/* * $Id: socket.c,v 1.15 2010/08/18 10:26:55 schmirl Exp $ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MINLOGREPEAT 10 //don't log connect failures too often (seconds) // timeout for writing to command socket #define WRITE_TIMEOUT_MS 200 #define QUIT_TIMEOUT_MS 500 #include "client/socket.h" #include "common.h" cClientSocket ClientSocket; cClientSocket::cClientSocket(void) { memset(m_DataSockets, 0, sizeof(cTBSocket*) * si_Count); m_Prio = false; m_Abort = false; m_LastSignalUpdate = 0; m_LastSignalStrength = -1; m_LastSignalQuality = -1; Reset(); } cClientSocket::~cClientSocket() { Reset(); if (IsOpen()) Quit(); } void cClientSocket::Reset(void) { for (int it = 0; it < si_Count; ++it) { if (m_DataSockets[it] != NULL) DELETENULL(m_DataSockets[it]); } } cTBSocket *cClientSocket::DataSocket(eSocketId Id) const { return m_DataSockets[Id]; } bool cClientSocket::Command(const std::string &Command, uint Expected) { uint code = 0; std::string buffer; if (Send(Command) && Receive(Command, &code, &buffer)) { if (code == Expected) return true; dsyslog("streamdev-client: Command '%s' rejected by %s:%d: %s", Command.c_str(), RemoteIp().c_str(), RemotePort(), buffer.c_str()); } return false; } bool cClientSocket::Send(const std::string &Command) { std::string pkt = Command + "\015\012"; Dprintf("OUT: |%s|\n", Command.c_str()); errno = 0; if (!TimedWrite(pkt.c_str(), pkt.size(), WRITE_TIMEOUT_MS)) { esyslog("ERROR: streamdev-client: Failed sending command '%s' to %s:%d: %s", Command.c_str(), RemoteIp().c_str(), RemotePort(), strerror(errno)); Close(); return false; } return true; } #define TIMEOUT_MS 1000 bool cClientSocket::Receive(const std::string &Command, uint *Code, std::string *Result, uint TimeoutMs) { int bufcount; do { errno = 0; bufcount = ReadUntil(m_Buffer, sizeof(m_Buffer) - 1, "\012", TimeoutMs < TIMEOUT_MS ? TimeoutMs : TIMEOUT_MS); if (bufcount == -1) { if (m_Abort) return false; if (errno != ETIMEDOUT || TimeoutMs <= TIMEOUT_MS) { esyslog("ERROR: streamdev-client: Failed reading reply to '%s' from %s:%d: %s", Command.c_str(), RemoteIp().c_str(), RemotePort(), strerror(errno)); Close(); return false; } TimeoutMs -= TIMEOUT_MS; } } while (bufcount == -1); if (m_Buffer[bufcount - 1] == '\015') --bufcount; m_Buffer[bufcount] = '\0'; Dprintf("IN: |%s|\n", m_Buffer); if (Result != NULL) *Result = m_Buffer; if (Code != NULL) *Code = strtoul(m_Buffer, NULL, 10); return true; } bool cClientSocket::CheckConnection(void) { CMD_LOCK; if (IsOpen()) { cTBSelect select; Dprintf("connection open\n"); // XXX+ check if connection is still alive (is there a better way?) // There REALLY shouldn't be anything readable according to PROTOCOL here // If there is, assume it's an eof signal (subseq. read would return 0) select.Add(*this, false); int res; if ((res = select.Select(0)) == 0) { Dprintf("select said nothing happened\n"); return true; } Dprintf("closing connection (res was %d)", res); Close(); } if (!Connect(StreamdevClientSetup.RemoteIp, StreamdevClientSetup.RemotePort, StreamdevClientSetup.Timeout * 1000)){ static time_t lastTime = 0; if (time(NULL) - lastTime > MINLOGREPEAT) { esyslog("ERROR: streamdev-client: Couldn't connect to %s:%d: %s", (const char*)StreamdevClientSetup.RemoteIp, StreamdevClientSetup.RemotePort, strerror(errno)); lastTime = time(NULL); } return false; } uint code = 0; std::string buffer; if (!Receive("", &code, &buffer)) { Close(); return false; } if (code != 220) { esyslog("ERROR: streamdev-client: Didn't receive greeting from %s:%d: %s", RemoteIp().c_str(), RemotePort(), buffer.c_str()); Close(); return false; } if (!Command("CAPS TSPIDS", 220)) { Close(); return false; } const char *Filters = ""; if(Command("CAPS FILTERS", 220)) Filters = ",FILTERS"; const char *Prio = ""; if(Command("CAPS PRIO", 220)) { Prio = ",PRIO"; m_Prio = true; } isyslog("streamdev-client: Connected to server %s:%d using capabilities TSPIDS%s%s", RemoteIp().c_str(), RemotePort(), Filters, Prio); return true; } bool cClientSocket::ProvidesChannel(const cChannel *Channel, int Priority) { if (!CheckConnection()) return