#ifndef __TEMPLATEFUNCTION_H #define __TEMPLATEFUNCTION_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "globals.h" #include "parameter.h" using namespace std; // --- cTemplateFunction ------------------------------------------------------------- enum eFuncType { ftOsd, ftView, ftViewElement, ftViewList, ftPixmap, ftPixmapScroll, ftLoop, ftFill, ftDrawText, ftDrawTextBox, ftDrawImage, ftDrawRectangle, ftDrawEllipse, ftDrawSlope, ftNone }; enum eParamType { ptCond, ptName, ptX, ptY, ptWidth, ptHeight, ptMenuItemWidth, ptFadeTime, ptDelay, ptImageType, ptPath, ptColor, ptFont, ptFontSize, ptText, ptLayer, ptTransparency, ptQuadrant, ptType, ptAlign, ptValign, ptScrollMode, ptScrollSpeed, ptOrientation, ptNumElements, ptScrollElement, ptScrollHeight, ptFloat, ptFloatWidth, ptFloatHeight, ptMaxLines, ptColumnWidth, ptRowHeight, ptOverflow, ptScaleTvX, ptScaleTvY, ptScaleTvWidth, ptScaleTvHeight, ptCache, ptDeterminateFont, ptNone }; enum eImageType { itChannelLogo, itSepLogo, itSkinPart, itMenuIcon, itIcon, itImage }; enum eFloatType { flNone, flTopLeft, flTopRight }; enum eOverflowType { otNone, otWrap, otCut }; class cTemplateFunction { protected: eFuncType type; bool debug; int containerX; //X of parent container int containerY; //Y of parent container int containerWidth; //width of parent container int containerHeight; //height of parent container int columnWidth; //if func is executed in a loop, width of loop column int rowHeight; //if func is executed in a loop, height of loop row cGlobals *globals; //globals map< eParamType, string > nativeParameters; //native parameters directly from xml map< eParamType, int > numericParameters; //sucessfully parsed numeric parameters map< eParamType, string > numericDynamicParameters; //numeric parameters with dynamic tokens bool parsedCompletely; bool updated; map< eParamType, tColor > colorParameters; cConditionalParameter *condParam; //drawimage parameters string imgPath; //drawtext parameters string fontName; vector textTokens; string parsedText; int parsedTextWidth; string cuttedText; bool alreadyCutted; //drawtextbox parameters int textboxHeight; //dynamic tokens map < string, string > *stringTokens; map < string, int > *intTokens; //private functions bool SetCondition(string cond); bool SetNumericParameter(eParamType type, string value); bool SetAlign(eParamType type, string value); bool SetFont(eParamType type, string value); bool SetImageType(eParamType type, string value); bool SetColor(eParamType type, string value); bool SetTextTokens(string value); void ParseTextToken(string &value, size_t start, size_t end); void ParseConditionalTextToken(string &value, size_t start, size_t end); void ParsePrintfTextToken(string &value, size_t start, size_t end); bool SetScrollMode(string value); bool SetScrollSpeed(string value); bool SetOrientation(string value); bool SetFloating(string value); bool SetOverflow(string value); void ParseStringParameters(void); void ParseNumericalParameters(void); void CalculateAlign(int elementWidth, int elementHeight); int CalculateTextBoxHeight(void); int ReplaceIntToken(string intTok); public: cTemplateFunction(eFuncType type); virtual ~cTemplateFunction(void); //Setter Functions void SetParameters(vector > params); void SetParameter(eParamType type, string value); void SetContainer(int x, int y, int w, int h); void SetLoopContainer(int columnWidth, int rowHeight); void SetWidthManually(string width); void SetHeightManually(string height); void SetXManually(int newX); void SetYManually(int newY); void SetMaxTextWidth(int maxWidth); void SetTextboxHeight(int boxHeight); void SetGlobals(cGlobals *globals) { this->globals = globals; }; void SetTranslatedText(string translation); //PreCache Parameters bool CalculateParameters(void); void CompleteParameters(void); //Set and Unset Dynamic Tokens from view void SetStringTokens(map < string, string > *tok) { stringTokens = tok; }; void SetIntTokens(map < string, int > *tok) { intTokens = tok; }; void UnsetIntTokens(void) { intTokens = NULL; }; void UnsetStringTokens(void) { stringTokens = NULL; }; //Clear dynamically parameters void ClearDynamicParameters(void); //Parse parameters with dynamically set Tokens bool ParseParameters(void); //Getter Functions eFuncType GetType(void) { return type; }; bool DoDebug(void) { return debug; }; string GetParameter(eParamType type); int GetNumericParameter(eParamType type); string GetText(bool cut = true); string GetImagePath(void) { return imgPath; }; tColor GetColorParameter(eParamType type); string GetFontName(void) { return fontName; }; string GetFuncName(void); string GetParamName(eParamType pt); //Dynamic width or height parameter int GetWidth(bool cutted = true); int GetHeight(void); void GetNeededWidths(multimap *widths); void GetNeededHeights(multimap *heights); void GetNeededPosX(multimap *posXs); void GetNeededPosY(multimap *posYs); void SetWidth(eParamType type, string label, int funcWidth); void SetHeight(eParamType type, string label, int funcHeight); void SetX(eParamType type, string label, int funcX); void SetY(eParamType type, string label, int funcY); //Status Functions bool ParsedCompletely(void) { return parsedCompletely; }; bool DoExecute(void); bool Updated(void) { return updated; }; //Debug void Debug(void); }; #endif //__TEMPLATEFUNCTION_H