animation->Persistent()) { animations.Del(animation, false); animationsPersistent.Add(animation); } else { animations.Del(animation); } found = true; break; } } while (found); animLock.Unlock(); } /***************************************************************************************** * Main Loop *****************************************************************************************/ void cAnimator::Action(void) { while(Running()) { bool animActive = false; uint64_t start = cTimeMs::Now(); DoTick(animActive); if (!Running()) break; osd->Flush(); if (!Running()) break; CleanupAnims(); if (!Running()) break; if (!animActive) { pauseWait.Wait(); } else { Sleep(start); } } } /***************************************************************************************** * Add Animation * if startAnim is set to true, main loop gets waked up *****************************************************************************************/ void cAnimator::AddAnimation(cAnimation *animation, bool startAnim) { animation->SetInitial(); animLock.Lock(); animations.Ins(animation); animLock.Unlock(); if (startAnim) pauseWait.Signal(); } /***************************************************************************************** * Remove Animation * animation will be set to finished and removed later by Cleanup() *****************************************************************************************/ void cAnimator::RemoveAnimation(cAnimation *remove) { animLock.Lock(); for (cAnimation *animation = animations.First(); animation; animation = animations.Next(animation)) { if (animation == remove) { animation->SetFinished(); break; } } animLock.Unlock(); } /***************************************************************************************** * Finish Main Loop *****************************************************************************************/ void cAnimator::Stop(void) { if (!Running()) return; Cancel(-1); pauseWait.Signal(); sleepWait.Signal(); Cancel(2); } /***************************************************************************************** * shift or fade out persistent animations *****************************************************************************************/ void cAnimator::Finish(void) { bool animActive = true; bool reactivate = true; while(animActive) { animActive = false; uint64_t start = cTimeMs::Now(); animLock.Lock(); for (cAnimation *animation = animationsPersistent.First(); animation; animation = animationsPersistent.Next(animation)) { if (reactivate) animation->Reactivate(); bool currentAnimActive = animation->Tick(); animActive = animActive || currentAnimActive; } animLock.Unlock(); reactivate = false; osd->Flush(); if (!animActive) break; Sleep(start); } }