mirror of
synced 2023-10-19 15:58:31 +00:00
381 lines
24 KiB
381 lines
24 KiB
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE displayreplay SYSTEM "../../../dtd/displayreplay.dtd">
<displayreplay x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%" fadetime="{fadetime}">
<!-- background infobar -->
<area x="0" y="80%" width="100%" height="20%" layer="1">
<fill color="{clrTransBlack}" />
<!-- background datetime -->
<area x="70%" y="0" width="30%" height="13%" layer="1">
<fill color="{clrTransBlack}" />
<drawrectangle x="0" y="0" width="45%" height="100%" color="{clrTransBlueLight}" />
<!-- background small infobar -->
<area x="25%" y="85%" width="50%" height="10%" layer="1">
<fill color="{clrTransBlack}" />
<!-- Available Variables datetime:
{time} time in hh:mm
{day} day in digits
{dayleadingzero} day in digits with leading 0
{dayname} Full name of the day
{daynameshort} Short 3 char name of the day
{month} month in digits with leading 0
{monthname} Full name of the month
{monthnameshort} 3 letter abbrivation of month name
{year} year in yyyy
<area x="70%" y="0" width="13%" height="13%" layer="2">
<drawtext align="right" y="0" font="{light}" fontsize="50%" color="{clrWhite}" text="{dayname}" />
<drawtext align="right" y="48%" font="{light}" fontsize="50%" color="{clrWhite}" text="{day}. {monthnameshort}" />
<area x="85%" y="0" width="13%" height="13%" layer="2">
<drawtext align="center" valign="center" font="{light}" fontsize="100%" color="{clrWhite}" text="{time}" />
<!-- Available Variables scrapercontent:
{posterpath} Full Path of Poster to use in image path attribute
{posterwidth} width of poster in pixel
{posterheight} height of poster in pixel
{hasPoster} true if poster is available
{bannerpath} Full Path of banner to use in image path attribute
{bannerwidth} width of banner in pixel
{bannerheight} height of banner in pixel
{hasBanner} true if banner is available
Use this tokens if you want to display a banner for series and a poster for movies:
{mediapath} Full Path of Poster or Banner to use in image path attribute
{mediawidth} width of image in pixel
{mediaheight} height of image in pixel
{isbanner} true if image is a banner, false if it is a poster
<area condition="{isbanner}" x="0" y="0" width="{areaheight}*0.13*{mediawidth}/{mediaheight}" height="13%" layer="2">
<drawimage imagetype="image" path="{mediapath}" align="center" valign="center" width="{areawidth}" height="{areaheight}"/>
<area condition="not{isbanner}" x="0" y="0" width="{areaheight}*0.5*{mediawidth}/{mediaheight}" height="50%" layer="2">
<drawimage imagetype="image" path="{mediapath}" x="5" y="5" width="{areawidth}-10" height="{areaheight}-10"/>
<!-- Available Variables rectitle:
{rectitle} Title of Recording
{recsubtitle} Subtitle of the Recording
{recdate} Date Recording in dd.mm.yy
{rectime} Time of Recording in hh:mm
<area x="1%" y="80%" width="69%" height="8%" layer="2">
<drawtext x="0" name="title" valign="center" width="{areawidth}" font="{semibold}" fontsize="85%" color="{clrBlueLight}" text="{rectitle}" />
<drawtext x="{width(title)}+10" valign="center" width="{areawidth}-{width(title)}-10" font="{light}" fontsize="85%" color="{clrWhite}" text="{recsubtitle}" />
<!-- Available Variables recinfo:
{screenwidth} width of currently displayed recording in px
{screenheight} height of currently displayed recording in px
{resolution} resolution: hd1080i, hd720p, sd576i
{aspect} screen aspect, each 4:3, 16:9 or 21:9
{isHD} true for hd1080i and hd720p
{isWideScreen} true if aspect is 16:9 or 21:9
<area x="70%" y="80%" width="29%" height="8%" layer="2">
<!-- widescreen icon -->
<drawimage name="widescreen" condition="{isWideScreen}" imagetype="icon" path="ico_widescreen_on" x="{areawidth} - {width(widescreen)}" valign="center" width="{areaheight}*0.8*1.87" height="{areaheight}*0.8"/>
<drawimage condition="not{isWideScreen}" imagetype="icon" path="ico_widescreen_off" x="{areawidth} - {width(widescreen)}" valign="center" width="{areaheight}*0.8*1.87" height="{areaheight}*0.8"/>
