mirror of
synced 2023-10-19 15:58:31 +00:00
415 lines
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415 lines
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE displaychannel SYSTEM "../../../dtd/displaychannel.dtd">
<displaychannel x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%" fadetime="0">
<!-- Available Variables channelinfo:
{channelnumber} Number of Channel, with "-" in case of channel switching
{channelname} Name of current Channel
{channellogoexists} true if a channel logo exists
{channelid} ChannelID as path to display channel logo
{switching} true if a number is pressed on the remote to switch to a dedicated channel
<!-- Available Variables epginfo:
{currenttitle} Title of the current Schedule
{currentsubtitle} Subtitle of the current Schedule
{currentstart} Start of current Schedule in hh:mm
{currentstop} End of current Schedule in hh:mm
{currentduration} Duration of current Schedule in min
{currentdurationhours} Duration, full hours
{currentdurationminutes} Duration, rest of minutes
{currentelapsed} Elapsed time of current Schedule in min
{currentremaining} Remaining time of current Schedule in min
{currentrecording} true if current Schedule is recorded
{hasVPS} true if current Schedule has VPS
{nexttitle} Title of next Schedule
{nextsubtitle} Subtitle of next Schedule
{nextstart} Start of next Schedule in hh:mm
{nextstop} Stop of next Schedule in hh:mm
{nextduration} Duration of next Schedule in min
{nextdurationhours} Duration, full hours
{nextdurationminutes} Duration, rest of minutes
{nextrecording} true if next Schedule will be recorded
<!-- Available Variables progressbar:
{start} Start of current Schedule in hh:mm
{stop} End of current Schedule in hh:mm
{duration} Total Duration of current Schedule in seconds
{elapsed} Elapsed time of current Schedule in seconds
{remaining} Remaining time of current Schedule in seconds
{permashift} true if permashift plugin is in use
{livebuffer} current buffered data in seconds
<!-- Available Variables statusinfo:
{isRadio} true if channel is a radio channel
{hasVT} true if channel has video text
{isStereo} true if a stereo audio trac is available
{isDolby} true if a dolby audio track is available
{isEncrypted} true if channel is encrypted
{isRecording} true if currently a recording is running on this channel
{newmails} true if mailbox plugin is installed and new mails are available
<!-- Available Variables audioinfo:
{numaudiotracks} number of available audio tracks for current channel
{audiochannel} 0 if current channel is stereo, 1 for left chanel only, 2 for right channel only
{trackdesc} description of the current audio track
{tracklang} language of the current audio track
<!-- Available Variables ecminfo:
{caid} id of currently used CA
{cardsystem} name of currently used CA
{pid} pID
{prid} provider ID
{ecmtime} ecm time in ms
{hops} number of hops
{reader} name of used reader
{from} name of originating host
{protocol} used protocol of reader
<!-- Available Variables screenresolution:
{screenwidth} width of currently displayed channel in px
{screenheight} height of currently displayed channel in px
{resolution} resolution: hd1080i, hd720p, sd576i, sd480i
{aspect} screen aspect, each 4:3, 16:9 or 21:9
{isHD} true for hd1080i and hd720p
{isWideScreen} true if aspect is 16:9 or 21:9
<!-- Available Variables channelgroup:
{prevAvailable} true if previous Channel Group is avaialble
{nextAvailable} true if next Channel Group is avaialble
{group} Name of current Channel Group
{nextgroup} Name of next Channel Group
{prevgroup} Name of prev Channel Group
{sepexists} true if a channel separator logo exists
{seppath} path for separator logo to use in imagetype "seplogo"
<!-- Available Variables signalquality:
{signalstrength} STR value of currently displayed channel
{signalquality} SNR value of currently displayed channel
<!-- Available Variables devices:
signalstrength and -quality are only set if not mode="light" is used in <devices>
{numdevices} number of available devices
{devices[]} array with available devices
{devices[num]} number of current device
{devices[type]} type of device (DVB-S, DVB-C, ...)
