Frank Schmirler c652e8fa81 Added server menu with list of clients. Connections can be terminated
with the "red" key. The former main menu action of suspending live TV
moved to the "blue" key.
2011-11-22 01:16:42 +01:00

367 lines
10 KiB

* $Id: connectionHTTP.c,v 1.21 2010/08/03 10:46:41 schmirl Exp $
#include <ctype.h>
#include "server/connectionHTTP.h"
#include "server/menuHTTP.h"
#include "server/server.h"
#include "server/setup.h"
Dprintf("constructor hsRequest\n");
m_Apid[0] = m_Apid[1] = 0;
m_Dpid[0] = m_Dpid[1] = 0;
delete m_LiveStreamer;
bool cConnectionHTTP::CanAuthenticate(void)
return opt_auth != NULL;
bool cConnectionHTTP::Command(char *Cmd)
Dprintf("command %s\n", Cmd);
switch (m_Status) {
case hsRequest:
char *p, *q, *v;
p = strchr(Cmd, ' ');
if (p) {
*p = 0;
v = strchr(++p, ' ');
if (v) {
*v = 0;
SetHeader("REQUEST_METHOD", Cmd);
q = strchr(p, '?');
if (q)
*q = 0;
SetHeader("QUERY_STRING", q ? ++q : "");
SetHeader("PATH_INFO", p);
m_Status = hsHeaders;
return true;
return false;
case hsHeaders:
if (*Cmd == '\0') {
m_Status = hsBody;
return ProcessRequest();
else if (isspace(*Cmd)) {
; //TODO: multi-line header
else {
// convert header name to CGI conventions:
// uppercase, '-' replaced with '_', prefix "HTTP_"
char *p;
for (p = Cmd; *p != 0 && *p != ':'; p++) {
if (*p == '-')
*p = '_';
*p = toupper(*p);
if (*p == ':') {
*p = 0;
p = skipspace(++p);
// don't disclose Authorization header
if (strcmp(Cmd, "AUTHORIZATION") == 0) {
char *q;
for (q = p; *q != 0 && *q != ' '; q++)
*q = toupper(*q);
if (p != q) {
*q = 0;
SetHeader("AUTH_TYPE", p);
m_Authorization = (std::string) skipspace(++q);
SetHeader(Cmd, p, "HTTP_");
return true;
// skip additional blank lines
if (*Cmd == '\0')
return true;
return false; // ??? shouldn't happen
bool cConnectionHTTP::ProcessRequest(void)
// keys for Headers() hash
const static std::string AUTH_TYPE("AUTH_TYPE");
const static std::string REQUEST_METHOD("REQUEST_METHOD");
const static std::string PATH_INFO("PATH_INFO");
if (!StreamdevHosts.Acceptable(RemoteIpAddr())) {
bool authOk = opt_auth && !m_Authorization.empty();
if (authOk) {
tStrStrMap::const_iterator it = Headers().find(AUTH_TYPE);
if (it == Headers().end()) {
// no authorization header present
authOk = false;
else if (it->second.compare("BASIC") == 0) {
// basic auth
authOk &= m_Authorization.compare(opt_auth) == 0;
else {
// unsupported auth type
authOk = false;
if (!authOk) {
isyslog("streamdev-server: HTTP authorization required");
return Respond("HTTP/1.0 401 Authorization Required")
&& Respond("WWW-authenticate: basic Realm=\"Streamdev-Server\")")
&& Respond("");
tStrStrMap::const_iterator it_method = Headers().find(REQUEST_METHOD);
tStrStrMap::const_iterator it_pathinfo = Headers().find(PATH_INFO);
if (it_method == Headers().end() || it_pathinfo == Headers().end()) {
// should never happen
esyslog("streamdev-server connectionHTTP: Missing method or pathinfo");
} else if (it_method->second.compare("GET") == 0 && ProcessURI(it_pathinfo->second)) {
if (m_ChannelList)
return Respond("%s", true, m_ChannelList->HttpHeader().c_str());
else if (m_Channel != NULL) {
cDevice *device = NULL;
if (ProvidesChannel(m_Channel, 0))
device = GetDevice(m_Channel, 0);
if (device != NULL) {
device->SwitchChannel(m_Channel, false);
m_LiveStreamer = new cStreamdevLiveStreamer(0, this);
if (m_LiveStreamer->SetChannel(m_Channel, m_StreamType, m_Apid[0] ? m_Apid : NULL, m_Dpid[0] ? m_Dpid : NULL)) {
if (!SetDSCP())
LOG_ERROR_STR("unable to set DSCP sockopt");
if (m_StreamType == stEXT) {
return Respond("HTTP/1.0 200 OK");
} else if (m_StreamType == stES && (m_Apid[0] || m_Dpid[0] || ISRADIO(m_Channel))) {
return Respond("HTTP/1.0 200 OK")
&& Respond("Content-Type: audio/mpeg")
&& Respond("icy-name: %s", true, m_Channel->Name())
&& Respond("");
} else if (ISRADIO(m_Channel)) {
return Respond("HTTP/1.0 200 OK")
&& Respond("Content-Type: audio/mpeg")
&& Respond("");
} else {
return Respond("HTTP/1.0 200 OK")
&& Respond("Content-Type: video/mpeg")
&& Respond("");
return Respond("HTTP/1.0 409 Channel not available")
&& Respond("");
else {
return Respond("HTTP/1.0 404 not found")
&& Respond("");
} else if (it_method->second.compare("HEAD") == 0 && ProcessURI(it_pathinfo->second)) {
if (m_ChannelList)
return Respond("%s", true, m_ChannelList->HttpHeader().c_str());
else if (m_Channel != NULL) {
if (ProvidesChannel(m_Channel, 0)) {
if (m_StreamType == stEXT) {
return Respond("HTTP/1.0 200 OK")
&& Respond("");
} else if (m_StreamType == stES && (m_Apid[0] || m_Dpid[0] || ISRADIO(m_Channel))) {
return Respond("HTTP/1.0 200 OK")