<!-- hd/sd icon -->
<drawimage name="hd" condition="{isHD}" imagetype="icon" path="ico_hd_on" x="{posx(widescreen)} - 15 - {width(hd)}" valign="center" width="{areaheight}*0.8*2.04" height="{areaheight}*0.8"/>
<drawimage condition="not{isHD}" imagetype="icon" path="ico_hd_off" x="{posx(widescreen)} - 15 - {width(hd)}" valign="center" width="{areaheight}*0.8*2.04" height="{areaheight}*0.8"/>
<!-- screenresolution text -->
<drawtext name="reslabel" x="{posx(hd)} - 30 - {width(reslabel)}" valign="center" font="{light}" fontsize="60%" color="{clrWhite}" text="{screenwidth}x{screenheight}" />
<!-- Available Variables currenttime:
{reccurrent} Current Time in hh:mm:ss
<area x="1%" y="92%" width="30%" height="7%" layer="2">
<drawtext x="0" valign="center" font="{light}" fontsize="100%" color="{clrTransBlueLight}" text="{reccurrent}" />
<!-- Available Variables totaltime:
{rectotal} Total Time in hh:mm:ss
<area x="69%" y="92%" width="30%" height="7%" layer="2">
<drawtext align="right" valign="center" font="{light}" fontsize="100%" color="{clrWhite}" text="{rectotal}" />
<!-- Available Variables endtime:
{recend} End Time in hh:mm
<area x="63%" y="92%" width="20%" height="7%" layer="2">
<drawtext align="center" valign="bottom" font="{light}" fontsize="60%" color="{clrWhite}" text="{tr(endsat)}: {recend}" />
<!-- Available Variables progressbar:
{current} current frame of recording
{total} total frames of recording
<area x="5%" y="89%" width="90%" height="3%" layer="2">
<fill color="{clrDarkGray}" />
<drawrectangle x="0" y="0" width="{current}/{total}*{areawidth}" height="100%" color="{clrTransBlueLight}" />
<!-- Available Variables cutmarks:
{marks[]} array of available marks
{marks[position]} frame of current mark
{marks[endposition]} frame where startmark ends
{marks[total]} total number of frames
{marks[active]} true if current replay position hits exactly the mark
{marks[startmark]} true if mark is start mark
<area x="5%" y="89%" width="90%" height="3%" layer="3">
<loop name="marks" x="0" y="0" orientation="absolute">
<!-- draw mark -->
<drawrectangle condition="not{marks[active]}" x="{marks[position]}/{marks[total]}*{areawidth}" y="0" width="1" height="100%" color="{clrWhite}" />
<drawrectangle condition="not{marks[active]} ++ {marks[startmark]}" x="{marks[position]}/{marks[total]}*{areawidth}" y="0" width="5" height="1" color="{clrWhite}" />
<drawrectangle condition="not{marks[active]} ++ {marks[startmark]}" x="{marks[position]}/{marks[total]}*{areawidth}" y="{areaheight}-1" width="5" height="1" color="{clrWhite}" />
<drawrectangle condition="not{marks[active]} ++ not{marks[startmark]}" x="{marks[position]}/{marks[total]}*{areawidth} - 5" y="0" width="5" height="1" color="{clrWhite}" />
<drawrectangle condition="not{marks[active]} ++ not{marks[startmark]}" x="{marks[position]}/{marks[total]}*{areawidth} - 5" y="{areaheight}-1" width="5" height="1" color="{clrWhite}" />
<!-- draw active mark -->
<drawrectangle condition="{marks[active]}" x="{marks[position]}/{marks[total]}*{areawidth}" y="0" width="1" height="100%" color="{clrRed}" />
<drawrectangle condition="{marks[active]} ++ {marks[startmark]}" x="{marks[position]}/{marks[total]}*{areawidth}" y="0" width="5" height="1" color="{clrRed}" />
<drawrectangle condition="{marks[active]} ++ {marks[startmark]}" x="{marks[position]}/{marks[total]}*{areawidth}" y="{areaheight}-1" width="5" height="1" color="{clrRed}" />
<drawrectangle condition="{marks[active]} ++ not{marks[startmark]}" x="{marks[position]}/{marks[total]}*{areawidth} - 5" y="0" width="5" height="1" color="{clrRed}" />
<drawrectangle condition="{marks[active]} ++ not{marks[startmark]}" x="{marks[position]}/{marks[total]}*{areawidth} - 5" y="{areaheight}-1" width="5" height="1" color="{clrRed}" />
<!-- draw bar to next mark if mark is startmark-->
