#include "config.h" #include "extensions/helpers.h" #include "extensions/imageloader.h" cDesignerConfig::cDesignerConfig() { tmplGlobals = NULL; epgImagePathSet = false; skinPathSet = false; installerSkinPathSet = false; logoPathSet = false; //Common cacheImagesInitial = 1; numLogosPerSizeInitial = 30; limitLogoCache = 1; numLogosMax = 200; debugImageLoading = 0; replaceDecPoint = false; //settings for rerun display rerunAmount = 10; rerunDistance = 2; rerunMaxChannel = 0; //max number of custom int and string tokens numCustomTokens = 10; //remember current skin and theme, osd size and osd fonts SetSkin(); SetOSDSize(); SetOSDFonts(); osdLanguage = ""; setupCloseDoReload = false; } cDesignerConfig::~cDesignerConfig() { ClearSkinSetups(); for (vector<cTheme*>::iterator it = themes.begin(); it != themes.end(); it++) { delete *it; } } void cDesignerConfig::SetPathes(void) { if (!skinPathSet) skinPath = cString::sprintf("%s/skins/", cPlugin::ResourceDirectory(PLUGIN_NAME_I18N)); if (!installerSkinPathSet) installerSkinPath = cString::sprintf("%s/installerskins/", cPlugin::ConfigDirectory(PLUGIN_NAME_I18N)); if (!logoPathSet) logoPath = cString::sprintf("%s/logos/", cPlugin::ResourceDirectory(PLUGIN_NAME_I18N)); if (!epgImagePathSet) epgImagePath = cString::sprintf("%s/epgimages/", cPlugin::CacheDirectory(PLUGIN_NAME_I18N)); dsyslog("skindesigner: using Skin Directory %s", *skinPath); #ifndef DO_NOT_USE_SKININSTALLER dsyslog("skindesigner: using Installer Skin Directory %s", *installerSkinPath); #endif dsyslog("skindesigner: using common ChannelLogo Directory %s", *logoPath); dsyslog("skindesigner: using EPG Images Directory %s", *epgImagePath); vdrThemesPath = cPlugin::ConfigDirectory(PLUGIN_NAME_I18N); size_t found = vdrThemesPath.find("/plugins"); if (found != string::npos) vdrThemesPath = vdrThemesPath.substr(0, found); vdrThemesPath += "/themes/"; } void cDesignerConfig::SetSkinPath(cString path) { skinPath = CheckSlashAtEnd(*path); skinPathSet = true; } void cDesignerConfig::SetInstallerSkinPath(cString path) { installerSkinPath = CheckSlashAtEnd(*path); installerSkinPathSet = true; } void cDesignerConfig::SetLogoPath(cString path) { logoPath = CheckSlashAtEnd(*path); logoPathSet = true; } void cDesignerConfig::SetEpgImagePath(cString path) { epgImagePath = CheckSlashAtEnd(*path); epgImagePathSet = true; } bool cDesignerConfig::GetThemeColor(string &name, tColor &col) { if (!tmplGlobals) return false; return tmplGlobals->GetColor(name, col); } void cDesignerConfig::StoreTheme(cTheme *theme) { themes.push_back(theme); } void cDesignerConfig::ReadSkinFolder(cString &skinFolder, vector<string> *container) { DIR *folder = NULL; struct dirent *dirEntry; folder = opendir(skinFolder); if (!folder) { esyslog("skindesigner: no skins found in %s", *skinFolder); return; } while (dirEntry = readdir(folder)) { string dirEntryName = dirEntry->d_name; int dirEntryType = dirEntry->d_type; cString subfolder = cString::sprintf("%s%s", *skinFolder, dirEntryName.c_str()); if (!dirEntryName.compare(".") || !dirEntryName.compare("..") || !dirEntryName.compare("skinrepositories")) continue; if (dirEntryType != DT_DIR && dirEntryType != DT_LNK && !DirectoryOk(*subfolder, false)) continue; container->push_back(dirEntryName); } dsyslog("skindesigner %ld skins found in %s", container->size(), *skinFolder); } void cDesignerConfig::ReadSkins(void) { ReadSkinFolder(skinPath, &deliveredSkins); #ifndef DO_NOT_USE_SKININSTALLER ReadSkinFolder(installerSkinPath, &installerSkins); #endif for (vector<string>::iterator it = deliveredSkins.begin(); it != deliveredSkins.end(); it++) { skins.push_back(*it); } #ifndef DO_NOT_USE_SKININSTALLER for (vector<string>::iterator it = installerSkins.begin(); it != installerSkins.end(); it++) { string instSkin = *it; bool found = false; for (vector<string>::iterator it2 = deliveredSkins.begin(); it2 != deliveredSkins.end(); it2++) { if (!instSkin.compare(*it2)) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) skins.push_back(instSkin); } #endif } void cDesignerConfig::ClearSkinSetups(void) { for (map < string, cSkinSetup* >::iterator it = skinSetups.begin(); it != skinSetups.end(); it++) { delete it->second; } skinSetups.clear(); } void cDesignerConfig::DebugSkinSetups(void) { dsyslog("skindesigner: skin setups:"); InitSetupIterator(); cSkinSetup *skinSetup = NULL; while (skinSetup = GetNextSkinSetup()) { skinSetup->Debug(); } } void cDesignerConfig::DebugSkinSetupParameters(void) { dsyslog("skindesigner: skin setup parameters:"); for (vector<pair<string, int> >::iterator it = skinSetupParameters.begin(); it != skinSetupParameters.end(); it++) { dsyslog("skindesigner: parameter %s value %d", (*it).first.c_str(), (*it).second); } } void cDesignerConfig::ReadSkinSetup(string skin) { cSkinSetup *skinSetup = new cSkinSetup(skin); if (skinSetup->ReadFromXML()) { //skinSetup->Debug(); skinSetups.insert(pair<string, cSkinSetup* >(skin, skinSetup)); } } bool cDesignerConfig::GetSkin(string &skin) { if (skinIterator == skins.end()) { return false; } skin = *skinIterator; skinIterator++; return true; } cString cDesignerConfig::GetSkinPath(string skin) { for (vector<string>::iterator it = deliveredSkins.begin(); it != deliveredSkins.end(); it++) { if (!skin.compare(*it)) { return skinPath; } } return installerSkinPath; } void cDesignerConfig::AddNewSkinRef(string skin) { cTheme *theme = new cTheme(); StoreTheme(theme); cSkinDesigner *newSkin = new cSkinDesigner(skin, theme); AddSkin(newSkin); skins.push_back(skin); installerSkins.push_back(skin); ReadSkinSetup(skin); map < string, cSkinSetup* >::iterator hit = skinSetups.find(skin); if (hit != skinSetups.end()) (hit->second)->TranslateSetup(); } bool cDesignerConfig::SkinActive(string skin) { cSkin *activeSkin = Skins.Current(); if (activeSkin && !skin.compare(activeSkin->Name())) return true; return false; } void cDesignerConfig::DeleteSkin(string skin) { dsyslog("skindesigner: deleting skin %s", skin.c_str()); cSkin *deleteSkin = NULL; bool found = false; for (deleteSkin = Skins.First(); deleteSkin; deleteSkin = Skins.Next(deleteSkin)) { if (!skin.compare(deleteSkin->Name())) { found = true; break; } } if (!found || !deleteSkin) { esyslog("skindesigner: skin %s to delete not found", skin.c_str()); return; } vector<cSkinDesigner*>::iterator delIt; for (delIt = skinRefs.begin(); delIt != skinRefs.end(); delIt++) { if (*delIt == deleteSkin) break; } if (delIt != skinRefs.end()) skinRefs.erase(delIt); vector<string>::iterator delIt2; for (delIt2 = installerSkins.begin(); delIt2 != installerSkins.end(); delIt2++) { if (!skin.compare(*delIt2)) break; } if (delIt2 != installerSkins.end()) installerSkins.erase(delIt2); vector<string>::iterator delIt3; for (delIt3 = skins.begin(); delIt3 != skins.end(); delIt3++) { if (!skin.compare(*delIt3)) break; } if (delIt3 != skins.end()) skins.erase(delIt3); Skins.Del(deleteSkin); stringstream deletePath; deletePath << *installerSkinPath << skin; string delPath = deletePath.str(); if (FolderExists(delPath)) { dsyslog("skindesigner: deleting skin %s", delPath.c_str()); cString command = cString::sprintf("rm -rf %s", delPath.c_str()); int ok = system(*command); if (!ok) { esyslog("skindesigner: error deleting skin %s", delPath.c_str()); } } } cSkinDesigner* cDesignerConfig::GetNextSkinRef(void) { if (skinRefsIterator == skinRefs.end()) { return