#define __STL_CONFIG_H #include #include "openglosd.h" /**************************************************************************************** * Helpers ****************************************************************************************/ void ConvertColor(const GLint &colARGB, glm::vec4 &col) { col.a = ((colARGB & 0xFF000000) >> 24) / 255.0; col.r = ((colARGB & 0x00FF0000) >> 16) / 255.0; col.g = ((colARGB & 0x0000FF00) >> 8 ) / 255.0; col.b = ((colARGB & 0x000000FF) ) / 255.0; } /**************************************************************************************** * cShader ****************************************************************************************/ #ifdef CUVID const char *rectVertexShader = "#version 330 core \n\ \ layout (location = 0) in vec2 position; \ out vec4 rectCol; \ uniform vec4 inColor; \ uniform mat4 projection; \ \ void main() \ { \ gl_Position = projection * vec4(position.x, position.y, 0.0, 1.0); \ rectCol = inColor; \ } \ "; const char *rectFragmentShader = "#version 330 core \n\ \ in vec4 rectCol; \ out vec4 color; \ \ void main() \ { \ color = rectCol; \ } \ "; const char *textureVertexShader = "#version 330 core \n\ \ layout (location = 0) in vec2 position; \ layout (location = 1) in vec2 texCoords; \ \ out vec2 TexCoords; \ out vec4 alphaValue;\ \ uniform mat4 projection; \ uniform vec4 alpha; \ \ void main() \ { \ gl_Position = projection * vec4(position.x, position.y, 0.0, 1.0); \ TexCoords = texCoords; \ alphaValue = alpha; \ } \ "; const char *textureFragmentShader = "#version 330 core \n\ in vec2 TexCoords; \ in vec4 alphaValue; \ out vec4 color; \ \ uniform sampler2D screenTexture; \ \ void main() \ { \ color = texture(screenTexture, TexCoords) * alphaValue; \ } \ "; const char *textVertexShader = "#version 330 core \n\ \ layout (location = 0) in vec2 position; \ layout (location = 1) in vec2 texCoords; \ \ out vec2 TexCoords; \ out vec4 textColor; \ \ uniform mat4 projection; \ uniform vec4 inColor; \ \ void main() \ { \ gl_Position = projection * vec4(position.x, position.y, 0.0, 1.0); \ TexCoords = texCoords; \ textColor = inColor; \ } \ "; const char *textFragmentShader = "#version 330 core \n\ in vec2 TexCoords; \ in vec4 textColor; \ \ out vec4 color; \ \ uniform sampler2D glyphTexture; \ \ void main() \ { \ vec4 sampled = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, texture(glyphTexture, TexCoords).r); \ color = textColor * sampled; \ } \ "; #else const char *rectVertexShader = "\n \ \ layout (location = 0) in vec2 position; \ out vec4 rectCol; \ uniform vec4 inColor; \ uniform mat4 projection; \ \ void main() \ { \ gl_Position = projection * vec4(position.x, position.y, 0.0, 1.0); \ rectCol = inColor; \ } \ "; const char *rectFragmentShader = "\n \ \ precision mediump float; \ in vec4 rectCol; \ out vec4 color; \ \ void main() \ { \ color = rectCol; \ } \ "; const char *textureVertexShader = "\n \ \ layout (location = 0) in vec2 position; \ layout (location = 1) in vec2 texCoords; \ \ out vec2 TexCoords; \ out vec4 alphaValue;\ \ uniform mat4 projection; \ uniform vec4 alpha; \ \ void main() \ { \ gl_Position = projection * vec4(position.x, position.y, 0.0, 1.0); \ TexCoords = texCoords; \ alphaValue = alpha; \ } \ "; const char *textureFragmentShader = "\n \ precision mediump float; \ in vec2 TexCoords; \ in vec4 alphaValue; \ out vec4 color; \ \ uniform sampler2D screenTexture; \ \ void main() \ { \ color = texture(screenTexture, TexCoords) * alphaValue; \ } \ "; const char *textVertexShader = "\n \ \ layout (location = 0) in vec2 position; \ layout (location = 1) in vec2 texCoords; \ \ out vec2 TexCoords; \ out vec4 textColor; \ \ uniform mat4 projection; \ uniform vec4 inColor; \ \ void main() \ { \ gl_Position = projection * vec4(position.x, position.y, 0.0, 1.0); \ TexCoords = texCoords; \ textColor = inColor; \ } \ "; const char *textFragmentShader = "\n \ precision mediump float; \ in vec2 TexCoords; \ in vec4 textColor; \ \ out vec4 color; \ \ uniform sampler2D glyphTexture; \ \ void main() \ { \ vec4 sampled = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, texture(glyphTexture, TexCoords).r); \ color = textColor * sampled; \ } \ "; #endif static cShader *Shaders[stCount]; void cShader::Use(void) { glUseProgram(id); } bool cShader::Load(eShaderType type) { this->type = type; const char *vertexCode = NULL; const char *fragmentCode = NULL; switch (type) { case stRect: vertexCode = rectVertexShader; fragmentCode = rectFragmentShader; break; case stTexture: vertexCode = textureVertexShader; fragmentCode = textureFragmentShader; break; case stText: vertexCode = textVertexShader; fragmentCode = textFragmentShader; break; default: esyslog("[softhddev]unknown shader type\n"); break; } if (vertexCode == NULL || fragmentCode == NULL) { esyslog("[softhddev]ERROR reading shader\n"); return false; } if (!Compile(vertexCode, fragmentCode)) { esyslog("[softhddev]ERROR compiling shader\n"); return false; } return true; } void cShader::SetFloat(const GLchar *name, GLfloat value) { glUniform1f(glGetUniformLocation(id, name), value); } void cShader::SetInteger(const GLchar *name, GLint value) { glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(id, name), value); } void cShader::SetVector2f(const GLchar *name, GLfloat x, GLfloat y) { glUniform2f(glGetUniformLocation(id, name), x, y); } void cShader::SetVector3f(const GLchar *name, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z) { glUniform3f(glGetUniformLocation(id, name), x, y, z); } void cShader::SetVector4f(const GLchar *name, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w) { glUniform4f(glGetUniformLocation(id, name), x, y, z, w); } void cShader::SetMatrix4(const GLchar *name, const glm::mat4 &matrix) { glUniformMatrix4fv(glGetUniformLocation(id, name), 1, GL_FALSE, glm::value_ptr(matrix)); } bool cShader::Compile(const char *vertexCode, const char *fragmentCode) { GLuint sVertex, sFragment; // Vertex Shader sVertex = glCreateShader(GL_VERTEX_SHADER); glShaderSource(sVertex, 1, &vertexCode, NULL); glCompileShader(sVertex); // esyslog("[softhddev]:SHADER:VERTEX %s\n",vertexCode); if (!CheckCompileErrors(sVertex)) return false; // Fragment Shader sFragment = glCreateShader(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER); glShaderSource(sFragment, 1, &fragmentCode, NULL); glCompileShader(sFragment); // esyslog("[softhddev]:SHADER:FRAGMENT %s\n",fragmentCode); if (!CheckCompileErrors(sFragment)) return false; // link Program id = glCreateProgram(); glAttachShader(id, sVertex); glAttachShader(id, sFragment); glLinkProgram(id); if (!CheckCompileErrors(id, true)) return false; // Delete the shaders as they're linked into our program now and no longer necessery glDeleteShader(sVertex); glDeleteShader(sFragment); return true; } bool cShader::CheckCompileErrors(GLuint