2022-09-20 15:05:18 +02:00

3437 lines
103 KiB

/// @file softhddev.c @brief A software HD device plugin for VDR.
/// Copyright (c) 2011 - 2015 by Johns. All Rights Reserved.
/// Contributor(s):
/// License: AGPLv3
/// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
/// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
/// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
/// License.
/// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
/// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
/// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
/// $Id: 8881600a16f475cba7db8911ad88ce2234f72d14 $
#define noUSE_SOFTLIMIT ///< add soft buffer limits to Play..
#define noUSE_PIP ///< include PIP support + new API
#define noDUMP_TRICKSPEED ///< dump raw trickspeed packets
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#ifdef __FreeBSD__
#include <signal.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <libintl.h>
#define _(str) gettext(str) ///< gettext shortcut
#define _N(str) str ///< gettext_noop shortcut
#include <libavcodec/avcodec.h>
#include <libavutil/mem.h>
#ifndef __USE_GNU
#define __USE_GNU
#include <pthread.h>
#include "iatomic.h" // portable atomic_t
#include "misc.h"
#include "softhddev.h"
// clang-format off
#include "audio.h"
#include "video.h"
#include "codec.h"
// clang-format on
#ifdef DEBUG
static int DumpH264(const uint8_t *data, int size);
static void DumpMpeg(const uint8_t *data, int size);
// Variables
extern int ConfigAudioBufferTime; ///< config size ms of audio buffer
extern int ConfigVideoClearOnSwitch; //< clear decoder on channel switch
char ConfigStartX11Server; ///< flag start the x11 server
static signed char ConfigStartSuspended; ///< flag to start in suspend mode
static char ConfigFullscreen; ///< fullscreen modus
static const char *X11ServerArguments; ///< default command arguments
static char ConfigStillDecoder; ///< hw/sw decoder for still picture
static pthread_mutex_t SuspendLockMutex; ///< suspend lock mutex
static volatile char StreamFreezed; ///< stream freezed
// Audio
static volatile char NewAudioStream; ///< new audio stream
static volatile char SkipAudio; ///< skip audio stream
static AudioDecoder *MyAudioDecoder; ///< audio decoder
static enum AVCodecID AudioCodecID; ///< current codec id
static int AudioChannelID; ///< current audio channel id
static VideoStream *AudioSyncStream; ///< video stream for audio/video sync
/// Minimum free space in audio buffer 8 packets for 8 channels
#define AUDIO_MIN_BUFFER_FREE (3072 * 8 * 8)
#define AUDIO_BUFFER_SIZE (512 * 1024) ///< audio PES buffer default size
static AVPacket AudioAvPkt[1]; ///< audio a/v packet
int AudioDelay = 0;
// Audio codec parser
/// Mpeg bitrate table.
/// BitRateTable[Version][Layer][Index]
static const uint16_t BitRateTable[2][4][16] = {
// MPEG Version 1
{0, 32, 64, 96, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 288, 320, 352, 384, 416, 448, 0},
{0, 32, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320, 384, 0},
{0, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320, 0}},
// MPEG Version 2 & 2.5
{0, 32, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160, 176, 192, 224, 256, 0},
{0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160, 0},
{0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160, 0}}};
/// Mpeg samperate table.
static const uint16_t SampleRateTable[4] = {44100, 48000, 32000, 0};
/// Fast check for Mpeg audio.
/// 4 bytes 0xFFExxxxx Mpeg audio
static inline int FastMpegCheck(const uint8_t *p) {
if (p[0] != 0xFF) { // 11bit frame sync
return 0;
if ((p[1] & 0xE0) != 0xE0) {
return 0;
if ((p[1] & 0x18) == 0x08) { // version ID - 01 reserved
return 0;
if (!(p[1] & 0x06)) { // layer description - 00 reserved
return 0;
if ((p[2] & 0xF0) == 0xF0) { // bitrate index - 1111 reserved
return 0;
if ((p[2] & 0x0C) == 0x0C) { // sampling rate index - 11 reserved
return 0;
return 1;
/// Check for Mpeg audio.
/// 0xFFEx already checked.
/// @param data incomplete PES packet
/// @param size number of bytes
/// @retval <0 possible mpeg audio, but need more data
/// @retval 0 no valid mpeg audio
/// @retval >0 valid mpeg audio
/// From: http://www.mpgedit.org/mpgedit/mpeg_format/mpeghdr.htm
/// o a 11x Frame sync
/// o b 2x Mpeg audio version (2.5, reserved, 2, 1)
/// o c 2x Layer (reserved, III, II, I)
/// o e 2x BitRate index
/// o f 2x SampleRate index (4100, 48000, 32000, 0)
/// o g 1x Paddding bit
/// o .. Doesn't care
/// frame length:
/// Layer I:
/// FrameLengthInBytes = (12 * BitRate / SampleRate + Padding) * 4
/// Layer II & III:
/// FrameLengthInBytes = 144 * BitRate / SampleRate + Padding
static int MpegCheck(const uint8_t *data, int size) {
int mpeg2;
int mpeg25;
int layer;
int bit_rate_index;
int sample_rate_index;
int padding;
int bit_rate;
int sample_rate;
int frame_size;
mpeg2 = !(data[1] & 0x08) && (data[1] & 0x10);
mpeg25 = !(data[1] & 0x08) && !(data[1] & 0x10);
layer = 4 - ((data[1] >> 1) & 0x03);
bit_rate_index = (data[2] >> 4) & 0x0F;
sample_rate_index = (data[2] >> 2) & 0x03;
padding = (data[2] >> 1) & 0x01;
sample_rate = SampleRateTable[sample_rate_index];
if (!sample_rate) { // no valid sample rate try next
// moved into fast check
return 0;
sample_rate >>= mpeg2; // mpeg 2 half rate
sample_rate >>= mpeg25; // mpeg 2.5 quarter rate
bit_rate = BitRateTable[mpeg2 | mpeg25][layer][bit_rate_index];
if (!bit_rate) { // no valid bit-rate try next
// FIXME: move into fast check?
return 0;
bit_rate *= 1000;
switch (layer) {
case 1:
frame_size = (12 * bit_rate) / sample_rate;
frame_size = (frame_size + padding) * 4;
case 2:
case 3:
frame_size = (144 * bit_rate) / sample_rate;
frame_size = frame_size + padding;
if (0) {
Debug(3, "pesdemux: mpeg%s layer%d bitrate=%d samplerate=%d %d bytes\n",
mpeg25 ? "2.5"
: mpeg2 ? "2"
: "1",
layer, bit_rate, sample_rate, frame_size);
if (frame_size + 4 > size) {
return -frame_size - 4;
// check if after this frame a new mpeg frame starts
if (FastMpegCheck(data + frame_size)) {
return frame_size;
return 0;
/// Fast check for AAC LATM audio.
/// 3 bytes 0x56Exxx AAC LATM audio
static inline int FastLatmCheck(const uint8_t *p) {
if (p[0] != 0x56) { // 11bit sync
return 0;
if ((p[1] & 0xE0) != 0xE0) {
return 0;
return 1;
/// Check for AAC LATM audio.
/// 0x56Exxx already checked.
/// @param data incomplete PES packet
/// @param size number of bytes
/// @retval <0 possible AAC LATM audio, but need more data
/// @retval 0 no valid AAC LATM audio
/// @retval >0 valid AAC LATM audio
static int LatmCheck(const uint8_t *data, int size) {
int frame_size;
// 13 bit frame size without header
frame_size = ((data[1] & 0x1F) << 8) + data[2];
frame_size += 3;
if (frame_size + 2 > size) {
return -frame_size - 2;
// check if after this frame a new AAC LATM frame starts
if (FastLatmCheck(data + frame_size)) {
return frame_size;
return 0;
/// Possible AC-3 frame sizes.
/// from ATSC A/52 table 5.18 frame size code table.
const uint16_t Ac3FrameSizeTable[38][3] = {
{64, 69, 96}, {64, 70, 96}, {80, 87, 120}, {80, 88, 120}, {96, 104, 144},
{96, 105, 144}, {112, 121, 168}, {112, 122, 168}, {128, 139, 192}, {128, 140, 192},
{160, 174, 240}, {160, 175, 240}, {192, 208, 288}, {192, 209, 288}, {224, 243, 336},
{224, 244, 336}, {256, 278, 384}, {256, 279, 384}, {320, 348, 480}, {320, 349, 480},
{384, 417, 576}, {384, 418, 576}, {448, 487, 672}, {448, 488, 672}, {512, 557, 768},
{512, 558, 768}, {640, 696, 960}, {640, 697, 960}, {768, 835, 1152}, {768, 836, 1152},
{896, 975, 1344}, {896, 976, 1344}, {1024, 1114, 1536}, {1024, 1115, 1536}, {1152, 1253, 1728},
{1152, 1254, 1728}, {1280, 1393, 1920}, {1280, 1394, 1920},
/// Fast check for (E-)AC-3 audio.
/// 5 bytes 0x0B77xxxxxx AC-3 audio
static inline int FastAc3Check(const uint8_t *p) {
if (p[0] != 0x0B) { // 16bit sync
return 0;
if (p[1] != 0x77) {
return 0;
return 1;
/// Check for (E-)AC-3 audio.
/// 0x0B77xxxxxx already checked.
/// @param data incomplete PES packet
/// @param size number of bytes
/// @retval <0 possible AC-3 audio, but need more data
/// @retval 0 no valid AC-3 audio
/// @retval >0 valid AC-3 audio
/// o AC-3 Header
/// o a 16x Frame sync, always 0x0B77
/// o b 16x CRC 16
/// o c 2x Samplerate
/// o d 6x Framesize code
/// o e 5x Bitstream ID
/// o f 3x Bitstream mode
/// o E-AC-3 Header
/// o a 16x Frame sync, always 0x0B77
/// o b 2x Frame type
/// o c 3x Sub stream ID
/// o d 10x Framesize - 1 in words
/// o e 2x Framesize code
/// o f 2x Framesize code 2
static int Ac3Check(const uint8_t *data, int size) {
int frame_size;
if (size < 5) { // need 5 bytes to see if AC-3/E-AC-3
return -5;
if (data[5] > (10 << 3)) { // E-AC-3
if ((data[4] & 0xF0) == 0xF0) { // invalid fscod fscod2
return 0;
frame_size = ((data[2] & 0x07) << 8) + data[3] + 1;
frame_size *= 2;
} else { // AC-3
int fscod;
int frmsizcod;
// crc1 crc1 fscod|frmsizcod
fscod = data[4] >> 6;
if (fscod == 0x03) { // invalid sample rate
return 0;
frmsizcod = data[4] & 0x3F;
if (frmsizcod > 37) { // invalid frame size
return 0;
// invalid is checked above
frame_size = Ac3FrameSizeTable[frmsizcod][fscod] * 2;
if (frame_size + 5 > size) {
return -frame_size - 5;
// FIXME: relaxed checks if codec is already detected
// check if after this frame a new AC-3 frame starts
if (FastAc3Check(data + frame_size)) {
return frame_size;
return 0;
/// Fast check for ADTS Audio Data Transport Stream.
/// 7/9 bytes 0xFFFxxxxxxxxxxx(xxxx) ADTS audio
static inline int FastAdtsCheck(const uint8_t *p) {
if (p[0] != 0xFF) { // 12bit sync
return 0;
if ((p[1] & 0xF6) != 0xF0) { // sync + layer must be 0
return 0;
if ((p[2] & 0x3C) == 0x3C) { // sampling frequency index != 15
return 0;
return 1;
/// Check for ADTS Audio Data Transport Stream.
