mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 10:50:46 +00:00
Revoked the changes to cFrameDetector that have been introduced in version 1.7.19
This commit is contained in:
@ -6699,7 +6699,7 @@ Video Disk Recorder Revision History
constructor is negative (avoids the "cTimeMs: using monotonic clock..." log message
before VDR's starting log message).
2011-08-27: Version 1.7.21
2011-09-04: Version 1.7.21
- Fixed detecting frames for channels that split frames into several payloads
(reported by Derek Kelly).
@ -6738,3 +6738,4 @@ Video Disk Recorder Revision History
receiving on SD FF devices and uses the device only for output (thanks to Udo
- Fixed detecting frames on radio channels (reported by Chris Mayo).
- Revoked the changes to cFrameDetector that have been introduced in version 1.7.19.
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
* See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and
* how to reach the author.
* $Id: recorder.c 2.14 2011/08/13 14:56:36 kls Exp $
* $Id: recorder.c 2.15 2011/09/04 09:26:44 kls Exp $
#include "recorder.h"
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ cRecorder::cRecorder(const char *FileName, const cChannel *Channel, int Priority
ringBuffer = new cRingBufferLinear(RECORDERBUFSIZE, TS_SIZE, true, "Recorder");
ringBuffer = new cRingBufferLinear(RECORDERBUFSIZE, MIN_TS_PACKETS_FOR_FRAME_DETECTOR * TS_SIZE, true, "Recorder");
ringBuffer->SetTimeouts(0, 100);
int Pid = Channel->Vpid();
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ bool cRecorder::RunningLowOnDiskSpace(void)
bool cRecorder::NextFile(void)
if (recordFile) {
if (recordFile && frameDetector->IndependentFrame()) { // every file shall start with an independent frame
if (fileSize > MEGABYTE(off_t(Setup.MaxVideoFileSize)) || RunningLowOnDiskSpace()) {
recordFile = fileName->NextFile();
fileSize = 0;
@ -119,11 +119,6 @@ void cRecorder::Action(void)
time_t t = time(NULL);
bool InfoWritten = false;
bool FirstIframeSeen = false;
#define BUFFERSIZE (5 * TS_SIZE)
bool Buffering = false;
int BufferIndex = 0;
int MaxBufferIndex = 0;
uchar *Buffer = NULL;
while (Running()) {
int r;
uchar *b = ringBuffer->Get(r);
@ -144,34 +139,9 @@ void cRecorder::Action(void)
InfoWritten = true;
if (frameDetector->NewPayload()) { // We're at the first TS packet of a new payload...
if (Buffering)
esyslog("ERROR: encountered new payload while buffering - dropping some data!");
if (!frameDetector->NewFrame()) { // ...but the frame type is yet unknown, so we need to buffer packets until we see the frame type
if (!Buffer) {
dsyslog("frame type not in first packet of payload - buffering");
if (!(Buffer = MALLOC(uchar, BUFFERSIZE))) {
esyslog("ERROR: can't allocate frame type buffer");
BufferIndex = 0;
Buffering = true;
else if (frameDetector->NewFrame()) // now we know the frame type, so stop buffering
Buffering = false;
if (Buffering) {
if (BufferIndex + Count <= BUFFERSIZE) {
memcpy(Buffer + BufferIndex, b, Count);
BufferIndex += Count;
esyslog("ERROR: too many bytes for frame type buffer (%d > %d) - dropped %d bytes", BufferIndex + Count, int(BUFFERSIZE), Count);
else if (FirstIframeSeen || frameDetector->IndependentFrame()) {
if (FirstIframeSeen || frameDetector->IndependentFrame()) {
FirstIframeSeen = true; // start recording with the first I-frame
if (frameDetector->IndependentFrame() && !NextFile()) // every file shall start with an independent frame
if (!NextFile())
if (index && frameDetector->NewFrame())
index->Write(frameDetector->IndependentFrame(), fileName->Number(), fileSize);
@ -184,12 +154,6 @@ void cRecorder::Action(void)
fileSize += TS_SIZE;
if (BufferIndex) {
recordFile->Write(Buffer, BufferIndex); // if an error occurs here, the next write below will catch and report it
if (BufferIndex > MaxBufferIndex)
MaxBufferIndex = BufferIndex;
BufferIndex = 0;
if (recordFile->Write(b, Count) < 0) {
@ -207,8 +171,4 @@ void cRecorder::Action(void)
t = time(NULL);
if (Buffer) {
dsyslog("frame type buffer used %d bytes", MaxBufferIndex);
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
* See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and
* how to reach the author.
