
644 lines
12 KiB

# VDR plugin language source file.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: vdr-tvguide 1.1.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: <see README>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-12-23 09:03+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-15 00:12+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Milan Hrala <hrala.milan@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: sk\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-2\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
msgid "Main Program"
msgstr "Hlavný program"
msgid "Channel"
msgstr "Kanál"
msgstr "Repríza tohto programu"
msgid "Actors"
msgstr "Herci"
msgid "No EPG Information available"
msgstr "®iadne EPG údaje nie sú k dispozícii"
msgid "Search & Rec"
msgstr "Hlada» & Nahra»"
msgid "Channels back"
msgstr "kanálov spä»"
msgid "Channels forward"
msgstr "kanálov dopredu"
msgid "Switch to Channel"
msgstr "Prepnú» na kanál"
msgid "Detailed EPG"
msgstr "Podrobné EPG"
msgid "images"
msgstr ""
msgid "Transp."
msgstr "Transp."
msgid "Timer Conflict"
msgstr "Konflikt plánu"
msgid "all Channels"
msgstr "v¹etky kanály"
msgid "unknown channel"
msgstr "neznámy Kanal"
msgid "Duration"
msgstr "Då¾ka"
msgid "min"
msgstr "min"
msgid "recorded at"
msgstr "Zaznamenané"
msgid "from"
msgstr "z"
msgid "Instant Record"
msgstr "Okam¾ite nahra»"
msgid "Delete Timer"
msgstr "Vymaza» plán nahrávania"
msgid "Edit Timer"
msgstr "Upravi» plán nahrávania"
msgid "Create Series Timer"
msgstr "Vytvori» sériový plán nahrávania"
msgid "Create Search Timer"
msgstr "Vytvori» vyhµadávaè plánov nahrávania"
msgid "Create Switch Timer"
msgstr "Vytvori» prepínací plán"
msgid "Delete Switch Timer"
msgstr "Vymaza» prepínací plán"
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Hµada»"
msgid "Search in Recordings"
msgstr "Vyhµada» v nahrávkach"
msgid "Check for Timer Conflicts"
msgstr "Skontrolova» konflikty plánu"
msgid "Set Folder for"
msgstr "Nastavi» adresár pre"
msgid "root video folder"
msgstr "Hlavný video adresár"
msgid "Timer created"
msgstr "Plán vytvorený"
msgid "Timer NOT created"
msgstr "Plán nie je vytvorený"
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"
msgid "Timer deleted"
msgstr "Plán vymazaný"
msgid "Timer"
msgstr "Plán"
msgid "still recording - really delete?"
msgstr "Práve nahráva - naozaj zmaza»?"
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Áno"
msgid "No"
msgstr "Nie"
msgid "One"
msgstr "Jeden"
msgid "detected"
msgstr "nájdených"
msgid "Timer Conflicts"
msgstr "Konflikty plánov"
msgid "Show conflict"
msgstr "Zobrazi» konflikt"
msgid "timers involved"
msgstr "plány komplikované"
msgid "Ignore Conflicts"
msgstr "Ignorova» konflikty"
msgid "Ignore Conflict"
msgstr "Ignorova» konflikt"
msgid "No Timer Conflicts found"
msgstr "Nena¹li sa ¾iadne konflikty plánu"
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Zavrie»"
msgid "Timer Active"
msgstr "Plán aktívny"
msgid "Priority"
msgstr "Priorita"
msgid "Lifetime"
msgstr "®ivotnos»"
msgid "Day"
msgstr "Deò"
msgid "Timer start time"
msgstr "Plán zaèína"
msgid "Timer stop time"
msgstr "Plán konèí"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Ulo¾i»"
