<menudetailedepg x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%" fadetime="0">
    <!-- Available Variables in detailheader elements:
    {title}                   title of event
    {shorttext}               shorttext of event
    {start}                   event start time in hh::mm
    {stop}                    event stop time
    {day}                     Day of event as three letter abrivation
    {date}                    date of current event in dd.mm.yy
    {daynumeric}              day as number
    {month}                   month as number
    {year}                    year as number
    {running}                 true if event is currently running
    {elapsed}                 elapsed time of event, if not running 0
    {duration}                duration of event
    {durationhours}           duration, full hours
    {durationminutes}         duration, rest of minutes
    {vps}                     vps description string
    {channelname}             Channelname of event
    {channelnumber}           Channelnumber of event
    {channellogoexists}       true if a channel logo exists 
    {channelid}               ChannelID as path to display channel logo
    {ismovie}                 true if event is scraped as a movie
    {isseries}                true if event is scraped as a series
    {posteravailable}         true if a poster is available
    {posterwidth}             width of scraped poster
    {posterheight}            height of scraped poster
    {posterpath}              absolute path of scraped poster
    {banneravailable}         true if a banner is available
    {bannerwidth}             width of banner
    {bannerheight}            height of banner
    {bannerpath}              path of banner
    {epgpicavailable}         true if a epg picture is available
    {epgpicpath}              path of epg picture

    <!-- Available Variables in tab elements:
    {title}                   title of event
    {shorttext}               shorttext of event
    {description}             description of event
    {start}                   event start time in hh::mm
    {stop}                    event stop time
    {day}                     Day of event as three letter abrivation
    {date}                    date of current event in dd.mm.yy
    {daynumeric}              day as number
    {month}                   month as number
    {year}                    year as number
    {running}                 true if event is currently running
    {elapsed}                 elapsed time of event, if not running 0
    {duration}                duration of event
    {durationhours}           duration, full hours
    {durationminutes}         duration, rest of minutes
    {vps}                     vps description string
    {channellogoexists}       true if a channel logo exists 
    {channelid}               ChannelID as path to display channel logo
    {hasreruns}               true if reruns of this event are found
    {reruns[]}                array with reruns
    {reruns[title]}           title of rerun
    {reruns[shorttext]}       shorttext of rerun
    {reruns[date]}            date of rerun in dd:mm
    {reruns[day]}             short dayname of rerun
    {reruns[start]}           start time of rerun in hh:mm
    {reruns[stop]}            stop time of rerun in hh:mm
    {reruns[channelname]}     name of channel on which rerun occurs
    {reruns[channelnumber]}   number of channel on which rerun occurs
    {reruns[channelid]}       id of channel on which rerun occurs to display channel logo
    {reruns[channellogoexists]} true if channel logo exists
    {epgpic1avaialble}        true if first epg picture is available
    {epgpic2avaialble}        true if first epg picture is available
    {epgpic3avaialble}        true if first epg picture is available
    {epgpic1path}             path of first epg picture
    {epgpic2path}             path of second epg picture
    {epgpic3path}             path of third epg picture
    {ismovie}                 true if event is scraped as a movie
    Available variables for movies:
    {movietitle}              movie title from themoviedb
    {movieoriginalTitle}      movie original title from themoviedb
    {movietagline}            movie tagline from themoviedb
    {movieoverview}           movie overview from themoviedb
    {movieadult}              true if movie is rated as adult
    {moviebudget}             movie budget from themoviedb in $
    {movierevenue}            movie revenue from themoviedb in $
    {moviegenres}             movie genres from themoviedb
    {moviehomepage}           movie homepage from themoviedb
    {moviereleasedate}        movie release date from themoviedb
    {movieruntime}            movie runtime from themoviedb
    {moviepopularity}         movie popularity from themoviedb
    {movievoteaverage}        movie vote average from themoviedb
    {posterwidth}             width of scraped poster
    {posterheight}            height of scraped poster
    {posterpath}              absolute path of scraped poster
    {fanartwidth}             width of scraped fanart
    {fanartheight}            height of scraped fanart
    {fanartpath}              absolute path of scraped fanart
    {movieiscollection}       true if movie is part of a collection
    {moviecollectionName}     name of movie collection
    {collectionposterwidth}   width of scraped collection poster
    {collectionposterheight}  height of scraped collection poster
    {collectionposterpath}    absolute path of scraped collection poster
    {collectionfanartwidth}   width of scraped collection fanart
    {collectionfanartheight}  height of scraped collection fanart
    {collectionfanartpath}    absolute path of scraped collection fanart
    {actors[]}                array with movie actors
    {actors[name]}            real name of actor
    {actors[role]}            actor role
    {actors[thumb]}           absolute path of scraped actor thumb
    {actors[thumbwidth]}      width of scraped actor thumb
    {actors[thumbheight]}     height of scraped actor thumb

