Replaced cBackTrace with cPtsIndex

This commit is contained in:
Klaus Schmidinger 2009-03-13 14:45:12 +01:00
parent 4c0ab3d3e7
commit e7ea3b3c70
9 changed files with 186 additions and 110 deletions

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@ -662,6 +662,8 @@ Oliver Endriss <>
Transfer Mode
for providing a driver patch that allows direct replaying of TS video on full-featured
DVB cards
for improving the firmware of FF DVB cards to allow getting the current STC value
even in trick modes
Reinhard Walter Buchner <>
for adding some satellites to 'sources.conf'

View File

@ -5979,7 +5979,7 @@ Video Disk Recorder Revision History
cDevice class reimplements PlayTs() or PlayPes(), it also needs to make sure this
new function works as expected.
2009-02-28: Version 1.7.5
2009-03-13: Version 1.7.5
- Fixed a hangup when replaying a TS recording with subtitles activated (reported
by Timo Helkio).
@ -5989,3 +5989,14 @@ Video Disk Recorder Revision History
- Updated the Italian OSD texts (thanks to Diego Pierotto).
- Added cRecordingInfo::GetEvent() (thanks to Marcel Unbehaun).
- Improved synchronizing the progress display, trick modes and subtitle display
to the actual audio/video. This now works independent of any buffer sizes the
output device might use.
+ The cBackTrace class has been replaced with cPtsIndex, which keeps track
of the PTS timestamps of recently played frames.
+ cDevice::GetSTC() is now required to deliver the STC even in trick modes.
It is sufficient if it returns the PTS of the most recently presented
audio/video frame.
+ The full-featured DVB cards need an improved firmware in order to return
proper STC values in trick modes (thanks to Oliver Endriss for enhancing the
av7110 firmware).

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
* See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and
* how to reach the author.
* $Id: device.h 2.6 2009/01/25 11:04:39 kls Exp $
* $Id: device.h 2.7 2009/03/01 11:20:34 kls Exp $
#ifndef __DEVICE_H
@ -543,6 +543,13 @@ public:
///< Gets the current System Time Counter, which can be used to
///< synchronize audio and video. If this device is unable to
///< provide the STC, -1 will be returned.
///< The value returned doesn't need to be an actual "clock" value,
///< it is sufficient if it holds the PTS (Presentation Time Stamp) of
///< the most recently presented frame. A proper value must be returned
///< in normal replay mode as well as in any trick modes (like slow motion,
///< fast forward/rewind).
///< Only the lower 32 bit of this value are actually used, since some
///< devices can't handle the msb correctly.
virtual bool IsPlayingVideo(void) const { return isPlayingVideo; }
///< \return Returns true if the currently attached player has delivered
///< any video packets.