object, bool program) { GLint success; GLchar infoLog[1024]; if (!program) { glGetShaderiv(object, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &success); if (!success) { glGetShaderInfoLog(object, 1024, NULL, infoLog); esyslog("[softhddev]:SHADER: Compile-time error: Type: %d - \n%s\n", type, infoLog); return false; } } else { glGetProgramiv(object, GL_LINK_STATUS, &success); if (!success) { glGetProgramInfoLog(object, 1024, NULL, infoLog); esyslog("[softhddev]:SHADER: Link-time error: Type: %d - \n%s\n", type, infoLog); return false; } } return true; } #define KERNING_UNKNOWN (-10000) /**************************************************************************************** * cOglGlyph ****************************************************************************************/ cOglGlyph::cOglGlyph(uint charCode, FT_BitmapGlyph ftGlyph) { this->charCode = charCode; bearingLeft = ftGlyph->left; bearingTop = ftGlyph->top; width = ftGlyph->bitmap.width; height = ftGlyph->bitmap.rows; advanceX = ftGlyph->root.advance.x >> 16; //value in 1/2^16 pixel LoadTexture(ftGlyph); } cOglGlyph::~cOglGlyph(void) { } int cOglGlyph::GetKerningCache(uint prevSym) { for (int i = kerningCache.Size(); --i > 0; ) { if (kerningCache[i].prevSym == prevSym) return kerningCache[i].kerning; } return KERNING_UNKNOWN; } void cOglGlyph::SetKerningCache(uint prevSym, int kerning) { kerningCache.Append(tKerning(prevSym, kerning)); } void cOglGlyph::BindTexture(void) { glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture); } void cOglGlyph::LoadTexture(FT_BitmapGlyph ftGlyph) { // Disable byte-alignment restriction glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1); glGenTextures(1, &texture); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture); glTexImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RED, ftGlyph->bitmap.width, ftGlyph->bitmap.rows, 0, GL_RED, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, ftGlyph->bitmap.buffer ); // Set texture options glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 4); } /**************************************************************************************** * cOglFont ****************************************************************************************/ FT_Library cOglFont::ftLib = 0; cList *cOglFont::fonts = 0; bool cOglFont::initiated = false; cOglFont::cOglFont(const char *fontName, int charHeight) : name(fontName) { size = charHeight; height = 0; bottom = 0; int error = FT_New_Face(ftLib, fontName, 0, &face); if (error) esyslog("[softhddev]ERROR: failed to open %s!", *name); FT_Set_Char_Size(face, 0, charHeight * 64, 0, 0); height = (face->size->metrics.ascender - face->size->metrics.descender + 63) / 64; bottom = abs((face->size->metrics.descender - 63) / 64); } cOglFont::~cOglFont(void) { FT_Done_Face(face); } cOglFont *cOglFont::Get(const char *name, int charHeight) { if (!fonts) Init(); cOglFont *font; for (font = fonts->First(); font; font = fonts->Next(font)) if (!strcmp(font->Name(), name) && charHeight == font->Size()) { return font; } font = new cOglFont(name, charHeight); fonts->Add(font); return font; } void cOglFont::Init(void) { fonts = new cList; if (FT_Init_FreeType(&ftLib)) esyslog("[softhddev]failed to initialize FreeType library!"); initiated = true; } void cOglFont::Cleanup(void) { if (!initiated) return; delete fonts; fonts = 0; if (FT_Done_FreeType(ftLib)) esyslog("failed to deinitialize FreeType library!"); } cOglGlyph* cOglFont::Glyph(uint charCode) const { // Non-breaking space: if (charCode == 0xA0) charCode = 0x20; // Lookup in cache: for (cOglGlyph *g = glyphCache.First(); g; g = glyphCache.Next(g)) { if (g->CharCode() == charCode) { return g; } } FT_UInt glyph_index = FT_Get_Char_Index(face, charCode); FT_Int32 loadFlags = FT_LOAD_NO_BITMAP; // Load glyph image into the slot (erase previous one): int error = FT_Load_Glyph(face, glyph_index, loadFlags); if (error) { esyslog("[softhddev]FT_Error (0x%02x) : %s\n", FT_Errors[error].code, FT_Errors[error].message); return NULL; } FT_Glyph ftGlyph; FT_Stroker stroker; error = FT_Stroker_New( ftLib, &stroker ); if (error) { esyslog("[softhddev]FT_Stroker_New FT_Error (0x%02x) : %s\n", FT_Errors[error].code, FT_Errors[error].message); return NULL; } float outlineWidth = 0.25f; FT_Stroker_Set(stroker, (int)(outlineWidth * 64), FT_STROKER_LINECAP_ROUND, FT_STROKER_LINEJOIN_ROUND, 0); error = FT_Get_Glyph(face->glyph, &ftGlyph); if (error) { esyslog("[softhddev]FT_Get_Glyph FT_Error (0x%02x) : %s\n", FT_Errors[error].code, FT_Errors[error].message); return NULL; } error = FT_Glyph_StrokeBorder( &ftGlyph, stroker, 0, 1 ); if ( error ) { esyslog("[softhddev]FT_Glyph_StrokeBorder FT_Error (0x%02x) : %s\n", FT_Errors[error].code, FT_Errors[error].message); return NULL; } FT_Stroker_Done(stroker); error = FT_Glyph_To_Bitmap( &ftGlyph, FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL, 0, 1); if (error) { esyslog("[softhddev]FT_Glyph_To_Bitmap FT_Error (0x%02x) : %s\n", FT_Errors[error].code, FT_Errors[error].message); return NULL; } cOglGlyph *Glyph = new cOglGlyph(charCode, (FT_BitmapGlyph)ftGlyph); glyphCache.Add(Glyph); FT_Done_Glyph(ftGlyph); return Glyph; } int cOglFont::Kerning(cOglGlyph *glyph, uint prevSym) const { int kerning = 0; if (glyph && prevSym) { kerning = glyph->GetKerningCache(prevSym); if (kerning == KERNING_UNKNOWN) { FT_Vector delta; FT_UInt glyph_index = FT_Get_Char_Index(face, glyph->CharCode()); FT_UInt glyph_index_prev = FT_Get_Char_Index(face, prevSym); FT_Get_Kerning(face, glyph_index_prev, glyph_index, FT_KERNING_DEFAULT, &delta); kerning = delta.x / 64; glyph->SetKerningCache(prevSym, kerning); } } return kerning; } /**************************************************************************************** * cOglFb ****************************************************************************************/ cOglFb::cOglFb(GLint width, GLint height, GLint viewPortWidth, GLint viewPortHeight) { initiated = false; fb = 0; texture = 0; this->width = width; this->height = height; this->viewPortWidth = viewPortWidth; this->viewPortHeight = viewPortHeight; if (width != viewPortWidth || height != viewPortHeight) scrollable = true; else scrollable = false; } cOglFb::~cOglFb(void) { if (texture) glDeleteTextures(1, &texture); if (fb) glDeleteFramebuffers(1, &fb); } bool cOglFb::Init(void) { initiated = true; glGenTextures(1, &texture); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture); glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, width, height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, NULL); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER); glGenFramebuffers(1, &fb); glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, fb); glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture, 0); if(glCheckFramebufferStatus(GL_FRAMEBUFFER) != GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE) { esyslog("[softhddev]ERROR: %d Framebuffer is not complete!