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synced 2023-10-19 15:58:31 +00:00
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98 lines
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#include <string>
#include <vdr/plugin.h>
#include "fontmanager.h"
enum eFlushState {
class cPixmapContainer : public cThread {
static cMutex mutex;
static cOsd *osd;
static eFlushState flushState;
bool pixContainerInit;
int numPixmaps;
cPixmap **pixmaps;
int *pixmapsTransparency;
int *pixmapsLayer;
bool checkRunning;
int fadeTime;
int shiftTime;
int shiftType;
int shiftMode;
cPoint startPos;
bool deleteOsdOnExit;
void ShiftInFromBorder(int frames, int frameTime);
void ShiftOutToBorder(int frames, int frameTime);
void ShiftInFromPoint(int frames, int frameTime);
void ShiftOutToPoint(int frames, int frameTime);
cRect UnionPixmaps(void);
void SetInitFinished(void) { pixContainerInit = false; };
bool CreateOsd(int Left, int Top, int Width, int Height);
void DeleteOsdOnExit(bool doDelete = true) { deleteOsdOnExit = doDelete; };
//Wrappers for access to pixmaps
bool PixmapExists(int num);
int NumPixmaps(void) { return numPixmaps; };
void CreatePixmap(int num, int Layer, const cRect &ViewPort, const cRect &DrawPort = cRect::Null);
bool DestroyPixmap(int num);
void DrawText(int num, const cPoint &Point, const char *s, tColor ColorFg, tColor ColorBg, std::string fontName, int fontSize);
void DrawRectangle(int num, const cRect &Rect, tColor Color);
void DrawEllipse(int num, const cRect &Rect, tColor Color, int Quadrants = 0);
void DrawSlope(int num, const cRect &Rect, tColor Color, int Type);
void DrawImage(int num, const cPoint &Point, const cImage &Image);
void DrawBitmap(int num, const cPoint &Point, const cBitmap &Bitmap, tColor ColorFg = 0, tColor ColorBg = 0, bool Overlay = false);
void Fill(int num, tColor Color);
void SetAlpha(int num, int Alpha);
void SetTransparency(int num, int Transparency);
void SetLayer(int num, int Layer);
void SetViewPort(int num, const cRect &rect);
int Layer(int num);
void Pos(int num, cPoint &pos);
cRect ViewPort(int num);
int Width(int num);
int Height(int num);
int DrawportWidth(int num);
int DrawportHeight(int num);
int DrawportX(int num);
int DrawportY(int num);
void SetDrawPortPoint(int num, const cPoint &Point);
void SetCheckRunning(void) { checkRunning = true; };
void UnsetCheckRunning(void) { checkRunning = false; };
//HELPERS -- do not access the pixmaps array directly, use wrapper functions
void SetFadeTime(int fade) { fadeTime = fade; };
void SetShiftTime(int shift) { shiftTime = shift; };
void SetShiftType(int type) { shiftType = type; };
void SetShiftMode(int mode) { shiftMode = mode; };
void SetStartPos(int posX, int posY) { startPos.SetX(posX); startPos.SetY(posY); };
bool IsAnimated(void) { return (shiftTime > 0); };
int AnimationDelay(void);
void FadeIn(void);
void FadeOut(void);
void ShiftIn(void);
void ShiftOut(void);
void ScrollVertical(int num, int scrollDelay, int scrollSpeed);
void ScrollHorizontal(int num, int scrollDelay, int scrollSpeed, int scrollMode);
void CancelSave(void);
void DoSleep(int duration);
void DrawBlendedBackground(int num, int xStart, int width, tColor color, tColor colorBlending, bool fromTop);
void DrawRoundedCorners(int num, int radius, int x, int y, int width, int height);
void DrawRoundedCornersWithBorder(int num, tColor borderColor, int radius, int width, int height);
cPixmapContainer(int numPixmaps);
virtual ~cPixmapContainer(void);
void LockFlush(void);
void OpenFlush(void);
void DoFlush(void);
void HidePixmaps(void);
void ShowPixmaps(void);
virtual void Action(void) {};