 * Copyright 1993-2013 NVIDIA Corporation.  All rights reserved.
 * Please refer to the NVIDIA end user license agreement (EULA) associated
 * with this source code for terms and conditions that govern your use of
 * this software. Any use, reproduction, disclosure, or distribution of
 * this software and related documentation outside the terms of the EULA
 * is strictly prohibited.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

// Error Code string definitions here
typedef struct {
    char const *error_string;
    unsigned int error_id;
} s_CudaErrorStr;

 * Error codes
s_CudaErrorStr sCudaDrvErrorString[] = {

     * The API call returned with no errors. In the case of query calls, this
     * can also mean that the operation being queried is complete (see
     * ::cuEventQuery() and ::cuStreamQuery()).
    {"CUDA_SUCCESS", 0},

     * This indicates that one or more of the parameters passed to the API call
     * is not within an acceptable range of values.

     * The API call failed because it was unable to allocate enough memory to
     * perform the requested operation.

     * This indicates that the CUDA driver has not been initialized with
     * ::cuInit() or that initialization has failed.

     * This indicates that the CUDA driver is in the process of shutting down.

     * This indicates profiling APIs are called while application is running
     * in visual profiler mode.

     * This indicates profiling has not been initialized for this context.
     * Call cuProfilerInitialize() to resolve this.

     * This indicates profiler has already been started and probably
     * cuProfilerStart() is incorrectly called.

     * This indicates profiler has already been stopped and probably
     * cuProfilerStop() is incorrectly called.

     * This indicates that no CUDA-capable devices were detected by the
     * installed CUDA driver.
    {"CUDA_ERROR_NO_DEVICE (no CUDA-capable devices were detected)", 100},

     * This indicates that the device ordinal supplied by the user does not
     * correspond to a valid CUDA device.
    {"CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_DEVICE (device specified is not a valid CUDA device)", 101},

     * This indicates that the device kernel image is invalid. This can also
     * indicate an invalid CUDA module.

     * This most frequently indicates that there is no context bound to the
     * current thread. This can also be returned if the context passed to an
     * API call is not a valid handle (such as a context that has had
     * ::cuCtxDestroy() invoked on it). This can also be returned if a user
     * mixes different API versions (i.e. 3010 context with 3020 API calls).
     * See ::cuCtxGetApiVersion() for more details.

     * This indicated that the context being supplied as a parameter to the
     * API call was already the active context.
     * \deprecated
     * This error return is deprecated as of CUDA 3.2. It is no longer an
     * error to attempt to push the active context via ::cuCtxPushCurrent().

     * This indicates that a map or register operation has failed.

     * This indicates that an unmap or unregister operation has failed.

     * This indicates that the specified array is currently mapped and thus
     * cannot be destroyed.

     * This indicates that the resource is already mapped.

     * This indicates that there is no kernel image available that is suitable
     * for the device. This can occur when a user specifies code generation
     * options for a particular CUDA source file that do not include the
     * corresponding device configuration.

     * This indicates that a resource has already been acquired.

     * This indicates that a resource is not mapped.

     * This indicates that a mapped resource is not available for access as an
     * array.

     * This indicates that a mapped resource is not available for access as a
     * pointer.

     * This indicates that an uncorrectable ECC error was detected during
     * execution.

     * This indicates that the ::CUlimit passed to the API call is not
     * supported by the active device.

     * This indicates that the ::CUcontext passed to the API call can
     * only be bound to a single CPU thread at a time but is already
     * bound to a CPU thread.

     * This indicates that peer access is not supported across the given
     * devices.

     * This indicates that a PTX JIT compilation failed.

     * This indicates an error with OpenGL or DirectX context.

     * This indicates that an uncorrectable NVLink error was detected during the
     * execution.

     * This indicates that the PTX JIT compiler library was not found.

     * This indicates that the device kernel source is invalid.

     * This indicates that the file specified was not found.

     * This indicates that a link to a shared object failed to resolve.

     * This indicates that initialization of a shared object failed.

     * This indicates that an OS call failed.

     * This indicates that a resource handle passed to the API call was not
     * valid. Resource handles are opaque types like ::CUstream and ::CUevent.

     * This indicates that a named symbol was not found. Examples of symbols
     * are global/constant variable names, texture names }, and surface names.
    {"CUDA_ERROR_NOT_FOUND", 500},

     * This indicates that asynchronous operations issued previously have not
     * completed yet. This result is not actually an error, but must be
     * indicated differently than ::CUDA_SUCCESS (which indicates completion).
     * Calls that may return this value include ::cuEventQuery() and
     * ::cuStreamQuery().
    {"CUDA_ERROR_NOT_READY", 600},

     * While executing a kernel, the device encountered a
     * load or store instruction on an invalid memory address.
     * This leaves the process in an inconsistent state and any further CUDA
     * work will return the same error. To continue using CUDA, the process must
     * be terminated and relaunched.