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
* See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and
* how to reach the author.
* $Id: dvbplayer.c 2.3 2009/01/25 11:11:39 kls Exp $
* $Id: dvbplayer.c 2.4 2009/03/13 14:42:56 kls Exp $
#include "dvbplayer.h"
@ -16,59 +16,69 @@
#include "thread.h"
#include "tools.h"
// --- cBackTrace ------------------------------------------------------------
// --- cPtsIndex -------------------------------------------------------------
#define AVG_FRAME_SIZE 15000 // an assumption about the average frame size
#define DVB_BUF_SIZE (256 * 1024) // an assumption about the dvb firmware buffer size
#define BACKTRACE_ENTRIES (DVB_BUF_SIZE / AVG_FRAME_SIZE + 20) // how many entries are needed to backtrace buffer contents
class cBackTrace {
class cPtsIndex {
int pos, num;
struct tPtsIndex {
uint32_t pts; // no need for 33 bit - some devices don't even supply the msb
int index;
int w, r;
int lastFound;
cMutex mutex;
void Clear(void);
void Add(int Index, int Length);
int Get(bool Forward);
void Put(uint32_t Pts, int Index);
int FindIndex(uint32_t Pts);
lastFound = 0;
void cBackTrace::Clear(void)
void cPtsIndex::Clear(void)
pos = num = 0;
cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutex);
w = r = 0;
void cBackTrace::Add(int Index, int Length)
void cPtsIndex::Put(uint32_t Pts, int Index)
index[pos] = Index;
length[pos] = Length;
pos = 0;
cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutex);
pi[w].pts = Pts;
pi[w].index = Index;
w = (w + 1) % PTSINDEX_ENTRIES;
if (w == r)
r = (r + 1) % PTSINDEX_ENTRIES;
int cBackTrace::Get(bool Forward)
int cPtsIndex::FindIndex(uint32_t Pts)
int p = pos;
int n = num;
int l = DVB_BUF_SIZE + (Forward ? 0 : 256 * 1024); //XXX (256 * 1024) == DVB_BUF_SIZE ???
int i = -1;
while (n && l > 0) {
if (--p < 0)
i = index[p] - 1;
l -= length[p];
return i;
cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutex);
if (w == r)
return lastFound; // list is empty, let's not jump way off the last known position
uint32_t Delta = 0xFFFFFFFF;
int Index = -1;
for (int i = w; i != r; ) {
if (--i < 0)
uint32_t d = pi[i].pts < Pts ? Pts - pi[i].pts : pi[i].pts - Pts;
if (d > 0x7FFFFFFF)
d = 0xFFFFFFFF - d; // handle rollover
if (d < Delta) {
Delta = d;
Index = pi[i].index;
lastFound = Index;
return Index;
// --- cNonBlockingFileReader ------------------------------------------------
@ -183,8 +193,8 @@ bool cNonBlockingFileReader::WaitForDataMs(int msToWait)
// The number of seconds to back up when resuming an interrupted replay session:
#define RESUMEBACKUP 10 // number of seconds to back up when resuming an interrupted replay session
#define MAXSTUCKATEND 3 // max. number of seconds to wait in case the device doesn't play the last frame
class cDvbPlayer : public cPlayer, cThread {
@ -193,7 +203,7 @@ private:
static int Speeds[];
cNonBlockingFileReader *nonBlockingFileReader;
cRingBufferFrame *ringBuffer;
cBackTrace *backTrace;
cPtsIndex ptsIndex;
cFileName *fileName;
cIndexFile *index;
cUnbufferedFile *replayFile;
@ -204,7 +214,8 @@ private:
ePlayModes playMode;
ePlayDirs playDir;
int trickSpeed;
int readIndex, writeIndex;
int readIndex;
bool readIndependent;
cFrame *readFrame;
cFrame *playFrame;
void TrickSpeed(int Increment);
@ -242,7 +253,6 @@ cDvbPlayer::cDvbPlayer(const char *FileName)
nonBlockingFileReader = NULL;
ringBuffer = NULL;
backTrace = NULL;
index = NULL;
cRecording Recording(FileName);
framesPerSecond = Recording.FramesPerSecond();
@ -252,7 +262,8 @@ cDvbPlayer::cDvbPlayer(const char *FileName)
playMode = pmPlay;
playDir = pdForward;
trickSpeed = NORMAL_SPEED;
readIndex = writeIndex = -1;
readIndex = -1;
readIndependent = false;
readFrame = NULL;
playFrame = NULL;
isyslog("replay %s", FileName);
@ -269,17 +280,15 @@ cDvbPlayer::cDvbPlayer(const char *FileName)
delete index;
index = NULL;
backTrace = new cBackTrace;
delete readFrame; // might not have been stored in the buffer in Action()
delete index;
delete fileName;
delete backTrace;
delete ringBuffer;
@ -308,13 +317,13 @@ void cDvbPlayer::Empty(void)
if (nonBlockingFileReader)
if ((readIndex = backTrace->Get(playDir == pdForward)) < 0)
readIndex = writeIndex;
if (!firstPacket) // don't set the readIndex twice if Empty() is called more than once
readIndex = ptsIndex.FindIndex(DeviceGetSTC());
delete readFrame; // might not have been stored in the buffer in Action()
readFrame = NULL;
playFrame = NULL;
firstPacket = true;
@ -346,7 +355,7 @@ int cDvbPlayer::Resume(void)
bool cDvbPlayer::Save(void)
if (index) {
int Index = writeIndex;
int Index = ptsIndex.FindIndex(DeviceGetSTC());
if (Index >= 0) {
Index -= int(round(RESUMEBACKUP * framesPerSecond));
if (Index > 0)
@ -384,6 +393,7 @@ void cDvbPlayer::Action(void)
int Length = 0;
bool Sleep = false;
bool WaitingForData = false;
time_t StuckAtEnd = 0;
while (Running() && (NextFile() || readIndex >= 0 || ringBuffer->Available() || !DeviceFlush(100))) {
if (Sleep) {
@ -397,6 +407,8 @@ void cDvbPlayer::Action(void)
if (DevicePoll(Poller, 100)) {
bool HitBegin = false;
bool HitEnd = false;
// Read the next frame from the file:
@ -408,8 +420,9 @@ void cDvbPlayer::Action(void)
off_t FileOffset;