{devices[istuned]} true if device is currently tuned to a transponder
{devices[livetv]} true if device is currently playing livetv
{devices[recording]} true if device is currently recording
{devices[hascam]} true if device has a CAM
{devices[cam]} number of CAM
{devices[signalstrength]} signalstrength of devcie
{devices[signalquality]} signalstrength of devcie
{devices[channelnumber]} number of the currently tuned channel
{devices[channelname]} name of the currently tuned channel
{devices[channellogoexists]} true if a channel logo exists
{devices[channelid]} ID of the currently tuned channel
{devices[source]} source of the currently tuned channel
<devices mode="full|light">
<!-- Available Variables currentweather:
{timestamp} timestamp of forecast in dd.mm hh:mm
{temperature} current temperature in °C
{apparenttemperature} apparent (feeled) temperature
{mintemperature} minimum daily temperature in °C
{maxtemperature} maximum daily temperature in °C
{summary} short weather summary
{icon} weather icon
{precipitationintensity} precipitation intensity in l/m2
{precipitationprobability} precipitation probability in %
{precipitationtype} precipitation type
{humidity} humidity in %
{windspeed} windspeed in km/h
{windbearing} wind bearing in °
{windbearingstring} wind bearing (N, NE, ...)
{visibility} visibility in km
{cloudcover} cloud cover in %
{pressure} pressure in HPo
{ozone} ozone value in DU
<!-- Available Variables scrapercontent:
{posterpath} Full Path of Poster to use in image path attribute
{posterwidth} width of poster in pixel
{posterheight} height of poster in pixel
{hasposter} true if poster is available
{bannerpath} Full Path of banner to use in image path attribute
{bannerwidth} width of banner in pixel
{bannerheight} height of banner in pixel
{hasbanner} true if banner is available
Use this tokens if you want to display a banner for series and a poster for movies:
{mediapath} Full Path of Poster or Banner to use in image path attribute
{mediawidth} width of image in pixel
{mediaheight} height of image in pixel
{isbanner} true if image is a banner, false if it is a poster
<!-- Available Variables channelhints:
{numhints} number of hints to display
{hints[]} array with available channel hints
{hints[channelnumber]} number of current channel
{hints[channelname]} name of current channel
{hints[channelid]} id of current channel
{hints[channellogoexists]} true if channel logo exists
<!-- Available Variables channeldetail:
{channelname} name of current channel
{channelnumber} number of current channel
{currenttitle} title of current event
{currentshorttext} short text of current event
{currentdescription} description of current event
{currentstart} start time of current event in hh:mm
{currentstop} end time of current event in hh:mm
{currentduration} duration of current Schedule in min
{currentdurationhours} duration, full hours
{currentdurationminutes} duration, rest of minutes
{currentelapsed} elapsed time of current Schedule in min
{currentremaining} remaining time of current Schedule in min
{nexttitle} title of next event
{nextshorttext} short text of next event
{nextdescription} description of next event
{nextstart} start time of next event in hh:mm
{nextstop} end time of next event in hh:mm
{nextduration} duration of next Schedule in min
{nextdurationhours} duration, full hours
{nextdurationminutes} duration, rest of minutes
{ismovie} true if current event is scraped as a movie
Available variables for movies:
{movietitle} movie title from themoviedb
{movieoriginalTitle} movie original title from themoviedb
{movietagline} movie tagline from themoviedb
{movieoverview} movie overview from themoviedb
{movieadult} true if movie is rated as adult
{moviebudget} movie budget from themoviedb in $
{movierevenue} movie revenue from themoviedb in $
{moviegenres} movie genres from themoviedb
{moviehomepage} movie homepage from themoviedb
{moviereleasedate} movie release date from themoviedb
{movieruntime} movie runtime from themoviedb
{moviepopularity} movie popularity from themoviedb
{movievoteaverage} movie vote average from themoviedb
{posterwidth} width of scraped poster
{posterheight} height of scraped poster
{posterpath} absolute path of scraped poster
{fanartwidth} width of scraped fanart
{fanartheight} height of scraped fanart
{fanartpath} absolute path of scraped fanart
{movieiscollection} true if movie is part of a collection
{moviecollectionName} name of movie collection
{collectionposterwidth} width of scraped collection poster
{collectionposterheight} height of scraped collection poster
{collectionposterpath} absolute path of scraped collection poster
{collectionfanartwidth} width of scraped collection fanart
{collectionfanartheight} height of scraped collection fanart
{collectionfanartpath} absolute path of scraped collection fanart
