Video Disk Recorder User's Manual

Version 2.2

* Remote Control Keys

  The following remote control keys are used to control the VDR
  operation. To keep the number of different keys as small as
  possible, several keys have different meanings in the various

  Key     Normal      VDR          Channels   Timers     Edit/New      Recordings        Replay           Audio

  Up      Ch up       Crsr up      Crsr up    Crsr up    Crsr up       Crsr up           Play             Sel. track
  Down    Ch down     Crsr down    Crsr down  Crsr down  Crsr down     Crsr down         Pause            Sel. track
  Left    Prev group  -            Page up    Page up    Decrement     Page up           Search back      Sel. channel
  Right   Next group  -            Page down  Page down  Increment     Page down         Search forward   Sel. channel
  Ok      Ch display  Select       Switch     Edit       Accept        Play              Progress disp.   Switch & Close
  Menu    Menu on     Menu off     Menu off   Menu off   Menu off      Menu off          Menu off         Menu off
  Back    -           Menu off     VDR menu   VDR menu   Discard       VDR menu          Recordings menu  Close
  Red     -           Record       Edit       On/Off     ABC/abc       Play/Commands(1)  Jump             -
  Green   -           Audio        New        New        Ins/Ovr       Rewind            Skip -60s        -
  Yellow  -           Pause live   Delete     Delete     Delete        Delete            Skip +60s        -
  Blue    -           Stop/Resume  Mark       Info       -             Info              Stop             -
  0..9    Ch select   -            Sort(2)    Day(3)     Numeric inp.  Sort/Exec cmd(1)  Editing          -

  In a numerical input field (like the response to a CAM enquiry) the keys 0..9
  are used to enter the data, and the Left key can be used to delete the last
  entered digit.

  In a text input field (like, e.g., the file name of a recording) the characters
  can be entered by pressing the numeric keys, the same way as on a telephone

  If your remote control provides additional keys, they can be used for the
  following functions:

  Info        display information on the currently viewed programme or recording,
              or on the current item in a menu
  Play/Pause  combined key to resume or pause replay, or pause live video
  Play        resume normal replay
  Pause       pause replay or live video
  Stop        stop replay
  Record      instant recording
  FastFwd     fast forward
  FastRew     fast rewind

  Next        Next/previous channel group (in live tv mode)
  Prev        or next/previous editing mark (in replay mode)

  Channel+    channel up
  Channel-    channel down
  PrevChannel previous channel

  Power       shutdown

  Volume+     volume up
  Volume-     volume down
  Mute        mute

  Audio       select audio track
  Subtitles   select subtitles

  Schedule    \
  Channels    |
  Timers      | directly access the VDR
  Recordings  | main menu functions
  Setup       |
  Commands    /

  User1...9   additional user defined keys for macro functions
              (defined in 'keymacros.conf')

  Note that in normal viewing mode (no OSD active) the color keys can have user
  defined functionality, as configured in 'keymacros.conf'.
  The default assignment is

  Red       Recordings menu
  Green     Schedule menu
  Yellow    Info
  Blue      Timers menu

  (1) See "Sort Recordings" and "Processing Recordings" below.
  (2) In the "Channels" menu the '0' key switches the sort mode through "by number",
      "by name" and "by provider". Other numeric input positions the cursor to
      the channel with the number entered so far. If there is no channel with that
      number, nothing happens. While entering a channel number, the '0' key will
      be treated as part of that number, not as a sort mode toggle. If no numeric
      key has been pressed for more than one second, the number is reset and '0'
      functions as sort mode toggle again.
  (3) In the "Timers" menu, when on the "Day" item, the '0' key toggles between
      a single shot and a repeating timer. If "Day" indicates a repeating timer,
      the keys '1'...'7' can be used to toggle the individual days ('1' is Monday).

* Navigating through the On Screen Menus

  The "VDR" menu can be called up with the "Menu" key of your remote
  control unit. The "Up" and "Down" keys are used to select a specific
  item. The "Left" and "Right" keys can be used to change options, and
  the numeric keys allow direct input of numeric data. The "Ok" key
  confirms any changes (or switches to a channel in the "Channels" menu).
  The "Back" key goes back one level in the menu structure, discarding
  any changes that might have been made in the current menu.