/// 0xFFF already checked.
/// @param data incomplete PES packet
/// @param size number of bytes
/// @retval <0 possible ADTS audio, but need more data
/// @retval 0 no valid ADTS audio
/// @retval >0 valid AC-3 audio
/// o A*12 syncword 0xFFF
/// o B*1 MPEG Version: 0 for MPEG-4, 1 for MPEG-2
/// o C*2 layer: always 0
/// o ..
/// o F*4 sampling frequency index (15 is invalid)
/// o ..
/// o M*13 frame length
static int AdtsCheck(const uint8_t *data, int size) {
int frame_size;
if (size < 6) {
return -6;
frame_size = (data[3] & 0x03) << 11;
frame_size |= (data[4] & 0xFF) << 3;
frame_size |= (data[5] & 0xE0) >> 5;
if (frame_size + 3 > size) {
return -frame_size - 3;
// check if after this frame a new ADTS frame starts
if (FastAdtsCheck(data + frame_size)) {
return frame_size;
return 0;
// PES Demux
/// PES type.
enum {
PES_PADDING_STREAM = 0xBE, ///< filler, padding stream
PES_ISO13522_STREAM = 0xF3,
PES_TYPE_E_STREAM = 0xF8, ///< ITU-T rec. h.222.1 type E stream
#ifndef NO_TS_AUDIO
/// PES parser state.
enum {
PES_INIT, ///< unknown codec
PES_SKIP, ///< skip packet
PES_SYNC, ///< search packet sync byte
PES_HEADER, ///< copy header
PES_START, ///< pes packet start found
PES_PAYLOAD, ///< copy payload
PES_LPCM_HEADER, ///< copy lcpm header
PES_LPCM_PAYLOAD, ///< copy lcpm payload
#define PES_START_CODE_SIZE 6 ///< size of pes start code with length
#define PES_HEADER_SIZE 9 ///< size of pes header
#define PES_MAX_HEADER_SIZE (PES_HEADER_SIZE + 256) ///< maximal header size
#define PES_MAX_PAYLOAD (512 * 1024) ///< max pay load size
/// PES demuxer.
typedef struct _pes_demux_ {
// int Pid; ///< packet id
// int PcrPid; ///< program clock reference pid
// int StreamType; ///< stream type
int State; ///< parsing state
uint8_t Header[PES_MAX_HEADER_SIZE]; ///< buffer for pes header
int HeaderIndex; ///< header index
int HeaderSize; ///< size of pes header
uint8_t *Buffer; ///< payload buffer
int Index; ///< buffer index
int Skip; ///< buffer skip
int Size; ///< size of payload buffer
uint8_t StartCode; ///< pes packet start code
int64_t PTS; ///< presentation time stamp
int64_t DTS; ///< decode time stamp
} PesDemux;
/// Reset packetized elementary stream demuxer.
static void PesReset(PesDemux *pesdx) {
pesdx->State = PES_INIT;
pesdx->Index = 0;
pesdx->Skip = 0;
pesdx->StartCode = -1;
/// Initialize a packetized elementary stream demuxer.
/// @param pesdx packetized elementary stream demuxer
static void PesInit(PesDemux *pesdx) {
memset(pesdx, 0, sizeof(*pesdx));
pesdx->Size = PES_MAX_PAYLOAD;
if (!pesdx->Buffer) {
Fatal(_("pesdemux: out of memory\n"));
/// Parse packetized elementary stream.
/// @param pesdx packetized elementary stream demuxer
/// @param data payload data of transport stream
/// @param size number of payload data bytes
/// @param is_start flag, start of pes packet
static void PesParse(PesDemux *pesdx, const uint8_t *data, int size, int is_start) {
const uint8_t *p;
const uint8_t *q;
if (is_start) { // start of pes packet
if (pesdx->Index && pesdx->Skip) {
// copy remaining bytes down
pesdx->Index -= pesdx->Skip;
memmove(pesdx->Buffer, pesdx->Buffer + pesdx->Skip, pesdx->Index);
pesdx->Skip = 0;
pesdx->State = PES_SYNC;
pesdx->HeaderIndex = 0;
pesdx->PTS = AV_NOPTS_VALUE; // reset if not yet used
// cleanup, if too much cruft
if (pesdx->Skip > PES_MAX_PAYLOAD / 2) {
// copy remaining bytes down
pesdx->Index -= pesdx->Skip;
memmove(pesdx->Buffer, pesdx->Buffer + pesdx->Skip, pesdx->Index);
pesdx->Skip = 0;
p = data;
do {
int n;
switch (pesdx->State) {
case PES_SKIP: // skip this packet
case PES_START: // at start of pes packet payload
#if 0
// Played with PlayAudio
// FIXME: need 0x80 -- 0xA0 state
if (AudioCodecID == AV_CODEC_ID_NONE) {
if ((*p & 0xF0) == 0x80) { // AC-3 & DTS
Debug(3, "pesdemux: dvd ac-3\n");
} else if ((*p & 0xFF) == 0xA0) { // LPCM
Debug(3, "pesdemux: dvd lpcm\n");
pesdx->State = PES_LPCM_HEADER;
pesdx->HeaderIndex = 0;
pesdx->HeaderSize = 7;
// FIXME: need harder LPCM check
case PES_INIT: // find start of audio packet
// FIXME: increase if needed the buffer
// fill buffer
n = pesdx->Size - pesdx->Index;
if (n > size) {
n = size;
memcpy(pesdx->Buffer + pesdx->Index, p, n);
pesdx->Index += n;
p += n;
size -= n;
q = pesdx->Buffer + pesdx->Skip;
n = pesdx->Index - pesdx->Skip;
while (n >= 5) {
int r = 0;
unsigned codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_NONE;
// 4 bytes 0xFFExxxxx Mpeg audio
// 5 bytes 0x0B77xxxxxx AC-3 audio
// 6 bytes 0x0B77xxxxxxxx E-AC-3 audio
// 3 bytes 0x56Exxx AAC LATM audio
// 7/9 bytes 0xFFFxxxxxxxxxxx ADTS audio
// PCM audio can't be found
// FIXME: simple+faster detection, if codec already known
if (FastMpegCheck(q)) {
r = MpegCheck(q, n);
codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_MP2;
if (!r && FastAc3Check(q)) {
r = Ac3Check(q, n);
codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_AC3;
if (r > 0 && q[5] > (10 << 3)) {
codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_EAC3;
if (!r && FastLatmCheck(q)) {
r = LatmCheck(q, n);
codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_AAC_LATM;
if (!r && FastAdtsCheck(q)) {
r = AdtsCheck(q, n);
codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_AAC;
if (r < 0) { // need more bytes
if (r > 0) {
AVPacket avpkt[1];
// new codec id, close and open new
if (AudioCodecID != codec_id) {
Debug(3, "pesdemux: new codec %#06x -> %#06x\n", AudioCodecID, codec_id);
CodecAudioOpen(MyAudioDecoder, codec_id);
AudioCodecID = codec_id;
avpkt->data = (void *)q;
avpkt->size = r;
avpkt->pts = pesdx->PTS;
avpkt->dts = pesdx->DTS;
// FIXME: not aligned for ffmpeg
CodecAudioDecode(MyAudioDecoder, avpkt);
pesdx->Skip += r;
// FIXME: switch to decoder state
// pesdx->State = PES_MPEG_DECODE;
if (AudioCodecID != AV_CODEC_ID_NONE) {
// shouldn't happen after we have a vaild codec
// detected
Debug(4, "pesdemux: skip @%d %02x\n", pesdx->Skip, q[0]);
// try next byte
case PES_SYNC: // wait for pes sync
n = PES_START_CODE_SIZE - pesdx->HeaderIndex;
if (n > size) {
n = size;
memcpy(pesdx->Header + pesdx->HeaderIndex, p, n);
pesdx->HeaderIndex += n;
p += n;
size -= n;
// have complete packet start code
if (pesdx->HeaderIndex >= PES_START_CODE_SIZE) {
unsigned code;
// bad mpeg pes packet start code prefix 0x00001xx
if (pesdx->Header[0] || pesdx->Header[1] || pesdx->Header[2] != 0x01) {
Debug(3, "pesdemux: bad pes packet\n");
pesdx->State = PES_SKIP;
code = pesdx->Header[3];
if (code != pesdx->StartCode) {
Debug(3, "pesdemux: pes start code id %#02x\n", code);
// FIXME: need to save start code id?
pesdx->StartCode = code;
// we could have already detect a valid stream type
// don't switch to codec 'none'
pesdx->State = PES_HEADER;
pesdx->HeaderSize = PES_HEADER_SIZE;
case PES_HEADER: // parse PES header
n = pesdx->HeaderSize - pesdx->HeaderIndex;
if (n > size) {
n = size;
memcpy(pesdx->Header + pesdx->HeaderIndex, p, n);
pesdx->HeaderIndex += n;
p += n;
size -= n;
// have header upto size bits
if (pesdx->HeaderIndex == PES_HEADER_SIZE) {
if ((pesdx->Header[6] & 0xC0) != 0x80) {
Error(_("pesdemux: mpeg1 pes packet unsupported\n"));
pesdx->State = PES_SKIP;
// have pes extension
if (!pesdx->Header[8]) {
goto empty_header;
pesdx->HeaderSize += pesdx->Header[8];
// have complete header
} else if (pesdx->HeaderIndex == pesdx->HeaderSize) {
int64_t pts;
int64_t dts;
if ((pesdx->Header[7] & 0xC0) == 0x80) {
pts = (int64_t)(data[9] & 0x0E) << 29 | data[10] << 22 | (data[11] & 0xFE) << 14 |
data[12] << 7 | (data[13] & 0xFE) >> 1;
pesdx->PTS = pts;
} else if ((pesdx->Header[7] & 0xC0) == 0xC0) {
pts = (int64_t)(data[9] & 0x0E) << 29 | data[10] << 22 | (data[11] & 0xFE) << 14 |
data[12] << 7 | (data[13] & 0xFE) >> 1;
pesdx->PTS = pts;
dts = (int64_t)(data[14] & 0x0E) << 29 | data[15] << 22 | (data[16] & 0xFE) << 14 |
data[17] << 7 | (data[18] & 0xFE) >> 1;
pesdx->DTS = dts;
Debug(4, "pesdemux: pts %#012" PRIx64 " %#012" PRIx64 "\n", pts, dts);
pesdx->State = PES_INIT;
if (pesdx->StartCode == PES_PRIVATE_STREAM1) {
// only private stream 1, has sub streams
pesdx->State = PES_START;
#if 0
// Played with PlayAudio
case PES_LPCM_HEADER: // lpcm header
n = pesdx->HeaderSize - pesdx->HeaderIndex;
if (n > size) {
n = size;
memcpy(pesdx->Header + pesdx->HeaderIndex, p, n);
pesdx->HeaderIndex += n;
p += n;
size -= n;
if (pesdx->HeaderIndex == pesdx->HeaderSize) {
static int samplerates[] = { 48000, 96000, 44100, 32000 };
int samplerate;
int channels;
int bits_per_sample;
const uint8_t *q;
if (AudioCodecID != AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_DVD) {
q = pesdx->Header;
Debug(3, "pesdemux: LPCM %d sr:%d bits:%d chan:%d\n", q[0], q[5] >> 4,
(((q[5] >> 6) & 0x3) + 4) * 4, (q[5] & 0x7) + 1);
bits_per_sample = (((q[5] >> 6) & 0x3) + 4) * 4;
if (bits_per_sample != 16) {
Error(_("softhddev: LPCM %d bits per sample aren't supported\n"), bits_per_sample);
// FIXME: handle unsupported formats.