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Zru¹i»"
msgid "Create Series Timer based on"
msgstr "Vytvorenie plánu na základe série"
msgid "Series Timer start time"
msgstr "Sériový plán zaèína"
msgid "Series Timer stop time"
msgstr "Sériový plán konèí"
msgid "Days to record"
msgstr "Dni"
msgid "Day to start"
msgstr "Zaèína dòa"
msgid "Create Timer"
msgstr "Vytvori» plán"
msgid "Series Timer created"
msgstr "Vytvorený sériový plán"
msgid "Start"
msgstr "©tart"
msgid "Stop"
msgstr "Stop"
msgid "Configure Search Timer based on"
msgstr "Vyhµadávanie plánu nastavi» na základe"
msgid "Search Expression:"
msgstr "Hµadaný výraz:"
msgid "Continue"
msgstr "Ïal¹ie"
msgid "Configure Search Timer for Search String"
msgstr "Konfigurácia vyhµadávania plánu pre hµadané kµúèové slovo "
msgid "Manually configure Options"
msgstr "Ruène konfigurova» mo¾nosti"
msgid "Use Template"
msgstr "pou¾itie ¹ablóny"
msgid "Creating Search Timer"
msgstr "Vytvorenie vyhµadávacieho plánu"
msgid "Search Term"
msgstr "kµúèové slovo"
msgid "Using Template"
msgstr "¹ablóna"
msgid "Display Results for Search Timer"
msgstr "Pozrie» výsledky pre vyhµadávanie plánov"
msgid "Use other Template"
msgstr "Pou¾i» inú ¹ablónu"
msgid "Configure Search Timer Options for Search String"
msgstr "Konfigurova» mo¾nosti plánov pre vyhµadávanie kµúèových slov"
msgid "whole term must appear"
msgstr "kompletný výraz"
msgid "all terms must exist"
msgstr "v¹etky slová"
msgid "one term must exist"
msgstr "jeden pojem musí existova»"
msgid "exact match"
msgstr "presná zhoda"
msgid "regular expression"
msgstr "regulárny výraz"
msgid "Search Mode"
msgstr "Re¾im vyhµadávania"
msgid "Use Title"
msgstr "Pou¾i» názov"
msgid "Use Subtitle"
msgstr "Pou¾i» titulky"
msgid "Use Description"
msgstr "Pou¾i» popis"
msgid "Limit Channels"
msgstr "Obmedzi» kanály"
msgid "Start Channel"
msgstr "Od kanálu"
msgid "Stop Channel"
msgstr "Po kanál"
msgid "Use Time"
msgstr "Pou¾i» èas"
msgid "Start after"
msgstr "Zaèiatok po"
msgid "Start before"
msgstr "Zaèiatok pred"
msgid "search results for Search Timer"
msgstr "nájdené výsledky vyhµadávania plánu"
msgid "search result for Search Timer"
msgstr "nájdený výsledok vyhµadávania plánu"
msgid "Nothing found for Search String"
msgstr "Hµadaný výraz sa nena¹iel"
msgid "Search Timer sucessfully created."
msgstr "Vyhµadávaè plánu vytvorený."
msgid "Search Timer update initialised"
msgstr "Vyhladávaè plánu inicializovaný"
msgid "Search Timer NOT sucessfully created"
msgstr "Vyhµadávaè plánu nie je kompletne vytvorený"
msgid "Configure Options for Switchtimer"
msgstr "Konfigurova» mo¾nosti pre prepínací plán"
msgid "Minutes before switching"
msgstr "Minúty pred prepnutím"
msgid "switch"
msgstr "Prepnú»"
msgid "announce only"
msgstr "iba oznámi»"
msgid "ask for switch"
msgstr "opýta» sa na prepnutie"
msgid "Switch Mode"
msgstr "Prepínací re¾im"
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Vytvori»"
msgid "Switch Timer sucessfully created"
msgstr "Prepnutie je naplánované"
msgid "Switch Timer NOT sucessfully created"
msgstr "Plán prepnutia nie je vytvorený"
msgid "Switch Timer deleted"
msgstr "Plán prepnutia vymazaný"
msgid "Show Search Options"
msgstr "Zobrazi» mo¾nosti vyhµadávania"