  In the "Timers" menu, the current timer can be enabled or disabled with
  the "Red" key. Enabled timers are marked with '>', timers
  that are currently recording are marked with '#'. If a timer has the
  "First day" set so that it will start recording only on the given date,
  it is marked with '!'. The "Red" key toggles through the "enabled" and
  "disabled" states, and for repeating timers that are currently recording
  also a state that ends this recording prematurely and sets the "First day"
  date so that it will record again the next time the timer hits.
  "Ok" here opens the "Edit timer" menu.

  Textual options, like channel names or recording file names, can be edited
  by pressing the "Right" key (which puts brackets around the current
  character as in "[R]TL"), selecting the desired character position with
  "Left" and "Right", and changing the character with the "Up" and "Down"
  keys. "Ok" then confirms the changes. The "Red" key toggles between
  upper- and lowercase characters, while the "Green" key switches between
  insert and overwrite mode. The "Yellow" key deletes the current character
  (or the one to the right of the cursor in insert mode).

  The "Red", "Green", "Yellow" and "Blue" keys have special meanings
  in various menus and are listed at the bottom of the on-screen-display.

  At any point in the menu system, pressing the "Menu" key again will
  immediately leave the menu system (discarding any pending changes).

* The "Schedule" Menu

  The "Schedule" menu implements VDR's "Electronic Program Guide" (EPG).

  Select "Schedule" from the "VDR" menu and you get a list of all upcoming
  broadcasts on the current channel.

  "Up" and "Down" can be used to scroll through this list, and pressing "Ok"
  displays detailed information about the selected programme. Pressing "Ok"
  again (or pressing "Back") gets you back into the "Schedule" menu.

  From the "Schedule" menu, the "Green" key opens the "What's on now?"
  menu, which displays all programmes that are currently running on all
  channels that broadcast their programme information on the current
  transponder, or from channels that have been current lately (VDR stores
  all information it gathers in an internal list). The more channels you
  have been switching through lately, the longer this list will be.
  The "Yellow" key opens the "What's on next?" menu, which lists all
  programmes that will start next on all channels.

  Inside the "What's on now/next?" menus the "Green" key toggles between
  the "Now" and "Next" display, and the "Yellow" key takes you to the
  "Schedule" menu of the current channel in the list.

  The "Red" key allows you to instantly program a timer to record the
  selected programme. After pressing this key, the current event will
  be marked with 'T', and the function of the "Red" key will change from
  "Record" to "Timer". Pressing "Red" on an event marked with 'T' will open
  the "Edit timer" menu for this timer, where you can make any modifications
  you may want to apply. Note that the Start and Stop time are offset by the
  MarginStart and MarginStop parameters (see Setup) in order to make sure the
  entire programme is recorded in case it doesn't exactly adhere to its
  published start/stop times. Of course, no guarantee can be given that the
  default margin values will be sufficient, so in case this recording is
  really important you may want to add an extra margin ;-). VPS recordings
  will use the exact Start (or VPS) and Stop times as given in the event.
  If a timer is newly created from within the "Schedule" menu, and its event is
  already running or has its start time within the next two minutes, it goes
  directly into the "Edit timer" menu in order to allow the user to make further
  changes to timer parameters before the actual recording starts.

  The "Blue" key can be pressed to switch to the channel with the selected

  The following markers in these menus give additional information about the
  status of the events:

  t  there is a timer defined for this event which covers only part of the event
  T  there is a timer defined for this event which covers the entire event
  V  this event has a VPS time that's different than its start time
  *  this event is currently running (the validity of this marker depends on
     whether there is currently a DVB card receiving the transponder this channel
     is on).

  Pressing '0' in the "Schedule" menu rotates through displaying "This event on
  this channel", "This event on all channels" and "All events on all channels".
  This can be used to find reruns of a given show, or the episodes of a series.
  Note that if there are many channels in your channels.conf, displaying the
  "All events on all channels" page may take a while.

* Selecting a Channel

  There are four ways to select a channel:

  1. With no On Screen Menu displayed press the "Up" or "Down" key to switch
     to the next higher or lower channel.
  2. Press the "Menu" key to bring up the On Screen Menu, select "Channels"
     and browse through the list with the "Up" and "Down" key; to switch to the
     selected channel press "Ok".
  3. Directly type in the channel number with the numeric keys ('0'..'9');
     if no key is pressed for about one second, the digits collected so
     far will define the channel number.
  4. From the "Now", "Next" and "Event" menus (accessible through the "Schedule"
     menu) by pressing the "Blue" key.

  Pressing the '0' key in normal viewing mode toggles between the current and
  the previous channel. A channel is considered "previous" if it has been
  selected for at least 3 seconds.