samplerate = samplerates[q[5] >> 4];
channels = (q[5] & 0x7) + 1;
AudioSetup(&samplerate, &channels, 0);
if (samplerate != samplerates[q[5] >> 4]) {
Error(_("softhddev: LPCM %d sample-rate is unsupported\n"), samplerates[q[5] >> 4]);
// FIXME: support resample
if (channels != (q[5] & 0x7) + 1) {
Error(_("softhddev: LPCM %d channels are unsupported\n"), (q[5] & 0x7) + 1);
// FIXME: support resample
//CodecAudioOpen(MyAudioDecoder, AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_DVD);
pesdx->State = PES_LPCM_PAYLOAD;
pesdx->Index = 0;
pesdx->Skip = 0;
case PES_LPCM_PAYLOAD: // lpcm payload
// fill buffer
n = pesdx->Size - pesdx->Index;
if (n > size) {
n = size;
memcpy(pesdx->Buffer + pesdx->Index, p, n);
pesdx->Index += n;
p += n;
size -= n;
if (pesdx->PTS != (int64_t) AV_NOPTS_VALUE) {
// FIXME: needs bigger buffer
swab(pesdx->Buffer, pesdx->Buffer, pesdx->Index);
AudioEnqueue(pesdx->Buffer, pesdx->Index);
pesdx->Index = 0;
} while (size > 0);
// Transport stream demux
/// Transport stream packet size
#define TS_PACKET_SIZE 188
/// Transport stream packet sync byte
#define TS_PACKET_SYNC 0x47
/// transport stream demuxer typedef.
typedef struct _ts_demux_ TsDemux;
/// transport stream demuxer structure.
struct _ts_demux_ {
int Packets; ///< packets between PCR
static PesDemux PesDemuxAudio[1]; ///< audio demuxer
/// Transport stream demuxer.
/// @param tsdx transport stream demuxer
/// @param data buffer of transport stream packets
/// @param size size of buffer
/// @returns number of bytes consumed from buffer.
static int TsDemuxer(TsDemux *tsdx, const uint8_t *data, int size) {
const uint8_t *p;
p = data;
while (size >= TS_PACKET_SIZE) {
#ifdef DEBUG
int pid;
int payload;
if (p[0] != TS_PACKET_SYNC) {
Error(_("tsdemux: transport stream out of sync\n"));
// FIXME: kill all buffers
return size;
if (p[1] & 0x80) { // error indicator
Debug(3, "tsdemux: transport error\n");
// FIXME: kill all buffers
goto next_packet;
#ifdef DEBUG
pid = (p[1] & 0x1F) << 8 | p[2];
Debug(4, "tsdemux: PID: %#04x%s%s\n", pid, p[1] & 0x40 ? " start" : "", p[3] & 0x10 ? " payload" : "");
// skip adaptation field
switch (p[3] & 0x30) { // adaption field
case 0x00: // reserved
case 0x20: // adaptation field only
goto next_packet;
case 0x10: // only payload
payload = 4;
case 0x30: // skip adapation field
payload = 5 + p[4];
// illegal length, ignore packet
if (payload >= TS_PACKET_SIZE) {
Debug(3, "tsdemux: illegal adaption field length\n");
goto next_packet;
PesParse(PesDemuxAudio, p + payload, TS_PACKET_SIZE - payload, p[1] & 0x40);
#if 0
int tmp;
// check continuity
tmp = p[3] & 0x0F; // continuity counter
if (((tsdx->CC + 1) & 0x0F) != tmp) {
Debug(3, "tsdemux: OUT OF SYNC: %d %d\n", tmp, tsdx->CC);
// TS discontinuity (received 8, expected 0) for PID
tsdx->CC = tmp;
return p - data;
** Play audio packet.
** @param data data of exactly one complete PES packet
** @param size size of PES packet
** @param id PES packet type
int PlayAudio(const uint8_t *data, int size, uint8_t id) {
int n;
const uint8_t *p;
// channel switch: SetAudioChannelDevice: SetDigitalAudioDevice:
if (SkipAudio || !MyAudioDecoder) { // skip audio
return size;
if (StreamFreezed) { // stream freezed
return 0;
if (AudioDelay) {
Debug(3, "AudioDelay %dms\n", AudioDelay);
usleep(AudioDelay / 90);
AudioDelay = 0;
return 0;
if (NewAudioStream) {
// this clears the audio ringbuffer indirect, open and setup does it
AudioChannelID = -1;
NewAudioStream = 0;
// hard limit buffer full: don't overrun audio buffers on replay
if (AudioFreeBytes() < AUDIO_MIN_BUFFER_FREE) {
return 0;
// soft limit buffer full
if (AudioSyncStream && VideoGetBuffers(AudioSyncStream) > 3 && AudioUsedBytes() > AUDIO_MIN_BUFFER_FREE * 2) {
return 0;
// PES header 0x00 0x00 0x01 ID
// ID 0xBD 0xC0-0xCF
// must be a PES start code
if (size < 9 || !data || data[0] || data[1] || data[2] != 0x01) {
Error(_("[softhddev] invalid PES audio packet\n"));
return size;
n = data[8]; // header size
if (size < 9 + n + 4) { // wrong size
if (size == 9 + n) {
Warning(_("[softhddev] empty audio packet\n"));
} else {
Error(_("[softhddev] invalid audio packet %d bytes\n"), size);
return size;
if (data[7] & 0x80 && n >= 5) {
AudioAvPkt->pts = (int64_t)(data[9] & 0x0E) << 29 | data[10] << 22 | (data[11] & 0xFE) << 14 | data[12] << 7 |
(data[13] & 0xFE) >> 1;
// Debug(3, "audio: pts %#012" PRIx64 "\n", AudioAvPkt->pts);
if (0) { // dts is unused
if (data[7] & 0x40) {
AudioAvPkt->dts = (int64_t)(data[14] & 0x0E) << 29 | data[15] << 22 | (data[16] & 0xFE) << 14 |
data[17] << 7 | (data[18] & 0xFE) >> 1;
Debug(3, "audio: dts %#012" PRIx64 "\n", AudioAvPkt->dts);
p = data + 9 + n;
n = size - 9 - n; // skip pes header
if (n + AudioAvPkt->stream_index > AudioAvPkt->size) {
Fatal(_("[softhddev] audio buffer too small\n"));
AudioAvPkt->stream_index = 0;
if (AudioChannelID != id) { // id changed audio track changed
AudioChannelID = id;
Debug(3, "audio/demux: new channel id\n");
// Private stream + LPCM ID
if ((id & 0xF0) == 0xA0) {
if (n < 7) {
Error(_("[softhddev] invalid LPCM audio packet %d bytes\n"), size);
return size;
if (AudioCodecID != AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_DVD) {
static int samplerates[] = {48000, 96000, 44100, 32000};
int samplerate;
int channels;
int bits_per_sample;
Debug(3, "[softhddev]%s: LPCM %d sr:%d bits:%d chan:%d\n", __FUNCTION__, id, p[5] >> 4,
(((p[5] >> 6) & 0x3) + 4) * 4, (p[5] & 0x7) + 1);
bits_per_sample = (((p[5] >> 6) & 0x3) + 4) * 4;
if (bits_per_sample != 16) {
Error(_("[softhddev] LPCM %d bits per sample aren't supported\n"), bits_per_sample);
// FIXME: handle unsupported formats.
samplerate = samplerates[p[5] >> 4];
channels = (p[5] & 0x7) + 1;
// FIXME: ConfigAudioBufferTime + x
AudioSetup(&samplerate, &channels, 0);
if (samplerate != samplerates[p[5] >> 4]) {
Error(_("[softhddev] LPCM %d sample-rate is unsupported\n"), samplerates[p[5] >> 4]);
// FIXME: support resample
if (channels != (p[5] & 0x7) + 1) {
Error(_("[softhddev] LPCM %d channels are unsupported\n"), (p[5] & 0x7) + 1);
// FIXME: support resample
// CodecAudioOpen(MyAudioDecoder, AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_DVD);
if (AudioAvPkt->pts != (int64_t)AV_NOPTS_VALUE) {
AudioAvPkt->pts = AV_NOPTS_VALUE;
swab(p + 7, AudioAvPkt->data, n - 7);
AudioEnqueue(AudioAvPkt->data, n - 7);
return size;
// DVD track header
if ((id & 0xF0) == 0x80 && (p[0] & 0xF0) == 0x80) {
p += 4;
n -= 4; // skip track header
if (AudioCodecID == AV_CODEC_ID_NONE) {
// FIXME: ConfigAudioBufferTime + x
// append new packet, to partial old data
memcpy(AudioAvPkt->data + AudioAvPkt->stream_index, p, n);
AudioAvPkt->stream_index += n;
n = AudioAvPkt->stream_index;
p = AudioAvPkt->data;
while (n >= 5) {
int r;
unsigned codec_id;
// 4 bytes 0xFFExxxxx Mpeg audio
// 3 bytes 0x56Exxx AAC LATM audio
// 5 bytes 0x0B77xxxxxx AC-3 audio
// 6 bytes 0x0B77xxxxxxxx E-AC-3 audio
// 7/9 bytes 0xFFFxxxxxxxxxxx ADTS audio
// PCM audio can't be found
r = 0;
codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_NONE; // keep compiler happy
if (id != 0xbd && FastMpegCheck(p)) {
r = MpegCheck(p, n);
codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_MP2;
if (id != 0xbd && !r && FastLatmCheck(p)) {
r = LatmCheck(p, n);
codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_AAC_LATM;
if ((id == 0xbd || (id & 0xF0) == 0x80) && !r && FastAc3Check(p)) {
r = Ac3Check(p, n);
codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_AC3;
if (r > 0 && p[5] > (10 << 3)) {
codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_EAC3;
/* faster ac3 detection at end of pes packet (no improvemnts)
if (AudioCodecID == codec_id && -r - 2 == n) {
r = n;
if (id != 0xbd && !r && FastAdtsCheck(p)) {
r = AdtsCheck(p, n);
codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_AAC;
if (r < 0) { // need more bytes
if (r > 0) {
AVPacket avpkt[1];
// new codec id, close and open new
if (AudioCodecID != codec_id) {
CodecAudioOpen(MyAudioDecoder, codec_id);
AudioCodecID = codec_id;
avpkt->data = (void *)p;
avpkt->size = r;
avpkt->pts = AudioAvPkt->pts;
avpkt->dts = AudioAvPkt->dts;
// FIXME: not aligned for ffmpeg
CodecAudioDecode(MyAudioDecoder, avpkt);
AudioAvPkt->pts = AV_NOPTS_VALUE;
AudioAvPkt->dts = AV_NOPTS_VALUE;
p += r;
n -= r;
// copy remaining bytes to start of packet
if (n) {
memmove(AudioAvPkt->data, p, n);
AudioAvPkt->stream_index = n;
return size;
