mirror of
synced 2023-10-19 15:58:31 +00:00
229 lines
14 KiB
229 lines
14 KiB
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<!-- tacho disc usage -->
<area x="55%" y="51%" width="44%" height="19%" layer="3">
<drawimage imagetype="skinpart" path="tacho_percent_back" x="{areawidth}*0.025" y="5%" width="20%" height="{areawidth}*0.2"/>
<!-- tacho load -->
<area x="55%" y="51%" width="44%" height="19%" layer="3">
<drawimage imagetype="skinpart" path="tacho_load_back" x="{areawidth}*0.28" y="5%" width="20%" height="{areawidth}*0.20"/>
<!-- tacho cpu temp -->
<area x="55%" y="51%" width="44%" height="19%" layer="3">
<drawimage imagetype="skinpart" path="tacho_temp_back" x="{areawidth}*0.530" y="5%" width="20%" height="{areawidth}*0.20"/>
<!-- tacho gpu temp -->
<area x="55%" y="51%" width="44%" height="19%" layer="3">
<drawimage imagetype="skinpart" path="tacho_temp_back" x="{areawidth}*0.78" y="5%" width="20%" height="{areawidth}*0.20"/>
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<drawtext name="temperature" x="{areawidth} - {width(weathericon)} - {width(temperature)} - 10" valign="center" font="{light}" fontsize="80%" color="{clrWhite}" text="{temperature}°C" />
<!-- Available Variables timers:
{numtimers} number of active timers (max. 15 timers will be displayed)
{numtimerconflicts} number of current timer conflicts
{timer1exists} true if timer 1 available
{timer2exists} true if timer 2 available
{timer15exists} true if timer 15 available
{timers[]} array with active timers (local and remote if remotetimers plugin is in use)
{timers[title]} title of timer
{timers[datetime]} date and time of timer
{timers[recording]} true if timer is recording currently
{timers[channelname]} name of channel for which timer is created
{timers[channelnumber]} number of channel
{timers[channelid]} ChannelID of channel
{timers[channellogoexists]} true if channel logo exists
<area condition="not{numtimers}" x="55%" y="71%" width="44%" height="19%" layer="2">
<drawtext align="center" valign="center" font="{semibold}" fontsize="40%" color="{clrWhite}" text="{tr(noactivetimers)}" />
<area condition="{numtimers}" x="55%" y="71%" width="44%" height="19%" layer="2">
<loop name="timers" x="0" y="0" orientation="horizontal" columnwidth="{areawidth}/4" rowheight="{areaheight}" overflow="cut">
<drawimage cache="true" name="logo" imagetype="channellogo" path="{timers[channelid]}" width="{columnwidth}-15" height="40%" align="center" y="10" />
<drawrectangle condition="{timers[recording]}" x="0" y="{height(logo)}+10" width="{columnwidth}-5" height="{rowheight} - {height(logo)} - 20" color="{clrRedTrans}" />
<drawtextbox x="5" y="{height(logo)} + 10" width="{columnwidth}-10" align="center" maxlines="2" font="{regular}" fontsize="15%" color="{clrWhite}" text="{timers[title]}" />
<drawtext align="center" y="75%" font="{regular}" fontsize="20%" color="{clrWhite}" text="{timers[datetime]}" />
<!-- Available Variables discusage:
{freetime} available disc capacity in hh:mm
{freepercent} available disc capacity in percent
{usedpercent} used disc capacity in percent
{freegb} available disc capacity in gigabytes
{discalert} true if disc usage is > 95%
{vdrusagestring} localized VDR internal usage string
<area x="55%" y="51%" width="44%" height="19%" layer="5">
<drawimage imagetype="skinpart" path="tachohands/perc_{usedpercent}" x="{areawidth}*0.025" y="5%" width="20%" height="{areawidth}*0.20"/>
<area x="55%" y="51%" width="11%" height="19%" layer="4">
<drawtext align="center" y="85%" font="{regular}" fontsize="15%" color="{clrWhite}" text="Disc Usage: {usedpercent}%" />
<!-- Available Variables devices:
{numdevices} number of available devices
{devices[]} array with available devices
{devices[num]} number of current device
{devices[type]} type of device (DVB-S, DVB-C, ...)