  After switching to a different channel the channel number and name, as well
  as the current time are displayed in the OSD. If available, the
  'current/next' information will be displayed below this line. This display
  automatically goes away after about five seconds, or if any key is pressed.
  To bring up the channel display without switching channels you can press
  the "Ok" key.

* Selecting audio tracks

  If the current channel or recording provides different audio tracks (for
  different languages or Dolby Digital), the "Green" key in the "VDR" menu can
  be pressed to bring up the "Audio" menu. Within this menu, the "Up" and "Down"
  keys can be used to switch between the audio tracks. If your remote control has
  a dedicated "Audio" key, the first press of that key brings up the "Audio"
  menu, and every further press switches to the next available audio track.

  The "Left" and "Right" keys can be used to switch between "mono left", "stereo"
  and "mono right" for channels that broadcast different audio tracks in the
  left and right stereo channels.

  The "Ok" key explicitly switches to the selected track (in case the device
  for some reason doesn't play it) and closes the "Audio" menu.

  The "Audio" menu will automatically disappear after 5 seconds of user inactivity,
  or if any key other than the ones described above is pressed.

  Once a Dolby Digital track has been selected on any channel, further channel
  switches will first search for a Dolby Digital track of one of the preferred
  audio languages. If no such track can be found, a normal audio track will
  be selected. Note that this only works if the broadcasters use actual language
  codes in their PID data, not things like "dd" or "2ch".

* Switching through channel groups

  If the 'channels.conf' file contains "group separators" you can switch
  through these groups by pressing the "Left" and "Right" key while no
  menu is being displayed. The channel display will show the name of the
  group, and if you press the "Ok" key while the group name is being
  displayed, you will switch to the first channel of that group.

  Channel groups can be whatever you decide them to be. You can either
  group your channels by "Bouquet", by language, genre or whatever your
  preferences may be.

* Instant Recording

  You can start recording the current channel by pressing the "Red" key
  in the "VDR" menu. This will create a timer event named "@channelname" that
  starts at the current time and by default records for 3 hours.
  If you want to modify the recording time you need to edit the timer.
  Stop instant recording by pressing the "Menu" key and selecting
  "Stop Recording", or by disabling the timer. The default priority, lifetime
  and recording time can be defined in the "Setup/Recording" menu.

* Pausing live video

  If you want to pause the live programme you are just watching, simple press
  "Menu/Yellow" or "Pause" on your remote control. VDR will start an instant
  recording of the current channel (just as if you had pressed "Menu/Red" or
  "Record") and immediately begin replaying that recording. Replay will be
  put into "pause" mode, so you can attend to whatever it was that disturbed
  your live viewing session. Once you're back, simply press the "Up" or "Play"
  key and you'll be watching the current channel in time shift mode, right
  from the point where you left off. The instant recording VDR has started
  will use the parameters for "Pause priority" and "Pause lifetime" as defined
  in the "Setup/Recording" menu. Recording time will be the same as for
  any other instant recording, so by default it will record 3 hours (which
  should be enough for any normal broadcast).

* Replaying a Recording

  All recordings are listed in the "Recordings" menu. Browse through the
  list with the "Up" and "Down" key and press "Ok" (or the "Red" key)
  to start playback. New recordings are marked with an '*'.
  If the Setup parameter RecordingDirs has been set and there are recordings
  from repeating timers organized in a subdirectory structure, only the
  directory is displayed and it can be opened by pressing "Ok" (or the "Red"
  key). A directory entry displays the total number of recordings within
  that directory (and any possible subdirectory thereof) as well as the total
  number of new recordings (as opposed to a recording's entry, which displays
  the date and time of the recording).

  If the setup parameter "Use episode name" was turned on when a recording took place,
  VDR adds the "Episode name" (which is usually the name of the episode in case of
  a series) to the recording's name. The "Recordings" menu then displays all
  recordings of a repeating timer in chronological order, since these are
  usually the individual episodes of a series, which you may want to view in
  the order in which they were broadcast.

  Playback can be stopped via the "VDR" menu by selecting "Stop replaying",
  or by pressing the "Blue" key outside the menu.
  A previously stopped playback session can be resumed by pressing the "Blue"
  key in the "VDR" menu.

* Sort Recordings

  Within the "Recordings" menu, pressing the '0' key toggles sorting between
  "by time" and "by name". The selected sort mode is stored separately for each
  folder (provided you have write access to that folder).
  If a folder is newly created by a repeating timer, the sort mode for that
  folder is initially set to "by time".