msgid "Perform Search"
msgstr "Vykona» vyhµadávanie"
msgid "Channel to Search"
msgstr "Hµada» na kanále"
msgid "Search in title"
msgstr "Hµada» v názve"
msgid "Search in Subtitle"
msgstr "Hµada» v titulkách"
msgid "Search in Description"
msgstr "Hµada» v popise"
msgid "search results for"
msgstr "vyhµadané výsledky pre"
msgid "search result for"
msgstr "vyhµadaný výsledok pre"
msgid "Adapt Search"
msgstr "Prispôsobi» vyhµadávanie"
msgid "Found"
msgstr "Nájdené"
msgid "recording"
msgstr "nahrávka"
msgid "recordings"
msgstr "nahrávky"
msgid "for"
msgstr "pre"
msgid "No recordings found for"
msgstr "Nena¹li sa nahrávky s názvom "
msgid "General Settings"
msgstr "V¹eobecné nastavenia"
msgid "Screen Presentation"
msgstr "Mo¾nosti zobrazenia"
msgid "Fonts and Fontsizes"
msgstr "Písma a veµkosti písma"
msgid "Image Loading and Caching"
msgstr ""
msgid "x channels back / forward"
msgstr "x kanálov spä» / vpred"
msgid "previous / next channel group"
msgstr "Predchádzajúce / ïal¹ie skupiny kanálov"
msgid "Blue: Channel Switch, Ok: Detailed EPG"
msgstr "Modré: Prepnú» kanál, OK: Podrobné EPG"
msgid "Blue: Detailed EPG, Ok: Channel Switch"
msgstr "Modré: podrobné EPG, OK: prepnú» kanál"
msgid "Timely Jump"
msgstr ""
msgid "Jump to specific channel"
msgstr ""
msgid "never"
msgstr "nikdy"
msgid "if exists"
msgstr "ak sú k dispozícii"
msgid "always"
msgstr "v¾dy"
msgid "Show Main Menu Entry"
msgstr "Zobrazi» v hlavnom menu"
msgid "Replace VDR Schedules Menu"
msgstr "Zameni» VDR menu (tv program)"
msgid "Use appropriate nOpacity Theme"
msgstr ""
msgid "Theme"
msgstr "Téma"
msgid "Rounded Corners"
msgstr "Zaoblené rohy"
msgid "Channel Jump Mode (Keys Green / Yellow)"
msgstr "Re¾ím skoku kanála (klávesy zelená / ¾ltá)"
msgid "Keys Blue and OK"
msgstr "Tlaèidlá modré a OK"
msgid "Close TVGuide after channel switch"
msgstr "Zavrie» TVGuide po prepnutí kanálu"
msgid "Functionality of numeric Keys"
msgstr ""
msgid "Hide last Channel Group"
msgstr "Skry» poslednú skupinu kanálov"
msgid "Time to display in minutes"
msgstr "Zobrazený èas v minútach"
msgid "Big Step (Keys 1 / 3) in hours"
msgstr "Veµké skoky (tlaèidlá 1 / 3) v hodinách"
msgid "Huge Step (Keys 4 / 6) in hours"
msgstr "Veµmi veµké skoky (tlaèidlá 4 / 6) v hodinách"
msgid "Time Format (12h/24h)"
msgstr "Formát èasu (12h/24h)"
msgid "Use folders for instant records"
msgstr "Pou¾i» adresáre pre okam¾ité nahrávky"
msgid "Use Remotetimers"
msgstr "Pou¾i» vzdialený plánovaè"
msgid "Display Reruns in detailed EPG View"
msgstr "Reprízy v podrobnom zobrazení relácie EPG"
msgid "Number of reruns to display"
msgstr "Poèet zobrazovaných repríz"
msgid "Use Subtitle for reruns"
msgstr "Titulky pre vyhµadanie repríz"
msgid "Display Mode"
msgstr "Re¾ím zobrazenia"
msgid "Height of Channel Header (Perc. of osd height)"
msgstr "Vý¹ka hlavièky kanálov (% z OSD vý¹ky)"
msgid "Width of Timeline (Perc. of osd width)"
msgstr "©írka èasovej osi (% z OSD vý¹ky)"
msgid "Number of Channels to display"
msgstr "Poèet zobrazených kanálov"
msgid "Width of Channel Header (Perc. of osd width)"
msgstr "©írka hlavièky kanálov (% z OSD ¹írky)"
msgid "Height of Timeline (Perc. of osd height)"
msgstr "Vý¹ka èasovej osi (% z OSD vý¹ky)"
