mirror of
synced 2023-10-10 17:16:51 +00:00
Setup split into foldable sections.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
User johns
Setup split into foldable sections.
Adds show cursor on pointer move and hide after 200ms.
Adds Hot-key support for auto-crop enable/disable/toggle.
Adds detached start mode.
@ -75,6 +75,8 @@ static const char *const Resolution[RESOLUTIONS] = {
static char ConfigMakePrimary; ///< config primary wanted
static char ConfigHideMainMenuEntry; ///< config hide main menu entry
static char ConfigSuspendClose; ///< suspend should close devices
static char ConfigSuspendX11; ///< suspend should stop x11
static uint32_t ConfigVideoBackground; ///< config video background color
static char ConfigVideoStudioLevels; ///< config use studio levels
@ -105,17 +107,20 @@ static int ConfigVideoCutTopBottom[RESOLUTIONS];
/// config cut left and right pixels
static int ConfigVideoCutLeftRight[RESOLUTIONS];
static int ConfigVideoAudioDelay; ///< config audio delay
static int ConfigAudioPassthrough; ///< config audio pass-through
static int ConfigAudioDownmix; ///< config audio downmix
static int ConfigAutoCropEnabled; ///< auto crop detection enabled
static int ConfigAutoCropInterval; ///< auto crop detection interval
static int ConfigAutoCropDelay; ///< auto crop detection delay
static int ConfigAutoCropTolerance; ///< auto crop detection tolerance
static char ConfigSuspendClose; ///< suspend should close devices
static char ConfigSuspendX11; ///< suspend should stop x11
static int ConfigVideoAudioDelay; ///< config audio delay
static int ConfigAudioPassthrough; ///< config audio pass-through
static int ConfigAudioDownmix; ///< config ffmpeg audio downmix
static char ConfigAudioSoftvol; ///< config use software volume
static char ConfigAudioNormalize; ///< config use normalize volume
static int ConfigAudioMaxNormalize; ///< config max normalize factor
static char ConfigAudioCompression; ///< config use volume compression
static int ConfigAudioMaxCompression; ///< config max volume compression
static int ConfigAudioStereoDescent; ///< config reduce stereo loudness
static volatile int DoMakePrimary; ///< switch primary device to this
@ -470,13 +475,20 @@ class cMenuSetupSoft:public cMenuSetupPage
/// local copies of global setup variables:
/// @{
int General;
int MakePrimary;
int HideMainMenuEntry;
int SuspendClose;
int SuspendX11;
int Video;
uint32_t Background;
uint32_t BackgroundAlpha;
int StudioLevels;
int _60HzMode;
int SoftStartSync;
int ResolutionShown[RESOLUTIONS];
int Scaling[RESOLUTIONS];
int Deinterlace[RESOLUTIONS];
int SkipChromaDeinterlace[RESOLUTIONS];
@ -485,19 +497,30 @@ class cMenuSetupSoft:public cMenuSetupPage
int Sharpen[RESOLUTIONS];
int CutTopBottom[RESOLUTIONS];
int CutLeftRight[RESOLUTIONS];
int AudioDelay;
int AudioPassthrough;
int AudioDownmix;
int AutoCropInterval;
int AutoCropDelay;
int AutoCropTolerance;
int SuspendClose;
int SuspendX11;
int Audio;
int AudioDelay;
int AudioPassthrough;
int AudioDownmix;
int AudioSoftvol;
int AudioNormalize;
int AudioMaxNormalize;
int AudioCompression;
int AudioMaxCompression;
int AudioStereoDescent;
/// @}
inline cOsdItem * CollapsedItem(const char *, int &, const char * = NULL);
void Create(void); // create sub-menu
virtual void Store(void);
virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys); // handle input
@ -516,9 +539,28 @@ static inline cOsdItem *SeparatorItem(const char *label)