#ifndef NO_TS_AUDIO
** Play transport stream audio packet.
** VDR can have buffered data belonging to previous channel!
** @param data data of exactly one complete TS packet
** @param size size of TS packet (always TS_PACKET_SIZE)
** @returns number of bytes consumed;
int PlayTsAudio(const uint8_t *data, int size) {
static TsDemux tsdx[1];
if (SkipAudio || !MyAudioDecoder) { // skip audio
return size;
if (StreamFreezed) { // stream freezed
return 0;
if (NewAudioStream) {
// this clears the audio ringbuffer indirect, open and setup does it
// max time between audio packets 200ms + 24ms hw buffer
AudioChannelID = -1;
NewAudioStream = 0;
// hard limit buffer full: don't overrun audio buffers on replay
if (AudioFreeBytes() < AUDIO_MIN_BUFFER_FREE) {
return 0;
// soft limit buffer full
if (AudioSyncStream && VideoGetBuffers(AudioSyncStream) > 3 && AudioUsedBytes() > AUDIO_MIN_BUFFER_FREE * 2) {
return 0;
if (AudioDelay) {
Debug(3, "AudioDelay %dms\n", AudioDelay);
usleep(AudioDelay * 1000);
AudioDelay = 0;
// TsDemuxer(tsdx, data, size); // insert dummy audio
return TsDemuxer(tsdx, data, size);
** Set volume of audio device.
** @param volume VDR volume (0 .. 255)
void SetVolumeDevice(int volume) { AudioSetVolume((volume * 1000) / 255); }
*** Resets channel ID (restarts audio).
void ResetChannelId(void) {
AudioChannelID = -1;
Debug(3, "audio/demux: reset channel id\n");
// Video
#define VIDEO_BUFFER_SIZE (1024 * 1024) ///< video PES buffer default size 512 * 1024
#define VIDEO_PACKET_MAX 256 ///< max number of video packets 192
** Video output stream device structure. Parser, decoder, display.
struct __video_stream__ {
VideoHwDecoder *HwDecoder; ///< video hardware decoder
VideoDecoder *Decoder; ///< video decoder
pthread_mutex_t DecoderLockMutex; ///< video decoder lock mutex
enum AVCodecID CodecID; ///< current codec id
enum AVCodecID LastCodecID; ///< last codec id
volatile char NewStream; ///< flag new video stream
volatile char ClosingStream; ///< flag closing video stream
volatile char SkipStream; ///< skip video stream
volatile char Freezed; ///< stream freezed
volatile char TrickSpeed; ///< current trick speed
volatile char Close; ///< command close video stream
volatile char ClearBuffers; ///< command clear video buffers
volatile char ClearClose; ///< clear video buffers for close
int InvalidPesCounter; ///< counter of invalid PES packets
enum AVCodecID CodecIDRb[VIDEO_PACKET_MAX]; ///< codec ids in ring buffer
AVPacket PacketRb[VIDEO_PACKET_MAX]; ///< PES packet ring buffer
int StartCodeState; ///< last three bytes start code state
int PacketWrite; ///< ring buffer write pointer
int PacketRead; ///< ring buffer read pointer
atomic_t PacketsFilled; ///< how many of the ring buffer is used
static VideoStream MyVideoStream[1]; ///< normal video stream
#ifdef USE_PIP
static VideoStream PipVideoStream[1]; ///< pip video stream
static int PiPActive = 0, mwx, mwy, mww, mwh; ///< main window frame for PiP
#ifdef DEBUG
uint32_t VideoSwitch; ///< debug video switch ticks
static int VideoMaxPacketSize; ///< biggest used packet buffer
// #define STILL_DEBUG 2
static char InStillPicture; ///< flag still picture
const char *X11DisplayName; ///< x11 display name
static volatile char Usr1Signal; ///< true got usr1 signal
** Initialize video packet ringbuffer.
** @param stream video stream
static void VideoPacketInit(VideoStream *stream) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < VIDEO_PACKET_MAX; ++i) {
AVPacket *avpkt;
avpkt = &stream->PacketRb[i];
// build a clean ffmpeg av packet
if (av_new_packet(avpkt, VIDEO_BUFFER_SIZE)) {
Fatal(_("[softhddev] out of memory\n"));
atomic_set(&stream->PacketsFilled, 0);
stream->PacketRead = stream->PacketWrite = 0;
** Cleanup video packet ringbuffer.
** @param stream video stream
static void VideoPacketExit(VideoStream *stream) {
int i;
atomic_set(&stream->PacketsFilled, 0);
for (i = 0; i < VIDEO_PACKET_MAX; ++i) {
** Place video data in packet ringbuffer.
** @param stream video stream
** @param pts presentation timestamp of pes packet
** @param data data of pes packet
** @param size size of pes packet
static void VideoEnqueue(VideoStream *stream, int64_t pts, int64_t dts, const void *data, int size) {
AVPacket *avpkt;
// Debug(3, "video: enqueue %d\n", size);
avpkt = &stream->PacketRb[stream->PacketWrite];
if (!avpkt->stream_index) { // add pts only for first added
avpkt->pts = pts;
avpkt->dts = dts;
if (avpkt->stream_index + size >= avpkt->size) {
// Warning(_("video: packet buffer too small for %d\n"),
// avpkt->stream_index + size);
// new + grow reserves FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE
av_grow_packet(avpkt, ((size + VIDEO_BUFFER_SIZE / 2) / (VIDEO_BUFFER_SIZE / 2)) * (VIDEO_BUFFER_SIZE / 2));
// FIXME: out of memory!
#ifdef DEBUG
if (avpkt->size <= avpkt->stream_index + size) {
fprintf(stderr, "%d %d %d\n", avpkt->size, avpkt->stream_index, size);
memcpy(avpkt->data + avpkt->stream_index, data, size);
avpkt->stream_index += size;
#ifdef DEBUG
if (avpkt->stream_index > VideoMaxPacketSize) {
VideoMaxPacketSize = avpkt->stream_index;
Debug(4, "video: max used PES packet size: %d\n", VideoMaxPacketSize);
** Reset current packet.
** @param stream video stream
static void VideoResetPacket(VideoStream *stream) {
AVPacket *avpkt;
stream->StartCodeState = 0; // reset start code state
stream->CodecIDRb[stream->PacketWrite] = AV_CODEC_ID_NONE;
avpkt = &stream->PacketRb[stream->PacketWrite];
avpkt->stream_index = 0;
avpkt->pts = AV_NOPTS_VALUE;
avpkt->dts = AV_NOPTS_VALUE;
** Finish current packet advance to next.
** @param stream video stream
** @param codec_id codec id of packet (MPEG/H264)
static void VideoNextPacket(VideoStream *stream, int codec_id) {
AVPacket *avpkt;
avpkt = &stream->PacketRb[stream->PacketWrite];
if (!avpkt->stream_index) { // ignore empty packets
if (codec_id != AV_CODEC_ID_NONE) {
Debug(3, "video: possible stream change loss\n");
if (atomic_read(&stream->PacketsFilled) >= VIDEO_PACKET_MAX - 1) {
// no free slot available drop last packet
Error(_("video: no empty slot in packet ringbuffer\n"));
avpkt->stream_index = 0;
if (codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_NONE) {
Debug(3, "video: possible stream change loss\n");
// clear area for decoder, always enough space allocated
memset(avpkt->data + avpkt->stream_index, 0, AV_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE);
stream->CodecIDRb[stream->PacketWrite] = codec_id;
// DumpH264(avpkt->data, avpkt->stream_index);
// advance packet write
stream->PacketWrite = (stream->PacketWrite + 1) % VIDEO_PACKET_MAX;
// intialize next package to use
#if defined(USE_PIP) || defined(VAAPI)
** Place mpeg video data in packet ringbuffer.
** Some tv-stations sends mulitple pictures in a single PES packet.
** Split the packet into single picture packets.
** Nick/CC, Viva, MediaShop, Deutsches Music Fernsehen
** FIXME: this code can be written much faster
** @param stream video stream
** @param pts presentation timestamp of pes packet
** @param data data of pes packet
** @param size size of pes packet
static void VideoMpegEnqueue(VideoStream *stream, int64_t pts, int64_t dts, const uint8_t *data, int size) {
static const char startcode[3] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x01};
const uint8_t *p;
int n;
int first;
// first scan
first = !stream->PacketRb[stream->PacketWrite].stream_index;
p = data;
n = size;
#ifdef DEBUG
if (n < 4) {
// is a problem with the pes start code detection
Error(_("[softhddev] too short PES video packet\n"));
fprintf(stderr, "[softhddev] too short PES video packet\n");
switch (stream->StartCodeState) { // prefix starting in last packet
case 3: // 0x00 0x00 0x01 seen
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "last: %d\n", stream->StartCodeState);
if (!p[0] || p[0] == 0xb3) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("last: %d start aspect %02x\n", stream->StartCodeState, p[4]);
stream->PacketRb[stream->PacketWrite].stream_index -= 3;
VideoNextPacket(stream, AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG2VIDEO);
VideoEnqueue(stream, pts, dts, startcode, 3);
first = p[0] == 0xb3;
case 2: // 0x00 0x00 seen
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "last: %d\n", stream->StartCodeState);
if (p[0] == 0x01 && (!p[1] || p[1] == 0xb3)) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("last: %d start aspect %02x\n", stream->StartCodeState, p[5]);
stream->PacketRb[stream->PacketWrite].stream_index -= 2;
VideoNextPacket(stream, AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG2VIDEO);
VideoEnqueue(stream, pts, dts, startcode, 2);
first = p[1] == 0xb3;
p += 2;
n -= 2;
case 1: // 0x00 seen
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "last: %d\n", stream->StartCodeState);
if (!p[0] && p[1] == 0x01 && (!p[2] || p[2] == 0xb3)) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("last: %d start aspect %02x\n", stream->StartCodeState, p[6]);
stream->PacketRb[stream->PacketWrite].stream_index -= 1;
VideoNextPacket(stream, AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG2VIDEO);
VideoEnqueue(stream, pts, dts, startcode, 1);
first = p[2] == 0xb3;
p += 3;
n -= 3;
case 0:
// b3 b4 b8 00 b5 ... 00 b5 ...
while (n > 3) {
if (0 && !p[0] && !p[1] && p[2] == 0x01) {
fprintf(stderr, " %02x", p[3]);
// scan for picture header 0x00000100
// FIXME: not perfect, must split at 0xb3 also
if (!p[0] && !p[1] && p[2] == 0x01 && !p[3]) {
if (first) {
first = 0;
n -= 4;
p += 4;
// packet has already an picture header
fprintf(stderr, "\nfix:%9d,%02x%02x%02x %02x ", n,
p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3]);
// first packet goes only upto picture header
VideoEnqueue(stream, pts, dts, data, p - data);
VideoNextPacket(stream, AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG2VIDEO);
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "fix\r");
data = p;
size = n;
// time-stamp only valid for first packet
n -= 4;
p += 4;
if (!p[0] && !p[1] && p[2] == 0x01 && p[3] == 0xb3) {
// printf("aspectratio %02x\n",p[7]>>4);
stream->StartCodeState = 0;
switch (n) { // handle packet border start code
case 3:
if (!p[0] && !p[1] && p[2] == 0x01) {
stream->StartCodeState = 3;
case 2:
if (!p[0] && !p[1]) {
stream->StartCodeState = 2;
case 1:
if (!p[0]) {
stream->StartCodeState = 1;
case 0:
VideoEnqueue(stream, pts, dts, data, size);