msgid "Display time in EPG Grids"
msgstr "Zobrazi» èas v EPG mrie¾ke"
msgid "Height of Footer (Perc. of osd height)"
msgstr ""
msgid "Display status header"
msgstr "Zobrazi» stavovú hlavièku"
msgid "Height of status header (Perc. of osd height)"
msgstr "Vý¹ka stavovej hlavièky (% z OSD vý¹ky)"
msgid "Scale video to upper right corner"
msgstr "©kálovatelné video v pravom hornom rohu"
msgid "Rounded corners around video frame"
msgstr "Zaoblené rohy do okna videa"
msgid "Display Channel Names in Header"
msgstr "Zobrazi» mená kanálu v hlavièke"
msgid "Display channel groups"
msgstr "Zobrazi» skupiny kanálov"
msgid "Height of channel groups (Perc. of osd height)"
msgstr "Vý¹ka skupiny kanála (% z OSD vý¹ky)"
msgid "Width of channel groups (Perc. of osd width)"
msgstr "©írka skupiny kanála (% z OSD ¹írky)"
msgid "Show Channel Logos"
msgstr "Zobrazi» logá kanálov"
msgid "Logo Path used"
msgstr "Umiestnenie pou¾itého loga"
msgid "Logo Extension"
msgstr "Logo prípona"
msgid "Logo width ratio"
msgstr "©írka loga"
msgid "Logo height ratio"
msgstr "Vý¹ka loga"
msgid "Height of Header in Detailed View (Perc. of osd height)"
msgstr ""
msgid "Text Border in Detailed View (pixel)"
msgstr ""
msgid "Show EPG Images"
msgstr "Zobrazi» EPG obrázky"
msgid "EPG Images Path used"
msgstr "Umiestnenie EPG obrázkov"
msgid "EPG Image width"
msgstr "©írka EPG obrázku"
msgid "EPG Image height"
msgstr "Vý¹ka EPG obrázku"
msgid "Number of additional EPG Images"
msgstr "Poèet ïal¹ích EPG obrázkov"
msgid "Additional EPG Image width"
msgstr "©írka ïal¹ích EPG obrázkov"
msgid "Additional EPG Image height"
msgstr "Vý¹ka ïal¹ích EPG obrázkov"
msgid "Font"
msgstr "Písmo"
msgid "Status Header Font Size"
msgstr "Veµkos» písma stavovej hlavièky"
msgid "Status Header Large Font Size"
msgstr "Veµkos» veµkého písma stavovej hlavièky"
msgid "Detail EPG View Font Size"
msgstr "Veµkos» písma v detailnom EPG pohµade"
msgid "Detail EPG View Header Font Size"
msgstr "Veµkos» písma hlavièky v detailnom EPG pohµade"
msgid "Message Font Size"
msgstr "Veµkos» písma správy"
msgid "Message Large Font Size"
msgstr "Veµkos» veµkého písma správy"
msgid "Button Font Size"
msgstr "Veµkos» písma tlaèidla"
msgid "Channel Header Font Size"
msgstr "Veµkos» písma hlavièky kanála"
msgid "Channel Groups Font Size"
msgstr "Veµkos» písma skupín kanálu"
msgid "Grid Font Size"
msgstr "Veµkos» písma mrie¾ky"
msgid "Grid Font Small Size"
msgstr "Veµkos» malého písma mrie¾ky"
msgid "Timeline Weekday Font Size"
msgstr "Veµkos» písma dòa èasovej osi"
msgid "Timeline Date Font Size"
msgstr "Veµkos» písma dátumu èasovej osi"
msgid "Timeline Time Font Size"
msgstr "Veµkos» písma hodín èasovej osi"
msgid "Search & Recording Menu Font Size"
msgstr "Hµada» & Nahra» menu písmo"
msgid "Search & Recording Menu Small Font Size"
msgstr "Hµada» & Nahra» menu malé písmo"
msgid "Create Log Messages for image loading"
msgstr ""
msgid "Limit Logo Cache"
msgstr ""
msgid "Maximal number of logos to cache"
msgstr ""
msgid "Number of logos to cache at start"
msgstr ""
msgid "Cache Sizes"
msgstr ""
msgid "OSD Element Cache"
msgstr ""
msgid "Logo cache"
msgstr ""
msgid "EPG Grid Cache"
msgstr ""
msgid "Channel Groups Cache"
msgstr ""