Special thanks go to the following persons (if you think your name is missing here, please send an email to vdrdev@schmirler.de): Klaus Schmidinger for VDR as a whole for permission to use VDR 1.6.0 cRemux code for PES remuxing Sascha Volkenandt, the original author, for this great plugin The Metzler Brothers as a lot of code has been taken from their libdvbmpeg package Angelus (DOm) for providing Italian language texts for reporting problems with the Elchi-Patch Michal for sending a patch to select the HTTP streamtype via remote Rolf Ahrenberg for providing Finnish language texts for adding externremux.sh commandline parameter for silencing compiler warnings for adding PAT, PMT, PCR and EIT to HTTP TS streams for fixing a memory leak in buffer overflow situations for adding a return code check to vasprintf() for suggesting a fix of the Makefile's default target for a TS PAT repacker based on Petri Laine's VDR TS recording patch for making it possible to pass parameters to externremux.sh for removing pre VDR 1.4 legacy code for adding gettext support for fixing output format of some debug messages for replacing private members by cThread::Running()/Active() for improving externremux script termination for fixing PAT repacker version field for improving LIMIKUUTIO and PARENTALRATING patch detection for suggesting to include the charset in HTTP replies for requesting replacement of asprintf calls Rantanen Teemu for providing vdr-incompletesections.diff Thomas Keil for providing vdr-localchannelprovide.diff for maintaining the plugin for a while Artur Skawina for fixing an fd leak Norad for reporting a problem terminated externremux.sh children Udo Richter for fixing streamdev-server shutdown for speeding up cPluginStreamdevServer::Active() for adapting to VDR 1.5.0 API for adapting to VDR 1.7.1 greenman for reporting that the log could get flooded on connection failures. Petri Hintukainen for making section filtering work for fixing a segfault with VDR 1.5 for fixing high CPU load when data stream is disconnected for adding PAT, PMT and PCR to HTTP TS streams for fixing a segfault / deadlock when shutting down for fixing compiler warnings for adding M3U playlists ollo for suggesting support for WMM capable WLAN accesspoints vdr-freak for reporting connection aborts when externremux ringbuffer is full alexw for reporting client reconnect problems after a server restart for a workaround for tuning problems with 1.5.x clients Olli Lammi for fixing a busy wait when client isn't accepting data fast enough for suggesting signaling instead of sleeping when writing to buffers Joerg Pulz for his FreeBSD compatibility patch tobi for pointing to unused files in the libdvbmpeg directory Diego Pierotto for providing Italian language texts micky979 for providing French language texts Tiroler for reporting a problem when switching between encrypted channels Pixelpeter for an initial fix to the "switching between ecncrypted channels" problem Anssi Hannula for the vdr-1.6.0-intcamdevices patch for fixing insecure format strings in LSTX handlers wirbel for pointing out that section filtering is optional for VDR devices for reporting a problem with Makefile defines in VDR 1.7.4+ Jori Hamalainen for extensive testing while making stream compatible to Network Media Tank for adding Network Media Tank browser support to HTML pages owagner for pointing out a problem with the encrypted channel switching fix for suggesting use of SO_KEEPALIVE socket option to detect dead sockets Joachim K�nig-Baltes for fixing Min/MaxPriority parsing Artem Makhutov for suggesting and heavy testing IGMP based multicast streaming Alwin Esch for adding XBMC support by extending VTP capabilities for adding VDR 1.7.11 parental rating support for VTP LSTE command for adding the DELT FORCE option to delete running timers BBlack for reporting that updating recordings list on CmdPLAY is a bad idea Milan Hrala for providing Slovak language texts Valdemaras Pipiras for providing Lithuanian language texts sk8ter for fixing failures when switching between two encrypted channels