\n",__LINE__); return false; } return true; } void cOglFb::Bind(void) { if (!initiated) Init(); glViewport(0, 0, width, height); glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, fb); } void cOglFb::BindRead(void) { glBindFramebuffer(GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, fb); } void cOglFb::BindWrite(void) { glBindFramebuffer(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, fb); } void cOglFb::Unbind(void) { glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0); } bool cOglFb::BindTexture(void) { if (!initiated) return false; glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture); return true; } void cOglFb::Blit(GLint destX1, GLint destY1, GLint destX2, GLint destY2) { glBlitFramebuffer(0, 0, width, height, destX1, destY1, destX2, destY2, GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, GL_NEAREST); glFlush(); } /**************************************************************************************** * cOglOutputFb ****************************************************************************************/ cOglOutputFb::cOglOutputFb(GLint width, GLint height) : cOglFb(width, height, width, height) { // surface = 0; initiated = false; fb = 0; texture = 0; } cOglOutputFb::~cOglOutputFb(void) { // glVDPAUUnregisterSurfaceNV(surface); glDeleteTextures(1, &texture); glDeleteFramebuffers(1, &fb); } bool cOglOutputFb::Init(void) { initiated = true; glGenTextures(1, &texture); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture); glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, width, height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, NULL); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER); glGenFramebuffers(1, &fb); glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, fb); glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture, 0); if(glCheckFramebufferStatus(GL_FRAMEBUFFER) != GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE) { esyslog("[softhddev]ERROR::cOglOutputFb: Framebuffer is not complete!"); return false; } return true; } void cOglOutputFb::BindWrite(void) { if (!initiated) Init(); glBindFramebuffer(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, fb); } void cOglOutputFb::Unbind(void) { glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0); } /**************************************************************************************** * cOglVb ****************************************************************************************/ static cOglVb *VertexBuffers[vbCount]; cOglVb::cOglVb(int type) { this->type = (eVertexBufferType)type; vao = 0; vbo = 0; sizeVertex1 = 0; sizeVertex2 = 0; numVertices = 0; drawMode = 0; } cOglVb::~cOglVb(void) { } bool cOglVb::Init(void) { if (type == vbTexture) { // Texture VBO definition sizeVertex1 = 2; sizeVertex2 = 2; numVertices = 6; drawMode = GL_TRIANGLES; shader = stTexture; } else if (type == vbRect) { // Rectangle VBO definition sizeVertex1 = 2; sizeVertex2 = 0; numVertices = 4; drawMode = GL_TRIANGLE_FAN; shader = stRect; } else if (type == vbEllipse) { // Ellipse VBO definition sizeVertex1 = 2; sizeVertex2 = 0; numVertices = 182; drawMode = GL_TRIANGLE_FAN; shader = stRect; } else if (type == vbSlope) { // Slope VBO definition sizeVertex1 = 2; sizeVertex2 = 0; numVertices = 102; drawMode = GL_TRIANGLE_FAN; shader = stRect; } else if (type == vbText) { // Text VBO definition sizeVertex1 = 2; sizeVertex2 = 2; numVertices = 6; drawMode = GL_TRIANGLES; shader = stText; } glGenVertexArrays(1, &vao); glGenBuffers(1, &vbo); glBindVertexArray(vao); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo); glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(GLfloat) * (sizeVertex1 + sizeVertex2) * numVertices, NULL, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW); glEnableVertexAttribArray(0); glVertexAttribPointer(0, sizeVertex1, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, (sizeVertex1 + sizeVertex2) * sizeof(GLfloat), (GLvoid*)0); if (sizeVertex2 > 0) { glEnableVertexAttribArray(1); glVertexAttribPointer(1, sizeVertex2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, (sizeVertex1 + sizeVertex2) * sizeof(GLfloat), (GLvoid*)(sizeVertex1 * sizeof(GLfloat))); } glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); glBindVertexArray(0); return true; } void cOglVb::Bind(void) { glBindVertexArray(vao); } void cOglVb::Unbind(void) { glBindVertexArray(0); } void cOglVb::ActivateShader(void) { Shaders[shader]->Use(); } void cOglVb::EnableBlending(void) { glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFuncSeparate(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); } void cOglVb::DisableBlending(void) { glDisable(GL_BLEND); } void cOglVb::SetShaderColor(GLint color) { glm::vec4 col; ConvertColor(color, col); Shaders[shader]->SetVector4f("inColor", col.r, col.g, col.b, col.a); } void cOglVb::SetShaderAlpha(GLint alpha) { Shaders[shader]->SetVector4f("alpha", 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, (GLfloat)(alpha) / 255.0f); } void cOglVb::SetShaderProjectionMatrix(GLint width, GLint height) { glm::mat4 projection = glm::ortho(0.0f, (GLfloat)width, (GLfloat)height, 0.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f); Shaders[shader]->SetMatrix4("projection", projection); } void cOglVb::SetVertexData(GLfloat *vertices, int count) { if (count == 0) count = numVertices; glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo); glBufferSubData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, sizeof(GLfloat) * (sizeVertex1 + sizeVertex2) * count, vertices); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); } void cOglVb::DrawArrays(int count) { if (count == 0) count = numVertices; glDrawArrays(drawMode, 0, count); glFlush(); } /**************************************************************************************** * cOpenGLCmd ****************************************************************************************/ //------------------ cOglCmdInitOutputFb -------------------- cOglCmdInitOutputFb::cOglCmdInitOutputFb(cOglOutputFb *oFb) : cOglCmd(NULL) { this->oFb = oFb; } bool cOglCmdInitOutputFb::Execute(void) { bool ok = oFb->Init(); oFb->Unbind(); return ok; } //------------------ cOglCmdInitFb -------------------- cOglCmdInitFb::cOglCmdInitFb(cOglFb *fb, cCondWait *wait) : cOglCmd(fb) { this->wait = wait; } bool cOglCmdInitFb::Execute(void) { bool ok = fb->Init(); fb->Unbind(); if (wait) wait->Signal(); return ok; } //------------------ cOglCmdDeleteFb -------------------- cOglCmdDeleteFb::cOglCmdDeleteFb(cOglFb *fb) : cOglCmd(fb) { } bool cOglCmdDeleteFb::Execute(void) { if (fb) delete fb; return true; } //------------------ cOglCmdRenderFbToBufferFb -------------------- cOglCmdRenderFbToBufferFb::cOglCmdRenderFbToBufferFb(cOglFb *fb, cOglFb *buffer, GLint x, GLint y, GLint transparency, GLint drawPortX, GLint drawPortY) : cOglCmd(fb) { this->buffer = buffer; this->x = (GLfloat)x; this->y = (GLfloat)y; this->drawPortX = (GLfloat)drawPortX; this->drawPortY = (GLfloat)drawPortY; this->transparency = transparency; } bool cOglCmdRenderFbToBufferFb::Execute(void) { GLfloat x2 = x + fb->ViewportWidth(); //right GLfloat y2 = y + fb->ViewportHeight(); //bottom GLfloat texX1 = drawPortX / (GLfloat)fb->Width(); GLfloat texY1 = drawPortY / (GLfloat)fb->Height(); GLfloat texX2 = texX1 + 1.0f; GLfloat texY2 = texY1 + 1.0f; if (fb->Scrollable()) { GLfloat pageHeight = (GLfloat)fb->ViewportHeight() / (GLfloat)fb->Height(); texX1 = abs(drawPortX) / (GLfloat)fb->Width(); texY1 = 1.0f - pageHeight - abs(drawPortY) / (GLfloat)fb->Height(); texX2 = texX1 + (GLfloat)fb->ViewportWidth() / (GLfloat)fb->Width(); texY2 = texY1 + pageHeight; } GLfloat quadVertices[] = { // Pos // TexCoords x , y , texX1, texY2, //left top x , y2, texX1, texY1, //left bottom x2, y2, texX2, texY1, //right bottom x , y , texX1, texY2, //left top x2, y2, texX2, texY1, //right bottom x2, y , texX2, texY2 //right top }; VertexBuffers[vbTexture]->ActivateShader(); VertexBuffers[vbTexture]->SetShaderAlpha(transparency); VertexBuffers[vbTexture]->SetShaderProjectionMatrix(buffer->Width(), buffer->Height()); buffer->Bind(); if (!fb->BindTexture()) return false; VertexBuffers[vbTexture]->Bind(); VertexBuffers[vbTexture]->SetVertexData(quadVertices); VertexBuffers[vbTexture]->DrawArrays(); VertexBuffers[vbTexture]->Unbind(); buffer->Unbind(); return true; } //------------------ cOglCmdCopyBufferToOutputFb -------------------- cOglCmdCopyBufferToOutputFb::cOglCmdCopyBufferToOutputFb(cOglFb *fb, cOglOutputFb *oFb, GLint x, GLint y) : cOglCmd(fb) { this->oFb = oFb; this->x = x; this->y = y; } extern unsigned char *posd; bool cOglCmdCopyBufferToOutputFb::Execute(void) { int i; pthread_mutex_lock(&OSDMutex); fb->BindRead(); oFb->BindWrite(); // glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); //#ifdef PLACEBO glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1); glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, 1); if (posd) glReadPixels(0, 0 ,fb->Width(), fb->Height(),GL_RGBA,GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,posd); //#else #if 0 fb->Blit(x, y + fb->Height(), x + fb->Width(), y); glFlush(); #endif ActivateOsd(oFb->texture,x, y, fb->Width() ,fb->Height()); oFb->Unbind(); glFlush(); pthread_mutex_unlock(&OSDMutex); return true; } //------------------ cOglCmdFill -------------------- cOglCmdFill::cOglCmdFill(cOglFb *fb, GLint color) : cOglCmd(fb) { this->color = color; } bool cOglCmdFill::Execute(void) { glm::vec4 col; ConvertColor(color, col); fb->Bind(); glClearColor(col.r, col.g, col.b, col.a); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); fb->Unbind(); return true; } //------------------ cOglCmdDrawRectangle -------------------- cOglCmdDrawRectangle::cOglCmdDrawRectangle( cOglFb *fb, GLint x, GLint y, GLint width, GLint height, GLint color) : cOglCmd(fb) { this->x = x; this->y = y; this->width = width; this->height = height; this->color = color; } bool cOglCmdDrawRectangle::Execute(void) { GLfloat x1 = x; GLfloat y1 = y; GLfloat x2 = x + width; GLfloat y2 = y + height; GLfloat vertices[] = { x1, y1, //left top x2, y1, //right top x2, y2, //right bottom x1, y2 //left bottom }; VertexBuffers[vbRect]->ActivateShader(); VertexBuffers[vbRect]->SetShaderColor(color); VertexBuffers[vbRect]->SetShaderProjectionMatrix(fb->Width(), fb->Height()); fb->Bind(); VertexBuffers[vbRect]->DisableBlending(); VertexBuffers[vbRect]->Bind(); VertexBuffers[vbRect]->SetVertexData(vertices); VertexBuffers[vbRect]->DrawArrays(); VertexBuffers[vbRect]->Unbind(); VertexBuffers[vbRect]->EnableBlending(); fb->Unbind(); return true; } //------------------ cOglCmdDrawEllipse -------------------- ///quadrants: ///< 0 draws the entire ellipse ///< 1..4 draws only the first, second, third or fourth quadrant, respectively ///< 5..8 draws the right, top, left or bottom half, respectively ///< -1..-4 draws the inverted part of the given quadrant cOglCmdDrawEllipse::cOglCmdDrawEllipse( cOglFb *fb, GLint x, GLint y, GLint width, GLint height, GLint color, GLint quadrants) : cOglCmd(fb) { this->x = x; this->y = y; this->width = width; this->height = height; this->color = color; this->quadrants = quadrants; } bool cOglCmdDrawEllipse::Execute(void) { int numVertices = 0; GLfloat *vertices = NULL; switch (quadrants) { case 0: vertices = CreateVerticesFull(numVertices); break; case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case -1: case -2: case -3: case -4: vertices = CreateVerticesQuadrant(numVertices); break; case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: vertices = CreateVerticesHalf(numVertices); break; default: break; } VertexBuffers[vbEllipse]->ActivateShader(); VertexBuffers[vbEllipse]->SetShaderColor(color); VertexBuffers[vbEllipse]->SetShaderProjectionMatrix(fb->Width(), fb->Height()); // not antialiased fb->Bind(); VertexBuffers[vbEllipse]->DisableBlending(); VertexBuffers[vbEllipse]->Bind(); VertexBuffers[vbEllipse]->SetVertexData(vertices, numVertices); VertexBuffers[vbEllipse]->DrawArrays(numVertices); VertexBuffers[vbEllipse]->Unbind(); VertexBuffers[vbEllipse]->EnableBlending(); fb->Unbind(); delete[] vertices; return true; } GLfloat *cOglCmdDrawEllipse::CreateVerticesFull(int &numVertices) { int size = 364; numVertices = size/2; GLfloat radiusX = (GLfloat)width/2; GLfloat radiusY = (GLfloat)height/2; GLfloat *vertices = new GLfloat[size]; vertices[0] = x + radiusX; vertices[1] = y + radiusY; for (int i=0; i <= 180; i++) { vertices[2*i+2] = x + radiusX + (GLfloat)cos(2*i * M_PI / 180.0f)*radiusX; vertices[2*i+3] = y + radiusY - (GLfloat)sin(2*i * M_PI / 180.0f)*radiusY; } return vertices; } GLfloat *cOglCmdDrawEllipse::CreateVerticesQuadrant(int &numVertices) { int size = 94; numVertices = size/2; GLfloat radiusX = (GLfloat)width; GLfloat radiusY = (GLfloat)height; GLint transX = 0; GLint transY = 0; GLint startAngle = 0; GLfloat *vertices = new GLfloat[size]; switch (quadrants) { case 1: vertices[0] = x; vertices[1] = y + height; transY = radiusY; break; case 2: vertices[0] = x + width; vertices[1] = y + height; transX = radiusX; transY = radiusY; startAngle = 90; break; case 3: vertices[0] = x + width; vertices[1] = y; transX = radiusX; startAngle = 180; break; case 4: vertices[0] = x; vertices[1] = y; startAngle = 270; break; case -1: vertices[0] = x + width; vertices[1] = y; transY = radiusY; break; case -2: vertices[0] = x; vertices[1] = y; transX = radiusX; transY = radiusY; startAngle = 90; break; case -3: vertices[0] = x; vertices[1] = y + height; transX = radiusX; startAngle = 180; break; case -4: vertices[0] = x + width; vertices[1] = y + height; startAngle = 270; break; default: break; } for (int i=0; i <= 45; i++) { vertices[2*i+2] = x + transX + (GLfloat)cos((2*i + startAngle) * M_PI / 180.0f)*radiusX; vertices[2*i+3] = y + transY - (GLfloat)sin((2*i + startAngle) * M_PI / 180.0f)*radiusY; } return vertices; } GLfloat *cOglCmdDrawEllipse::CreateVerticesHalf(int &numVertices) { int size = 184; numVertices = size/2; GLfloat radiusX = 0.0f; GLfloat radiusY = 0.0f; GLint transX = 0; GLint transY = 0; GLint startAngle = 0; GLfloat *vertices = new GLfloat[size]; switch (quadrants) { case 5: radiusX = (GLfloat)width; radiusY = (GLfloat)height/2; vertices[0] = x; vertices[1] = y + radiusY; startAngle = 270; transY = radiusY; break; case 6: radiusX = (GLfloat)width/2; radiusY = (GLfloat)height; vertices[0] = x + radiusX; vertices[1] = y + radiusY; startAngle = 0; transX = radiusX; transY = radiusY; break; case 7: radiusX = (GLfloat)width; radiusY = (GLfloat)height/2; vertices[0] = x + radiusX; vertices[1] = y + radiusY; startAngle = 90; transX = radiusX; transY = radiusY; break; case 8: radiusX = (GLfloat)width/2; radiusY = (GLfloat)height; vertices[0] = x + radiusX; vertices[1] = y; startAngle = 180; transX = radiusX; break; default: break; } for (int i=0; i <= 90; i++) { vertices[2*i+2] = x + transX + (GLfloat)cos((2*i + startAngle) * M_PI / 180.0f)*radiusX; vertices[2*i+3] = y + transY - (GLfloat)sin((2*i + startAngle) * M_PI / 180.0f)*radiusY; } return vertices; } //------------------ cOglCmdDrawSlope -------------------- ///type: ///< 0: horizontal, rising, lower ///< 1: horizontal, rising, upper ///< 2: horizontal, falling, lower ///< 3: horizontal, falling, upper ///< 4: vertical, rising, lower ///< 5: vertical, rising, upper ///< 6: vertical, falling, lower ///< 7: vertical, falling, upper cOglCmdDrawSlope::cOglCmdDrawSlope( cOglFb *fb, GLint x, GLint y, GLint width, GLint height, GLint color, GLint type) : cOglCmd(fb) { this->x = x; this->y = y; this->width = width; this->height = height; this->color = color; this->type = type; } bool cOglCmdDrawSlope::Execute(void) { bool falling = type & 0x02; bool vertical = type & 0x04; int steps = 100; if (width < 100) steps = 25; int numVertices = steps + 2; GLfloat *vertices = new GLfloat[numVertices*2]; switch (type) { case 0: case 4: vertices[0] = (GLfloat)(x + width); vertices[1] = (GLfloat)(y + height); break; case 1: case 5: vertices[0] = (GLfloat)x; vertices[1] = (GLfloat)y; break; case 2: case 6: vertices[0] = (GLfloat)x; vertices[1] = (GLfloat)(y + height); break; case 3: case 7: vertices[0] = (GLfloat)(x + width); vertices[1] = (GLfloat)y; break; default: vertices[0] = (GLfloat)(x); vertices[1] = (GLfloat)(y); break; } for (int i = 0; i <= steps; i++) { GLfloat c = cos(i * M_PI / steps); if (falling) c = -c; if (vertical) { vertices[2*i+2] = (GLfloat)x + (GLfloat)width / 2.0f + (GLfloat)width * c / 2.0f; vertices[2*i+3] = (GLfloat)y + (GLfloat)i * ((GLfloat)height) / steps ; } else { vertices[2*i+2] = (GLfloat)x + (GLfloat)i * ((GLfloat)width) / steps ; vertices[2*i+3] = (GLfloat)y + (GLfloat)height / 2.0f + (GLfloat)height * c / 2.0f; } } VertexBuffers[vbSlope]->ActivateShader(); VertexBuffers[vbSlope]->SetShaderColor(color); VertexBuffers[vbSlope]->SetShaderProjectionMatrix(fb->Width(), fb->Height()); // not antialiased fb->Bind(); VertexBuffers[vbSlope]->DisableBlending(); VertexBuffers[vbSlope]->Bind(); VertexBuffers[vbSlope]->SetVertexData(vertices, numVertices); VertexBuffers[vbSlope]->DrawArrays(numVertices); VertexBuffers[vbSlope]->Unbind(); VertexBuffers[vbSlope]->EnableBlending(); fb->Unbind(); delete[] vertices; return true; } //------------------ cOglCmdDrawText -------------------- cOglCmdDrawText::cOglCmdDrawText( cOglFb *fb, GLint x, GLint y, unsigned int *symbols, GLint limitX, const char *name, int fontSize, tColor colorText) : cOglCmd(fb), fontName(name) { this->x = x; this->y = y; this->limitX = limitX; this->colorText = colorText; this->fontSize = fontSize; this->symbols = symbols; } cOglCmdDrawText::~cOglCmdDrawText(void) { free(symbols); } bool cOglCmdDrawText::Execute(void) { cOglFont *f = cOglFont::Get(*fontName, fontSize); if (!f) return false; VertexBuffers[vbText]->ActivateShader(); VertexBuffers[vbText]->SetShaderColor(colorText); VertexBuffers[vbText]->SetShaderProjectionMatrix(fb->Width(), fb->Height()); fb->Bind(); VertexBuffers[vbText]->Bind(); int xGlyph = x; int fontHeight = f->Height(); int bottom = f->Bottom(); uint sym = 0; uint prevSym = 0; int kerning = 0; for (int i = 0; symbols[i]; i++) { sym = symbols[i]; cOglGlyph *g = f->Glyph(sym); if (!g) { esyslog("[softhddev]ERROR: could not load glyph %x", sym); } if ( limitX && xGlyph + g->AdvanceX() > limitX ) break; kerning = f->Kerning(g, prevSym); prevSym = sym; GLfloat x1 = xGlyph + kerning + g->BearingLeft(); //left GLfloat y1 = y + (fontHeight - bottom - g->BearingTop()); //top GLfloat x2 = x1 + g->Width(); //right GLfloat y2 = y1 + g->Height(); //bottom GLfloat vertices[] = { x1, y2, 0.0, 1.0, // left bottom x1, y1, 0.0, 0.0, // left top x2, y1, 1.0, 0.0, // right top x1, y2, 0.0, 1.0, // left bottom x2, y1, 1.0, 0.0, // right top x2, y2, 1.0, 1.0 // right bottom }; g->BindTexture(); VertexBuffers[vbText]->SetVertexData(vertices); VertexBuffers[vbText]->DrawArrays(); xGlyph += kerning + g->AdvanceX(); if ( xGlyph > fb->Width() - 1 ) break; } glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0); VertexBuffers[vbText]->Unbind(); fb->Unbind(); return true; } //------------------ cOglCmdDrawImage -------------------- cOglCmdDrawImage::cOglCmdDrawImage(cOglFb *fb, tColor *argb, GLint width, GLint height, GLint x, GLint y, bool overlay, double scaleX, double scaleY): cOglCmd(fb) { this->argb = argb; this->x = x; this->y = y; this->width = width; this->height = height; this->overlay = overlay; this->scaleX = scaleX; this->scaleY = scaleY; } cOglCmdDrawImage::~cOglCmdDrawImage(void) { free(argb); } bool cOglCmdDrawImage::Execute(void) { GLuint texture; glGenTextures(1, &texture); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture); glTexImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA8, width, height, 0, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV, argb ); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0); GLfloat x1 = x; //left GLfloat y1 = y; //top GLfloat x2 = x + width; //right GLfloat y2 = y + height; //bottom GLfloat quadVertices[] = { x1, y2, 0.0, 1.0, // left bottom x1, y1, 0.0, 0.0, // left top x2, y1, 1.0, 0.0, // right top x1, y2, 0.0, 1.0, // left bottom x2, y1, 1.0, 0.0, // right top x2, y2, 1.0, 1.0 // right bottom }; VertexBuffers[vbTexture]->ActivateShader(); VertexBuffers[vbTexture]->SetShaderAlpha(255); VertexBuffers[vbTexture]->SetShaderProjectionMatrix(fb->Width(), fb->Height()); fb->Bind(); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture); if (overlay) VertexBuffers[vbTexture]->DisableBlending(); VertexBuffers[vbTexture]->Bind(); VertexBuffers[vbTexture]->SetVertexData(quadVertices); VertexBuffers[vbTexture]->DrawArrays(); VertexBuffers[vbTexture]->Unbind(); if (overlay) VertexBuffers[vbTexture]->EnableBlending(); fb->Unbind(); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0); glDeleteTextures(1, &texture); return true; } //------------------ cOglCmdDrawTexture -------------------- cOglCmdDrawTexture::cOglCmdDrawTexture(cOglFb *fb, sOglImage *imageRef, GLint x, GLint y): cOglCmd(fb) { this->imageRef = imageRef; this->x = x; this->y = y; } bool cOglCmdDrawTexture::Execute(void) { GLfloat x1 = x; //top GLfloat y1 = y; //left GLfloat x2 = x + imageRef->width; //right GLfloat y2 = y + imageRef->height; //bottom GLfloat quadVertices[] = { // Pos // TexCoords x1, y1, 0.0f, 0.0f, //left bottom x1, y2, 0.0f, 1.0f, //left top x2, y2, 1.0f, 1.0f, //right top x1, y1, 0.0f, 0.0f, //left bottom x2, y2, 1.0f, 1.0f, //right top x2, y1, 1.0f, 0.0f //right bottom }; VertexBuffers[vbTexture]->ActivateShader(); VertexBuffers[vbTexture]->SetShaderAlpha(255); VertexBuffers[vbTexture]->SetShaderProjectionMatrix(fb->Width(), fb->Height()); fb->Bind(); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, imageRef->texture); VertexBuffers[vbTexture]->Bind(); VertexBuffers[vbTexture]->SetVertexData(quadVertices); VertexBuffers[vbTexture]->DrawArrays(); VertexBuffers[vbTexture]->Unbind(); fb->Unbind(); return true; } //------------------ cOglCmdStoreImage -------------------- cOglCmdStoreImage::cOglCmdStoreImage(sOglImage *imageRef, tColor *argb) : cOglCmd(NULL) { this->imageRef = imageRef; data = argb; } cOglCmdStoreImage::~cOglCmdStoreImage(void) { free(data); } bool cOglCmdStoreImage::Execute(void) { glGenTextures(1, &imageRef->texture); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, imageRef->texture); glTexImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA8, imageRef->width, imageRef->height, 0, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV, data ); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0); return true; } //------------------ cOglCmdDropImage -------------------- cOglCmdDropImage::cOglCmdDropImage(sOglImage *imageRef, cCondWait *wait) : cOglCmd(NULL) { this->imageRef = imageRef; this->wait = wait; } bool cOglCmdDropImage::Execute(void) { if (imageRef->texture != GL_NONE) glDeleteTextures(1, &imageRef->texture); wait->Signal(); return true; } /****************************************************************************** * cOglThread ******************************************************************************/ cOglThread::cOglThread(cCondWait *startWait, int maxCacheSize) : cThread("oglThread") { stalled = false; memCached = 0; this->maxCacheSize = maxCacheSize * 1024 * 1024; this->startWait = startWait; wait = new cCondWait(); maxTextureSize = 0; for (int i = 0; i < OGL_MAX_OSDIMAGES; i++) { imageCache[i].used = false; imageCache[i].texture = GL_NONE; imageCache[i].width = 0; imageCache[i].height = 0; } Start(); } cOglThread::~cOglThread() { delete wait; wait = NULL; } void cOglThread::Stop(void) { for (int i = 0; i < OGL_MAX_OSDIMAGES; i++) { if (imageCache[i].used) { DropImageData(i); } } Cancel(2); stalled = false; } void cOglThread::DoCmd(cOglCmd* cmd) { while (stalled) cCondWait::SleepMs(10); bool doSignal = false; Lock(); if (commands.size() == 0) doSignal = true; commands.push(cmd); Unlock(); if (commands.size() > OGL_CMDQUEUE_SIZE) { stalled = true; } if (doSignal || stalled) wait->Signal(); } int cOglThread::StoreImage(const cImage &image) { if (image.Width() > maxTextureSize || image.Height() > maxTextureSize) { esyslog("[softhddev] cannot store image of %dpx x %dpx " "(maximum size is %dpx x %dpx) - falling back to " "cOsdProvider::StoreImageData()", image.Width(), image.Height(), maxTextureSize, maxTextureSize); return 0; } int imgSize = image.Width() * image.Height(); int newMemUsed = imgSize * sizeof(tColor) + memCached; if (newMemUsed > maxCacheSize) { float cachedMB = memCached / 1024.0f / 1024.0f; float maxMB = maxCacheSize / 1024.0f / 1024.0f; esyslog("[softhddev]Maximum size for GPU cache reached. Used: %.2fMB Max: %.2fMB", cachedMB, maxMB); return 0; } int slot = GetFreeSlot(); if (!slot) return 0; tColor *argb = MALLOC(tColor, imgSize); if (!argb) { esyslog("[softhddev]memory allocation of %ld kb for OSD image failed", (imgSize * sizeof(tColor)) / 1024); ClearSlot(slot); slot = 0; return 0; } memcpy(argb, image.Data(), sizeof(tColor) * imgSize); sOglImage *imageRef = GetImageRef(slot); imageRef->width = image.Width(); imageRef->height = image.Height(); DoCmd(new cOglCmdStoreImage(imageRef, argb)); cTimeMs timer(5000); while (imageRef->used && imageRef->texture == 0 && !timer.TimedOut()) cCondWait::SleepMs(2); if (imageRef->texture == GL_NONE) { esyslog("[softhddev]failed to store OSD image texture! (%s)", timer.TimedOut() ? "timed out" : "allocation failed"); DropImageData(slot); slot = 0; } memCached += imgSize * sizeof(tColor); return slot; } int cOglThread::GetFreeSlot(void) { Lock(); int slot = 0; for (int i = 0; i < OGL_MAX_OSDIMAGES && !slot; i++) { if (!imageCache[i].used) { imageCache[i].used = true; slot = -i - 1; } } Unlock(); return slot; } void cOglThread::ClearSlot(int slot) { int i = -slot - 1; if (i >= 0 && i < OGL_MAX_OSDIMAGES) { Lock(); imageCache[i].used = false; imageCache[i].texture = GL_NONE; imageCache[i].width = 0; imageCache[i].height = 0; Unlock(); } } sOglImage *cOglThread::GetImageRef(int slot) { int i = -slot - 1; if (0 <= i && i < OGL_MAX_OSDIMAGES) return &imageCache[i]; return 0; } void cOglThread::DropImageData(int imageHandle) { sOglImage *imageRef = GetImageRef(imageHandle); if (!imageRef) return; int imgSize = imageRef->width * imageRef->height * sizeof(tColor); memCached -= imgSize; cCondWait dropWait; DoCmd(new cOglCmdDropImage(imageRef, &dropWait)); dropWait.Wait(); ClearSlot(imageHandle); } void cOglThread::Action(void) { if (!InitOpenGL()) { esyslog("[softhddev]Could not initiate OpenGL Context"); Cleanup(); startWait->Signal(); return; } dsyslog("[softhddev]OpenGL Context initialized"); if (!InitShaders()) { esyslog("[softhddev]Could not initiate Shaders"); Cleanup(); startWait->Signal(); return; } dsyslog("[softhddev]Shaders initialized"); if (!InitVdpauInterop()) { esyslog("[softhddev]: vdpau interop NOT initialized"); Cleanup(); startWait->Signal(); return; } dsyslog("[softhddev]vdpau interop initialized"); if (!InitVertexBuffers()) { esyslog("[softhddev]: Vertex Buffers NOT initialized"); Cleanup(); startWait->Signal(); return; } dsyslog("[softhddev]Vertex buffers initialized"); glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, &maxTextureSize); dsyslog("[softhddev]Maximum