** Constructor setup menu.
** Create a collapsed item.
** @param label text inside collapsed
** @param flag flag handling collapsed or opened
** @param msg open message
inline cOsdItem *cMenuSetupSoft::CollapsedItem(const char *label, int &flag,
const char *msg)
cOsdItem *item;
item =
new cMenuEditBoolItem(hk(cString::sprintf("* %s", label)), &flag,
msg ? msg : tr("show"), tr("hide"));
return item;
** Create setup menu.
void cMenuSetupSoft::Create(void)
static const char *const deinterlace[] = {
"Bob", "Weave/None", "Temporal", "TemporalSpatial", "Software Bob",
@ -533,101 +575,206 @@ cMenuSetupSoft::cMenuSetupSoft(void)
static const char *const resolution[RESOLUTIONS] = {
"576i", "720p", "fake 1080i", "1080i"
int current;
int i;
// cMenuEditBoolItem cMenuEditBitItem cMenuEditNumItem
// cMenuEditStrItem cMenuEditStraItem cMenuEditIntItem
MakePrimary = ConfigMakePrimary;
Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Make primary device"), &MakePrimary,
trVDR("no"), trVDR("yes")));
HideMainMenuEntry = ConfigHideMainMenuEntry;
Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Hide main menu entry"), &HideMainMenuEntry,
trVDR("no"), trVDR("yes")));
current = Current(); // get current menu item index
Clear(); // clear the menu
// FIXME: support this:
// general
Add(CollapsedItem(tr("General"), General));
if (General) {
Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Make primary device"), &MakePrimary,
trVDR("no"), trVDR("yes")));
Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Hide main menu entry"),
&HideMainMenuEntry, trVDR("no"), trVDR("yes")));
// suspend
Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("suspend closes video+audio"),
&SuspendClose, trVDR("no"), trVDR("yes")));
Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("suspend stops x11"), &SuspendX11,
trVDR("no"), trVDR("yes")));
// video
Add(CollapsedItem(tr("Video"), Video));
// no unsigned int menu item supported, split background color/alpha
Background = ConfigVideoBackground >> 8;
BackgroundAlpha = ConfigVideoBackground & 0xFF;
Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(tr("video background color (RGB)"),
(int *)&Background, 0, 0x00FFFFFF));
Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(tr("video background color (Alpha)"),
(int *)&BackgroundAlpha, 0, 0xFF));
StudioLevels = ConfigVideoStudioLevels;
Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Use studio levels (vdpau only)"),
&StudioLevels, trVDR("no"), trVDR("yes")));
_60HzMode = ConfigVideo60HzMode;
Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("60hz display mode"), &_60HzMode, trVDR("no"),
SoftStartSync = ConfigVideoSoftStartSync;
Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("soft start a/v sync"), &SoftStartSync,
trVDR("no"), trVDR("yes")));
if (Video) {
Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(tr("video background color (RGB)"),
(int *)&Background, 0, 0x00FFFFFF));
Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(tr("video background color (Alpha)"),
(int *)&BackgroundAlpha, 0, 0xFF));
Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Use studio levels (vdpau only)"),
&StudioLevels, trVDR("no"), trVDR("yes")));
Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("60hz display mode"), &_60HzMode,
trVDR("no"), trVDR("yes")));
Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("soft start a/v sync"), &SoftStartSync,
trVDR("no"), trVDR("yes")));
for (i = 0; i < RESOLUTIONS; ++i) {
Scaling[i] = ConfigVideoScaling[i];
Add(new cMenuEditStraItem(tr("Scaling"), &Scaling[i], 4, scaling));
Deinterlace[i] = ConfigVideoDeinterlace[i];
Add(new cMenuEditStraItem(tr("Deinterlace"), &Deinterlace[i], 6,
SkipChromaDeinterlace[i] = ConfigVideoSkipChromaDeinterlace[i];
Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("SkipChromaDeinterlace (vdpau)"),
&SkipChromaDeinterlace[i], trVDR("no"), trVDR("yes")));