<drawrectangle condition="{marks[startmark]}" x="{marks[position]}/{marks[total]}*{areawidth}" y="30%" width="{marks[endposition]}/{marks[total]}*{areawidth} - {marks[position]}/{marks[total]}*{areawidth}" height="40%" color="{clrWhite}" />
<!-- Available Variables controlicons and controliconsmodeonly:
{play} true if recording is played currently
{pause} true if recording is paused
{forward} true if fast forwarding
{forward1x} true if fast forwarding 1x (with 3 trickspeeds)
{forward2x} true if fast forwarding 2x (with 3 trickspeeds)
{forward3x} true if fast forwarding 3x (with 3 trickspeeds)
{rewind} true if rewinding
{rewind1x} true if rewinding 1x (with 3 trickspeeds)
{rewind2x} true if rewinding 2x (with 3 trickspeeds)
{rewind3x} true if rewinding 3x (with 3 trickspeeds)
<area x="30%" y="93%" width="40%" height="7%" layer="3">
<drawimage condition="not{rewind} ++ not{rewind1x} ++ not{rewind2x} ++ not{rewind3x}" imagetype="icon" path="ico_rew_off" x="{areawidth}/2 - 2*{areaheight}" y="0" width="{areaheight}" height="{areaheight}"/>
<drawimage condition="{rewind}" imagetype="icon" path="ico_rew" x="{areawidth}/2 - 2*{areaheight}" y="0" width="{areaheight}" height="{areaheight}"/>
<drawimage condition="{rewind1x}" imagetype="icon" path="ico_rew_1x" x="{areawidth}/2 - 2*{areaheight}" y="0" width="{areaheight}" height="{areaheight}"/>
<drawimage condition="{rewind2x}" imagetype="icon" path="ico_rew_2x" x="{areawidth}/2 - 2*{areaheight}" y="0" width="{areaheight}" height="{areaheight}"/>
<drawimage condition="{rewind3x}" imagetype="icon" path="ico_rew_3x" x="{areawidth}/2 - 2*{areaheight}" y="0" width="{areaheight}" height="{areaheight}"/>
<drawimage condition="not{pause}" imagetype="icon" path="ico_pause_off" x="{areawidth}/2 - {areaheight}" y="0" width="{areaheight}" height="{areaheight}"/>
<drawimage condition="{pause}" imagetype="icon" path="ico_pause" x="{areawidth}/2 - {areaheight}" y="0" width="{areaheight}" height="{areaheight}"/>
<drawimage condition="not{play}" imagetype="icon" path="ico_play_off" x="{areawidth}/2" y="0" width="{areaheight}" height="{areaheight}"/>
<drawimage condition="{play}" imagetype="icon" path="ico_play" x="{areawidth}/2" y="0" width="{areaheight}" height="{areaheight}"/>
<drawimage condition="not{forward} ++ not{forward1x} ++ not{forward2x} ++ not{forward3x}" imagetype="icon" path="ico_ff_off" x="{areawidth}/2 + {areaheight}" y="0" width="{areaheight}" height="{areaheight}"/>
<drawimage condition="{forward}" imagetype="icon" path="ico_ff" x="{areawidth}/2 + {areaheight}" y="0" width="{areaheight}" height="{areaheight}"/>
<drawimage condition="{forward1x}" imagetype="icon" path="ico_ff_1x" x="{areawidth}/2 + {areaheight}" y="0" width="{areaheight}" height="{areaheight}"/>
<drawimage condition="{forward2x}" imagetype="icon" path="ico_ff_2x" x="{areawidth}/2 + {areaheight}" y="0" width="{areaheight}" height="{areaheight}"/>
<drawimage condition="{forward3x}" imagetype="icon" path="ico_ff_3x" x="{areawidth}/2 + {areaheight}" y="0" width="{areaheight}" height="{areaheight}"/>
<area x="25%" y="85%" width="50%" height="10%" layer="3">
<drawimage condition="not{rewind} ++ not{rewind1x} ++ not{rewind2x} ++ not{rewind3x}" imagetype="icon" path="ico_rew_off" x="{areawidth}/2 - 2*{areaheight}" y="0" width="{areaheight}" height="{areaheight}"/>
<drawimage condition="{rewind}" imagetype="icon" path="ico_rew" x="{areawidth}/2 - 2*{areaheight}" y="0" width="{areaheight}" height="{areaheight}"/>
<drawimage condition="{rewind1x}" imagetype="icon" path="ico_rew_1x" x="{areawidth}/2 - 2*{areaheight}" y="0" width="{areaheight}" height="{areaheight}"/>
<drawimage condition="{rewind2x}" imagetype="icon" path="ico_rew_2x" x="{areawidth}/2 - 2*{areaheight}" y="0" width="{areaheight}" height="{areaheight}"/>
<drawimage condition="{rewind3x}" imagetype="icon" path="ico_rew_3x" x="{areawidth}/2 - 2*{areaheight}" y="0" width="{areaheight}" height="{areaheight}"/>