** Fix packet for FFMpeg.
** Some tv-stations sends mulitple pictures in a single PES packet.
** Current ffmpeg 0.10 and libav-0.8 has problems with this.
** Split the packet into single picture packets.
** FIXME: there are stations which have multiple pictures and
** the last picture incomplete in the PES packet.
** FIXME: move function call into PlayVideo, than the hardware
** decoder didn't need to support multiple frames decoding.
** @param avpkt ffmpeg a/v packet
#ifndef USE_PIP
static void FixPacketForFFMpeg(VideoDecoder *vdecoder, AVPacket *avpkt) {
uint8_t *p;
int n;
AVPacket tmp[1];
int first;
p = avpkt->data;
n = avpkt->size;
*tmp = *avpkt;
first = 1;
if (InStillPicture) {
fprintf(stderr, "fix(%d): ", n);
while (n > 3) {
if (InStillPicture && !p[0] && !p[1] && p[2] == 0x01) {
fprintf(stderr, " %02x", p[3]);
// scan for picture header 0x00000100
if (!p[0] && !p[1] && p[2] == 0x01 && !p[3]) {
if (first) {
first = 0;
n -= 4;
p += 4;
// packet has already an picture header
tmp->size = p - tmp->data;
if (InStillPicture) {
fprintf(stderr, "\nfix:%9d,%02x %02x %02x %02x\n", tmp->size, tmp->data[0], tmp->data[1], tmp->data[2],
CodecVideoDecode(vdecoder, tmp);
// time-stamp only valid for first packet
tmp->pts = AV_NOPTS_VALUE;
tmp->dts = AV_NOPTS_VALUE;
tmp->data = p;
tmp->size = n;
if (InStillPicture) {
fprintf(stderr, "\nfix:%9d.%02x %02x %02x %02x\n", tmp->size, tmp->data[0], tmp->data[1], tmp->data[2],
CodecVideoDecode(vdecoder, tmp);
** Open video stream.
** @param stream video stream
static void VideoStreamOpen(VideoStream *stream) {
stream->SkipStream = 1;
stream->CodecID = AV_CODEC_ID_NONE;
stream->LastCodecID = AV_CODEC_ID_NONE;
if ((stream->HwDecoder = VideoNewHwDecoder(stream))) {
stream->Decoder = CodecVideoNewDecoder(stream->HwDecoder);
stream->SkipStream = 0;
** Close video stream.
** @param stream video stream
** @param delhw flag delete hardware decoder
** @note must be called from the video thread, otherwise xcb has a
** deadlock.
static void VideoStreamClose(VideoStream *stream, int delhw) {
stream->SkipStream = 1;
if (stream->Decoder) {
VideoDecoder *decoder;
Debug(3, "VideoStreamClose");
decoder = stream->Decoder;
// FIXME: remove this lock for main stream close
stream->Decoder = NULL; // lock read thread
if (stream->HwDecoder) {
if (delhw) {
stream->HwDecoder = NULL;
// FIXME: CodecVideoClose calls/uses hw decoder
stream->NewStream = 1;
stream->InvalidPesCounter = 0;
** Poll PES packet ringbuffer.
** Called if video frame buffers are full.
** @param stream video stream
** @retval 1 something todo
** @retval -1 empty stream
int VideoPollInput(VideoStream *stream) {
if (!stream->Decoder || !stream->HwDecoder) { // closing
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "no decoder\n");
return -1;
if (stream->Close) { // close stream request
VideoStreamClose(stream, 1);
stream->Close = 0;
return 1;
if (stream->ClearBuffers) { // clear buffer request
atomic_set(&stream->PacketsFilled, 0);
stream->PacketRead = stream->PacketWrite;
// FIXME: ->Decoder already checked
Debug(3, "Clear buffer request in Poll\n");
if (stream->Decoder && stream->HwDecoder) {
// VideoResetStart(stream->HwDecoder);
stream->ClearBuffers = 0;
return 1;
if (!atomic_read(&stream->PacketsFilled)) {
return -1;
return 1;
** Decode from PES packet ringbuffer.
** @param stream video stream
** @retval 0 packet decoded
** @retval 1 stream paused
** @retval -1 empty stream
int VideoDecodeInput(VideoStream *stream, int trick) {
int filled;
AVPacket *avpkt;
int saved_size;
if (!stream->Decoder) { // closing
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "no decoder\n");
return -1;
if (stream->Close) { // close stream request
VideoStreamClose(stream, 1);
stream->Close = 0;
return 1;
if (stream->ClearBuffers && trick)
stream->ClearBuffers = 0;
if (stream->ClearBuffers) { // clear buffer request
atomic_set(&stream->PacketsFilled, 0);
stream->PacketRead = stream->PacketWrite;
// FIXME: ->Decoder already checked
if (stream->Decoder) {
Debug(3, "Clear buffer request in Decode\n");
stream->ClearBuffers = 0;
return 1;
if (stream->Freezed) { // stream freezed
// clear is called during freezed
return 1;
filled = atomic_read(&stream->PacketsFilled);
// printf("Packets in Decode %d\n",filled);
if (!filled) {
return -1;
#if 0
// clearing for normal channel switch has no advantage
if (stream->ClearClose || stream->ClosingStream) {
int f;
// FIXME: during replay all packets are always checked
// flush buffers, if close is in the queue
for (f = 0; f < filled; ++f) {
if (stream->CodecIDRb[(stream->PacketRead + f) % VIDEO_PACKET_MAX] == AV_CODEC_ID_NONE) {
if (f) {
Debug(3, "video: cleared upto close\n");
atomic_sub(f, &stream->PacketsFilled);
stream->PacketRead = (stream->PacketRead + f) % VIDEO_PACKET_MAX;
stream->ClearClose = 0;
stream->ClosingStream = 0;
// handle queued commands
avpkt = &stream->PacketRb[stream->PacketRead];
switch (stream->CodecIDRb[stream->PacketRead]) {
stream->ClosingStream = 0;
if (stream->LastCodecID != AV_CODEC_ID_NONE) {
Debug(3, "in VideoDecode make close\n");
stream->LastCodecID = AV_CODEC_ID_NONE;
// FIXME: CodecVideoClose calls/uses hw decoder
goto skip;
// FIXME: look if more close are in the queue
// size can be zero
goto skip;
if (stream->LastCodecID != AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG2VIDEO) {
stream->LastCodecID = AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG2VIDEO;
CodecVideoOpen(stream->Decoder, AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG2VIDEO);
case AV_CODEC_ID_H264:
if (stream->LastCodecID != AV_CODEC_ID_H264) {
Debug(3, "CodecVideoOpen h264\n");
stream->LastCodecID = AV_CODEC_ID_H264;
CodecVideoOpen(stream->Decoder, AV_CODEC_ID_H264);
if (stream->LastCodecID != AV_CODEC_ID_HEVC) {
stream->LastCodecID = AV_CODEC_ID_HEVC;
CodecVideoOpen(stream->Decoder, AV_CODEC_ID_HEVC);
// avcodec_decode_video2 needs size
saved_size = avpkt->size;
avpkt->size = avpkt->stream_index;
avpkt->stream_index = 0;
#if defined(USE_PIP) || defined(VAAPI)
// fprintf(stderr, "[");
// DumpMpeg(avpkt->data, avpkt->size);
if (InStillPicture) {
DumpMpeg(avpkt->data, avpkt->size);
// lock decoder against close
if (stream->Decoder) {
CodecVideoDecode(stream->Decoder, avpkt);
// fprintf(stderr, "]\n");
// old version
if (stream->LastCodecID == AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG2VIDEO) {
FixPacketForFFMpeg(stream->Decoder, avpkt);
} else {
CodecVideoDecode(stream->Decoder, avpkt);
avpkt->size = saved_size;
// advance packet read
stream->PacketRead = (stream->PacketRead + 1) % VIDEO_PACKET_MAX;
return 0;
** Get number of video buffers.
** @param stream video stream
int VideoGetBuffers(const VideoStream *stream) { return atomic_read(&stream->PacketsFilled); }
** Try video start.
** NOT TRUE: Could be called, when already started.
static void StartVideo(void) {
if (ConfigFullscreen) {
// FIXME: not good looking, mapped and then resized.
if (!MyVideoStream->Decoder) {
AudioSyncStream = MyVideoStream;
** Stop video.
static void StopVideo(void) {
AudioSyncStream = NULL;
#if 1
// FIXME: done by exit: VideoDelHwDecoder(MyVideoStream->HwDecoder);
VideoStreamClose(MyVideoStream, 0);
MyVideoStream->SkipStream = 1;
if (MyVideoStream->Decoder) {
VideoDecoder *decoder;
decoder = MyVideoStream->Decoder;
MyVideoStream->Decoder = NULL; // lock read thread
// FIXME: this can crash, hw decoder released by video exit
Debug(3, "in Stop Video");
if (MyVideoStream->HwDecoder) {
// done by exit: VideoDelHwDecoder(MyVideoStream->HwDecoder);
MyVideoStream->HwDecoder = NULL;
MyVideoStream->NewStream = 1;
MyVideoStream->InvalidPesCounter = 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
** Dump mpeg video packet.
** Function to dump a mpeg packet, not needed.
static void DumpMpeg(const uint8_t *data, int size) {
fprintf(stderr, "%8d: ", size);
// b3 b4 b8 00 b5 ... 00 b5 ...
while (size > 3) {
if (!data[0] && !data[1] && data[2] == 0x01) {
fprintf(stderr, " %02x", data[3]);
size -= 4;
data += 4;
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
** Dump h264 video packet.
** Function to Dump a h264 packet, not needed.
static int DumpH264(const uint8_t *data, int size) {
do {
if (size < 4) {
return -1;
if (!data[0] && !data[1] && data[2] == 0x01) {
printf("%02x ", data[3]);
} while (size);
return 0;
** Validate mpeg video packet.
** Function to validate a mpeg packet, not needed.
static int ValidateMpeg(const uint8_t *data, int size) {
int pes_l;
do {
if (size < 9) {
return -1;
if (data[0] || data[1] || data[2] != 0x01) {
printf("%02x: %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\n", data[-1], data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3], data[4]);
return -1;
pes_l = (data[4] << 8) | data[5];
if (!pes_l) { // contains unknown length
return 1;
if (6 + pes_l > size) {
return -1;
data += 6 + pes_l;
size -= 6 + pes_l;
} while (size);
return 0;