Pixmap size: %dx%dpx", maxTextureSize, maxTextureSize); //now Thread is ready to do his job startWait->Signal(); stalled = false; while(Running()) { if (commands.empty()) { wait->Wait(20); continue; } Lock(); cOglCmd* cmd = commands.front(); commands.pop(); Unlock(); // uint64_t start = cTimeMs::Now(); cmd->Execute(); // esyslog("[softhddev]\"%s\", %dms, %d commands left, time %" PRIu64 "", cmd->Description(), (int)(cTimeMs::Now() - start), commands.size(), cTimeMs::Now()); delete cmd; if (stalled && commands.size() < OGL_CMDQUEUE_SIZE / 2) stalled = false; } dsyslog("[softhddev]Cleaning up OpenGL stuff"); Cleanup(); dsyslog("[softhddev]OpenGL Worker Thread Ended"); } extern "C" int GlxInitopengl(); bool cOglThread::InitOpenGL(void) { const char *displayName = X11DisplayName; if (!displayName) { displayName = getenv("DISPLAY"); if (!displayName) { displayName = ":0.0"; } } dsyslog("[softhddev]OpenGL using display %s", displayName); int argc = 3; char* buffer[3]; buffer[0] = strdup("openglosd"); buffer[1] = strdup("-display"); buffer[2] = strdup(displayName); char **argv = buffer; glutInit(&argc, argv); glutInitDisplayMode (GLUT_SINGLE | GLUT_RGBA | GLUT_ALPHA); glutInitWindowSize (1, 1); glutInitWindowPosition (0, 0); glutCreateWindow("openglosd"); glutHideWindow(); free(buffer[0]); free(buffer[1]); free(buffer[2]); GLenum err = glewInit(); if( err != GLEW_OK) { esyslog("[softhddev]glewInit failed, aborting\n"); return false; } VertexBuffers[vbText]->EnableBlending(); glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); return true; } bool cOglThread::InitShaders(void) { for (int i=0; i < stCount; i++) { cShader *shader = new cShader(); if (!shader->Load((eShaderType)i)) return false; Shaders[i] = shader; } return true; } void cOglThread::DeleteShaders(void) { for (int i=0; i < stCount; i++) delete Shaders[i]; } bool cOglThread::InitVdpauInterop(void) { #if 0 void *vdpDevice = GetVDPAUDevice(); void *procAdress = GetVDPAUProcAdress(); while (glGetError() != GL_NO_ERROR); glVDPAUInitNV(vdpDevice, procAdress); if (glGetError() != GL_NO_ERROR) return false; #endif return true; } bool cOglThread::InitVertexBuffers(void) { for (int i=0; i < vbCount; i++) { cOglVb *vb = new cOglVb(i); if (!vb->Init()) return false; VertexBuffers[i] = vb; } return true; } void cOglThread::DeleteVertexBuffers(void) { for (int i=0; i < vbCount; i++) { delete VertexBuffers[i]; } } void cOglThread::Cleanup(void) { esyslog("[softhddev]OglThread cleanup\n"); pthread_mutex_lock(&OSDMutex); OsdClose(); DeleteVertexBuffers(); delete cOglOsd::oFb; cOglOsd::oFb = NULL; DeleteShaders(); // glVDPAUFiniNV(); cOglFont::Cleanup(); glutExit(); pthread_mutex_unlock(&OSDMutex); } /**************************************************************************************** * cOglPixmap ****************************************************************************************/ cOglPixmap::cOglPixmap(std::shared_ptr oglThread, int Layer, const cRect &ViewPort, const cRect &DrawPort) : cPixmap(Layer, ViewPort, DrawPort) { this->oglThread = oglThread; int width = DrawPort.IsEmpty() ? ViewPort.Width() : DrawPort.Width(); int height = DrawPort.IsEmpty() ? ViewPort.Height() : DrawPort.Height(); fb = new cOglFb(width, height, ViewPort.Width(), ViewPort.Height()); dirty = true; } cOglPixmap::~cOglPixmap(void) { if (!oglThread->Active()) return; oglThread->DoCmd(new cOglCmdDeleteFb(fb)); } void cOglPixmap::SetAlpha(int Alpha) { Alpha = constrain(Alpha, ALPHA_TRANSPARENT, ALPHA_OPAQUE); if (Alpha != cPixmap::Alpha()) { cPixmap::SetAlpha(Alpha); SetDirty(); } } void cOglPixmap::SetTile(bool Tile) { cPixmap::SetTile(Tile); SetDirty(); } void cOglPixmap::SetViewPort(const cRect &Rect) { cPixmap::SetViewPort(Rect); SetDirty(); } void cOglPixmap::SetDrawPortPoint(const cPoint &Point, bool Dirty) { cPixmap::SetDrawPortPoint(Point, Dirty); if (Dirty) SetDirty(); } void cOglPixmap::Clear(void) { if (!oglThread->Active()) return; LOCK_PIXMAPS; oglThread->DoCmd(new cOglCmdFill(fb, clrTransparent)); SetDirty(); MarkDrawPortDirty(DrawPort()); } void cOglPixmap::Fill(tColor Color) { if (!oglThread->Active()) return; LOCK_PIXMAPS; oglThread->DoCmd(new cOglCmdFill(fb, Color)); SetDirty(); MarkDrawPortDirty(DrawPort()); } void cOglPixmap::DrawImage(const cPoint &Point, const cImage &Image) { if (!oglThread->Active()) return; tColor *argb = MALLOC(tColor, Image.Width() * Image.Height()); if (!argb) return; memcpy(argb, Image.Data(), sizeof(tColor) * Image.Width() * Image.Height()); oglThread->DoCmd(new cOglCmdDrawImage(fb, argb, Image.Width(), Image.Height(), Point.X(), Point.Y())); SetDirty(); MarkDrawPortDirty(cRect(Point, cSize(Image.Width(), Image.Height())).Intersected(DrawPort().Size())); } void cOglPixmap::DrawImage(const cPoint &Point, int ImageHandle) { if (!oglThread->Active()) return; if (ImageHandle < 0 && oglThread->GetImageRef(ImageHandle)) { sOglImage *img = oglThread->GetImageRef(ImageHandle); oglThread->DoCmd(new cOglCmdDrawTexture(fb, img, Point.X(), Point.Y())); } /* Fallback to VDR implementation, needs to separate cSoftOsdProvider from softhddevice.cpp else { if (cSoftOsdProvider::GetImageData(ImageHandle)) DrawImage(Point, *cSoftOsdProvider::GetImageData(ImageHandle)); } */ SetDirty(); MarkDrawPortDirty(DrawPort()); } void cOglPixmap::DrawPixel(const cPoint &Point, tColor Color) { cRect r(Point.X(), Point.Y(), 1, 1); oglThread->DoCmd(new cOglCmdDrawRectangle(fb, r.X(), r.Y(), r.Width(), r.Height(), Color)); SetDirty(); MarkDrawPortDirty(r); } void cOglPixmap::DrawBitmap(const cPoint &Point, const cBitmap &Bitmap, tColor ColorFg, tColor ColorBg, bool Overlay) { if (!oglThread->Active()) return; LOCK_PIXMAPS; bool specialColors = ColorFg || ColorBg; tColor *argb = MALLOC(tColor, Bitmap.Width() * Bitmap.Height()); if (!argb) return; tColor *p = argb; for (int py = 0; py < Bitmap.Height(); py++) for (int px = 0; px < Bitmap.Width(); px++) { tIndex index = *Bitmap.Data(px, py); *p++ = (!index && Overlay) ? clrTransparent : (specialColors ? (index == 0 ? ColorBg : index == 1 ? ColorFg : Bitmap.Color(index)) : Bitmap.Color(index)); } oglThread->DoCmd(new cOglCmdDrawImage(fb, argb, Bitmap.Width(), Bitmap.Height(), Point.X(), Point.Y(), Overlay)); SetDirty(); MarkDrawPortDirty(cRect(Point, cSize(Bitmap.Width(), Bitmap.Height())).Intersected(DrawPort().Size())); } void cOglPixmap::DrawText(const cPoint &Point, const char *s, tColor ColorFg, tColor ColorBg, const cFont *Font, int Width, int Height, int Alignment) { if (!oglThread->Active()) return; LOCK_PIXMAPS; int len = s ? Utf8StrLen(s) : 0; unsigned int *symbols = MALLOC(unsigned int, len + 1); if (!symbols) return; if (len) Utf8ToArray(s, symbols, len + 1); else symbols[0] = 0; int x = Point.X(); int y = Point.Y(); int w = Font->Width(s); int h = Font->Height(); int limitX = 0; int cw = Width ? Width : w; int ch = Height ? Height : h; cRect r(x, y, cw, ch); if (ColorBg != clrTransparent) oglThread->DoCmd(new cOglCmdDrawRectangle(fb, r.X(), r.Y(), r.Width(), r.Height(), ColorBg)); if (Width || Height) { limitX = x + cw; if (Width) { if ((Alignment & taLeft) != 0) { if ((Alignment & taBorder) != 0) x += std::max(h / TEXT_ALIGN_BORDER, 1); } else if ((Alignment & taRight) != 0) { if (w < Width) x += Width - w; if ((Alignment & taBorder) != 0) x -= std::max(h / TEXT_ALIGN_BORDER, 1); } else { // taCentered if (w < Width) x += (Width - w) / 2; } } if (Height) { if ((Alignment & taTop) != 0) ; else if ((Alignment & taBottom) != 0) { if (h < Height) y += Height - h; } else { // taCentered if (h < Height) y += (Height - h) / 2; } } } oglThread->DoCmd(new cOglCmdDrawText(fb, x, y, symbols, limitX, Font->FontName(), Font->Size(), ColorFg)); SetDirty(); MarkDrawPortDirty(r); } void cOglPixmap::DrawRectangle(const cRect &Rect, tColor Color) { if (!oglThread->Active()) return; LOCK_PIXMAPS; oglThread->DoCmd(new cOglCmdDrawRectangle(fb, Rect.X(), Rect.Y(), Rect.Width(), Rect.Height(), Color)); SetDirty(); MarkDrawPortDirty(Rect); } void cOglPixmap::DrawEllipse(const cRect &Rect, tColor Color, int Quadrants) { if (!oglThread->Active()) return; LOCK_PIXMAPS; oglThread->DoCmd(new cOglCmdDrawEllipse(fb, Rect.X(), Rect.Y(), Rect.Width(), Rect.Height(), Color, Quadrants)); SetDirty(); MarkDrawPortDirty(Rect); } void cOglPixmap::DrawSlope(const cRect &Rect, tColor Color, int Type) { if (!oglThread->Active()) return; LOCK_PIXMAPS; oglThread->DoCmd(new cOglCmdDrawSlope(fb, Rect.X(), Rect.Y(), Rect.Width(), Rect.Height(), Color, Type)); SetDirty(); MarkDrawPortDirty(Rect); } void cOglPixmap::Render(const cPixmap *Pixmap, const cRect &Source, const cPoint &Dest) { esyslog("[softhddev] Render %d %d %d not implemented in OpenGl OSD", Pixmap->ViewPort().X(), Source.X(), Dest.X()); } void cOglPixmap::Copy(const cPixmap *Pixmap, const cRect &Source, const cPoint &Dest) { esyslog("[softhddev] Copy %d %d %d not implemented in OpenGl OSD", Pixmap->ViewPort().X(), Source.X(), Dest.X()); } void cOglPixmap::Scroll(const cPoint &Dest, const cRect &Source) { esyslog("[softhddev] Scroll %d %d not implemented in OpenGl OSD", Source.X(), Dest.X()); } void cOglPixmap::Pan(const cPoint &Dest, const cRect &Source) { esyslog("[softhddev] Pan %d %d not implemented in OpenGl OSD", Source.X(), Dest.X()); } /****************************************************************************** * cOglOsd ******************************************************************************/ cOglOutputFb *cOglOsd::oFb = NULL; cOglOsd::cOglOsd(int Left, int Top, uint Level, std::shared_ptr oglThread) : cOsd(Left, Top, Level) { this->oglThread = oglThread; bFb = NULL; isSubtitleOsd = false; int osdWidth = 0; int osdHeight = 0; pthread_mutex_lock(&OSDMutex); VideoGetOsdSize(&osdWidth, &osdHeight); // osdWidth = 1920; // osdHeight = 1080; dsyslog("[softhddev]cOglOsd osdLeft %d osdTop %d screenWidth %d screenHeight %d", Left, Top, osdWidth, osdHeight); if (posd) free(posd); posd = MALLOC(unsigned char, osdWidth * osdHeight * 4); // create output framebuffer if (!oFb) { oFb = new cOglOutputFb(osdWidth, osdHeight); oglThread->DoCmd(new cOglCmdInitOutputFb(oFb)); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&OSDMutex); } cOglOsd::~cOglOsd() { OsdClose(); SetActive(false); if (posd) free(posd); posd = 0; oglThread->DoCmd(new cOglCmdDeleteFb(bFb)); } eOsdError cOglOsd::SetAreas(const tArea *Areas, int NumAreas) { cRect r; if (NumAreas > 1) isSubtitleOsd = true; for (int i = 0; i < NumAreas; i++) r.Combine(cRect(Areas[i].x1, Areas[i].y1, Areas[i].Width(), Areas[i].Height())); tArea area = { r.Left(), r.Top(), r.Right(), r.Bottom(), 32 }; // now we know the actuaL osd size, create double buffer frame buffer if (bFb) { oglThread->DoCmd(new cOglCmdDeleteFb(bFb)); DestroyPixmap(oglPixmaps[0]); } bFb = new cOglFb(r.Width(), r.Height(), r.Width(), r.Height()); cCondWait initiated; oglThread->DoCmd(new cOglCmdInitFb(bFb, &initiated)); initiated.Wait(); return cOsd::SetAreas(&area, 1); } cPixmap *cOglOsd::CreatePixmap(int Layer, const cRect &ViewPort, const cRect &DrawPort) { if (!oglThread->Active()) return NULL; LOCK_PIXMAPS; int width = DrawPort.IsEmpty() ? ViewPort.Width() : DrawPort.Width(); int height = DrawPort.IsEmpty() ? ViewPort.Height() : DrawPort.Height(); if (width > oglThread->MaxTextureSize() || height > oglThread->MaxTextureSize()) { esyslog("[softhddev] cannot allocate pixmap of %dpx x %dpx, clipped to %dpx x %dpx!", width, height, std::min(width, oglThread->MaxTextureSize()), std::min(height, oglThread->MaxTextureSize())); width = std::min(width, oglThread->MaxTextureSize()); height = std::min(height, oglThread->MaxTextureSize()); } cOglPixmap *p = new cOglPixmap(oglThread, Layer, ViewPort, DrawPort); if (cOsd::AddPixmap(p)) { // find free slot for (int i = 0; i < oglPixmaps.Size(); i++) if (!oglPixmaps[i]) return oglPixmaps[i] = p; // append at end oglPixmaps.Append(p); return p; } delete p; return NULL; } void cOglOsd::DestroyPixmap(cPixmap *Pixmap) { if (!oglThread->Active()) return; if (!Pixmap) return; LOCK_PIXMAPS; int start = 1; if (isSubtitleOsd) start = 0; for (int i = start; i < oglPixmaps.Size(); i++) { if (oglPixmaps[i] == Pixmap) { if (Pixmap->Layer() >= 0) oglPixmaps[0]->SetDirty(); oglPixmaps[i] = NULL; cOsd::DestroyPixmap(Pixmap); return; } } } void cOglOsd::Flush(void) { if (!oglThread->Active()) return; LOCK_PIXMAPS; // check if any pixmap is dirty bool dirty = false; for (int i = 0; i < oglPixmaps.Size() && !dirty; i++) if (oglPixmaps[i] && oglPixmaps[i]->Layer() >= 0 && oglPixmaps[i]->IsDirty()) dirty = true; if (!dirty) return; // clear buffer // uint64_t start = cTimeMs::Now(); // dsyslog("[softhddev]Start Flush at %" PRIu64 "", cTimeMs::Now()); oglThread->DoCmd(new cOglCmdFill(bFb, clrTransparent)); // render pixmap textures blended to buffer for (int layer = 0; layer < MAXPIXMAPLAYERS; layer++) { for (int i = 0; i < oglPixmaps.Size(); i++) { if (oglPixmaps[i]) { if (oglPixmaps[i]->Layer() == layer) { oglThread->DoCmd(new cOglCmdRenderFbToBufferFb( oglPixmaps[i]->Fb(), bFb, oglPixmaps[i]->ViewPort().X(), (!isSubtitleOsd) ? oglPixmaps[i]->ViewPort().Y() : 0, oglPixmaps[i]->Alpha(), oglPixmaps[i]->DrawPort().X(), oglPixmaps[i]->DrawPort().Y())); oglPixmaps[i]->SetDirty(false); } } } } oglThread->DoCmd(new cOglCmdCopyBufferToOutputFb(bFb, oFb, Left(), Top())); // dsyslog("[softhddev]End Flush at %" PRIu64 ", duration %d", cTimeMs::Now(), (int)(cTimeMs::Now()-start)); } void cOglOsd::DrawScaledBitmap(int x, int y, const cBitmap &Bitmap, double FactorX, double FactorY, bool AntiAlias) { (void)FactorX; (void)FactorY; (void)AntiAlias; int yNew = y - oglPixmaps[0]->ViewPort().Y(); oglPixmaps[0]->DrawBitmap(cPoint(x, yNew), Bitmap); }