VDR Plugin 'tvguide' Revision History

2012-08-12: Version 0.0.1

- Initial revision.

2013-01-17: Version 0.0.2

- Changed color buttons to nOpacity style
- Changed channelheader to display transparent logos properly
- Added "style nOpacity" for backgrounds and theme nOpacity

2013-05-13: Version 0.0.3

- Added dummy grids if no EPG information is available for a certain
- Completely rewrote code for creation of epg grids for a channel column
- Completely rewrote code for scrolling forward and backward in time
- Added status header with epg information of currently selected 
  schedule and scaled video picture

2013-05-24: Version 0.0.4

- Introduced horizontal display

2013-06-01: Version 0.0.5

- Added Theme DarkRed
- Fixed some Bugs (position of video, deadlock)
- Added Theme IceBlue
- setup of usage of blending now done with clrDoBlending theme color
  variable and not by setup
- font color of active grid themable
- avoided nasty font pixelation effects with theme iceblue
- Display of channel groups
- Buttons green / yellow can be configured to jump to prev / next channel
- Added setup option to hide last channel group
- Display of Main Menu Entry configurable
- Eliminated setup option "Number of channels to jump", directly jump 
  number of channel columns / rows with green / yellow
- Added setup option to switch functionality of keys "Blue" and "OK"
- Setup option to hide schedules time display in horizontal EPG grids

2013-07-08: Version 0.0.6

- added frame around scaled video picture
- added theme "keep it simple" (thanks @saman)
- display of additional EPG pictures in detailed epg view
- Introduction of "Search & Recording" Menu
- added possibility to replace original VDR schedules menu
- changed channel jump logic
- red button also available in detail view
- page scrolling with keys left and right in detail view
- added possibility to choose folder for instant recording, possible
  folders are read from VDRs folders list
- recording folder also choosable for series timers
- blue button also available in detail view
- color buttons displayed as configured in VDR
- Added Setup Option to define if tvguide closes after channel switching
- Added remotetimers support (thanks @Saman for providing a patch)
- Pimped timeline

2013-07-23: Version 1.0.0

- added tvscraper support

Version 1.1.0

- changed build system
- introduced image caching
- introduced new "graphical" style
- added new graphical default theme and theme darkred NG corresponding 
  to nOpacity themes
- using automatically configured nOpacity theme if available
- adapted startup options to nOpacity startup options:
  -e epgimages directory
  -i icons directory
  -l logo directory
- changed detailed epg view using full screen, some further optimisations
- search for <event_id>_0.jpg beside <event_id>.jpg as epg image
- implemented GraphicsMagick compatibility (thanks @Manuel Reimer
  for providing the patch)
- changed Makefile to support both ImageMagick and GraphicsMagick
  (configurable in Makefile)
- Added russian and catalan translation
- Added slovakian translation
- fixed channel switching with blue key if detailed epg view is opened and
  if "close tvguide on channel switch" is configured
- fixed wrong font for clock in horizontal view
- Added feature to jump to a specific channel with number keys
- Fixed Bug 1484
- Added Event Short Text (if available) to RecName (Closes Ticket 1490)
- Fixed OSD Background Color (Closes Ticket 1474)
- Rounded Corners for color buttons (Closes Ticket 1475)
- Fixed some issues with text backgrounds in flat themes (closes 
  Tickets 1480 and 1486)
- Added possibility to search for reruns in case of a timer conflict
- Added timer Timeline view in red button recording menu
- Current channel positioned in middle of channellist when tvguide is 
- Added possibility to manage EPG Search Timers in red button recording 
- completely refactored recording menu
- restructured detailöed EPG View that tv frame and status buttons 
  are displayed
- Favorites menu with EPG Search favorite timers with blue key
- Display baseline for current time
- Added possibility to create timer from favorites results
- left / right scroll page up / down in recmenu result lists
- Improved favorites menu with whats on now / next and up to four user
  defined times
- also check default paths when images and icons are loaded
- directory for timers can be edited in timer edit menu
- series recording can be configured in searchtimer menus
- directory for searchtimers can be set and edited in searchtimer menus
- set blue key favorite mode as new default

Version 1.2.0

- changed video directory choosage behaviour: added possibility to use 
  a fixed recording dir which also supports epgsearch variables
- fixed a bug when scrolling page up and the menu footer is active
- order of search timers in search timer list in alphabetical order
- changed order of actions on search timer menu items

Version 1.2.1

- changed event result lists that it is possible to scroll page up and
  down directly with left / right. A recording is triggered now with the
  red key.
- Added possibility to create a recording from search timer result list
- Set minimum time to display in Plugin Setup from 120 to 60 minutes
- made order of search timer list case insensitive

Version 1.2.2

- added scraper2vdr support
- introduced tabbed EPG detail view

Version 1.2.3

- Compile under VDR 2.3.1+
- Reinsert old tvscraper compatibility
- New Makefile style
- Show inactive timer in EPG grid
- Center channel logos in EPG
- Clock in timeline if displaymode horizontal

Version 1.2.4

- Add Support for new SVDRPPeering
- Add italian translation
- Use graphicsmagick instead of imagemagick
- Correct a switchtimer error
- Add "switchMinsBefore" to setup menu
- Eliminate some warnings
- Center channel logos in favorite view
- Update "services/epgsearch.h"

Version 1.2.5

- Compile again with VDR < 2.3.0
- Correct some x positions in EPG grid
- Fixed a "invalid lock sequence report" in "cRecManager::PerformSearchTimerSearch"
- Eliminate a seqfault in "cRecManager::DeleteSearchTimer"
- Show Inactive timer in DrawHeader
- Add "switchMode" to setup menu

Version 1.2.6

- Some changes for VDR < 2.3.0
- Changes for Rec Icon in DrawHeader and Grid
- Eliminate a compiler warning in searchtimer.c
- Correct an error in setup page
- Optical changes in displaymode vertical
- Different setup parameter for displayTime in horizontal and vertical mode
- Optimizations in setup menu
- Add .gitignore
- Channelgroup in cRecMenuSearchTimerEdit
  (Create and modify of channelgroups isn't yet possible, should be done in epgsearch)
- Change channel icon size in cRecMenuSearchTimerEdit

Version 1.2.7

- Eliminate a "invalid lock sequence report" in tvguideosd.c
- Optical changes in favorites and searchtimer menu
- Changes in README

Version 1.2.8

- Some refactoring
- Update i18n
- Add almost all search timer options to cRecMenuSearchTimerEdit,
  only one is missing: "Use content descriptor"
  (Create and modify of channelgroups and blacklists isn't possible,
  because the epgsearch service interface doesn't support that, 
  should be done in epgsearch)

Version 1.2.9

- Correct plugin options in README and CommandLineHelp
- Change locking in cTVGuideSearchTimer::cTVGuideSearchTimer
- Fixed a dayOfWeek error in RecMenuSearchTimerEdit