InverseTelecine[i] = ConfigVideoInverseTelecine[i];
Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Inverse Telecine (vdpau)"),
&InverseTelecine[i], trVDR("no"), trVDR("yes")));
Denoise[i] = ConfigVideoDenoise[i];
Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(tr("Denoise (0..1000) (vdpau)"), &Denoise[i],
0, 1000, tr("off"), tr("max")));
Sharpen[i] = ConfigVideoSharpen[i];
Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(tr("Sharpen (-1000..1000) (vdpau)"),
&Sharpen[i], -1000, 1000, tr("blur max"), tr("sharpen max")));
for (i = 0; i < RESOLUTIONS; ++i) {
Add(CollapsedItem(resolution[i], ResolutionShown[i]));
CutTopBottom[i] = ConfigVideoCutTopBottom[i];
Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(tr("Cut top and bottom (pixel)"),
&CutTopBottom[i], 0, 250));
CutLeftRight[i] = ConfigVideoCutLeftRight[i];
Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(tr("Cut left and right (pixel)"),
&CutLeftRight[i], 0, 250));
if (ResolutionShown[i]) {
Add(new cMenuEditStraItem(tr("Scaling"), &Scaling[i], 4,
Add(new cMenuEditStraItem(tr("Deinterlace"), &Deinterlace[i],
6, deinterlace));
Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("SkipChromaDeinterlace (vdpau)"),
&SkipChromaDeinterlace[i], trVDR("no"), trVDR("yes")));
Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Inverse Telecine (vdpau)"),
&InverseTelecine[i], trVDR("no"), trVDR("yes")));
Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(tr("Denoise (0..1000) (vdpau)"),
&Denoise[i], 0, 1000, tr("off"), tr("max")));
Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(tr("Sharpen (-1000..1000) (vdpau)"),
&Sharpen[i], -1000, 1000, tr("blur max"),
tr("sharpen max")));
Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(tr("Cut top and bottom (pixel)"),
&CutTopBottom[i], 0, 250));
Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(tr("Cut left and right (pixel)"),
&CutLeftRight[i], 0, 250));
// auto-crop
Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(tr("autocrop interval (frames)"),
&AutoCropInterval, 0, 200, tr("off")));
Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(tr("autocrop delay (n * interval)"),
&AutoCropDelay, 0, 200));
Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(tr("autocrop tolerance (pixel)"),
&AutoCropTolerance, 0, 32));
// audio
AudioDelay = ConfigVideoAudioDelay;
Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(tr("Audio delay (ms)"), &AudioDelay, -1000,
AudioPassthrough = ConfigAudioPassthrough;
Add(new cMenuEditStraItem(tr("Audio pass-through"), &AudioPassthrough, 2,
AudioDownmix = ConfigAudioDownmix;
Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Enable AC-3 downmix"), &AudioDownmix,
trVDR("no"), trVDR("yes")));
Add(CollapsedItem(tr("Audio"), Audio));
if (Audio) {
Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(tr("Audio/Video delay (ms)"), &AudioDelay,
-1000, 1000));
Add(new cMenuEditStraItem(tr("Audio pass-through"), &AudioPassthrough,
2, passthrough));
Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Enable AC-3 downmix"), &AudioDownmix,
trVDR("no"), trVDR("yes")));
SetCurrent(Get(current)); // restore selected menu entry
Display(); // display build menu
** Process key for setup menu.
eOSState cMenuSetupSoft::ProcessKey(eKeys key)
eOSState state;
int old_general;
int old_video;
int old_audio;
int old_resolution_shown[RESOLUTIONS];
int i;
old_general = General;
old_video = Video;
old_audio = Audio;
memcpy(old_resolution_shown, ResolutionShown, sizeof(ResolutionShown));
state = cMenuSetupPage::ProcessKey(key);
if (key != kNone) {
// update menu only, if something on the structure has changed
// this needed because VDR menus are evil slow
if (old_general != General || old_video != Video || old_audio != Audio) {
Create(); // update menu
} else {
for (i = 0; i < RESOLUTIONS; ++i) {
if (old_resolution_shown[i] != ResolutionShown[i]) {
Create(); // update menu
return state;
