#include "animation.h" #include /****************************************************************** * cAnimation ******************************************************************/ cAnimation::cAnimation(cScrollable *scrollable) : cThread("scroller") { this->scrollable = scrollable; this->detachable = NULL; this->fadable = NULL; this->shiftable = NULL; this->blinkable = NULL; waitOnWakeup = false; keepSleeping = false; doAnimation = true; modeIn = false; doFlush = true; blinkFunc = -1; } cAnimation::cAnimation(cDetachable *detachable, bool wait, bool animation) : cThread("detached") { this->scrollable = NULL; this->detachable = detachable; this->fadable = NULL; this->shiftable = NULL; this->blinkable = NULL; waitOnWakeup = wait; keepSleeping = false; doAnimation = animation; modeIn = false; doFlush = true; blinkFunc = -1; } cAnimation::cAnimation(cFadable *fadable, bool fadein) : cThread("fadable") { this->scrollable = NULL; this->detachable = NULL; this->fadable = fadable; this->shiftable = NULL; this->blinkable = NULL; waitOnWakeup = false; keepSleeping = false; doAnimation = true; modeIn = fadein; doFlush = true; blinkFunc = -1; } cAnimation::cAnimation(cShiftable *shiftable, cPoint &start, cPoint &end, bool shiftin, bool doFlush) : cThread("shiftable") { this->scrollable = NULL; this->detachable = NULL; this->fadable = NULL; this->shiftable = shiftable; this->blinkable = NULL; waitOnWakeup = false; keepSleeping = false; doAnimation = true; modeIn = shiftin; shiftstart = start; shiftend = end; this->doFlush = doFlush; blinkFunc = -1; } cAnimation::cAnimation(cBlinkable *blinkable, int func) : cThread("blinking") { this->scrollable = NULL; this->detachable = NULL; this->fadable = NULL; this->shiftable = NULL; this->blinkable = blinkable; waitOnWakeup = false; keepSleeping = false; doAnimation = true; modeIn = false; doFlush = true; blinkFunc = func; } cAnimation::~cAnimation(void) { sleepWait.Signal(); Cancel(2); } void cAnimation::WakeUp(void) { sleepWait.Signal(); } void cAnimation::ResetSleep(void) { keepSleeping = true; sleepWait.Signal(); } void cAnimation::Stop(bool deletePixmaps) { sleepWait.Signal(); Cancel(2); if (scrollable && deletePixmaps) scrollable->StopScrolling(); } void cAnimation::Action(void) { if (scrollable) { Scroll(); } else if (detachable) { Detach(); } else if (fadable) { Fade(); } else if (shiftable) { Shift(); } else if (blinkable) { Blink(); } } void cAnimation::Sleep(int duration) { //sleep should wake up itself, so no infinit wait allowed if (duration <= 0) return; do { keepSleeping = false; sleepWait.Wait(duration); } while (keepSleeping); } void cAnimation::Wait(void) { //wait has to be waked up from outside sleepWait.Wait(0); } void cAnimation::Scroll(void) { int delay = scrollable->ScrollDelay(); Sleep(delay); if (!Running()) return; eOrientation orientation = scrollable->ScrollOrientation(); int scrollTotal = 0; if (orientation == eOrientation::horizontal) { scrollTotal = scrollable->ScrollWidth(); } else if (orientation == eOrientation::vertical) { scrollTotal = scrollable->ScrollHeight(); } eScrollMode mode = scrollable->ScrollMode(); bool carriageReturn = (mode == eScrollMode::carriagereturn) ? true : false; eScrollSpeed speed = scrollable->ScrollSpeed(); int frameTime = 30; if (speed == eScrollSpeed::slow) frameTime = 50; else if (speed == eScrollSpeed::medium) frameTime = 30; else if (speed == eScrollSpeed::fast) frameTime = 15; if (!Running()) return; scrollable->StartScrolling(); int drawPortX = 0; int drawPortY = 0; int scrollDelta = 1; bool doSleep = false; while (Running()) { if (doSleep) { Sleep(delay); doSleep = false; } if (!Running()) return; uint64_t now = cTimeMs::Now(); cPoint drawPortPoint(0,0); if (orientation == eOrientation::horizontal) { drawPortX -= scrollDelta; if (abs(drawPortX) > scrollTotal) { Sleep(delay); if (carriageReturn) { drawPortX = 0; doSleep = true; } else { scrollDelta *= -1; drawPortX -= scrollDelta; } } drawPortPoint.SetX(drawPortX); } else if (orientation == eOrientation::vertical) { drawPortY -= scrollDelta; if (abs(drawPortY) > scrollTotal) { Sleep(delay); drawPortY = 0; doSleep = true; } drawPortPoint.SetY(drawPortY); } if (!Running()) return; scrollable->SetDrawPort(drawPortPoint); if (!Running()) return; scrollable->Flush(); if (orientation == eOrientation::horizontal && !carriageReturn && (drawPortX == 0)) { scrollDelta *= -1; doSleep = true; } int delta = cTimeMs::Now() - now; if (delta < frameTime) Sleep(frameTime - delta); } } void cAnimation::Detach(void) { if (waitOnWakeup) { Wait(); int delay = 50 + detachable->Delay(); Sleep(delay); } else { int delay = detachable->Delay(); if (delay > 0) Sleep(delay); } if (!Running()) return; detachable->ParseDetached(); if (!Running()) return; detachable->RenderDetached(); if (!Running()) return; if (!doAnimation) detachable->Flush(); if (!Running()) return; if (doAnimation) { detachable->StartAnimation(); } } void cAnimation::Fade(void) { int fadetime = fadable->FadeTime(); int frametime = 1000 / FPS; int step = 100.0f / ((double)fadetime / (double)frametime); uint64_t start = cTimeMs::Now(); int transparency = 0; if (modeIn) { transparency = 100 - step; } else { transparency = step; } //wait configured delay if not already done by detacher if (!fadable->Detached()) { int delay = fadable->Delay(); if (delay > 0) Sleep(delay); } while (Running() || !modeIn) { uint64_t now = cTimeMs::Now(); if (Running() || !modeIn) fadable->SetTransparency(transparency, !modeIn); if (Running() || !modeIn) fadable->Flush(); int delta = cTimeMs::Now() - now; if ((Running() || !modeIn) && (delta < frametime)) { Sleep(frametime - delta); } if ((int)(now - start) > fadetime) { if ((Running() && modeIn) && transparency > 0) { fadable->SetTransparency(0); fadable->Flush(); } else if (!modeIn && transparency < 100) { fadable->SetTransparency(100, true); fadable->Flush(); } break; } if (modeIn) { transparency -= step; if (transparency < 0) transparency = 0; } else { transparency += step; if (transparency > 100) transparency = 100; } } } void cAnimation::Shift(void) { int shifttime = shiftable->ShiftTime(); eShiftMode mode = (eShiftMode)shiftable->ShiftMode(); //in shiftmode slowedDown shifting is done starting with slowratio % faster //at start. Then speed reduces linear to (100 - slowratio)% at end //for me 60 is a nice value :-) int slowRatio = 60; int frametime = 1000 / FPS; int steps = (double)shifttime / (double)frametime; if (steps < 2) return; int stepXLinear = 0; int stepYLinear = 0; if (shiftstart.X() == shiftend.X()) { stepYLinear = (shiftend.Y() - shiftstart.Y()) / steps; } else if (shiftstart.Y() == shiftend.Y()) { stepXLinear = (shiftend.X() - shiftstart.X()) / steps; } else { stepXLinear = (shiftend.X() - shiftstart.X()) / steps; stepYLinear = (shiftend.Y() - shiftstart.Y()) / steps; } int stepX = stepXLinear; int stepY = stepYLinear; cPoint pos; if (modeIn) pos = shiftstart; else pos = shiftend; //wait configured delay if not already done by detacher if (!shiftable->Detached()) { int delay = shiftable->Delay(); if (delay > 0) Sleep(delay); } shiftable->SetStartShifting(); uint64_t start = cTimeMs::Now(); bool finished = false; while (Running() || !modeIn) { uint64_t now = cTimeMs::Now(); if (Running() || !modeIn) shiftable->SetPosition(pos, shiftend); if ((Running() || !modeIn) && doFlush) shiftable->Flush(); int delta = cTimeMs::Now() - now; if ((Running() || !modeIn) && (delta < frametime)) { cCondWait::SleepMs(frametime - delta); } if ((int)(now - start) > shifttime) { finished = true; if ((Running() && modeIn) && pos != shiftend) { shiftable->SetPosition(shiftend, shiftend); shiftable->Flush(); } break; } if (mode == eShiftMode::slowedDown) { double t = (double)(now - start) / (double)shifttime; double factor = 1.0f + (double)slowRatio / 100.0f - 2.0f * ((double)slowRatio / 100.0f) * t; stepX = stepXLinear * factor; stepY = stepYLinear * factor; } if (modeIn) { pos.Set(pos.X() + stepX, pos.Y() + stepY); } else { pos.Set(pos.X() - stepX, pos.Y() - stepY); } } if (!finished) { shiftable->SetPosition(shiftend, shiftend); } shiftable->SetEndShifting(); } void cAnimation::Blink(void) { int freq = blinkable->BlinkFreq(blinkFunc); bool blinkOn = false; while (Running()) { Sleep(freq); if (Running()) blinkable->DoBlink(blinkFunc, blinkOn); if (Running()) blinkable->Flush(); blinkOn = !blinkOn; } }