** Play video packet.
** @param stream video stream
** @param data data of exactly one complete PES packet
** @param size size of PES packet
** @return number of bytes used, 0 if internal buffer are full.
int PlayVideo3(VideoStream *stream, const uint8_t *data, int size) {
const uint8_t *check;
int64_t pts, dts;
int n;
int z;
int l;
if (!stream->Decoder) { // no x11 video started
return size;
if (stream->SkipStream) { // skip video stream
return size;
if (stream->Freezed) { // stream freezed
return 0;
if (stream->NewStream) { // channel switched
Debug(3, "video: new stream %dms\n", GetMsTicks() - VideoSwitch);
if (atomic_read(&stream->PacketsFilled) >= VIDEO_PACKET_MAX - 1) {
Debug(3, "video: new video stream lost\n");
return 0;
VideoNextPacket(stream, AV_CODEC_ID_NONE);
stream->CodecID = AV_CODEC_ID_NONE;
stream->ClosingStream = 1;
stream->NewStream = 0;
// must be a PES start code
// FIXME: Valgrind-3.8.1 has a problem with this code
if (size < 9 || !data || data[0] || data[1] || data[2] != 0x01) {
if (!stream->InvalidPesCounter++) {
Error(_("[softhddev] invalid PES video packet\n"));
return size;
if (stream->InvalidPesCounter) {
if (stream->InvalidPesCounter > 1) {
Error(_("[softhddev] %d invalid PES video packet(s)\n"), stream->InvalidPesCounter);
stream->InvalidPesCounter = 0;
// 0xBE, filler, padding stream
if (data[3] == PES_PADDING_STREAM) { // from DVD plugin
return size;
n = data[8]; // header size
if (size <= 9 + n) { // wrong size
if (size == 9 + n) {
Warning(_("[softhddev] empty video packet\n"));
} else {
Error(_("[softhddev] invalid video packet %d/%d bytes\n"), 9 + n, size);
return size;
// hard limit buffer full: needed for replay
if (atomic_read(&stream->PacketsFilled) >= VIDEO_PACKET_MAX - 10) {
//Debug(3, "video: video buffer full\n");
return 0;
// soft limit buffer full
if (AudioSyncStream == stream && atomic_read(&stream->PacketsFilled) > 3 &&
AudioUsedBytes() > AUDIO_MIN_BUFFER_FREE * 2) {
return 0;
// get pts/dts
if ((data[7] & 0xc0) == 0x80) {
pts = (int64_t)(data[9] & 0x0E) << 29 | data[10] << 22 | (data[11] & 0xFE) << 14 | data[12] << 7 |
(data[13] & 0xFE) >> 1;
if ((data[7] & 0xC0) == 0xc0) {
pts = (int64_t)(data[9] & 0x0E) << 29 | data[10] << 22 | (data[11] & 0xFE) << 14 | data[12] << 7 |
(data[13] & 0xFE) >> 1;
dts = (int64_t)(data[14] & 0x0E) << 29 | data[15] << 22 | (data[16] & 0xFE) << 14 | data[17] << 7 |
(data[18] & 0xFE) >> 1;
check = data + 9 + n;
l = size - 9 - n;
z = 0;
while (!*check) { // count leading zeros
if (l < 3) {
// Warning(_("[softhddev] empty video packet %d bytes\n"), size);
z = 0;
// H264 NAL AUD Access Unit Delimiter (0x00) 0x00 0x00 0x01 0x09
// and next start code
if ((data[6] & 0xC0) == 0x80 && z >= 2 && check[0] == 0x01 && check[1] == 0x09 && !check[3] && !check[4]) {
// old PES HDTV recording z == 2 -> stronger check!
if (stream->CodecID == AV_CODEC_ID_H264) {
if (stream->TrickSpeed) {
char buf[1024];
int fd;
static int FrameCounter;
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "frame_%06d_%08d.raw", getpid(), FrameCounter++);
if ((fd = open(buf, O_WRONLY | O_CLOEXEC | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0666)) >= 0) {
if (write(fd, data + 9 + n, size - 9 - n)) {
// this construct is to remove the annoying warning
// this should improve ffwd+frew, but produce crash in ffmpeg
// with some streams
if (stream->TrickSpeed && pts != (int64_t)AV_NOPTS_VALUE) {
// H264 NAL End of Sequence
static uint8_t seq_end_h264[] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x0A};
// 1-5=SLICE 6=SEI 7=SPS 8=PPS
// NAL SPS sequence parameter set
if ((check[7] & 0x1F) == 0x07) {
VideoNextPacket(stream, AV_CODEC_ID_H264);
VideoEnqueue(stream, AV_NOPTS_VALUE, AV_NOPTS_VALUE, seq_end_h264, sizeof(seq_end_h264));
VideoNextPacket(stream, AV_CODEC_ID_H264);
} else {
Debug(3, "video: h264 detected\n");
stream->CodecID = AV_CODEC_ID_H264;
// SKIP PES header (ffmpeg supports short start code)
VideoEnqueue(stream, pts, dts, check - 2, l + 2);
return size;
// HEVC Codec
if ((data[6] & 0xC0) == 0x80 && z >= 2 && check[0] == 0x01 && check[1] == 0x46) {
// old PES HDTV recording z == 2 -> stronger check!
if (stream->CodecID == AV_CODEC_ID_HEVC) {
VideoNextPacket(stream, AV_CODEC_ID_HEVC);
} else {
Debug(3, "video: hvec detected\n");
stream->CodecID = AV_CODEC_ID_HEVC;
// SKIP PES header (ffmpeg supports short start code)
VideoEnqueue(stream, pts, dts, check - 2, l + 2);
return size;
// PES start code 0x00 0x00 0x01 0x00|0xb3
if (z > 1 && check[0] == 0x01 && (!check[1] || check[1] == 0xb3)) {
if (stream->CodecID == AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG2VIDEO) {
VideoNextPacket(stream, AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG2VIDEO);
} else {
Debug(3, "video: mpeg2 detected ID %02x\n", check[3]);
// SKIP PES header, begin of start code
#if defined(USE_PIP) || defined(VAAPI)
VideoMpegEnqueue(stream, pts, dts, check - 2, l + 2);
VideoEnqueue(stream, pts, dts, check - 2, l + 2);
return size;
// this happens when vdr sends incomplete packets
if (stream->CodecID == AV_CODEC_ID_NONE) {
Debug(3, "video: not detected\n");
return size;
#if defined(USE_PIP) || defined(VAAPI)
if (stream->CodecID == AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG2VIDEO) {
// SKIP PES header
VideoMpegEnqueue(stream, pts, dts, data + 9 + n, size - 9 - n);
if (size < 65526) {
// mpeg codec supports incomplete packets
// waiting for a full complete packages, increases needed delays
// PES recordings sends incomplete packets
// incomplete packets breaks the decoder for some stations
// for the new USE_PIP code, this is only a very little improvement
VideoNextPacket(stream, stream->CodecID);
} else {
// SKIP PES header
VideoEnqueue(stream, pts, dts, data + 9 + n, size - 9 - n);
// SKIP PES header
VideoEnqueue(stream, pts, dts, data + 9 + n, size - 9 - n);
// incomplete packets produce artefacts after channel switch
// packet < 65526 is the last split packet, detect it here for
// better latency
if (size < 65526 && stream->CodecID == AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG2VIDEO) {
// mpeg codec supports incomplete packets
// waiting for a full complete packages, increases needed delays
VideoNextPacket(stream, AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG2VIDEO);
return size;
** Play video packet.
** @param data data of exactly one complete PES packet
** @param size size of PES packet
** @return number of bytes used, 0 if internal buffer are full.
** @note vdr sends incomplete packets, va-api h264 decoder only
** supports complete packets.
** We buffer here until we receive an complete PES Packet, which
** is no problem, the audio is always far behind us.
** cTsToPes::GetPes splits the packets.
** @todo FIXME: combine the 5 ifs at start of the function
int PlayVideo(const uint8_t *data, int size) { return PlayVideo3(MyVideoStream, data, size); }
/// call VDR support function
extern uint8_t *CreateJpeg(uint8_t *, int *, int, int, int);
#if defined(USE_JPEG) && JPEG_LIB_VERSION >= 80
** Create a jpeg image in memory.
** @param image raw RGB image
** @param raw_size size of raw image
** @param size[out] size of jpeg image
** @param quality jpeg quality
** @param width number of horizontal pixels in image
** @param height number of vertical pixels in image
** @returns allocated jpeg image.
uint8_t *CreateJpeg(uint8_t *image, int raw_size, int *size, int quality, int width, int height) {
struct jpeg_compress_struct cinfo;
struct jpeg_error_mgr jerr;
JSAMPROW row_ptr[1];
int row_stride;
uint8_t *outbuf;
long unsigned int outsize;
outbuf = NULL;
outsize = 0;
cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&jerr);
jpeg_mem_dest(&cinfo, &outbuf, &outsize);
cinfo.image_width = width;
cinfo.image_height = height;
cinfo.input_components = raw_size / height / width;
cinfo.in_color_space = JCS_RGB;
jpeg_set_quality(&cinfo, quality, TRUE);
jpeg_start_compress(&cinfo, TRUE);
row_stride = width * 3;
while (cinfo.next_scanline < cinfo.image_height) {
row_ptr[0] = &image[cinfo.next_scanline * row_stride];
jpeg_write_scanlines(&cinfo, row_ptr, 1);
*size = outsize;
return outbuf;
** Grabs the currently visible screen image.
** @param size size of the returned data
** @param jpeg flag true, create JPEG data
** @param quality JPEG quality
** @param width number of horizontal pixels in the frame
** @param height number of vertical pixels in the frame
uint8_t *GrabImage(int *size, int jpeg, int quality, int width, int height) {
if (jpeg) {
uint8_t *image;
int raw_size;
raw_size = 0;
image = VideoGrab(&raw_size, &width, &height, 0);
if (image) { // can fail, suspended, ...
uint8_t *jpg_image;
jpg_image = CreateJpeg(image, size, quality, width, height);
return jpg_image;
return NULL;
return VideoGrab(size, &width, &height, 1);
** Set play mode, called on channel switch.
** @param play_mode play mode (none, video+audio, audio-only, ...)
int SetPlayMode(int play_mode) {
Debug(3, "Set Playmode %d\n", play_mode);
switch (play_mode) {
case 0: // audio/video from decoder
// tell video parser we get new stream
if (MyVideoStream->Decoder && !MyVideoStream->SkipStream) {
// clear buffers on close configured always or replay only
if (ConfigVideoClearOnSwitch || MyVideoStream->ClearClose) {
Clear(); // flush all buffers
MyVideoStream->ClearClose = 0;
if (MyVideoStream->CodecID != AV_CODEC_ID_NONE) {
MyVideoStream->NewStream = 1;
MyVideoStream->InvalidPesCounter = 0;
// tell hw decoder we are closing stream
#ifdef DEBUG
VideoSwitch = GetMsTicks();
Debug(3, "video: new stream start\n");
if (MyAudioDecoder) { // tell audio parser we have new stream
if (AudioCodecID != AV_CODEC_ID_NONE) {
NewAudioStream = 1;
case 1: // audio/video from player
case 2: // audio only from player, video from decoder
case 3: // audio only from player, no video (black screen)
Debug(3, "softhddev: FIXME: audio only, silence video errors\n");
case 4: // video only from player, audio from decoder
return 1;
** Gets the current System Time Counter, which can be used to
** synchronize audio, video and subtitles.
int64_t GetSTC(void) {
if (MyVideoStream->HwDecoder) {
return VideoGetClock(MyVideoStream->HwDecoder);
// could happen during dettached
Warning(_("softhddev: %s called without hw decoder\n"), __FUNCTION__);
** Get video stream size and aspect.
** @param width[OUT] width of video stream
** @param height[OUT] height of video stream
** @param aspect[OUT] aspect ratio (4/3, 16/9, ...) of video stream
void GetVideoSize(int *width, int *height, double *aspect) {
#ifdef DEBUG
static int done_width;
static int done_height;
int aspect_num;
int aspect_den;
if (MyVideoStream->HwDecoder) {
VideoGetVideoSize(MyVideoStream->HwDecoder, width, height, &aspect_num, &aspect_den);
*aspect = (double)aspect_num / (double)aspect_den;
} else {
*width = 0;
*height = 0;
*aspect = 1.0; // like default cDevice::GetVideoSize
#ifdef DEBUG
if (done_width != *width || done_height != *height) {
Debug(3, "[softhddev]%s: %dx%d %g\n", __FUNCTION__, *width, *height, *aspect);
done_width = *width;
done_height = *height;
** Set trick play speed.
** Every single frame shall then be displayed the given number of
** times.
** @param speed trick speed
void TrickSpeed(int speed) {
MyVideoStream->TrickSpeed = speed;
if (MyVideoStream->HwDecoder) {
VideoSetTrickSpeed(MyVideoStream->HwDecoder, speed);
} else {
// can happen, during startup
Debug(3, "softhddev: %s called without hw decoder\n", __FUNCTION__);
StreamFreezed = 0;
MyVideoStream->Freezed = 0;
** Clears all video and audio data from the device.
void Clear(void) {
int i;
VideoResetPacket(MyVideoStream); // terminate work
MyVideoStream->ClearBuffers = 1;
if (!SkipAudio) {
// NewAudioStream = 1;
// FIXME: audio avcodec_flush_buffers, video is done by VideoClearBuffers
// wait for empty buffers
// FIXME: without softstart sync VideoDecode isn't called.