** Constructor setup menu.
** Import global config variables into setup.
int i;
// auto-crop
// general
AutoCropInterval = ConfigAutoCropInterval;
Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(tr("autocrop interval (frames)"),
&AutoCropInterval, 0, 200, tr("off")));
AutoCropDelay = ConfigAutoCropDelay;
Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(tr("autocrop delay (n * interval)"),
&AutoCropDelay, 0, 200));
AutoCropTolerance = ConfigAutoCropTolerance;
Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(tr("autocrop tolerance (pixel)"),
&AutoCropTolerance, 0, 32));
General = 0;
MakePrimary = ConfigMakePrimary;
HideMainMenuEntry = ConfigHideMainMenuEntry;
// suspend
SuspendClose = ConfigSuspendClose;
Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("suspend closes video+audio"), &SuspendClose,
trVDR("no"), trVDR("yes")));
SuspendX11 = ConfigSuspendX11;
Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("suspend stops x11"), &SuspendX11,
trVDR("no"), trVDR("yes")));
// video
Video = 0;
// no unsigned int menu item supported, split background color/alpha
Background = ConfigVideoBackground >> 8;
BackgroundAlpha = ConfigVideoBackground & 0xFF;
StudioLevels = ConfigVideoStudioLevels;
_60HzMode = ConfigVideo60HzMode;
SoftStartSync = ConfigVideoSoftStartSync;
for (i = 0; i < RESOLUTIONS; ++i) {
ResolutionShown[i] = 0;
Scaling[i] = ConfigVideoScaling[i];
Deinterlace[i] = ConfigVideoDeinterlace[i];
SkipChromaDeinterlace[i] = ConfigVideoSkipChromaDeinterlace[i];
InverseTelecine[i] = ConfigVideoInverseTelecine[i];
Denoise[i] = ConfigVideoDenoise[i];
Sharpen[i] = ConfigVideoSharpen[i];
CutTopBottom[i] = ConfigVideoCutTopBottom[i];
CutLeftRight[i] = ConfigVideoCutLeftRight[i];
// auto-crop
AutoCropInterval = ConfigAutoCropInterval;
AutoCropDelay = ConfigAutoCropDelay;
AutoCropTolerance = ConfigAutoCropTolerance;
// audio
Audio = 0;
AudioDelay = ConfigVideoAudioDelay;
AudioPassthrough = ConfigAudioPassthrough;
AudioDownmix = ConfigAudioDownmix;
AudioSoftvol = ConfigAudioSoftvol;
AudioNormalize = ConfigAudioNormalize;
AudioMaxNormalize = ConfigAudioMaxNormalize;
AudioCompression = ConfigAudioCompression;
AudioMaxCompression = ConfigAudioMaxCompression;
AudioStereoDescent = ConfigAudioStereoDescent;
@ -640,6 +787,8 @@ void cMenuSetupSoft::Store(void)
SetupStore("MakePrimary", ConfigMakePrimary = MakePrimary);
SetupStore("HideMainMenuEntry", ConfigHideMainMenuEntry =
SetupStore("Suspend.Close", ConfigSuspendClose = SuspendClose);
SetupStore("Suspend.X11", ConfigSuspendX11 = SuspendX11);
ConfigVideoBackground = Background << 8 | (BackgroundAlpha & 0xFF);
SetupStore("Background", ConfigVideoBackground);
@ -683,13 +832,6 @@ void cMenuSetupSoft::Store(void)
SetupStore("AudioDelay", ConfigVideoAudioDelay = AudioDelay);
SetupStore("AudioPassthrough", ConfigAudioPassthrough = AudioPassthrough);
SetupStore("AudioDownmix", ConfigAudioDownmix = AudioDownmix);
SetupStore("AutoCrop.Interval", ConfigAutoCropInterval = AutoCropInterval);
SetupStore("AutoCrop.Delay", ConfigAutoCropDelay = AutoCropDelay);
SetupStore("AutoCrop.Tolerance", ConfigAutoCropTolerance =
@ -698,8 +840,13 @@ void cMenuSetupSoft::Store(void)
ConfigAutoCropEnabled = ConfigAutoCropInterval;
SetupStore("Suspend.Close", ConfigSuspendClose = SuspendClose);
SetupStore("Suspend.X11", ConfigSuspendX11 = SuspendX11);
SetupStore("AudioDelay", ConfigVideoAudioDelay = AudioDelay);
SetupStore("AudioPassthrough", ConfigAudioPassthrough = AudioPassthrough);