false; CMD_LOCK; std::string command = (std::string)"PROV " + (const char*)itoa(Priority) + " " + (const char*)Channel->GetChannelID().ToString(); if (!Send(command)) return false; uint code; std::string buffer; if (!Receive(command, &code, &buffer)) return false; if (code != 220 && code != 560) { esyslog("streamdev-client: Unexpected reply to '%s' from %s:%d: %s", command.c_str(), RemoteIp().c_str(), RemotePort(), buffer.c_str()); return false; } return true; } bool cClientSocket::CreateDataConnection(eSocketId Id) { cTBSocket listen(SOCK_STREAM); if (!CheckConnection()) return false; if (m_DataSockets[Id] != NULL) DELETENULL(m_DataSockets[Id]); if (!listen.Listen(LocalIp(), 0, 1)) { esyslog("ERROR: streamdev-client: Couldn't create data connection: %s", strerror(errno)); return false; } std::string command = (std::string)"PORT " + (const char*)itoa(Id) + " " + LocalIp().c_str() + "," + (const char*)itoa((listen.LocalPort() >> 8) & 0xff) + "," + (const char*)itoa(listen.LocalPort() & 0xff); size_t idx = 4; while ((idx = command.find('.', idx + 1)) != (size_t)-1) command[idx] = ','; CMD_LOCK; if (!Command(command, 220)) return false; /* The server SHOULD do the following: * - get PORT command * - connect to socket * - return 220 */ m_DataSockets[Id] = new cTBSocket; if (!m_DataSockets[Id]->Accept(listen)) { esyslog("ERROR: streamdev-client: Couldn't establish data connection to %s:%d%s%s", RemoteIp().c_str(), RemotePort(), errno == 0 ? "" : ": ", errno == 0 ? "" : strerror(errno)); DELETENULL(m_DataSockets[Id]); return false; } return true; } bool cClientSocket::CloseDataConnection(eSocketId Id) { CMD_LOCK; if(Id == siLive || Id == siLiveFilter) if (m_DataSockets[Id] != NULL) { std::string command = (std::string)"ABRT " + (const char*)itoa(Id); Command(command, 220); DELETENULL(m_DataSockets[Id]); } return true; } bool cClientSocket::SetChannelDevice(const cChannel *Channel) { if (!CheckConnection()) return false; CMD_LOCK; std::string command = (std::string)"TUNE " + (const char*)Channel->GetChannelID().ToString(); if (!Command(command, 220)) return false; m_LastSignalUpdate = 0; return true; } bool cClientSocket::SetPriority(int Priority) { if (!CheckConnection()) return false; CMD_LOCK; std::string command = (std::string)"PRIO " + (const char*)itoa(Priority); return Command(command, 220); } bool cClientSocket::GetSignal(int *SignalStrength, int *SignalQuality) { if (!CheckConnection()) return -1; CMD_LOCK; if (m_LastSignalUpdate != time(NULL)) { uint code = 0; std::string buffer; std::string command("SGNL"); if (!Send(command) || !Receive(command, &code, &buffer) || code != 220 || sscanf(buffer.c_str(), "%*d %*d %d:%d", &m_LastSignalStrength, &m_LastSignalQuality) != 2) { m_LastSignalStrength = -1; m_LastSignalQuality = -1; } m_LastSignalUpdate = time(NULL); } if (SignalStrength) *SignalStrength = m_LastSignalStrength; if (SignalQuality) *SignalQuality = m_LastSignalQuality; return 0; } bool cClientSocket::SetPid(int Pid, bool On) { if (!CheckConnection()) return false; CMD_LOCK; std::string command = (std::string)(On ? "ADDP " : "DELP ") + (const char*)itoa(Pid); return Command(command, 220); } bool cClientSocket::SetFilter(ushort Pid, uchar Tid, uchar Mask, bool On) { if (!CheckConnection()) return false; CMD_LOCK; std::string command = (std::string)(On ? "ADDF " : "DELF ") + (const char*)itoa(Pid) + " " + (const char*)itoa(Tid) + " " + (const char*)itoa(Mask); return Command(command, 220); } bool cClientSocket::CloseDvr(void) { if (!CheckConnection()) return false; CMD_LOCK; if (m_DataSockets[siLive] != NULL) { std::string command = (std::string)"ABRT " + (const char*)itoa(siLive); if (!Command(command, 220)) return false; DELETENULL(m_DataSockets[siLive]); } return true; } bool cClientSocket::Quit(void) { m_Abort = true; if (!IsOpen()) return false; CMD_LOCK; std::string command("QUIT"); bool res = Send(command) && Receive(command, NULL, NULL, QUIT_TIMEOUT_MS); Close(); return res; } bool cClientSocket::SuspendServer(void) { if (!CheckConnection()) return false; CMD_LOCK; return Command("SUSP", 220); }