{actors[]} array with movie actors
{actors[name]} real name of actor
{actors[role]} actor role
{actors[thumb]} absolute path of scraped actor thumb
{actors[thumbwidth]} width of scraped actor thumb
{actors[thumbheight]} height of scraped actor thumb
{isseries} true if current event is scraped as a series
Available variables for series:
{seriesname} name of series
{seriesoverview} series overview
{seriesfirstaired} first aired date
{seriesnetwork} network which produces series
{seriesgenre} series genre
{seriesrating} series thetvdb rating
{seriesstatus} status of series (running / finished)
{episodetitle} title of episode
{episodenumber} number of episode
{episodeseason} season of episode
{episodefirstaired} first aired date of episode
{episodegueststars} guest stars of episode
{episodeoverview} episode overview
{episoderating} user rating for episode
{episodeimagewidth} episode image width
{episodeimageheight} episode image height
{episodeimagepath} episode image path
{seasonposterwidth} episode season poster width
{seasonposterheight} episode season poster height
{seasonposterpath} episode season poster path
{seriesposter1width} width of 1st poster
{seriesposter1height} height of 1st poster
{seriesposter1path} path of 1st poster
{seriesposter2width} width of 2nd poster
{seriesposter2height} height of 2nd poster
{seriesposter2path} path of 2nd poster
{seriesposter3width} width of 3rd poster
{seriesposter3height} height of 3rd poster
{seriesposter3path} path of 3rd poster
{seriesfanart1width} width of 1st fanart
{seriesfanart1height} height of 1st fanart
{seriesfanart1path} path of 1st fanart
{seriesfanart2width} width of 2nd fanart
{seriesfanart2height} height of 2nd fanart
{seriesfanart2path} path of 2nd fanart
{seriesfanart3width} width of 3rd fanart
{seriesfanart3height} height of 3rd fanart
{seriesfanart3path} path of 3rd fanart
{seriesbanner1width} width of 1st banner
{seriesbanner1height} height of 1st banner
{seriesbanner1path} path of 1st banner
{seriesbanner2width} width of 2nd banner
{seriesbanner2height} height of 2nd banner
{seriesbanner2path} path of 2nd banner
{seriesbanner3width} width of 3rd banner
{seriesbanner3height} height of 3rd banner
{seriesbanner3path} path of 3rd fanart
{actors[]} array with movie actors
{actors[name]} real name of actor
{actors[role]} actor role
{actors[thumb]} absolute path of scraped actor thumb
{actors[thumbwidth]} width of scraped actor thumb
{actors[thumbheight]} height of scraped actor thumb
<!-- Available Variables channellistback:
<!-- Available Variables channellist:
{nummenuitem} number in list of currently displayed channellist item
{current} true if currently displayed item is active
{name} name of channel
{number} number of channel
{channelid} if of channel
{channellogoexists} true if channel logo exists
{presenteventtitle} title of present event
{presenteventstart} start of present event in hh:mm
{presenteventstop} end of present event in hh:mm
{presenteventelapsed} elapsed minutes of present event
{presenteventremaining} remaining minutes of present event
{nexteventtitle} title of next event
{nexteventstart} start time of next event in hh:mm
{nexteventstop} end time of next event in hh:mm
<channellist button="right">
<!-- Available Variables channellistdetail:
see <channeldetail> tokens
<!-- Available Variables grouplistback:
<!-- Available Variables grouplist:
{nummenuitem} number in list of currently displayed channelgrouplist item
{current} true if currently displayed item is active
{groupname} name of displayed channel group
{numchannels} number of channels in channel group
<grouplist button="left">
<!-- Available Variables groupchannellistback:
<!-- Available Variables groupchannellist:
see <channellist> tokens
<!-- Available Variables groupchannellistdetail:
see <channeldetail> tokens
<!-- Available Variables datetime:
{time} time in hh:mm
{day} day in digits
{dayleadingzero} day in digits with leading 0
{dayname} Full name of the day
{daynameshort} Short 3 char name of the day
{month} month in digits with leading 0
{monthname} Full name of the month
{monthnameshort} 3 letter abbrivation of month name
{year} year in yyyy
<!-- Available Variables time:
{sec} current seconds
{min} current minutes
{hour} current hours
{hmins} current "hourminutes" to display an hour hand
<!-- Available Variables message:
{text} message text
{status} true if message is a status message
{info} true if message is a info message
{warning} true if message is a warn message
{error} true if message is a error message
<!-- Available Variables customtokens:
all custom tokens set by the svdrp command SCTK are available in this viewelement
For instance, use an appropriate script which runs periodically as cronjob and
sets these custom tokens with svdrpsend or dbus2vdr