<drawimage condition="not{pause}" imagetype="icon" path="ico_pause_off" x="{areawidth}/2 - {areaheight}" y="0" width="{areaheight}" height="{areaheight}"/>
<drawimage condition="{pause}" imagetype="icon" path="ico_pause" x="{areawidth}/2 - {areaheight}" y="0" width="{areaheight}" height="{areaheight}"/>
<drawimage condition="not{play}" imagetype="icon" path="ico_play_off" x="{areawidth}/2" y="0" width="{areaheight}" height="{areaheight}"/>
<drawimage condition="{play}" imagetype="icon" path="ico_play" x="{areawidth}/2" y="0" width="{areaheight}" height="{areaheight}"/>
<drawimage condition="not{forward} ++ not{forward1x} ++ not{forward2x} ++ not{forward3x}" imagetype="icon" path="ico_ff_off" x="{areawidth}/2 + {areaheight}" y="0" width="{areaheight}" height="{areaheight}"/>
<drawimage condition="{forward}" imagetype="icon" path="ico_ff" x="{areawidth}/2 + {areaheight}" y="0" width="{areaheight}" height="{areaheight}"/>
<drawimage condition="{forward1x}" imagetype="icon" path="ico_ff_1x" x="{areawidth}/2 + {areaheight}" y="0" width="{areaheight}" height="{areaheight}"/>
<drawimage condition="{forward2x}" imagetype="icon" path="ico_ff_2x" x="{areawidth}/2 + {areaheight}" y="0" width="{areaheight}" height="{areaheight}"/>
<drawimage condition="{forward3x}" imagetype="icon" path="ico_ff_3x" x="{areawidth}/2 + {areaheight}" y="0" width="{areaheight}" height="{areaheight}"/>
<!-- Available Variables jump:
{jump} time to jump to in hh:mm
<area x="35%" y="45%" width="30%" height="10%" layer="1">
<fill color="{clrTransBlack}" />
<area x="35%" y="45%" width="30%" height="10%" layer="2">
<drawtext align="center" valign="center" font="{light}" fontsize="80%" color="{clrWhite}" text="{jump}" />
<!-- Available Variables onpause and onpausemodeonly:
{name} title of recording
{shorttext} shorttext of recording
{description} description of recording
{date} date of recording in dd.mm.yy
{time} time of recording in hh:mm
{daynumeric} day as number
{month} month as number
{year} year as number
{duration} real duration of recording in minutes
{durationhours} real duration, full hours
{durationminutes} real duration, rest of minutes
{durationevent} duration of corresponding event in minutes
{durationeventhours} event duration, full hours
{durationeventminutes} event duration, rest of minutes
{ismovie} true if event is scraped as a movie
Available variables for movies:
{movietitle} movie title from themoviedb
{movieoriginalTitle} movie original title from themoviedb
{movietagline} movie tagline from themoviedb
{movieoverview} movie overview from themoviedb
{movieadult} true if movie is rated as adult
{moviebudget} movie budget from themoviedb in $
{movierevenue} movie revenue from themoviedb in $
{moviegenres} movie genres from themoviedb
{moviehomepage} movie homepage from themoviedb
{moviereleasedate} movie release date from themoviedb
{movieruntime} movie runtime from themoviedb
{moviepopularity} movie popularity from themoviedb
{movievoteaverage} movie vote average from themoviedb
{posterwidth} width of scraped poster
{posterheight} height of scraped poster
{posterpath} absolute path of scraped poster
{fanartwidth} width of scraped fanart
{fanartheight} height of scraped fanart
{fanartpath} absolute path of scraped fanart
{movieiscollection} true if movie is part of a collection
{moviecollectionName} name of movie collection
{collectionposterwidth} width of scraped collection poster
{collectionposterheight} height of scraped collection poster
{collectionposterpath} absolute path of scraped collection poster
{collectionfanartwidth} width of scraped collection fanart
{collectionfanartheight} height of scraped collection fanart
{collectionfanartpath} absolute path of scraped collection fanart
{actors[]} array with movie actors
{actors[name]} real name of actor
{actors[role]} actor role
{actors[thumb]} absolute path of scraped actor thumb
{actors[thumbwidth]} width of scraped actor thumb
{actors[thumbheight]} height of scraped actor thumb