bool TimeShiftMode = index->IsStillRecording();
int Index = -1;
readIndependent = false;
if (DeviceHasIBPTrickSpeed() && playDir == pdForward) {
if (index->Get(readIndex + 1, &FileNumber, &FileOffset, NULL, &Length))
if (index->Get(readIndex + 1, &FileNumber, &FileOffset, &readIndependent, &Length))
Index = readIndex + 1;
else {
@ -417,42 +430,33 @@ void cDvbPlayer::Action(void)
if (playDir != pdForward)
d = -d;
Index = index->GetNextIFrame(readIndex + d, playDir == pdForward, &FileNumber, &FileOffset, &Length, TimeShiftMode);
readIndependent = true;
if (Index >= 0) {
if (!NextFile(FileNumber, FileOffset)) {
readIndex = Index;
readIndex = Index;
if (!NextFile(FileNumber, FileOffset))
else {
if (!TimeShiftMode && playDir == pdForward) {
// hit end of recording: signal end of file but don't change playMode
readIndex = -1;
eof = true;
if (playDir == pdForward) {
if (!TimeShiftMode) {
// hit end of recording: signal end of file but don't change playMode
eof = true;
HitEnd = true;
// hit begin of recording: wait for device buffers to drain
// before changing play mode:
if (!DeviceFlush(100))
// can't call Play() here, because those functions may only be
// called from the foreground thread - and we also don't need
// to empty the buffer here
playMode = pmPlay;
playDir = pdForward;
HitBegin = true; // hit begin of recording - trigger wait until device has replayed the very first frame:
readIndex = Index;
else if (index) {
uint16_t FileNumber;
off_t FileOffset;
if (!(index->Get(readIndex, &FileNumber, &FileOffset, NULL, &Length) && NextFile(FileNumber, FileOffset))) {
readIndex = -1;
if (index->Get(readIndex + 1, &FileNumber, &FileOffset, &readIndependent, &Length) && NextFile(FileNumber, FileOffset))
else {
eof = true;
HitEnd = true;
else // allows replay even if the index file is missing
@ -465,19 +469,24 @@ void cDvbPlayer::Action(void)
b = MALLOC(uchar, Length);
int r = nonBlockingFileReader->Read(replayFile, b, Length);
if (r > 0) {
WaitingForData = false;
readFrame = new cFrame(b, -r, ftUnknown, readIndex); // hands over b to the ringBuffer
b = NULL;
else if (r == 0)
eof = true;
else if (r < 0 && errno == EAGAIN)
WaitingForData = true;
else if (r < 0 && FATALERRNO) {
if (!eof) {
int r = nonBlockingFileReader->Read(replayFile, b, Length);
if (r > 0) {
WaitingForData = false;
uint32_t Pts = 0;
if (readIndependent)
Pts = isPesRecording ? PesGetPts(b) : TsGetPts(b, r);
readFrame = new cFrame(b, -r, ftUnknown, readIndependent ? readIndex : -1, Pts); // hands over b to the ringBuffer
b = NULL;
else if (r == 0)
eof = true;
else if (r < 0 && errno == EAGAIN)
WaitingForData = true;
else if (r < 0 && FATALERRNO) {
@ -506,6 +515,8 @@ void cDvbPlayer::Action(void)
p = playFrame->Data();
pc = playFrame->Count();
if (p) {
if (playFrame->Index() >= 0)
ptsIndex.Put(playFrame->Pts(), playFrame->Index());
if (firstPacket) {
if (isPesRecording) {
PlayPes(NULL, 0);
@ -533,8 +544,6 @@ void cDvbPlayer::Action(void)
if (pc <= 0) {
writeIndex = playFrame->Index();
backTrace->Add(playFrame->Index(), playFrame->Count());
playFrame = NULL;
p = NULL;
@ -542,6 +551,31 @@ void cDvbPlayer::Action(void)
Sleep = true;
// Handle hitting begin/end of recording:
if (HitBegin || HitEnd) {
if (DeviceFlush(10)) // give device a chance to display the last frame
cCondWait::SleepMs(10); // don't get into a tight loop
if (HitBegin) {
if (ptsIndex.FindIndex(DeviceGetSTC()) <= 0) {
playMode = pmPlay;
playDir = pdForward;
else if (HitEnd) {
if (ptsIndex.FindIndex(DeviceGetSTC()) >= readIndex)
else if (!StuckAtEnd)
StuckAtEnd = time(NULL);
else if (time(NULL) - StuckAtEnd > MAXSTUCKATEND)
StuckAtEnd = 0;
@ -614,6 +648,7 @@ void cDvbPlayer::Forward(void)
// run into pmPause
case pmStill:
case pmPause:
@ -661,6 +696,7 @@ void cDvbPlayer::Backward(void)
// run into pmPause
case pmStill:
case pmPause: {
@ -696,14 +732,14 @@ void cDvbPlayer::SkipSeconds(int Seconds)
if (index && Seconds) {
int Index = ptsIndex.FindIndex(DeviceGetSTC());
int Index = writeIndex;
if (Index >= 0) {
Index = max(Index + SecondsToFrames(Seconds, framesPerSecond), 0);
if (Index > 0)
Index = index->GetNextIFrame(Index, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, true);
if (Index >= 0)
readIndex = writeIndex = Index - 1; // Action() will first increment it!
readIndex = Index - 1; // Action() will first increment it!
@ -727,25 +763,22 @@ void cDvbPlayer::Goto(int Index, bool Still)
if (playMode == pmPause)
DeviceStillPicture(b, r);
ptsIndex.Put(isPesRecording ? PesGetPts(b) : TsGetPts(b, r), Index);
playMode = pmStill;
readIndex = writeIndex = Index;
readIndex = Index;
bool cDvbPlayer::GetIndex(int &Current, int &Total, bool SnapToIFrame)
if (index) {
if (playMode == pmStill)
Current = max(readIndex, 0);
else {
Current = max(writeIndex, 0);
if (SnapToIFrame) {
int i1 = index->GetNextIFrame(Current + 1, false);
int i2 = index->GetNextIFrame(Current, true);
Current = (abs(Current - i1) <= abs(Current - i2)) ? i1 : i2;
Current = ptsIndex.FindIndex(DeviceGetSTC());
if (SnapToIFrame) {
int i1 = index->GetNextIFrame(Current + 1, false);
int i2 = index->GetNextIFrame(Current, true);
Current = (abs(Current - i1) <= abs(Current - i2)) ? i1 : i2;
Total = index->Last();
return true;