for (i = 0; MyVideoStream->ClearBuffers && i < 20; ++i) {
usleep(1 * 100);
Debug(3, "[softhddev]%s: %dms buffers %d\n", __FUNCTION__, i, VideoGetBuffers(MyVideoStream));
** Sets the device into play mode.
void Play(void) {
TrickSpeed(0); // normal play
SkipAudio = 0;
** Sets the device into "freeze frame" mode.
void Freeze(void) {
StreamFreezed = 1;
MyVideoStream->Freezed = 1;
** Turns off audio while replaying.
void Mute(void) {
SkipAudio = 1;
// AudioSetVolume(0);
** Display the given I-frame as a still picture.
** @param data pes frame data
** @param size number of bytes in frame
void StillPicture(const uint8_t *data, int size) {
static uint8_t seq_end_mpeg[] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0xB7};
// H264 NAL End of Sequence
static uint8_t seq_end_h264[] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x0A};
// H265 NAL End of Sequence
static uint8_t seq_end_h265[] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x48, 0x01}; // 0x48 = end of seq 0x4a = end of stream
int i;
// might be called in Suspended Mode
if (!MyVideoStream->Decoder || MyVideoStream->SkipStream) {
// must be a PES start code
if (size < 9 || !data || data[0] || data[1] || data[2] != 0x01) {
Error(_("[softhddev] invalid still video packet\n"));
InStillPicture = 1;
VideoSetTrickSpeed(MyVideoStream->HwDecoder, 1);
VideoNextPacket(MyVideoStream, AV_CODEC_ID_NONE); // close last stream
if (MyVideoStream->CodecID == AV_CODEC_ID_NONE) {
// FIXME: should detect codec, see PlayVideo
Error(_("[softhddev] no codec known for still picture\n"));
// FIXME: can check video backend, if a frame was produced.
// output for max reference frames
fprintf(stderr, "still-picture\n");
for (i = 0; i < (MyVideoStream->CodecID == AV_CODEC_ID_HEVC ? 12 : 12); ++i) {
const uint8_t *split;
int n;
// FIXME: vdr pes recordings sends mixed audio/video
if ((data[3] & 0xF0) == 0xE0) { // PES packet
split = data;
n = size;
// split the I-frame into single pes packets
do {
int len;
#ifdef DEBUG
if (split[0] || split[1] || split[2] != 0x01) {
Error(_("[softhddev] invalid still video packet\n"));
len = (split[4] << 8) + split[5];
if (!len || len + 6 > n) {
if ((split[3] & 0xF0) == 0xE0) {
// video only
while (!PlayVideo3(MyVideoStream, split, n)) { // feed remaining bytes
if ((split[3] & 0xF0) == 0xE0) {
// video only
while (!PlayVideo3(MyVideoStream, split, len + 6)) { // feed it
split += 6 + len;
n -= 6 + len;
} while (n > 6);
MyVideoStream->CodecID); // terminate last packet
} else { // ES packet
if (MyVideoStream->CodecID != AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG2VIDEO) {
VideoNextPacket(MyVideoStream, AV_CODEC_ID_NONE); // close last stream
MyVideoStream->CodecID = AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG2VIDEO;
VideoEnqueue(MyVideoStream, AV_NOPTS_VALUE, AV_NOPTS_VALUE, data, size);
if (MyVideoStream->CodecID == AV_CODEC_ID_H264) {
VideoEnqueue(MyVideoStream, AV_NOPTS_VALUE, AV_NOPTS_VALUE, seq_end_h264, sizeof(seq_end_h264));
} else if (MyVideoStream->CodecID == AV_CODEC_ID_HEVC) {
VideoEnqueue(MyVideoStream, AV_NOPTS_VALUE, AV_NOPTS_VALUE, seq_end_h265, sizeof(seq_end_h265));
} else {
VideoEnqueue(MyVideoStream, AV_NOPTS_VALUE, AV_NOPTS_VALUE, seq_end_mpeg, sizeof(seq_end_mpeg));
MyVideoStream->CodecID); // terminate last packet
// wait for empty buffers
for (i = 0; VideoGetBuffers(MyVideoStream) && i < 50; ++i) {
usleep(10 * 1000);
Debug(3, "[softhddev]%s: buffers %d %dms\n", __FUNCTION__, VideoGetBuffers(MyVideoStream), i * 10);
InStillPicture = 0;
VideoNextPacket(MyVideoStream, AV_CODEC_ID_NONE); // close last stream
VideoSetTrickSpeed(MyVideoStream->HwDecoder, 0);
** Poll if device is ready. Called by replay.
** This function is useless, the return value is ignored and
** all buffers are overrun by vdr.
** The dvd plugin is using this correct.
** @param timeout timeout to become ready in ms
** @retval true if ready
** @retval false if busy
int Poll(int timeout) {
// poll is only called during replay, flush buffers after replay
MyVideoStream->ClearClose = 1;
for (;;) {
int full;
int t;
int used;
int filled;
used = AudioUsedBytes();
// FIXME: no video!
filled = atomic_read(&MyVideoStream->PacketsFilled);
// soft limit + hard limit
full = (used > AUDIO_MIN_BUFFER_FREE && filled > 3) || AudioFreeBytes() < AUDIO_MIN_BUFFER_FREE ||
filled >= VIDEO_PACKET_MAX - 10;
if (!full || !timeout) {
return !full;
t = 15;
if (timeout < t) {
t = timeout;
usleep(t * 1000); // let display thread work
timeout -= t;
** Flush the device output buffers.
** @param timeout timeout to flush in ms
int Flush(int timeout) {
if (atomic_read(&MyVideoStream->PacketsFilled)) {
if (timeout) { // let display thread work
usleep(timeout * 1000);
return !atomic_read(&MyVideoStream->PacketsFilled);
return 1;
// OSD
** Get OSD size and aspect.
** @param width[OUT] width of OSD
** @param height[OUT] height of OSD
** @param aspect[OUT] aspect ratio (4/3, 16/9, ...) of OSD
void GetOsdSize(int *width, int *height, double *aspect) {
#ifdef DEBUG
static int done_width;
static int done_height;
VideoGetOsdSize(width, height);
*aspect = 16.0 / 9.0 / (double)*width * (double)*height;
#ifdef DEBUG
if (done_width != *width || done_height != *height) {
Debug(3, "[softhddev]%s: %dx%d %g\n", __FUNCTION__, *width, *height, *aspect);
done_width = *width;
done_height = *height;
** Close OSD.
void OsdClose(void) { VideoOsdClear(); }
** Draw an OSD pixmap.
** @param xi x-coordinate in argb image
** @param yi y-coordinate in argb image
** @paran height height in pixel in argb image
** @paran width width in pixel in argb image
** @param pitch pitch of argb image
** @param argb 32bit ARGB image data
** @param x x-coordinate on screen of argb image
** @param y y-coordinate on screen of argb image
void OsdDrawARGB(int xi, int yi, int height, int width, int pitch, const uint8_t *argb, int x, int y) {
// wakeup display for showing remote learning dialog
VideoOsdDrawARGB(xi, yi, height, width, pitch, argb, x, y);
** Return command line help string.
const char *CommandLineHelp(void) {
return " -a device\taudio device (fe. alsa: hw:0,0 oss: /dev/dsp)\n"
" -p device\taudio device for pass-through (hw:0,1 or /dev/dsp1)\n"
" -c channel\taudio mixer channel name (fe. PCM)\n"
" -d display\tdisplay of x11 server (fe. :0.0)\n"
" -f\t\tstart with fullscreen window (only with window manager)\n"
" -g geometry\tx11 window geometry wxh+x+y\n"
" -r Refresh\tRefreshrate for DRM (default is 50 Hz)\n"
" -C Connector\tConnector for DRM (default is current Connector)\n"
" -S shader\tShader to use.\n\t\tOnly with placebo. Can be repeated "
"for more shaders\n"
" -v device\tvideo driver device (cuvid)\n"
" -s\t\tstart in suspended mode\n"
" -x\t\tstart x11 server, with -xx try to connect, if this fails\n"
" -X args\tX11 server arguments (f.e. -nocursor)\n"
" -w workaround\tenable/disable workarounds\n"
"\tno-hw-decoder\t\tdisable hw decoder, use software decoder only\n"
"\tno-mpeg-hw-decoder\tdisable hw decoder for mpeg only\n"
"\tstill-hw-decoder\tenable hardware decoder for still-pictures\n"
"\tstill-h264-hw-decoder\tenable h264 hw decoder for still-pictures\n"
"\talsa-driver-broken\tdisable broken alsa driver message\n"
"\talsa-no-close-open\tdisable close open to fix alsa no sound bug\n"
"\talsa-close-open-delay\tenable close open delay to fix no sound "
"\tignore-repeat-pict\tdisable repeat pict message\n"
"\tuse-possible-defect-frames prefer faster channel switch\n"
" -D\t\tstart in detached mode\n";
** Process the command line arguments.
** @param argc number of arguments
** @param argv arguments vector
int ProcessArgs(int argc, char *const argv[]) {
// Parse arguments.
#ifdef __FreeBSD__
if (!strcmp(*argv, "softhddevice")) {
for (;;) {
switch (getopt(argc, argv, "-a:c:C:r:d:fg:p:S:sv:w:xDX:")) {
case 'a': // audio device for pcm
case 'c': // channel of audio mixer
case 'C': // Connector for DRM
case 'r': // Connector for DRM
case 'S': // Shader
if (VideoSetShader(optarg) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, _("Too much shaders definded\n"));
return 0;
case 'p': // pass-through audio device
case 'd': // x11 display name
X11DisplayName = optarg;
case 'f': // fullscreen mode
ConfigFullscreen = 1;
case 'g': // geometry
if (VideoSetGeometry(optarg) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, _("Bad formated geometry please use: "
return 0;
case 'v': // video driver
case 'x': // x11 server
case 'X': // x11 server arguments
X11ServerArguments = optarg;
case 's': // start in suspend mode
ConfigStartSuspended = 1;
case 'D': // start in detached mode
ConfigStartSuspended = -1;
case 'w': // workarounds
if (!strcasecmp("no-hw-decoder", optarg)) {
VideoHardwareDecoder = 0;
} else if (!strcasecmp("no-mpeg-hw-decoder", optarg)) {
VideoHardwareDecoder = 1;
if (ConfigStillDecoder) {
ConfigStillDecoder = 1;
} else if (!strcasecmp("still-hw-decoder", optarg)) {
ConfigStillDecoder = -1;
} else if (!strcasecmp("still-h264-hw-decoder", optarg)) {
ConfigStillDecoder = 1;
} else if (!strcasecmp("alsa-driver-broken", optarg)) {
AudioAlsaDriverBroken = 1;
} else if (!strcasecmp("alsa-no-close-open", optarg)) {
AudioAlsaNoCloseOpen = 1;
} else if (!strcasecmp("alsa-close-open-delay", optarg)) {
AudioAlsaCloseOpenDelay = 1;
} else if (!strcasecmp("ignore-repeat-pict", optarg)) {
VideoIgnoreRepeatPict = 1;
} else if (!strcasecmp("use-possible-defect-frames", optarg)) {
CodecUsePossibleDefectFrames = 1;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, _("Workaround '%s' unsupported\n"), optarg);
return 0;
case EOF:
case '-':
fprintf(stderr, _("We need no long options\n"));
return 0;
case ':':
fprintf(stderr, _("Missing argument for option '%c'\n"), optopt);
return 0;
fprintf(stderr, _("Unknown option '%c'\n"), optopt);
return 0;
while (optind < argc) {
fprintf(stderr, _("Unhandled argument '%s'\n"), argv[optind++]);
return 1;
// Init/Exit
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#define XSERVER_MAX_ARGS 512 ///< how many arguments support