{isseries} true if event is scraped as a series
Available variables for series:
{seriesname} name of series
{seriesoverview} series overview
{seriesfirstaired} first aired date
{seriesnetwork} network which produces series
{seriesgenre} series genre
{seriesrating} series thetvdb rating
{seriesstatus} status of series (running / finished)
{episodetitle} title of episode
{episodenumber} number of episode
{episodeseason} season of episode
{episodefirstaired} first aired date of episode
{episodegueststars} guest stars of episode
{episodeoverview} episode overview
{episoderating} user rating for episode
{episodeimagewidth} episode image width
{episodeimageheight} episode image height
{episodeimagepath} episode image path
{seasonposterwidth} episode season poster width
{seasonposterheight} episode season poster height
{seasonposterpath} episode season poster path
{seriesposter1width} width of 1st poster
{seriesposter1height} height of 1st poster
{seriesposter1path} path of 1st poster
{seriesposter2width} width of 2nd poster
{seriesposter2height} height of 2nd poster
{seriesposter2path} path of 2nd poster
{seriesposter3width} width of 3rd poster
{seriesposter3height} height of 3rd poster
{seriesposter3path} path of 3rd poster
{seriesfanart1width} width of 1st fanart
{seriesfanart1height} height of 1st fanart
{seriesfanart1path} path of 1st fanart
{seriesfanart2width} width of 2nd fanart
{seriesfanart2height} height of 2nd fanart
{seriesfanart2path} path of 2nd fanart
{seriesfanart3width} width of 3rd fanart
{seriesfanart3height} height of 3rd fanart
{seriesfanart3path} path of 3rd fanart
{seriesbanner1width} width of 1st banner
{seriesbanner1height} height of 1st banner
{seriesbanner1path} path of 1st banner
{seriesbanner2width} width of 2nd banner
{seriesbanner2height} height of 2nd banner
{seriesbanner2path} path of 2nd banner
{seriesbanner3width} width of 3rd banner
{seriesbanner3height} height of 3rd banner
{seriesbanner3path} path of 3rd fanart
{actors[]} array with movie actors
{actors[name]} real name of actor
{actors[role]} actor role
{actors[thumb]} absolute path of scraped actor thumb
{actors[thumbwidth]} width of scraped actor thumb
{actors[thumbheight]} height of scraped actor thumb
<onpause delay="60" fadetime="{fadeTime}">
<area x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%" layer="7">
<fill color="{clrSemiTransBlack}" />
<onpausemodeonly delay="20" fadetime="{fadeTime}">
<area x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%" layer="7">
<fill color="{clrSemiTransBlack}" />
<area x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%" layer="6">
<drawtext align="center" valign="center" font="{semibold}" fontsize="25%" color="{clrWhite}" text="{tr(pause)}" />
<drawimage condition="{isseries}" imagetype="image" path="{seriesbanner1path}" align="center" y="10" width="{areawidth}*0.5" height="{areawidth} * 0.5 * {seriesbanner1height} / {seriesbanner1width}"/>
<drawimage condition="{ismovie}" imagetype="image" path="{posterpath}" x="10" y="10" width="{areaheight} * 0.4 * {posterwidth} / {posterheight}" height="{areaheight} * 0.4"/>
<!-- Available Variables message:
{text} message text
{status} true if message is a status message
{info} true if message is a info message
{warning} true if message is a warn message
{error} true if message is a error message
<area x="10%" y="45%" width="80%" height="10%" layer="1">
<fill color="{clrTransBlack}" />
<drawrectangle condition="{status}" x="20" y="0" width="20" height="100%" color="{clrGreen}" />
<drawrectangle condition="{info}" x="20" y="0" width="20" height="100%" color="{clrBlue}" />
<drawrectangle condition="{warning}" x="20" y="0" width="20" height="100%" color="{clrYellow}" />
<drawrectangle condition="{error}" x="20" y="0" width="20" height="100%" color="{clrRed}" />
<drawtext align="center" valign="center" width="{areawidth} - 80" font="{light}" fontsize="40%" color="{clrWhite}" text="{text}" />