    {isseries}                true if event is scraped as a series
    Available variables for series:
    {seriesname}              name of series
    {seriesoverview}          series overview
    {seriesfirstaired}        first aired date 
    {seriesnetwork}           network which produces series
    {seriesgenre}             series genre
    {seriesrating}            series thetvdb rating
    {seriesstatus}            status of series (running / finished)
    {episodetitle}            title of episode
    {episodenumber}           number of episode
    {episodeseason}           season of episode
    {episodefirstaired}       first aired date of episode
    {episodegueststars}       guest stars of episode
    {episodeoverview}         episode overview
    {episoderating}           user rating for episode
    {episodeimagewidth}       episode image width
    {episodeimageheight}      episode image height
    {episodeimagepath}        episode image path
    {seasonposterwidth}       episode season poster width
    {seasonposterheight}      episode season poster height
    {seasonposterpath}        episode season poster path
    {seriesposter1width}      width of 1st poster
    {seriesposter1height}     height of 1st poster
    {seriesposter1path}       path of 1st poster
    {seriesposter2width}      width of 2nd poster
    {seriesposter2height}     height of 2nd poster
    {seriesposter2path}       path of 2nd poster
    {seriesposter3width}      width of 3rd poster
    {seriesposter3height}     height of 3rd poster
    {seriesposter3path}       path of 3rd poster
    {seriesfanart1width}      width of 1st fanart
    {seriesfanart1height}     height of 1st fanart
    {seriesfanart1path}       path of 1st fanart
    {seriesfanart2width}      width of 2nd fanart
    {seriesfanart2height}     height of 2nd fanart
    {seriesfanart2path}       path of 2nd fanart
    {seriesfanart3width}      width of 3rd fanart
    {seriesfanart3height}     height of 3rd fanart
    {seriesfanart3path}       path of 3rd fanart
    {seriesbanner1width}      width of 1st banner
    {seriesbanner1height}     height of 1st banner
    {seriesbanner1path}       path of 1st banner
    {seriesbanner2width}      width of 2nd banner
    {seriesbanner2height}     height of 2nd banner
    {seriesbanner2path}       path of 2nd banner
    {seriesbanner3width}      width of 3rd banner
    {seriesbanner3height}     height of 3rd banner
    {seriesbanner3path}       path of 3rd fanart
    {actors[]}                array with movie actors
    {actors[name]}            real name of actor
    {actors[role]}            actor role
    {actors[thumb]}           absolute path of scraped actor thumb
    {actors[thumbwidth]}      width of scraped actor thumb
    {actors[thumbheight]}     height of scraped actor thumb

    <!-- a tab is one scrolling area, just position and draw as inside a normal area -->
    <!-- just define as many tabs as needed -->
    <tab name="Tab1" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%" layer="2" scrollheight="{areaheight}/4">

    <!-- Available Variables tablabels:
    {currenttab}            name of currently active tab
    {prevtab}               name of prev tab
    {nexttab}               name of next tab
    {tabs[]}                array with available tab labels
    {tabs[title]}           title of tab
    {tabs[current]}         true if tab is displayed currently