#ifndef __FreeBSD__
static const char *X11Server = "/usr/bin/X"; ///< default x11 server
static const char *X11Server = LOCALBASE "/bin/X"; ///< default x11 server
static pid_t X11ServerPid; ///< x11 server pid
** USR1 signal handler.
** @param sig signal number
static void Usr1Handler(int __attribute__((unused)) sig) {
Debug(3, "x-setup: got signal usr1\n");
** Start the X server
static void StartXServer(void) {
struct sigaction usr1;
pid_t pid;
const char *sval;
const char *args[XSERVER_MAX_ARGS];
int argn;
char *buf;
int maxfd;
int fd;
// X server
if (X11Server) {
args[0] = X11Server;
} else {
Error(_("x-setup: No X server configured!\n"));
argn = 1;
if (X11DisplayName) { // append display name
args[argn++] = X11DisplayName;
// export display for childs
setenv("DISPLAY", X11DisplayName, 1);
// split X server arguments string into words
if ((sval = X11ServerArguments)) {
char *s;
#ifndef __FreeBSD__
s = buf = strdupa(sval);
s = buf = alloca(strlen(sval) + 1);
strcpy(buf, sval);
while ((sval = strsep(&s, " \t"))) {
args[argn++] = sval;
if (argn == XSERVER_MAX_ARGS - 1) { // argument overflow
Error(_("x-setup: too many arguments for xserver\n"));
// argn = 1;
// FIXME: auth
// FIXME: append VTxx
args[argn] = NULL;
// arm the signal
memset(&usr1, 0, sizeof(struct sigaction));
usr1.sa_handler = Usr1Handler;
sigaction(SIGUSR1, &usr1, NULL);
Debug(3, "x-setup: Starting X server '%s' '%s'\n", args[0], X11ServerArguments);
// fork
if ((pid = fork())) { // parent
X11ServerPid = pid;
Debug(3, "x-setup: Started x-server pid=%d\n", X11ServerPid);
// child
signal(SIGUSR1, SIG_IGN); // ignore to force answer
// setpgid(0,getpid());
setpgid(pid, 0);
// close all open file-handles
maxfd = sysconf(_SC_OPEN_MAX);
for (fd = 3; fd < maxfd; fd++) { // keep stdin, stdout, stderr
close(fd); // vdr should open with O_CLOEXEC
// start the X server
execvp(args[0], (char *const *)args);
Error(_("x-setup: Failed to start X server '%s'\n"), args[0]);
** Exit + cleanup.
void SoftHdDeviceExit(void) {
// lets hope that vdr does a good thread cleanup
if (MyAudioDecoder) {
MyAudioDecoder = NULL;
NewAudioStream = 0;
if (ConfigStartX11Server) {
Debug(3, "x-setup: Stop x11 server\n");
if (X11ServerPid) {
int waittime;
int timeout;
pid_t wpid;
int status;
kill(X11ServerPid, SIGTERM);
waittime = 0;
timeout = 500; // 0.5s
// wait for x11 finishing, with timeout
do {
wpid = waitpid(X11ServerPid, &status, WNOHANG);
if (wpid) {
if (waittime++ < timeout) {
usleep(1 * 1000);
kill(X11ServerPid, SIGKILL);
} while (waittime < timeout);
if (wpid && WIFEXITED(status)) {
Debug(3, "x-setup: x11 server exited (%d)\n", WEXITSTATUS(status));
if (wpid && WIFSIGNALED(status)) {
Debug(3, "x-setup: x11 server killed (%d)\n", WTERMSIG(status));
#ifdef USE_PIP
** Prepare plugin.
** @retval 0 normal start
** @retval 1 suspended start
** @retval -1 detached start
int Start(void) {
if (ConfigStartX11Server) {
pthread_mutex_init(&MyVideoStream->DecoderLockMutex, NULL);
#ifdef USE_PIP
pthread_mutex_init(&PipVideoStream->DecoderLockMutex, NULL);
pthread_mutex_init(&SuspendLockMutex, NULL);
if (!ConfigStartSuspended) {
// FIXME: AudioInit for HDMI after X11 startup
// StartAudio();
av_new_packet(AudioAvPkt, AUDIO_BUFFER_SIZE);
MyAudioDecoder = CodecAudioNewDecoder();
AudioChannelID = -1;
if (!ConfigStartX11Server) {
} else {
MyVideoStream->SkipStream = 1;
SkipAudio = 1;
#ifndef NO_TS_AUDIO
Info(_("[softhddev] ready%s\n"),
ConfigStartSuspended ? ConfigStartSuspended == -1 ? " detached" : " suspended" : "");
return ConfigStartSuspended;
** Stop plugin.
** @note stop everything, but don't cleanup, module is still called.
void Stop(void) {
#ifdef DEBUG
Debug(3, "video: max used PES packet size: %d\n", VideoMaxPacketSize);
** Perform any cleanup or other regular tasks.
void Housekeeping(void) {
// when starting an own X11 server fails, try to connect to a already
// running X11 server. This can take some time.
if (X11ServerPid) { // check if X11 server still running
pid_t wpid;
int status;
wpid = waitpid(X11ServerPid, &status, WNOHANG);
if (wpid) {
if (WIFEXITED(status)) {
Debug(3, "x-setup: x11 server exited (%d)\n", WEXITSTATUS(status));
if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) {
Debug(3, "x-setup: x11 server killed (%d)\n", WTERMSIG(status));
X11ServerPid = 0;
// video not running
if (ConfigStartX11Server > 1 && !MyVideoStream->HwDecoder) {
** Main thread hook, periodic called from main thread.
void MainThreadHook(void) {
if (Usr1Signal) { // x11 server ready
// FIYME: x11 server keeps sending sigusr1 signals
signal(SIGUSR1, SIG_IGN); // ignore further signals
Usr1Signal = 0;
// Suspend/Resume
/// call VDR support function
extern void DelPip(void);
** Suspend plugin.
** @param video suspend closes video
** @param audio suspend closes audio
** @param dox11 suspend closes x11 server
void Suspend(int video, int audio, int dox11) {
if (MyVideoStream->SkipStream && SkipAudio) { // already suspended
Debug(3, "[softhddev]%s:\n", __FUNCTION__);
#ifdef USE_PIP
DelPip(); // must stop PIP
// FIXME: should not be correct, if not both are suspended!
// Move down into if (video) ...
MyVideoStream->SkipStream = 1;
SkipAudio = 1;
if (audio) {
if (MyAudioDecoder) {
MyAudioDecoder = NULL;
NewAudioStream = 0;
if (video) {
if (dox11) {
// FIXME: stop x11, if started
** Resume plugin.
void Resume(void) {
if (!MyVideoStream->SkipStream && !SkipAudio) { // we are not suspended
Debug(3, "[softhddev]%s:\n", __FUNCTION__);
// FIXME: start x11
if (!MyVideoStream->HwDecoder) { // video not running
if (!MyAudioDecoder) { // audio not running
// StartAudio();
av_new_packet(AudioAvPkt, AUDIO_BUFFER_SIZE);
MyAudioDecoder = CodecAudioNewDecoder();
AudioChannelID = -1;
if (MyVideoStream->Decoder) {
MyVideoStream->SkipStream = 0;
SkipAudio = 0;
** Get decoder statistics.
** @param[out] missed missed frames
** @param[out] duped duped frames
** @param[out] dropped dropped frames
** @param[out] count number of decoded frames
void GetStats(int *missed, int *duped, int *dropped, int *counter, float *frametime, int *width, int *height,
int *color, int *eotf) {
*missed = 0;
*duped = 0;
*dropped = 0;
*counter = 0;
*frametime = 0.0f;
*width = 0;
*height = 0;
*color = 0;
*eotf = 0;
if (MyVideoStream->HwDecoder) {
VideoGetStats(MyVideoStream->HwDecoder, missed, duped, dropped, counter, frametime, width, height, color,
** Scale the currently shown video.
** @param x video window x coordinate OSD relative
** @param y video window y coordinate OSD relative
** @param width video window width OSD relative
** @param height video window height OSD relative
void ScaleVideo(int x, int y, int width, int height) {
#ifdef USE_PIP
if (PiPActive && !(x & y & width & height)) {
Info("[softhddev]%s: fullscreen with PiP active.\n", __FUNCTION__);
x = mwx;
y = mwy;
width = mww;
height = mwh;
if (MyVideoStream->HwDecoder) {
VideoSetOutputPosition(MyVideoStream->HwDecoder, x, y, width, height);
// PIP
#ifdef USE_PIP
** Set PIP position.
** @param x video window x coordinate OSD relative
** @param y video window y coordinate OSD relative
** @param width video window width OSD relative
** @param height video window height OSD relative
** @param pip_x pip window x coordinate OSD relative
** @param pip_y pip window y coordinate OSD relative
** @param pip_width pip window width OSD relative
** @param pip_height pip window height OSD relative
void PipSetPosition(int x, int y, int width, int height, int pip_x, int pip_y, int pip_width, int pip_height) {
if (!MyVideoStream->HwDecoder) { // video not running
ScaleVideo(x, y, width, height);
if (!PipVideoStream->HwDecoder) { // pip not running
VideoSetOutputPosition(PipVideoStream->HwDecoder, pip_x, pip_y, pip_width, pip_height);
** Start PIP stream.
** @param x video window x coordinate OSD relative
** @param y video window y coordinate OSD relative
** @param width video window width OSD relative
** @param height video window height OSD relative
** @param pip_x pip window x coordinate OSD relative
** @param pip_y pip window y coordinate OSD relative
** @param pip_width pip window width OSD relative
** @param pip_height pip window height OSD relative
void PipStart(int x, int y, int width, int height, int pip_x, int pip_y, int pip_width, int pip_height) {
if (!MyVideoStream->HwDecoder) { // video not running
if (!PipVideoStream->Decoder) {
PipSetPosition(x, y, width, height, pip_x, pip_y, pip_width, pip_height);
mwx = x;
mwy = y;
mww = width;
mwh = height;
PiPActive = 1;
** Stop PIP.
void PipStop(void) {
int i;
if (!MyVideoStream->HwDecoder) { // video not running
PiPActive = 0;
mwx = 0;
mwy = 0;
mww = 0;
mwh = 0;
ScaleVideo(0, 0, 0, 0);
PipVideoStream->Close = 1;
for (i = 0; PipVideoStream->Close && i < 50; ++i) {
usleep(1 * 1000);
Info("[softhddev]%s: pip close %dms\n", __FUNCTION__, i);
** PIP play video packet.
** @param data data of exactly one complete PES packet
** @param size size of PES packet
** @return number of bytes used, 0 if internal buffer are full.
int PipPlayVideo(const uint8_t *data, int size) { return PlayVideo3(PipVideoStream, data, size); }