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
* See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and
* how to reach the author.
* $Id: player.h 2.3 2009/01/25 11:03:44 kls Exp $
* $Id: player.h 2.4 2009/03/08 12:29:10 kls Exp $
#ifndef __PLAYER_H
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ protected:
void DeviceMute(void) { if (device) device->Mute(); }
void DeviceSetVideoDisplayFormat(eVideoDisplayFormat VideoDisplayFormat) { if (device) device->SetVideoDisplayFormat(VideoDisplayFormat); }
void DeviceStillPicture(const uchar *Data, int Length) { if (device) device->StillPicture(Data, Length); }
uint64_t DeviceGetSTC(void) { return device ? device->GetSTC() : -1; }
void Detach(void);
virtual void Activate(bool On) {}
// This function is called right after the cPlayer has been attached to

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
* See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and
* how to reach the author.
* $Id: remux.c 2.13 2009/01/24 13:44:45 kls Exp $
* $Id: remux.c 2.14 2009/03/08 12:12:17 kls Exp $
#include "remux.h"
@ -109,6 +109,21 @@ void cRemux::SetBrokenLink(uchar *Data, int Length)
dsyslog("SetBrokenLink: no video packet in frame");
// --- Some TS handling tools ------------------------------------------------
int64_t TsGetPts(const uchar *p, int l)
// Find the first packet with a PTS and use it:
while (l > 0) {
const uchar *d = p;
if (TsPayloadStart(d) && TsGetPayload(&d) && PesHasPts(d))
return PesGetPts(d);
p += TS_SIZE;
l -= TS_SIZE;
return -1;
// --- cPatPmtGenerator ------------------------------------------------------
cPatPmtGenerator::cPatPmtGenerator(cChannel *Channel)