NULL; } cSkinDesigner *skin = *skinRefsIterator; skinRefsIterator++; return skin; } cSkinSetup* cDesignerConfig::GetSkinSetup(string &skin) { map< string, cSkinSetup* >::iterator hit = skinSetups.find(skin); if (hit != skinSetups.end()) { return hit->second; } return NULL; } cSkinSetup* cDesignerConfig::GetNextSkinSetup(void) { if (setupIt == skinSetups.end()) { return NULL; } cSkinSetup* skinSetup = setupIt->second; setupIt++; return skinSetup; } cSkinSetupMenu* cDesignerConfig::GetSkinSetupMenu(string &skin, string &menu) { cSkinSetup *skinSetup = GetSkinSetup(skin); if (!skinSetup) return NULL; return skinSetup->GetMenu(menu); } void cDesignerConfig::TranslateSetup(void) { for (map< string, cSkinSetup* >::iterator it = skinSetups.begin(); it != skinSetups.end(); it++) { (it->second)->TranslateSetup(); } } void cDesignerConfig::UpdateSkinSetupParameter(string name, int value) { vector<pair<string,int> >::iterator hit; for (hit = skinSetupParameters.begin(); hit != skinSetupParameters.end(); hit++) { if (!name.compare((*hit).first)) { skinSetupParameters.erase(hit); break; } } skinSetupParameters.push_back(pair<string,int>(name, value)); } void cDesignerConfig::SetSkinSetupParameters(void) { for (vector < pair <string, int> >::iterator it = skinSetupParameters.begin(); it != skinSetupParameters.end(); it++) { string name = (*it).first; int value = (*it).second; InitSkinIterator(); string activeSkin = ""; bool skinFound = false; while (GetSkin(activeSkin)) { stringstream checkString; checkString << activeSkin << "."; size_t hit = name.find(checkString.str()); if (hit != 0) continue; skinFound = true; break; } if (skinFound) { cSkinSetup* skinSetup = GetSkinSetup(activeSkin); if (skinSetup != NULL) { string paramName = name.substr(activeSkin.size()+1); cSkinSetupParameter *skinSetupParam = skinSetup->GetParameter(paramName); if (skinSetupParam) { skinSetupParam->value = value; continue; } } } esyslog("skindesigner: ERROR Unknown Setup Parameter %s", name.c_str()); } } void cDesignerConfig::ReadSkinRepos(void) { #ifndef DO_NOT_USE_SKININSTALLER skinRepos.Init(*installerSkinPath); skinRepos.Read(*installerSkinPath); dsyslog("skindesigner: read %d skinrepositories from %s", skinRepos.Count(), *installerSkinPath); #endif } bool cDesignerConfig::CheckVersion(string name, string &neededVersion) { cSkinRepo *repo = skinRepos.GetRepo(name); if (!repo) return false; neededVersion = repo->MinSDVersion(); splitstring minVer(neededVersion.c_str()); vector<string> tokensMinVer = minVer.split('.', 1); if (tokensMinVer.size() != 3) { esyslog("skindesigner: incorrect minimumskindesignerversion definition: %s", neededVersion.c_str()); return false; } splitstring ver(version.c_str()); vector<string> tokensVer = ver.split('.', 1); if (tokensVer.size() != 3) { esyslog("skindesigner: incorrect version definition: %s", version.c_str()); return false; } int minVerMajor = atoi(tokensMinVer[0].c_str()); int minVerMinor = atoi(tokensMinVer[1].c_str()); int minVerMikro = atoi(tokensMinVer[2].c_str()); int verMajor = atoi(tokensVer[0].c_str()); int verMinor = atoi(tokensVer[1].c_str()); int verMikro = atoi(tokensVer[2].c_str()); if (minVerMajor < verMajor) return true; if (minVerMajor > verMajor) return false; if (minVerMinor < verMinor) return true; if (minVerMinor > verMinor) return false; if (minVerMikro <= verMikro) return true; return false; } bool cDesignerConfig::SkinInstalled(string name) { for (vector<string>::iterator it = installerSkins.begin(); it != installerSkins.end(); it++) { if (!name.compare(*it)) return true; } return false; } void cDesignerConfig::UpdateGlobals(void) { string activeSkin = Setup.OSDSkin; cSkinSetup *skinSetupActiveSkin = GetSkinSetup(activeSkin); if (skinSetupActiveSkin && tmplGlobals) { dsyslog("skindesigner: globals for skin %s adapted to skin setup", activeSkin.c_str()); skinSetupActiveSkin->AddToGlobals(tmplGlobals); } } void cDesignerConfig::CheckDecimalPoint(void) { struct lconv *pLocInfo; pLocInfo = localeconv(); string decimalPoint = pLocInfo->decimal_point; if (decimalPoint.compare(".")) { dsyslog("skindesigner: using decimal point %s", decimalPoint.c_str()); replaceDecPoint = true; decPoint = decimalPoint[0]; } } void cDesignerConfig::SetSkin(void) { osdSkin = Setup.OSDSkin; osdTheme = Setup.OSDTheme; } bool cDesignerConfig::SkinChanged(void) { bool changed = false; if (osdSkin.compare(Setup.OSDSkin) != 0) { dsyslog("skindesigner: skin changed from %s to %s", osdSkin.c_str(), Setup.OSDSkin); changed = true; } if (osdTheme.compare(Setup.OSDTheme) != 0) { dsyslog("skindesigner: theme changed from %s to %s", osdTheme.c_str(), Setup.OSDTheme); changed = true; } if (changed) SetSkin(); return changed; } void cDesignerConfig::SetOSDSize(void) { osdSize.SetWidth(cOsd::OsdWidth()); osdSize.SetHeight(cOsd::OsdHeight()); osdSize.SetX(cOsd::OsdLeft()); osdSize.SetY(cOsd::OsdTop()); } bool cDesignerConfig::OsdSizeChanged(void) { if ((osdSize.Width() != cOsd::OsdWidth()) || (osdSize.Height() != cOsd::OsdHeight()) || (osdSize.X() != cOsd::OsdLeft()) || (osdSize.Y() != cOsd::OsdTop())) { dsyslog("skindesigner: osd size changed"); dsyslog("skindesigner: old osd size: top %d left %d size %d * %d", osdSize.X(), osdSize.Y(), osdSize.Width(), osdSize.Height()); SetOSDSize(); dsyslog("skindesigner: new osd size: top %d left %d size %d * %d", osdSize.X(), osdSize.Y(), osdSize.Width(), osdSize.Height()); return true; } return false; } void cDesignerConfig::SetOSDFonts(void) { fontFix = Setup.FontFix; fontOsd = Setup.FontOsd; fontSml = Setup.FontSml; } bool cDesignerConfig::OsdFontsChanged(void) { bool changed = false; if (fontFix.compare(Setup.FontFix) != 0) { changed = true; } if (fontOsd.compare(Setup.FontOsd) != 0) { changed = true; } if (fontSml.compare(Setup.FontSml) != 0) { changed = true; } if (changed) SetOSDFonts(); return changed; } bool cDesignerConfig::OsdLanguageChanged(void) { if (osdLanguage.compare(Setup.OSDLanguage)) { osdLanguage = Setup.OSDLanguage; return true; } return false; } cString cDesignerConfig::GetSkinRessourcePath(void) { return cString::sprintf("%s%s", *skinPath, osdSkin.c_str()); } cString cDesignerConfig::CheckSlashAtEnd(std::string path) { try { if (!(path.at(path.size()-1) == '/')) return cString::sprintf("%s/", path.c_str()); } catch (...) {return path.c_str();} return path.c_str(); } bool cDesignerConfig::SetupParse(const char *Name, const char *Value) { bool pluginSetupParam = true; if (!strcasecmp(Name, "DebugImageLoading")) debugImageLoading = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "CacheImagesInitial")) cacheImagesInitial = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "LimitChannelLogoCache")) limitLogoCache = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "NumberLogosInitially")) numLogosPerSizeInitial = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "NumberLogosMax")) numLogosMax = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "RerunAmount")) rerunAmount = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "RerunDistance")) rerunDistance = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "RerunMaxChannel")) rerunMaxChannel = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "NumCustomTokens")) numCustomTokens = atoi(Value); else pluginSetupParam = false; if (!pluginSetupParam) { skinSetupParameters.push_back(pair <string, int>(Name, atoi(Value))); } return true; }