&& Respond("Content-Type: audio/mpeg")
&& Respond("icy-name: %s", true, m_Channel->Name())
&& Respond("");
} else if (ISRADIO(m_Channel)) {
return Respond("HTTP/1.0 200 OK")
&& Respond("Content-Type: audio/mpeg")
&& Respond("");
} else {
return Respond("HTTP/1.0 200 OK")
&& Respond("Content-Type: video/mpeg")
&& Respond("");
return Respond("HTTP/1.0 409 Channel not available")
&& Respond("");
else {
return Respond("HTTP/1.0 404 not found")
&& Respond("");
return Respond("HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request")
&& Respond("");
void cConnectionHTTP::Flushed(void)
if (m_Status != hsBody)
if (m_ChannelList) {
if (m_ChannelList->HasNext()) {
if (!Respond("%s", true, m_ChannelList->Next().c_str()))
else {
m_Status = hsFinished;
else if (m_Channel != NULL) {
Dprintf("streamer start\n");
m_Status = hsFinished;
else {
// should never be reached
esyslog("streamdev-server cConnectionHTTP::Flushed(): no job to do");
m_Status = hsFinished;
cChannelList* cConnectionHTTP::ChannelListFromString(const std::string& Path, const std::string& Filebase, const std::string& Fileext) const
// keys for Headers() hash
const static std::string QUERY_STRING("QUERY_STRING");
const static std::string HOST("HTTP_HOST");
tStrStrMap::const_iterator it_query = Headers().find(QUERY_STRING);
const std::string& query = it_query == Headers().end() ? "" : it_query->second;
std::string groupTarget;
cChannelIterator *iterator = NULL;
if (Filebase.compare("tree") == 0) {
const cChannel* c = NULL;
size_t groupIndex = query.find("group=");
if (groupIndex != std::string::npos)
c = cChannelList::GetGroup(atoi(query.c_str() + groupIndex + 6));
iterator = new cListTree(c);
groupTarget = Filebase + Fileext;
} else if (Filebase.compare("groups") == 0) {
iterator = new cListGroups();
groupTarget = (std::string) "group" + Fileext;
} else if (Filebase.compare("group") == 0) {
const cChannel* c = NULL;
size_t groupIndex = query.find("group=");
if (groupIndex != std::string::npos)
c = cChannelList::GetGroup(atoi(query.c_str() + groupIndex + 6));
iterator = new cListGroup(c);
} else if (Filebase.compare("channels") == 0) {
iterator = new cListChannels();
} else if (Filebase.compare("all") == 0 ||
(Filebase.empty() && Fileext.empty())) {
iterator = new cListAll();
if (iterator) {
if (Filebase.empty() || Fileext.compare(".htm") == 0 || Fileext.compare(".html") == 0) {
std::string self = Filebase + Fileext;
if (!query.empty())
self += '?' + query;
return new cHtmlChannelList(iterator, m_StreamType, self.c_str(), groupTarget.c_str());
} else if (Fileext.compare(".m3u") == 0) {
std::string base;
tStrStrMap::const_iterator it = Headers().find(HOST);
if (it != Headers().end())
base = "http://" + it->second + "/";
base = (std::string) "http://" + LocalIp() + ":" +
(const char*) itoa(StreamdevServerSetup.HTTPServerPort) + "/";
base += Path;
return new cM3uChannelList(iterator, base.c_str());
} else {
delete iterator;
return NULL;
bool cConnectionHTTP::ProcessURI(const std::string& PathInfo)
std::string filespec, fileext;
size_t file_pos = PathInfo.rfind('/');
if (file_pos != std::string::npos) {
size_t ext_pos = PathInfo.rfind('.');
// file basename with leading / stripped off
filespec = PathInfo.substr(file_pos + 1, ext_pos - file_pos - 1);
if (ext_pos != std::string::npos)
// file extension including leading .
fileext = PathInfo.substr(ext_pos);
if (fileext.length() > 5) {
//probably not an extension
filespec += fileext;
// Streamtype with leading / stripped off
std::string type = PathInfo.substr(1, PathInfo.find_first_of("/;", 1) - 1);
const char* pType = type.c_str();
if (strcasecmp(pType, "PS") == 0) {
m_StreamType = stPS;
} else if (strcasecmp(pType, "PES") == 0) {
m_StreamType = stPES;
} else if (strcasecmp(pType, "TS") == 0) {
m_StreamType = stTS;
} else if (strcasecmp(pType, "ES") == 0) {
m_StreamType = stES;
} else if (strcasecmp(pType, "EXT") == 0) {
m_StreamType = stEXT;
Dprintf("before channelfromstring: type(%s) filespec(%s) fileext(%s)\n", type.c_str(), filespec.c_str(), fileext.c_str());
if ((m_ChannelList = ChannelListFromString(PathInfo.substr(1, file_pos), filespec.c_str(), fileext.c_str())) != NULL) {
Dprintf("Channel list requested\n");
return true;
} else if ((m_Channel = ChannelFromString(filespec.c_str(), &m_Apid[0], &m_Dpid[0])) != NULL) {
Dprintf("Channel found. Apid/Dpid is %d/%d\n", m_Apid[0], m_Dpid[0]);
return true;
} else
return false;
cString cConnectionHTTP::ToText() const
cString str = cServerConnection::ToText();
return m_LiveStreamer ? cString::sprintf("%s\t%s", *str, *m_LiveStreamer->ToText()) : str;