SetupStore("AudioDownmix", ConfigAudioDownmix = AudioDownmix);
// FIXME: new audio
@ -879,25 +1026,32 @@ static void HandleHotkey(int code)
case 23: // disable auto-crop
ConfigAutoCropEnabled = 0;
VideoSetAutoCrop(0, ConfigAutoCropDelay,
VideoSetAutoCrop(0, ConfigAutoCropDelay, ConfigAutoCropTolerance);
Skins.QueueMessage(mtInfo, tr("auto-crop disabled and freezed"));
case 24: // enable auto-crop
ConfigAutoCropEnabled = 1;
if ( !ConfigAutoCropInterval ) {
if (!ConfigAutoCropInterval) {
ConfigAutoCropInterval = 50;
VideoSetAutoCrop(ConfigAutoCropInterval, ConfigAutoCropDelay,
Skins.QueueMessage(mtInfo, tr("auto-crop enabled"));
case 25: // toggle auto-crop
ConfigAutoCropEnabled ^= 1;
// no interval configured, use some default
if ( !ConfigAutoCropInterval ) {
if (!ConfigAutoCropInterval) {
ConfigAutoCropInterval = 50;
VideoSetAutoCrop(ConfigAutoCropEnabled * ConfigAutoCropInterval,
ConfigAutoCropDelay, ConfigAutoCropTolerance);
if (ConfigAutoCropEnabled) {
Skins.QueueMessage(mtInfo, tr("auto-crop enabled"));
} else {
tr("auto-crop disabled and freezed"));
case 30: // change 4:3 -> 16:9 mode
case 31:
@ -1679,6 +1833,15 @@ bool cPluginSoftHdDevice::SetupParse(const char *name, const char *value)
ConfigHideMainMenuEntry = atoi(value);
return true;
if (!strcasecmp(name, "Suspend.Close")) {
ConfigSuspendClose = atoi(value);
return true;
if (!strcasecmp(name, "Suspend.X11")) {
ConfigSuspendX11 = atoi(value);
return true;
if (!strcasecmp(name, "Background")) {
VideoSetBackground(ConfigVideoBackground = strtoul(value, NULL, 0));
return true;
@ -1750,19 +1913,6 @@ bool cPluginSoftHdDevice::SetupParse(const char *name, const char *value)
if (!strcasecmp(name, "AudioDelay")) {
VideoSetAudioDelay(ConfigVideoAudioDelay = atoi(value));
return true;
if (!strcasecmp(name, "AudioPassthrough")) {
CodecSetAudioPassthrough(ConfigAudioPassthrough = atoi(value));
return true;
if (!strcasecmp(name, "AudioDownmix")) {
CodecSetAudioDownmix(ConfigAudioDownmix = atoi(value));
return true;
if (!strcasecmp(name, "AutoCrop.Interval")) {
VideoSetAutoCrop(ConfigAutoCropInterval =
atoi(value), ConfigAutoCropDelay, ConfigAutoCropTolerance);
@ -1780,14 +1930,20 @@ bool cPluginSoftHdDevice::SetupParse(const char *name, const char *value)
return true;
if (!strcasecmp(name, "Suspend.Close")) {
ConfigSuspendClose = atoi(value);
if (!strcasecmp(name, "AudioDelay")) {
VideoSetAudioDelay(ConfigVideoAudioDelay = atoi(value));
return true;
if (!strcasecmp(name, "Suspend.X11")) {
ConfigSuspendX11 = atoi(value);
if (!strcasecmp(name, "AudioPassthrough")) {
CodecSetAudioPassthrough(ConfigAudioPassthrough = atoi(value));
return true;
if (!strcasecmp(name, "AudioDownmix")) {
CodecSetAudioDownmix(ConfigAudioDownmix = atoi(value));
return true;
// FIXME: new audio
return false;
@ -1842,11 +1998,11 @@ static const char *SVDRPHelpText[] = {
" 12: toggle audio pass-through\n"
" 13: decrease audio delay by 10ms\n"
" 14: increase audio delay by 10ms\n"
" 20: disable fullscreen\n 21: enable fullscreen\n"
" 22: toggle fullscreen\n",
" 23: disable auto-crop\n 24: enable auto-crop\n"
" 25: toggle auto-crop\n",
" 30: stretch 4:3 to 16:9\n 31: letter box 4:3 in 16:9\n"
" 20: disable fullscreen\n 21: enable fullscreen\n"
" 22: toggle fullscreen\n"
" 23: disable auto-crop\n 24: enable auto-crop\n"
" 25: toggle auto-crop\n"
" 30: stretch 4:3 to 16:9\n 31: pillar box 4:3 in 16:9\n"
" 32: center cut-out 4:3 to 16:9\n"
" 39: rotate 4:3 to 16:9 zoom mode\n",
Reference in New Issue
Block a user