     * This indicates that a launch did not occur because it did not have
     * appropriate resources. This error usually indicates that the user has
     * attempted to pass too many arguments to the device kernel, or the
     * kernel launch specifies too many threads for the kernel's register
     * count. Passing arguments of the wrong size (i.e. a 64-bit pointer
     * when a 32-bit int is expected) is equivalent to passing too many
     * arguments and can also result in this error.

     * This indicates that the device kernel took too long to execute. This can
     * only occur if timeouts are enabled - see the device attribute
     * ::CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_KERNEL_EXEC_TIMEOUT for more information. The
     * context cannot be used (and must be destroyed similar to
     * ::CUDA_ERROR_LAUNCH_FAILED). All existing device memory allocations from
     * this context are invalid and must be reconstructed if the program is to
     * continue using CUDA.

     * This error indicates a kernel launch that uses an incompatible texturing
     * mode.

     * This error indicates that a call to ::cuCtxEnablePeerAccess() is
     * trying to re-enable peer access to a context which has already
     * had peer access to it enabled.

     * This error indicates that ::cuCtxDisablePeerAccess() is
     * trying to disable peer access which has not been enabled yet
     * via ::cuCtxEnablePeerAccess().

     * This error indicates that the primary context for the specified device
     * has already been initialized.

     * This error indicates that the context current to the calling thread
     * has been destroyed using ::cuCtxDestroy }, or is a primary context which
     * has not yet been initialized.

     * A device-side assert triggered during kernel execution. The context
     * cannot be used anymore, and must be destroyed. All existing device
     * memory allocations from this context are invalid and must be
     * reconstructed if the program is to continue using CUDA.
    {"CUDA_ERROR_ASSERT", 710},

     * This error indicates that the hardware resources required to enable
     * peer access have been exhausted for one or more of the devices
     * passed to ::cuCtxEnablePeerAccess().

     * This error indicates that the memory range passed to
     * ::cuMemHostRegister() has already been registered.

     * This error indicates that the pointer passed to ::cuMemHostUnregister()
     * does not correspond to any currently registered memory region.

     * While executing a kernel, the device encountered a stack error.
     * This can be due to stack corruption or exceeding the stack size limit.
     * This leaves the process in an inconsistent state and any further CUDA
     * work will return the same error. To continue using CUDA, the process must
     * be terminated and relaunched.

     * While executing a kernel, the device encountered an illegal instruction.
     * This leaves the process in an inconsistent state and any further CUDA
     * work will return the same error. To continue using CUDA, the process must
     * be terminated and relaunched.

     * While executing a kernel, the device encountered a load or store
     * instruction on a memory address which is not aligned. This leaves the
     * process in an inconsistent state and any further CUDA work will return
     * the same error. To continue using CUDA, the process must be terminated
     * and relaunched.

     * While executing a kernel, the device encountered an instruction
     * which can only operate on memory locations in certain address spaces
     * (global, shared, or local), but was supplied a memory address not
     * belonging to an allowed address space.
     * This leaves the process in an inconsistent state and any further CUDA
     * work will return the same error. To continue using CUDA, the process must
     * be terminated and relaunched.

     * While executing a kernel, the device program counter wrapped its address
     * space. This leaves the process in an inconsistent state and any further
     * CUDA work will return the same error. To continue using CUDA, the process
     * must be terminated and relaunched.

     * An exception occurred on the device while executing a kernel. Common
     * causes include dereferencing an invalid device pointer and accessing
     * out of bounds shared memory. The context cannot be used }, so it must
     * be destroyed (and a new one should be created). All existing device
     * memory allocations from this context are invalid and must be
     * reconstructed if the program is to continue using CUDA.

     * This error indicates that the number of blocks launched per grid for a
     * kernel that was launched via either ::cuLaunchCooperativeKernel or
     * ::cuLaunchCooperativeKernelMultiDevice exceeds the maximum number of
     * blocks as allowed by ::cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessor or
     * ::cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessorWithFlags times the number
     * of multiprocessors as specified by the device attribute

     * This error indicates that the attempted operation is not permitted.

     * This error indicates that the attempted operation is not supported
     * on the current system or device.

     * This indicates that an unknown internal error has occurred.
    {"CUDA_ERROR_UNKNOWN", 999},
    {NULL, -1}};

// This is just a linear search through the array, since the error_id's are not
// always ocurring consecutively
static inline const char *getCudaDrvErrorString(CUresult error_id) {
    int index = 0;

    while (sCudaDrvErrorString[index].error_id != error_id && (int)sCudaDrvErrorString[index].error_id != -1) {

    if (sCudaDrvErrorString[index].error_id == error_id)
        return (const char *)sCudaDrvErrorString[index].error_string;
        return (const char *)"CUDA_ERROR not found!";
