#include "../config.h" #include "parameter.h" using namespace std; // --- cNumericParameter ------------------------------------------------------------- cNumericParameter::cNumericParameter(string value) { this->value = value; globals = NULL; isValid = false; width = 0; height = 0; columnWidth = -1; rowHeight = -1; hor = true; defaultValue = 0; } cNumericParameter::~cNumericParameter(void) { } void cNumericParameter::SetAreaSize(int w, int h) { width = w; height = h; } int cNumericParameter::Parse(string &parsedValue) { int retVal = defaultValue; if (IsNumber(value)) { isValid = true; retVal = atoi(value.c_str()); return retVal; } //checking for percent value bool isPercentValue = CheckPercentValue(retVal); if (isPercentValue) { isValid = true; return retVal; } //checking for expression bool isValidExpression = CheckExpression(retVal, parsedValue); if (isValidExpression) { isValid = true; return retVal; } return retVal; } bool cNumericParameter::IsNumber(const string& s) { string::const_iterator it = s.begin(); while (it != s.end() && isdigit(*it)) ++it; return !s.empty() && it == s.end(); } bool cNumericParameter::CheckPercentValue(int &val) { bool ok = false; size_t posPercent = value.find('%'); if (posPercent != string::npos) { string strPerc = value.substr(0, posPercent); if (!IsNumber(strPerc)) { return ok; } int perc = atoi(strPerc.c_str()); if (hor) { val = width * perc / 100; } else { val = height * perc / 100; } ok = true; } return ok; } bool cNumericParameter::CheckExpression(int &val, string &parsedVal) { bool ok = false; string parsedValue = value; //remove white spaces parsedValue.erase( std::remove_if( parsedValue.begin(), parsedValue.end(), ::isspace ), parsedValue.end() ); //check and replace {areawidth} and {areaheight} tokens string tokenWidth = "{areawidth}"; string tokenHeight = "{areaheight}"; stringstream sw; sw << width; string strWidth = sw.str(); stringstream sh; sh << height; string strHeight = sh.str(); bool foundToken = true; while(foundToken) { size_t foundTokenWidth = parsedValue.find(tokenWidth); if (foundTokenWidth != string::npos) { parsedValue = parsedValue.replace(foundTokenWidth, tokenWidth.size(), strWidth); } else { foundToken = false; } } foundToken = true; while(foundToken) { size_t foundTokenHeight = parsedValue.find(tokenHeight); if (foundTokenHeight != string::npos) { parsedValue = parsedValue.replace(foundTokenHeight, tokenHeight.size(), strHeight); } else { foundToken = false; } } //check and replace {columnwidth} and {rowheight} tokens for loop functions if (columnWidth > 0 || rowHeight > 0) { tokenWidth = "{columnwidth}"; tokenHeight = "{rowheight}"; stringstream cw; cw << columnWidth; strWidth = cw.str(); stringstream rh; rh << rowHeight; strHeight = rh.str(); foundToken = true; while(foundToken) { size_t foundTokenWidth = parsedValue.find(tokenWidth); if (foundTokenWidth != string::npos) { parsedValue = parsedValue.replace(foundTokenWidth, tokenWidth.size(), strWidth); } else { foundToken = false; } } foundToken = true; while(foundToken) { size_t foundTokenHeight = parsedValue.find(tokenHeight); if (foundTokenHeight != string::npos) { parsedValue = parsedValue.replace(foundTokenHeight, tokenHeight.size(), strHeight); } else { foundToken = false; } } } if (globals) { globals->ReplaceIntVars(parsedValue); globals->ReplaceDoubleVars(parsedValue); } if (IsNumber(parsedValue)) { ok = true; val = atoi(parsedValue.c_str()); return ok; } if (!ValidNumericExpression(parsedValue)) { parsedVal = parsedValue; return ok; } ok = true; char * expression = new char[parsedValue.size() + 1]; std::copy(parsedValue.begin(), parsedValue.end(), expression); expression[parsedValue.size()] = '\0'; int expRes = EvaluateTheExpression(expression); val = expRes; delete[] expression; return ok; } bool cNumericParameter::ValidNumericExpression(string &parsedValue) { string::const_iterator it = parsedValue.begin(); while (it != parsedValue.end() && (isdigit(*it) || *it == '.' || *it == ',' || *it == '+' || *it == '-' || *it == '*' || *it == '/')) ++it; return !parsedValue.empty() && it == parsedValue.end(); } int cNumericParameter::EvaluateTheExpression(char* expr) { return round(ParseSummands(expr)); } double cNumericParameter::ParseAtom(char*& expr) { // Read the number from string char* end_ptr; double res = strtod(expr, &end_ptr); // Advance the pointer and return the result expr = end_ptr; return res; } // Parse multiplication and division double cNumericParameter::ParseFactors(char*& expr) { double num1 = ParseAtom(expr); for(;;) { // Save the operation char op = *expr; if(op != '/' && op != '*') return num1; expr++; double num2 = ParseAtom(expr); // Perform the saved operation if(op == '/') { if (num2 != 0) { num1 /= num2; } } else num1 *= num2; } } // Parse addition and subtraction double cNumericParameter::ParseSummands(char*& expr) { double num1 = ParseFactors(expr); for(;;) { char op = *expr; if(op != '-' && op != '+') return num1; expr++; double num2 = ParseFactors(expr); if(op == '-') num1 -= num2; else num1 += num2; } } // --- cConditionalParameter ------------------------------------------------------------- cConditionalParameter::cConditionalParameter(cGlobals *globals, string value) { this->globals = globals; isTrue = false; this->value = value; type = cpNone; } cConditionalParameter::~cConditionalParameter(void) { } void cConditionalParameter::Tokenize(void) { size_t posAnd = value.find("++"); if (posAnd != string::npos) { type = cpAnd; TokenizeValue("++"); } else { size_t posOr = value.find("||"); if (posOr != string::npos) { type = cpOr; TokenizeValue("||"); } } if (type == cpNone) { InsertCondition(value); } } void cConditionalParameter::Evaluate(map < string, int > *intTokens, map < string, string > *stringTokens) { isTrue = false; bool first = true; for (vector::iterator cond = conditions.begin(); cond != conditions.end(); cond++) { bool tokenTrue = false; if (cond->type == ctStringSet) { if (stringTokens) { map < string, string >::iterator hit = stringTokens->find(cond->tokenName); if (hit != stringTokens->end()) { string value = hit->second; if (value.size() > 0) tokenTrue = true; } } } else if (cond->type == ctStringEmpty) { if (stringTokens) { map < string, string >::iterator hit = stringTokens->find(cond->tokenName); if (hit != stringTokens->end()) { string value = hit->second; if (value.size() == 0) tokenTrue = true; } else { tokenTrue = true; } } else { tokenTrue = true; } } else if (cond->type == ctStringEquals) { if (stringTokens) { map < string, string >::iterator hit = stringTokens->find(cond->tokenName); if (hit != stringTokens->end()) { string value = hit->second; if (!value.compare(cond->strCompareValue)) tokenTrue = true; } } if (!tokenTrue) { string value = ""; if (globals->GetString(cond->tokenName, value)) { if (!value.compare(cond->strCompareValue)) { tokenTrue = true; } } } } else if (cond->type == ctStringNotEquals) { if (stringTokens) { map < string, string >::iterator hit = stringTokens->find(cond->tokenName); if (hit != stringTokens->end()) { string value = hit->second; if (value.compare(cond->strCompareValue)) tokenTrue = true; } else { tokenTrue = true; } } else { tokenTrue = true; } } else if (cond->type == ctStringContains) { if (stringTokens) { map < string, string >::iterator hit = stringTokens->find(cond->tokenName); if (hit != stringTokens->end()) { string value = hit->second; if (value.find(cond->strCompareValue) != string::npos) tokenTrue = true; } } if (!tokenTrue) { string value = ""; if (globals->GetString(cond->tokenName, value)) { if (value.find(cond->strCompareValue) != string::npos) { tokenTrue = true; } } } } else if (cond->type == ctStringNotContains) { if (stringTokens) { map < string, string >::iterator hit = stringTokens->find(cond->tokenName); if (hit != stringTokens->end()) { string value = hit->second; if (value.find(cond->strCompareValue) == string::npos) tokenTrue = true; } else { tokenTrue = true; } } else { tokenTrue = true; } } else { int tokenValue = EvaluateParameter(cond->tokenName, intTokens, stringTokens); if (cond->type == ctBool) { tokenTrue = tokenValue; } else if (cond->type == ctGreater) { tokenTrue = (tokenValue > cond->compareValue) ? true : false; } else if (cond->type == ctLower) { tokenTrue = (tokenValue < cond->compareValue) ? true : false; } else if (cond->type == ctEquals) { tokenTrue = (tokenValue == cond->compareValue) ? true : false; } } if (cond->isNegated) tokenTrue = !tokenTrue; if (type == cpAnd) { if (first) isTrue = tokenTrue; else isTrue = isTrue && tokenTrue; } else if (type == cpOr) { isTrue = isTrue || tokenTrue; } else { isTrue = tokenTrue; } first = false; } } int cConditionalParameter::EvaluateParameter(string token, map < string, int > *intTokens, map < string, string > *stringTokens) { //first check globals int result = 0; if (globals->GetInt(token, result)) return result; //then check custom tokens if (globals->GetCustomInt(token, result)) return result; //then check tokens if (intTokens) { map < string, int >::iterator hit = intTokens->find(token); if (hit != intTokens->end()) { return hit->second; } } if (stringTokens) { map < string, string >::iterator hit = stringTokens->find(token); if (hit != stringTokens->end()) { string value = hit->second; return atoi(value.c_str()); } } return 0; } void cConditionalParameter::TokenizeValue(string sep) { string buffer = value; bool sepFound = true; while (sepFound) { size_t posSep = buffer.find(sep); if (posSep == string::npos) { InsertCondition(buffer); sepFound = false; } string token = buffer.substr(0, posSep); buffer = buffer.replace(0, posSep + sep.size(), ""); InsertCondition(token); } } void cConditionalParameter::InsertCondition(string cond) { cond = StripWhitespaces(cond); if (cond.size() < 1) return; size_t tokenStart = cond.find('{'); size_t tokenEnd = cond.find('}'); if (tokenStart == string::npos || tokenEnd == string::npos || tokenStart > tokenEnd) return; string tokenName = cond.substr(tokenStart + 1, tokenEnd - tokenStart - 1); string rest = cond.replace(tokenStart, tokenEnd - tokenStart + 1, ""); sCondition sCond; sCond.tokenName = tokenName; sCond.type = ctBool; sCond.compareValue = 0; sCond.strCompareValue = ""; sCond.isNegated = false; if (!rest.compare("not")) { sCond.isNegated = true; } else if (!rest.compare("isset")) { sCond.type = ctStringSet; } else if (!rest.compare("empty")) { sCond.type = ctStringEmpty; } else if (startswith(rest.c_str(), "strequal(")) { sCond.strCompareValue = rest.substr(10, rest.size() - 11); sCond.type = ctStringEquals; } else if (startswith(rest.c_str(), "strnotequal(")) { sCond.strCompareValue = rest.substr(13, rest.size() - 14); sCond.type = ctStringNotEquals; } else if (startswith(rest.c_str(), "strcontains(")) { sCond.strCompareValue = rest.substr(13, rest.size() - 14); sCond.type = ctStringContains; } else if (startswith(rest.c_str(), "strnotcontains(")) { sCond.strCompareValue = rest.substr(16, rest.size() - 17); sCond.type = ctStringNotContains; } else if (startswith(rest.c_str(), "gt(")) { string compVal = rest.substr(4, rest.size() - 5); sCond.compareValue = atoi(compVal.c_str()); sCond.type = ctGreater; } else if (startswith(rest.c_str(), "lt(")) { string compVal = rest.substr(4, rest.size() - 5); sCond.compareValue = atoi(compVal.c_str()); sCond.type = ctLower; } else if (startswith(rest.c_str(), "eq(")) { string compVal = rest.substr(4, rest.size() - 5); sCond.compareValue = atoi(compVal.c_str()); sCond.type = ctEquals; } conditions.push_back(sCond); } string cConditionalParameter::StripWhitespaces(string value) { size_t startEqual = value.find("strequal("); size_t startNotEqual = value.find("strnotequal("); size_t startContains = value.find("strcontains("); size_t startNotContains = value.find("strnotcontains("); if (startEqual != string::npos || startContains != string::npos || startNotEqual != string::npos || startNotContains != string::npos) { size_t startString = value.find_first_of('\''); size_t stopString = value.find_last_of('\''); string text = value.substr(startString + 1, stopString - startString - 1); value.replace(startString, stopString - startString + 1, "xxxxxx"); value.erase( std::remove_if( value.begin(), value.end(), ::isspace ), value.end() ); size_t startPlaceholder = value.find("xxxxxx"); value.replace(startPlaceholder, 6, text); } else { value.erase( std::remove_if( value.begin(), value.end(), ::isspace ), value.end() ); } return value; } void cConditionalParameter::Debug(void) { dsyslog("skindesigner: Condition %s, Type: %s, cond is %s", value.c_str(), (type == cpAnd)?"and combination":((type == cpOr)?"or combination":"single param") , isTrue?"true":"false"); for (vector::iterator it = conditions.begin(); it != conditions.end(); it++) { dsyslog("skindesigner: cond token %s, type: %d, compareValue %d, negated: %d, strCompareValue %s", it->tokenName.c_str(), it->type, it->compareValue, it->isNegated, it->strCompareValue.c_str()); } }