* $Id: recording.c 2.37 2011/08/27 10:55:53 kls Exp $
* $Id: recording.c 2.38 2011/09/04 09:32:25 kls Exp $
#include "recording.h"
@ -1434,12 +1434,11 @@ void cIndexFileGenerator::Action(void)
bool Rewind = false;
cFileName FileName(recordingName, false);
cUnbufferedFile *ReplayFile = FileName.Open();
cRingBufferLinear Buffer(IFG_BUFFER_SIZE, TS_SIZE);
cPatPmtParser PatPmtParser;
cFrameDetector FrameDetector;
cIndexFile IndexFile(recordingName, true);
int BufferChunks = KILOBYTE(1); // no need to read a lot at the beginning when parsing PAT/PMT
int FileNumber = 0;
off_t FileSize = 0;
off_t FrameOffset = -1;
Skins.QueueMessage(mtInfo, tr("Regenerating index file"));
@ -1456,18 +1455,12 @@ void cIndexFileGenerator::Action(void)
if (Data) {
if (FrameDetector.Synced()) {
// Step 3 - generate the index:
if (FrameOffset < 0 && TsPid(Data) == PATPID) {
FileNumber = FileName.Number();
if (TsPid(Data) == PATPID)
FrameOffset = FileSize; // the PAT/PMT is at the beginning of an I-frame
int Processed = FrameDetector.Analyze(Data, Length);
if (Processed > 0) {
if (FrameDetector.NewPayload() && FrameOffset < 0) {
FileNumber = FileName.Number();
FrameOffset = FileSize;
if (FrameDetector.NewFrame()) {
IndexFile.Write(FrameDetector.IndependentFrame(), FileNumber, FrameOffset);
IndexFile.Write(FrameDetector.IndependentFrame(), FileName.Number(), FrameOffset >= 0 ? FrameOffset : FileSize);
FrameOffset = -1;
FileSize += Processed;
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
* See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and
* how to reach the author.
* $Id: remux.c 2.60 2011/08/27 14:20:18 kls Exp $
* $Id: remux.c 2.61 2011/09/04 10:13:14 kls Exp $
#include "remux.h"
@ -785,8 +785,7 @@ cFrameDetector::cFrameDetector(int Pid, int Type)
SetPid(Pid, Type);
synced = false;
newPayload = newFrame = independentFrame = false;
frameTypeOffset = -1;
newFrame = independentFrame = false;
numPtsValues = 0;
numFrames = 0;
numIFrames = 0;
@ -813,8 +812,7 @@ void cFrameDetector::SetPid(int Pid, int Type)
void cFrameDetector::Reset(void)
newPayload = newFrame = independentFrame = false;
frameTypeOffset = -1;
newFrame = independentFrame = false;
payloadUnitOfFrame = 0;
scanning = false;
scanner = EMPTY_SCANNER;
@ -822,8 +820,9 @@ void cFrameDetector::Reset(void)
int cFrameDetector::Analyze(const uchar *Data, int Length)
int SeenPayloadStart = false;
int Processed = 0;
newPayload = newFrame = independentFrame = false;
newFrame = independentFrame = false;
while (Length >= TS_SIZE) {
if (Data[0] != TS_SYNC_BYTE) {
int Skipped = 1;
@ -836,8 +835,11 @@ int cFrameDetector::Analyze(const uchar *Data, int Length)
int Pid = TsPid(Data);
if (Pid == pid) {
if (TsPayloadStart(Data)) {
SeenPayloadStart = true;
if (synced && Processed)
return Processed; // flush everything before this new payload
return Processed;
return Processed; // need more data, in case the frame type is not stored in the first TS packet
if (framesPerSecond <= 0.0) {
// frame rate unknown, so collect a sequence of PTS values:
if (numPtsValues < 2 || numPtsValues < MaxPtsValues && numIFrames < 2) { // collect a sequence containing at least two I-frames
@ -902,10 +904,6 @@ int cFrameDetector::Analyze(const uchar *Data, int Length)
if (scanning) {
int PayloadOffset = TsPayloadOffset(Data);
if (TsPayloadStart(Data)) {
if (synced && Processed)
return Processed; // flush everything before this new payload