* Processing Recordings

  The configuration file 'reccmds.conf' can be used to define system commands
  that can be applied to the recording that is currently highlighted in the
  "Recordings" menu. The "Red" key in the "Recordings" menu opens the "Recording
  commands" menu if there are commands defined in the file 'reccmds.conf'. Pressing
  one of the keys '1'..'9' in the "Recordings" menu executes the corresponding
  command from 'reccmds.conf' (see also "Executing system commands" below).

* Replay Control

  The following keys have the listed meaning in Replay mode:

  - Up      Resumes normal replay from any "pause", "forward" or "backward"
  - Down    Halts playback at the current position. Press again to continue
  - Blue    Stops playback and stores the current position, so that
            playback can be resumed later at that point.
  - Left
    Right   Runs playback forward or backward at a higher speed; press
            again to resume normal speed. If in Pause mode, runs forward or
            backward at a slower speed; press again to return to pause mode.
            Pressing and holding down the key performs the function until
            the key is released again.
            If "Multi Speed Mode" has been enabled in the "Setup" menu, the
            function of these keys changes in a way that gives you three
            fast and slow speeds, through which you can switch by pressing
            the respective key several times.
  - Red     Jump to a specific location. Enter the time you want to jump to
            and then press "Left" or "Right" to jump relative to the current
            position, "Up" to jump to an absolute position, and "Down" to
            jump and pause at an absolute position.
  - Green
    Yellow  Skips about 60 seconds back or forward.
            Pressing and holding down the key performs the function until
            the key is released again.
  - Ok      Brings up the replay progress display, which shows the date,
            time and title of the recording, a progress bar and the
            current and total time of the recording.
            Press "Ok" again to turn off the progress display.
  - Back    Stops replaying and brings up the "Recordings" menu. This can be
            used to easily delete a recording after watching it, or to switch
            to a different recording.

* Editing a Recording

  While in Replay mode, the following keys can be used to manipulate editing

  - 0       Toggles an editing mark. If the mark indicator shows a red triangle,
            the current mark is deleted. Otherwise a new mark is set at the
            current position.
  - 1, 3    Move an editing mark back and forward in "adaptive" mode. Pressing
            either of these keys for the first time moves the mark 120 seconds
            in the given direction (configurable via "Setup/Replay/Initial
            duration for adaptive skipping"). Further presses of the same key
            keep moving the mark by the same value. Once the other key is
            pressed, the value is divided by 2 (hence the name "adaptive") with
            every further press of either key. Pressing '1' and '3'
            alternatingly divides the distance all the way down to a single
            I-frame. That way a particular place in a recording (for instance
            the beginning or end of a commercial break) can be found very
            quickly. If none of these two keys is pressed for a while
            (configurable via "Setup/Replay/Reset timeout for adaptive
            skipping") the distance falls back to the initial value.
            If replay is not in Pause mode, or if there is no mark at the
            current position, the skip is performed without moving any mark.
  - 4, 6    Move an editing mark back and forward by one I-frame. You need to
            first jump to an editing mark for this to work.
  - 7, 9    Jump back and forward between editing marks. Replay goes into still
            mode after jumping to a mark. If the current position is at the
            first or last mark, or if there are no marks at all, these keys
            jump to the very beginning or end, respectively, of the recording.
  - 8       Positions replay at a point 3 seconds before the current or next
            "begin" mark and starts replay.
  - 2       Starts the actual cutting process.

  Editing marks are represented by black, vertical lines in the progress display.
  A small black triangle at the top of the mark means that this is a "begin"
  mark, and a triangle at the bottom means that this is an "end" mark.
  The cutting process will save all video data between "begin" and "end" marks
  into a new file (the original recording remains untouched). The new file will
  have the same name as the original recording, preceded with a '%' character
  (imagine the '%' somehow looking like a pair of scissors ;-). Red bars in the
  progress display indicate which video sequences will be saved by the cutting

  The video sequences to be saved by the cutting process are determined by an
  "even/odd" algorithm. This means that every odd numbered editing mark (i.e.
  1, 3, 5,...) represents a "begin" mark, while every even numbered mark (2, 4,
  6,...) is an "end" mark. Inserting or toggling a mark on or off automatically
  adjusts the sequence to the right side of that mark.

