mirror of
synced 2023-10-19 15:58:31 +00:00
127 lines
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127 lines
9.9 KiB
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<!-- Available Variables channels menu listelement:
{number} number of the displayed channel
{name} name of the displayed channel
{channelid} ChannelID as path to display channel logo
{transponder} Transponder of channel
{frequency} Frequency of channel
{source} Source of channel (S, C, T)
{sourcedescription} Descriptin of source from sources.conf
{position} orbital position of the satellite in case this is a DVB-S source
{isAtsc} true if channel is a ATSC channel
{isCable} true if channel is cable channel
{isSat} true if channel is a satellite channel
{isTerr} true if channel is terrestrical
{presenteventtitle} title of present event on this channel
{presenteventstart} present event start time in hh::mm
{presenteventstop} present event event stop time in hh::mm
{current} true if item is currently selected
{separator} true if item is a list separator
<!-- background and foreground-->
<area x="0" width="28%" layer="2">
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<!-- channel logo -->
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<drawimage name="logo" imagetype="channellogo" path="{channelid}" x="0" width="100%" height="100%" valign="center" />
<!-- scrollable channel name -->
<areascroll condition="not{separator}++not{current}" scrollelement="channelname" mode="forthandback" orientation="horizontal" delay="1000" scrollspeed="medium" x="7%" width="20%" layer="3">
<drawtext name="channelname" x="0" y="5" font="{vdrOsd}" fontsize="50%" color="{clrFontMenuItem}" text="{number} {name}" />
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<drawtext name="channelname" x="0" y="5" font="{vdrOsd}" fontsize="50%" color="{clrFontMenuItemSelected}" text="{number} {name}" />
<!-- channel information -->
<area condition="not{separator}++not{current}" x="7%" width="20%" layer="3">
<drawtext x="0" y="60%" font="{vdrOsd}" fontsize="30%" color="{clrFontMenuItem}" text="{sourcedescription}, {tr(transponder)} {transponder}" />
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<!-- separator -->
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<!-- additional element which is drawn for current element -->
<!-- Available Variables channels menu currentelement:
{number} number of the displayed channel
{name} name of the displayed channel
{channelid} ChannelID as path to display channel logo
{transponder} Transponder of channel
{frequency} Frequency of channel
{source} Source of channel (S, C, T)
{sourcedescription} Descriptin of source from sources.conf
{position} orbital position of the satellite in case this is a DVB-S source
{isAtsc} true if channel is a ATSC channel
{isCable} true if channel is cable channel
{isSat} true if channel is a satellite channel
{isTerr} true if channel is terrestrical
{presenteventtitle} title of present event on this channel
{presenteventstart} present event start time in hh::mm
{presenteventstop} present event stop time in hh::mm
{presenteventshorttext} present event short text
{presenteventdescription} present event description
{presenteventday} present event name of day
{presenteventdate} present event date in dd:mm:yy
{presenteventelapsed} present event elapsed time
{presenteventduration} present event duration
{hasposter} true if a scraped poster is available for this elements present evemt
{posterwidth} width of scraped poster
{posterheight} height of scraped poster
{posterpath} absolute path of scraped poster
{nexteventtitle} title of next event on this channel
{nexteventstart} next event start time in hh::mm
{nexteventstop} next event event stop time in hh::mm
{nexteventshorttext} next event short text
{nexteventdescription} next event description
{nexteventday} next event name of day
{nexteventdate} next event date in dd:mm:yy
{nexteventdate} next event duration
{schedule[]} array with following 10 schedules
{schedule[title]} title of event
{schedule[shorttext]} shorttext of event
{schedule[start]} start time of event in hh:mm
{schedule[stop]} stop time of event in hh:mm
<currentelement delay="500" fadetime="300">
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<!-- Logo and Header -->
<drawimage name="logo" imagetype="channellogo" path="{channelid}" x="1%" y="1%" width="20%" height="15%" />
<drawtext name="channelname" x="23%" y="{height(logo)} * 3 / 10" font="{vdrOsd}" fontsize="10%" color="{clrWhite}" text="{number} - {name}" />
<drawtext x="23%" y="{posy(channelname)} + {height(channelname)}" font="{vdrOsd}" fontsize="7%" color="{clrWhite}" text="{sourcedescription}, {tr(transponder)} {transponder}" />
<!-- NOW -->
<drawtext name="headernow" x="1%" y="{posy(logo)} + {height(logo)} + 10" font="{vdrOsd}" fontsize="6%" color="{clrWhite}" text="{tr(now)}: {presenteventstart} - {presenteventstop}" />
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<!-- NEXT -->
<drawtext name="headernext" x="51%" y="{posy(logo)} + {height(logo)} + 10" font="{vdrOsd}" fontsize="6%" color="{clrWhite}" text="{tr(next)}: {nexteventstart} - {nexteventstop}" />
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<drawtext x="10" y="0" font="{semibold}" fontsize="20%" color="{clrWhite}" text="{tr(nextschedules)}:" />
<loop name="schedule" x="0" y="{areaheight}/4 + 5" orientation="vertical">
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</menuchannels> |