64 lines
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<menudefault x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%" fadetime="0">
<!-- IMPORTANT: menuitemwidth and determinatefont have to be defined here. menuitemwidth defines the total width of the
default menu items, determinatefont the function which sets the actual font to use. With that it is possible to determinate
the correct column widths -->
<menuitems x="0" y="0" orientation="vertical" width="100%" height="100%" align="center" menuitemwidth="94%" determinatefont="column1" numlistelements="16">
<!-- Available Variables default menu listelement:
{nummenuitem} number of item in list, starts with 1
{column1} text of column1
{column2} text of column2
{column3} text of column3
{column4} text of column4
{column5} text of column5
{column6} text of column6
{column2set} true if column2 is used
{column3set} true if column3 is used
{column4set} true if column4 is used
{column5set} true if column5 is used
{column6set} true if column6 is used
{column2x} proposed x value of column2
{column3x} proposed x value of column3
{column4x} proposed x value of column4
{column5x} proposed x value of column5
{column6x} proposed x value of column6
{column1width} proposed width of column1
{column2width} proposed width of column2
{column3width} proposed width of column3
{column4width} proposed width of column4
{column5width} proposed width of column5
{column6width} proposed width of column6
{column1pb} true if column 1 is a progressbar
{column6pb} true if column 6 is a progressbar
{column1pbtotalsize} total size of progressbar
{column6pbtotalsize} total size of progressbar
{column1pbsize} current size of progressbar
{column6pbsize} current size of progressbar
{current} true if column is currently selected
{separator} true if column is a list separator
A dynamic token is set to indicate the current menu category or the plugin which is currently running.
With that it is possible to display different default menus with an individual style.
If a setup menu is diplayed, the token
{setup} is set to true
For the commands menu
{commands} is set to true
The following tokens are set for the different other menu categiries:
{unknown} true if mcUndefined or mcUnknown is set
{channeledit} true if mcChannelEdit is set
{timeredit} true if mcTimerEdit is set
{recordinginfo} true if mcRecordingInfo is set
{recordingedit} true if mcRecordingEdit is set
{folder} true if mcFolder is set
{cam} true if mcCam is set
If a plugin is running, a token called as the name of the plugin is set to true
{pluginname} is set to true