{devices[istuned]} true if device is currently tuned to a transponder
{devices[livetv]} true if device is currently playing livetv
{devices[recording]} true if device is currently recording
{devices[hascam]} true if device has a CAM
{devices[cam]} number of CAM
{devices[signalstrength]} signalstrength of devcie
{devices[signalquality]} signalstrength of devcie
{devices[channelnumber]} number of the currently tuned channel
{devices[channelname]} name of the currently tuned channel
{devices[channellogoexists]} true if a channel logo exists
{devices[channelid]} ID of the currently tuned channel
{devices[source]} source of the currently tuned channel
<!-- Available Variables systemload:
{load} current system load
{loadhand} system load for tacho hand (between 0 and 2.5 in 0.025 steps multiplied by 1000, >2.5 is always 2525)
<area x="55%" y="51%" width="44%" height="19%" layer="5">
<drawimage imagetype="skinpart" path="tachohands/load_{loadhand}" x="{areawidth}*0.28" y="5%" width="20%" height="{areawidth}*0.20"/>
<area x="66%" y="51%" width="11%" height="19%" layer="4">
<drawtext align="center" y="85%" font="{regular}" fontsize="15%" color="{clrWhite}" text="Load: {load}" />
<!-- Available Variables tempreatures:
{cputemp} current cpu temperature in °C
{gputemp} current gpu temperature in °C
<area x="55%" y="51%" width="44%" height="19%" layer="5">
<drawimage condition="gt({cputemp}, 80)" imagetype="skinpart" path="tachohands/temp_81" x="{areawidth}*0.53" y="5%" width="20%" height="{areawidth}*0.2"/>
<drawimage condition="lt({cputemp}, 81)" imagetype="skinpart" path="tachohands/temp_{cputemp}" x="{areawidth}*0.53" y="5%" width="20%" height="{areawidth}*0.2"/>
<drawimage condition="gt({gputemp}, 80)" imagetype="skinpart" path="tachohands/temp_81" x="{areawidth}*0.78" y="5%" width="20%" height="{areawidth}*0.2"/>
<drawimage condition="lt({gputemp}, 81)" imagetype="skinpart" path="tachohands/temp_{gputemp}" x="{areawidth}*0.78" y="5%" width="20%" height="{areawidth}*0.2"/>
<area x="77%" y="51%" width="11%" height="19%" layer="4">
<drawtext align="center" y="85%" font="{regular}" fontsize="15%" color="{clrWhite}" text="CPU Temp: {cputemp}°C" />
<area x="88%" y="51%" width="11%" height="19%" layer="4">
<drawtext align="center" y="85%" font="{regular}" fontsize="15%" color="{clrWhite}" text="GPU Temp: {gputemp}°C" />
<!-- Available Variables currentschedule:
{title} Title of the current Schedule
{subtitle} Subtitle of the current Schedule
{start} Start of current Schedule in hh:mm
{stop} End of current Schedule in hh:mm
{duration} Duration of current Schedule in min
{durationhours} Duration, full hours
{minutes} Duration, rest of minutes
{elapsed} Elapsed time of current Schedule in min
{remaining} Remaining time of current Schedule in min
{hasPoster} true if poster is available
{posterpath} Full Path of Poster to use in image path attribute
{posterwidth} width of poster in pixel
{posterheight} height of poster in pixel
{hasBanner} true if banner is available
{bannerpath} Full Path of banner to use in image path attribute
{bannerwidth} width of banner in pixel
{bannerheight} height of banner in pixel
<!-- Available Variables customtokens:
all custom tokens set by the svdrp command SCTK are available in this viewelement
For instance, use an appropriate script which runs periodically as cronjob and
sets these custom tokens with svdrpsend or dbus2vdr
<menuitems x="1%" y="10%" orientation="vertical" width="50%" height="80%" align="center" numlistelements="{nummenuitemsmain}">
<!-- Available Variables main menu listelement:
{nummenuitem} number of item in list, starts with 1
{label} label of menu item
{number} number of menu item (or empty string if not set)
{icon} path of appropriate icon
{current} true if item is currently selected
{separator} true if item is a list separator
<area x="0" width="100%" layer="2">
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<drawtext condition="{current}" x="1%" width="98%" valign="center" font="{regular}" fontsize="80%" color="{clrWhite}" text="{number} {label} " />
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<!-- additional element which is drawn for current element -->
<!-- Available Variables main menu currentelement:
{label} label of menu item
{number} number of menu item (or empty string if not set)
{icon} path of appropriate icon
<currentelement delay="50" fadetime="0">