mirror of
synced 2023-10-19 15:58:31 +00:00
119 lines
4.3 KiB
119 lines
4.3 KiB
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE displayreplay SYSTEM "../../../dtd/displayreplay.dtd">
<displayreplay x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%" fadetime="0">
<!-- Available Variables datetime:
{time} time in hh:mm
{day} day in digits
{dayleadingzero} day in digits with leading 0
{dayname} Full name of the day
{daynameshort} Short 3 char name of the day
{month} month in digits with leading 0
{monthname} Full name of the month
{monthnameshort} 3 letter abbrivation of month name
{year} year in yyyy
<!-- Available Variables scrapercontent:
{mediapath} Full Path of Poster or Banner to use in image path attribute
{mediawidth} width of image in pixel
{mediaheight} height of image in pixel
{isbanner} true if image is a banner, false if it is a poster
<!-- Available Variables rectitle:
{rectitle} Title of Recording
{recsubtitle} Subtitle of the Recording
{recdate} Date Recording in dd.mm.yy
{rectime} Time of Recording in hh:mm
<!-- Available Variables recinfo:
{screenwidth} width of currently displayed recording in px
{screenheight} height of currently displayed recording in px
{resolution} resolution: hd1080i, hd720p, sd576i
{aspect} screen aspect, each 4:3, 16:9 or 21:9
{isHD} true for hd1080i and hd720p
{isWideScreen} true if aspect is 16:9 or 21:9
<!-- Available Variables currenttime:
{reccurrent} Current Time in hh:mm:ss
<!-- Available Variables totaltime:
{rectotal} Total Time in hh:mm:ss
<!-- Available Variables progressbar:
{current} current frame of recording
{total} total frames of recording
<!-- Available Variables cutmarks:
{marks[]} array of available marks
{marks[position]} frame of current mark
{marks[endposition]} frame where startmark ends
{marks[total]} total number of frames
{marks[active]} true if current replay position hits exactly the mark
{marks[startmark]} true if mark is start mark
<!-- Available Variables controlicons and controliconsmodeonly:
{play} true if recording is played currently
{pause} true if recording is paused
{forward} true if fast forwarding
{forward1x} true if fast forwarding 1x (with 3 trickspeeds)
{forward2x} true if fast forwarding 2x (with 3 trickspeeds)
{forward3x} true if fast forwarding 3x (with 3 trickspeeds)
{rewind} true if rewinding
{rewind1x} true if rewinding 1x (with 3 trickspeeds)
{rewind2x} true if rewinding 2x (with 3 trickspeeds)
{rewind3x} true if rewinding 3x (with 3 trickspeeds)
<!-- Available Variables jump:
{jump} time to jump to in hh:mm
<!-- Available Variables message:
{text} message text
{status} true if message is a status message
{info} true if message is a info message
{warning} true if message is a warn message
{error} true if message is a error message