  Use the keys described under "Replay Control" to position to, e.g., the
  beginning and end of commercial breaks and press the '0' key to set the
  necessary editing marks. After that you may want to use the '7' and '9'
  keys to jump to each mark and maybe use the '4' and '6' keys to fine tune
  them. Once all marks are in place, press '2' to start the actual cutting
  process, which will run as a background process. When replaying the edited
  version of the recording you can use the '8' key to jump to a point just
  before the next cut and have a look at the resulting sequence.

  Currently editing marks can only be set at I-frames, which typically appear
  every half of a second to a second.  A "begin" mark marks the first frame of
  a resulting video sequence, and an "end" mark marks the last frame of that
  sequence.  Note that the actual frame indicated by the an "end" mark will
  not be included in the edited version of the recording. That's because every
  recording (and every sequence of an edited recording) begins with an I-frame
  and ends right before the next I-frame.
  An edited recording (indicated by the '%' character) will never be deleted
  automatically in case the disk runs full (no matter what "lifetime" it has).

* Programming the Timer

  Use the "Timer" menu to maintain your list of timer controlled recordings.
  The parameters in the "Edit timer" menu have the following meanings:

  Active:    Defines whether the timer will be processed (set it to 'no' to
             temporarily disable a timer).
  Channel:   The channel to be recorded (as defined in the "Channels" list).
             Any changes made in the "Channels" list (like renaming or
             reordering channels) will be automatically reflected in the
             timers settings.
  Day:       The day on which this timer shall start. This can be a
             date (like 2005-03-19), which allows programming a "single shot"
             timer that hits once and is deleted after it ends.
             Another option here are "repeating timers" which are defined
             by listing the days of the week on which they shall record.
             For example, a timer that shall record every Monday and Wednesday
             would have a Day setting of "M-W----".
             The '0' key toggles between a single shot and a repeating timer.
             If "Day" indicates a repeating timer, the keys '1'...'7' can be
             used to toggle the individual days ('1' is Monday).
             You can also switch to a set of predefined repeating timer settings
             by pressing the "Left" key when the day is the present day. To return
             to the single shot mode just press "Right" until a date is displayed.
  Start:     The start time of the timer in hh:mm as 24 hour ("military") time.
  Stop:      The stop time of the timer.
  VPS:       Defines whether the timer shall use VPS (if available). If this
             option is set to 'yes', the start time must exactly match the
             programme's VPS time, otherwise nothing will be recorded. If VPS
             is used, the stop time has no real meaning. However, it must be
             different than the start time, and should correspond to the actual
             stop time of the programme, just in case there is no real VPS data
             available at the time of recording, so VDR has to fall back to
             normal timer recording.
  Priority:  The Priority (0..99) is used to decide which timer shall be
             started in case there are two or more timers with the exact same
             start time. The first timer in the list with the highest Priority
             will be used. This value is also stored with the recording and is
             later used to decide which recording to remove from disk in order
             to free space for a new recording. If the disk is full and a new
             recording needs more space, an existing recording with the lowest
             Priority (and which has exceeded its guaranteed Lifetime) will be
             removed. If all available DVB cards are currently occupied, a
             timer with a higher priority will interrupt the timer with the
             lowest priority in order to start recording.
  Lifetime:  The number of days (0..99) a recording made through this timer is
             guaranteed to remain on disk before it is automatically removed
             to free up space for a new recording. Note that setting this
             parameter to very high values for all recordings may soon fill up
             the entire disk and cause new recordings to fail due to low disk
             space. The special value 99 means that this recording will live
             "forever", and a value of 0 means that this recording can be
             deleted any time if a recording with a higher priority needs disk
  File:      The name under which a recording created through this timer will
             be stored on disk (the actual name will also contain the date and
             time, so it is possible to have a "repeating timer" store all its
             recordings under the same name; they will be distinguishable by
             their date and time).
             If the file name contains the special character '~', the recording
             will be stored in a hierarchical directory structure. For instance,
             a file name of "Sci-Fi~Star Trek~Voyager" will result in a directory
             structure "/video/Sci-Fi/Star_Trek/Voyager". The '~' character has
             been chosen for this since the file system's directory delimiter '/'
             may be part of a regular programme name.
             Repeating timers create recordings that contain the 'Episode name'
             information from the EPG data in their file name. Typically (on tv
             stations that care about their viewers) this contains the episode
             title of a series. The episode name is appended to the timer's file name,
             separated by a '~' character, so that it results in all recordings
             of this timer being collected in a common subdirectory.
             If this field is left blank, the channel name will be used to form
             the name of the recording.
  First day: The date of the first day when this timer shall start recording
             (only available for repeating timers).

