#include "helpers.h" #include "libxmlwrapper.h" void SkinDesignerXMLErrorHandler (void * userData, xmlErrorPtr error) { esyslog("skindesigner: Error in XML: %s", error->message); } cLibXMLWrapper::cLibXMLWrapper(void) { ctxt = NULL; doc = NULL; root = NULL; initGenericErrorDefaultFunc(NULL); xmlSetStructuredErrorFunc(NULL, SkinDesignerXMLErrorHandler); ctxt = xmlNewParserCtxt(); } cLibXMLWrapper::~cLibXMLWrapper() { DeleteDocument(); xmlFreeParserCtxt(ctxt); } void cLibXMLWrapper::InitLibXML() { xmlInitParser(); } void cLibXMLWrapper::CleanupLibXML() { xmlCleanupParser(); } void cLibXMLWrapper::DeleteDocument(void) { if (doc) { xmlFreeDoc(doc); doc = NULL; } while (!nodeStack.empty()) nodeStack.pop(); } bool cLibXMLWrapper::ReadXMLFile(const char *path, bool validate) { if (!ctxt) { esyslog("skindesigner: Failed to allocate parser context"); return false; } if (!FileExists(path)) { dsyslog("skindesigner: reading XML Template %s failed", path); return false; } if (validate) doc = xmlCtxtReadFile(ctxt, path, NULL, XML_PARSE_NOENT | XML_PARSE_DTDVALID); else doc = xmlCtxtReadFile(ctxt, path, NULL, XML_PARSE_NOENT); if (!doc) { dsyslog("skindesigner: reading XML Template %s failed", path); return false; } return true; } bool cLibXMLWrapper::SetDocument(void) { if (!doc) return false; root = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc); nodeStack.push(root); if (root == NULL) { esyslog("skindesigner: ERROR: XML File is empty"); return false; } return true; } bool cLibXMLWrapper::Validate(void) { if (!ctxt) return false; if (ctxt->valid == 0) { esyslog("skindesigner: Failed to validate XML File"); return false; } return true; } bool cLibXMLWrapper::CheckNodeName(const char *name) { if (nodeStack.empty()) return false; xmlNodePtr current = nodeStack.top(); if (xmlStrcmp(current->name, (const xmlChar *) name)) { return false; } return true; } const char *cLibXMLWrapper::NodeName(void) { xmlNodePtr current = nodeStack.top(); return (const char*)current->name; } vector<stringpair> cLibXMLWrapper::ParseAttributes(void) { vector<stringpair> attributes; if (nodeStack.empty()) return attributes; xmlNodePtr current = nodeStack.top(); xmlAttrPtr attrPtr = current->properties; if (attrPtr == NULL) { return attributes; } while (NULL != attrPtr) { string name = (const char*)attrPtr->name; xmlChar *value = NULL; value = xmlGetProp(current, attrPtr->name); if (value) attributes.push_back(stringpair((const char*)attrPtr->name, (const char*)value)); attrPtr = attrPtr->next; if (value) xmlFree(value); } return attributes; } bool cLibXMLWrapper::LevelDown(void) { if (nodeStack.empty()) return false; xmlNodePtr current = nodeStack.top(); xmlNodePtr child = current->xmlChildrenNode; while (child && child->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { child = child->next; } if (!child) return false; nodeStack.push(child); return true; } bool cLibXMLWrapper::LevelUp(void) { if (nodeStack.size() == 1) return false; nodeStack.pop(); return true; } bool cLibXMLWrapper::NextNode(void) { xmlNodePtr current = nodeStack.top(); current = current->next; while (current && current->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { current = current->next; } if (!current) return false; nodeStack.pop(); nodeStack.push(current); return true; } bool cLibXMLWrapper::GetAttribute(string &name, string &value) { bool ok = false; xmlNodePtr current = nodeStack.top(); xmlAttrPtr attr = current->properties; if (attr == NULL) { return ok; } xmlChar *xmlValue = NULL; while (NULL != attr) { if (xmlStrcmp(attr->name, (const xmlChar *) name.c_str())) { attr = attr->next; continue; } ok = true; xmlValue = xmlGetProp(current, attr->name); if (xmlValue) { value = (const char*)xmlValue; xmlFree(xmlValue); } break; } return ok; } bool cLibXMLWrapper::GetNodeValue(string &value) { xmlChar *val = NULL; xmlNodePtr current = nodeStack.top(); val = xmlNodeListGetString(doc, current->xmlChildrenNode, 1); if (val) { value = (const char*)val; xmlFree(val); return true; } value = ""; return false; }