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
* See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and
* how to reach the author.
* $Id: remux.h 2.7 2009/01/24 13:38:10 kls Exp $
* $Id: remux.h 2.8 2009/03/08 12:05:12 kls Exp $
#ifndef __REMUX_H
@ -101,6 +101,10 @@ inline int TsGetAdaptationField(const uchar *p)
return TsHasAdaptationField(p) ? p[5] : 0x00;
// The following functions all take a pointer to a sequence of complete TS packets.
int64_t TsGetPts(const uchar *p, int l);
// Some PES handling tools:
// The following functions that take a pointer to PES data all assume that
// there is enough data so that PesLongEnough() returns true.

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
* Parts of this file were inspired by the 'ringbuffy.c' from the
* LinuxDVB driver (see
* $Id: ringbuffer.c 1.25 2007/11/17 13:49:34 kls Exp $
* $Id: ringbuffer.c 2.1 2009/03/01 11:20:34 kls Exp $
#include "ringbuffer.h"
@ -335,11 +335,12 @@ void cRingBufferLinear::Del(int Count)
// --- cFrame ----------------------------------------------------------------
cFrame::cFrame(const uchar *Data, int Count, eFrameType Type, int Index)
cFrame::cFrame(const uchar *Data, int Count, eFrameType Type, int Index, uint32_t Pts)
count = abs(Count);
type = Type;
index = Index;
pts = Pts;
if (Count < 0)
data = (uchar *)Data;
else {

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
* See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and
* how to reach the author.
* $Id: ringbuffer.h 1.18 2007/11/17 13:49:34 kls Exp $
* $Id: ringbuffer.h 2.1 2009/03/01 11:20:34 kls Exp $
#ifndef __RINGBUFFER_H
@ -108,8 +108,9 @@ private:
int count;
eFrameType type;
int index;
uint32_t pts;
cFrame(const uchar *Data, int Count, eFrameType = ftUnknown, int Index = -1);
cFrame(const uchar *Data, int Count, eFrameType = ftUnknown, int Index = -1, uint32_t Pts = 0);
///< Creates a new cFrame object.
///< If Count is negative, the cFrame object will take ownership of the given
///< Data. Otherwise it will allocate Count bytes of memory and copy Data.
@ -118,6 +119,7 @@ public:
int Count(void) const { return count; }
eFrameType Type(void) const { return type; }
int Index(void) const { return index; }
uint32_t Pts(void) const { return pts; }
class cRingBufferFrame : public cRingBuffer {