  A timer can also be programmed by pressing the "Red" key on the "Schedule",
  "Now", "Next" or "Event" menus.

  The "Red" key in the "Edit timer" menu opens a list of folders, which can be
  used to define the file name in which the recording will be stored.

* Managing folders

  The "Select folder" menu, which can be accessed by pressing the "Red" key in
  the "Edit timer" menu, offers a list of folders that can be used for storing
  a recording. In this menu, the "Green" key allows you to define a new folder
  within the current one; if the "Sub folder" option is set to "yes", this will
  be a folder that contains other folders (indicated by "..." following the
  folder name in the list). The "Yellow" key deletes the current folder (note
  that this will merely delete the folder definition stored in 'folders.conf'
  and has no effect on existing timers or recordings). The "Blue" key can be
  used to edit an existing folder definition. The "Red" key opens a folder that
  contains sub folders, while pressing Ok selects the current folder. Once a
  folder has been selected, the entire path of the timer's file name will be
  replaced with the selected folder.

  In the "Recordings" menu the folders of existing recordings can be renamed or
  moved by pressing the "Blue" key ("Edit") while the cursor is positioned on
  a folder. This will open a menu in which the folder's name and location (the
  "parent" folder) can be edited. If such an operation will result in moving
  more than one recording, you will be asked for confirmation.
  The name, folder, priority and lifetime of an individual recording can be
  changed by pressing the "Blue" key ("Info") while the cursor is positioned
  on a recording, and in the resulting Info menu pressing the "Blue" key again
  to bring up the "Edit recording" menu.
  In the "Edit recording" menu the Red button ("Folder") allows you to select one
  of your predefined folders. The Green button has multiple functions, depending
  on what is currently going on with the recording. It can either stop or cancel
  a cut, move or copy operation. If the button reads "Stop..." it means that the
  respective operation is already happening, while "Cancel..." means that the
  operation is still pending execution. If no operation is currently happening
  and the recording has editing marks, the Button will read "Cut" and triggers
  cutting the recording (same as pressing '2' while replaying the recording).
  The Yellow button ("Delete marks") allows you to delete all editing marks from
  the selected recording (if there are any and the recording is not currently
  being cut). To directly edit the folder or name of the recording, position the
  cursor to the respective line and press the Right key to start editing (press
  Ok to confirm the edit, or Back to return to the previous value). If you want
  to remove the name of the recording and make the folder name the actual
  recording's name, you can position the cursor to the "Name:" field and press
  the '0' key. This will take the last element of the recording's folder path
  and make it the actual name of the recording. You can do this in turn until
  the recording is moved all the way up to the root of the video directory.
  Note that, in case you inadvertently pressed the '0' key, you can leave the
  "Edit recording" menu with the "Back" key and any changes you have made so far
  will not be applied. Once you are finished with editing the recording
  properties, press Ok to confirm the changes.

* Parameters in the "Setup" menu

  Select "Setup" from the "VDR" menu to enter the setup menu. From there you can
  modify the following system parameters (note that "boolean" values will be
  displayed as "no" and "yes" in the "Setup" menu, while in the setup file they
  are stored as '0' and '1', respectively):


  Language = English     Defines the language used to display the OSD texts.

  Skin = ST:TNG Panels   Defines the "skin" used to display the OSD menus.

  Theme = Default        Defines the "theme" to use with the current skin.

  Left = 8               The left and top offset of the OSD, in percent of the
  Top = 8                total video display width and height, respectively.
                         The valid range is 0...50%.

  Width = 87             The width and height of the OSD, in percent of the
  Height = 84            total video display width and height, respectively.
                         The valid range is 50...100%.

  Message time = 1       The time (in seconds) how long an informational
                         message shall be displayed on the OSD. The valid range
                         is 1...60.

  Use small font = 1     Defines whether the small font shall be used. 0 means never
                         use the small font, 1 means use the small font wherever the
                         current skin wants to, and 2 means always use the small

  Anti-alias = 1         Controls whether the OSD uses "anti-aliasing" to improve
                         font rendering. To make this work, the OSD must support
                         at least 256 colors, and the skin in use has to
                         utilize these. If either of these conditions is not met,
                         rendering will be done without anti-aliasing.