newPayload = true;
scanner = EMPTY_SCANNER;
PayloadOffset += PesPayloadOffset(Data + PayloadOffset);
if (!framesPerPayloadUnit)
framesPerPayloadUnit = framesInPayloadUnit;
@ -913,29 +911,17 @@ int cFrameDetector::Analyze(const uchar *Data, int Length)
for (int i = PayloadOffset; scanning && i < TS_SIZE; i++) {
if (frameTypeOffset < 0) {
scanner <<= 8;
scanner |= Data[i];
frameTypeOffset += PayloadOffset;
scanner <<= 8;
scanner |= Data[i];
switch (type) {
case 0x01: // MPEG 1 video
case 0x02: // MPEG 2 video
if (scanner == 0x00000100) { // Picture Start Code
if (frameTypeOffset < 0) {
frameTypeOffset = i + 2;
if (frameTypeOffset >= TS_SIZE) { // the byte to check is in the next TS packet
frameTypeOffset -= TS_SIZE;
if (!synced)
dbgframes("%d>", frameTypeOffset);
scanner = EMPTY_SCANNER;
if (synced && !SeenPayloadStart && Processed)
return Processed; // flush everything before this new frame
newFrame = true;
uchar FrameType = (Data[frameTypeOffset] >> 3) & 0x07;
frameTypeOffset = -1;
uchar FrameType = (Data[i + 2] >> 3) & 0x07;
independentFrame = FrameType == 1; // I-Frame
if (synced) {
if (framesPerPayloadUnit <= 1)
@ -955,29 +941,19 @@ int cFrameDetector::Analyze(const uchar *Data, int Length)
case 0x1B: // MPEG 4 video
if (scanner == 0x00000109) { // Access Unit Delimiter
if (frameTypeOffset < 0) {
frameTypeOffset = i + 1;
if (frameTypeOffset >= TS_SIZE) { // the byte to check is in the next TS packet
frameTypeOffset -= TS_SIZE;
if (!synced)
dbgframes("%d>", frameTypeOffset);
scanner = EMPTY_SCANNER;
if (synced && !SeenPayloadStart && Processed)
return Processed; // flush everything before this new frame
newFrame = true;
uchar FrameType = Data[frameTypeOffset];
frameTypeOffset = -1;
uchar FrameType = Data[i + 1];
independentFrame = FrameType == 0x10;
if (synced) {
if (framesPerPayloadUnit < 0) {
payloadUnitOfFrame = (payloadUnitOfFrame + 1) % -framesPerPayloadUnit;
if (payloadUnitOfFrame != 0 && independentFrame)
payloadUnitOfFrame = 0;
if (payloadUnitOfFrame) {
newPayload = false;
if (payloadUnitOfFrame)
newFrame = false;
if (framesPerPayloadUnit <= 1)
scanning = false;
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
* See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and
* how to reach the author.
* $Id: remux.h 2.30 2011/06/12 12:49:17 kls Exp $
* $Id: remux.h 2.31 2011/09/04 09:09:33 kls Exp $
#ifndef __REMUX_H
@ -336,16 +336,16 @@ void PesDump(const char *Name, const u_char *Data, int Length);
// Frame detector:
class cFrameDetector {
enum { MaxPtsValues = 150 };
int pid;
int type;
bool synced;
bool newPayload;
bool newFrame;
bool independentFrame;
int frameTypeOffset;
uint32_t ptsValues[MaxPtsValues]; // 32 bit is enough - we only need the delta
int numPtsValues;
int numFrames;
@ -377,11 +377,6 @@ public:
///< Analyze() needs to be called again with more actual data.
bool Synced(void) { return synced; }
///< Returns true if the frame detector has synced on the data stream.
bool NewPayload(void) { return newPayload; }
///< Returns true if the data given to the last call to Analyze() started a
///< new payload. The caller should remember the current file offset in
///< order to be able to generate an index entry later, when NewFrame()
///< returns true.
bool NewFrame(void) { return newFrame; }
///< Returns true if the data given to the last call to Analyze() started a
///< new frame.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user