  Default font = Sans Serif:Bold
  Small font = Sans Serif
  Fixed font = Courier:Bold
                         The names of the various fonts to use.

  Default font size = 3.8
  Small font size = 3.5
  Fixed font size = 3.1
                         The sizes (in percent of the total video display height)
                         of the various fonts. The valid range is 1...10%, at
                         a resolution of 0.1%.

  Channel info position = bottom
                         The position of the channel info window in the OSD
                         (either 'bottom' or 'top').

  Channel info time = 5  The time (in seconds) after which the channel info display
                         is removed if no key has been pressed.

  Info on channel switch = yes
                         Turns the display of the current/next information on
                         or off when switching the channel. The information is
                         always displayed when pressing the "Ok" key in
                         normal viewing mode.

  Timeout requested channel info = yes
                         Turns the automatic timeout of the channel display (when
                         invoked by a press of the "Ok" key) on or off.

  Scroll pages = yes     no  = when pressing the "Down" ("Up") key while the cursor
                               is on the last (first) line of a list page, the
                               list is scrolled down (up) a single line and the cursor will
                               remain at the bottom (top) of that page
                         yes = the list is scrolled down (up) a full page and the cursor
                               will be at the top (bottom) of that page (this mode allows
                               for faster scrolling through long lists).

  Scroll wraps = no      no  = when the end (beginning) of a list is reached while
                               moving the cursor through it, the cursor stays at the
                               last (first) line of the list
                         yes = the cursor "wraps around" and moves from the last
                               (first) line of the list directly to the first (last)

  Menu key closes = no
                         If set to "yes", pressing the "Menu" key while there is
                         anything displayed on the OSD will close the OSD. If set
                         to "no", the "Menu" key will open the main menu after
                         closing a temporary display, like, for instance, the channel

  Recording directories = yes
                         Turns displaying the Recordings menu as a hierarchical
                         directory structure on or off.

  Folders in timer menu = yes
                         Controls whether the full folder path is shown in the
                         "Timers" menu, or just the basic recording name.

  Always sort folders first = yes
                         In the "Recordings" menu folders are always listed before
                         plain recordings. Set this option to "no" if you want folders
                         to be interspersed with recordings when sorted alphabetically.

  Default sort mode for recordings = by time
                         Controls whether recordings are sorted by time or by name.
                         If a particular sort mode has been selected for a folder by
                         pressing '0', the default no longer applies to that folder.

  Number keys for characters = yes
                         Controls whether the number keys can be used to enter
                         characters in a text input field. You may want to set this
                         to "no" if you are using an actual keyboard to control VDR.

  Color key 0 = 0        By default, VDR assumes that the sequence of the color
  Color key 1 = 1        keys on the remote control is red-green-yellow-blue. If
  Color key 2 = 2        your remote control has these keys in a different sequence,
  Color key 3 = 3        you can adjust these parameters to reorder the corresponding
                         color buttons in the menus accordingly. Note that this does
                         not change the functionality of the individual keys; it only
                         changes the sequence in which the color buttons are displayed.


  EPG scan timeout = 5   The time (in hours) of user inactivity after which the
                         DVB card in a single card system starts scanning channels
                         to keep the EPG up-to-date.
                         A value of '0' completely turns off scanning on both single
                         and multiple card systems.

  EPG bugfix level = 3   Some tv stations transmit weirdly formatted EPG data.
                         VDR attempts to fix these bugs up to the given level:
                         0 = no EPG fixing
                         1 = basic fixing of text location (Title, Episode and
                             Extended Description)
                         2 = removal of excess whitespace and hyphens, mapping of
                             wrongly used characters
                         3 = fix stream component descriptions
                         Default is '3'.
                         Note that after changing the setting of this parameter
                         any EPG data that has already been received will remain
                         in its existing format - only newly received data will
                         be fixed accordingly. Restart VDR if you want to make sure
                         all data is fixed.

  EPG linger time = 0    The time (in minutes) within which old EPG information
                         shall still be displayed in the "Schedule" menu.

  Set system time = no   Defines whether the system time will be set according to
                         the time received from the DVB data stream.
                         Note that this works only if VDR is running under a user
                         id that has permission to set the system time. You also
                         need to set the option "Use time from transponder" to a
                         channel that you trust to transmit a reliable time base
                         (not all channels seem to have access to a correct time

  Use time from transponder = 0
                         The frequency of the transponder that shall be used to
                         set the system time. The Setup menu will offer the full
                         list of channels, even if several of them are on the
                         same transponder. Also, when selecting a channel, saving
                         the Setup and opening the Setup menu again, there may be
                         a different channel listed here, since the first one
                         in 'channels.conf' that is on the given transponder will
                         be taken. Note that in order to set the system time from
                         the transponder data the option "Set system time" must also
                         be enabled.

  Preferred languages = 0
                         Some tv stations broadcast their EPG data in various
                         different languages. This option allows you to define
                         which language(s) you prefer in such cases. By default,
                         or if none of the preferred languages is broadcast, any
                         language will be accepted and the EPG data will be
                         displayed in the first language received from the data
                         stream. If this option is set to a non-zero value, the
                         menu page will contain that many "Preferred language"
                         options which allow you to select the individual preferred
                         languages. If an actual EPG data record is received in
                         different languages, the preferred languages are checked
                         in the given order to decide which one to take.

  Scan                   The "Red" key in the "Setup/EPG" menu can be used to
                         force an EPG scan on a single DVB card system. If pressed,
                         and the primary DVB device is currently not recording or
                         replaying, it will loop through the transponders once and
                         then switch back to the original channel. Any user activity
                         during the EPG scan will also stop the scan and bring back
                         the original channel.


  Primary DVB interface = 1
                         Defines the primary DVB interface (i.e. the one that
                         will display the menus and will react on input through
                         the remote control). Valid values range from '1' to the
                         number of installed DVB cards. If more than one DVB card
                         is installed and a recording is to be started, the
                         program will try to use a free DVB card that is different
                         from the primary DVB interface, so that the viewer will
                         be disturbed as little as possible.

  Standard Compliance = 0
                         Defines the standard compliance mode:
                         0 = DVB
                         1 = ANSI/SCTE
                         2 = NORDIG

  Video format = 4:3     The video format (or aspect ratio) of the tv set in use
                         (4:3 or 16:9). Applies only to SD output devices.

  Video display format = letterbox
                         The display format to use for playing wide screen video on
                         a 4:3 tv set ("pan & scan", "letterbox" or "center cut out").
                         This option is only available if "Video format" is set to
                         4:3. Applies only to SD output devices.

  Use Dolby Digital = yes
                         Controls whether Dolby Digital tracks appear in the "Audio"
                         menu. This is useful if you don't have the equipment to
                         replay Dolby Digital audio.

  Update channels = 5    Controls the automatic channel update function. '0' means
                         no update, '1' will only update channel names, '2' will
                         only update PIDs, '3' will update channel names and PIDs,
                         '4' will perform all updates and also add newly found channels,
                         and '5' will also add newly found transponders.
                         Note that adding new transponders only works if the "EPG scan"
                         is active.

  Audio languages = 0    Some tv stations broadcast various audio tracks in different
                         languages. This option allows you to define which language(s)
                         you prefer in such cases. By default, or if none of the
                         preferred languages is broadcast, the first audio track will
                         be selected when switching to such a channel. If this option
                         is set to a non-zero value, the menu page will contain that
                         many "Audio language" options which allow you to select the
                         individual preferred languages.

  Display subtitles = no If set to 'yes', the first available subtitles in the list
                         of preferred subtitle languages will be turned on when
                         switching to a channel that provides subtitles.

  Subtitle languages = 0 Some tv stations broadcast various subtitle tracks in different
                         languages. This option allows you to define which language(s)
                         you prefer in such cases. By default, or if none of the
                         preferred languages is broadcast, no subtitles will
                         be selected when switching to such a channel. If this option
                         is set to a non-zero value, the menu page will contain that
                         many "Subtitle language" options which allow you to select the
                         individual preferred languages.

  Subtitle offset = 0    Allows you to shift the location of the subtitles in the
                         vertical direction. The valid range is -100...100. This option
                         is only available if "Display subtitles" is set to 'yes'.

  Subtitle foreground transparency = 0
  Subtitle background transparency = 0
                         These define an additional level of transparency for the
                         foreground and background color of subtitles. Valid ranges
                         are 0...9 for foreground transparency, and 0...10 for
                         background transparency. By default the values as broadcast
                         are used.


  Use DiSEqC = no        Generally turns DiSEqC support on or off.

  SLOF               = 11700  The switching frequency (in MHz) between low and
                              high LOF
  Low LNB frequency  =  9750  The LNB's low and high local oscillator frequencies
  High LNB frequency = 10600  (in MHz, these have no meaning for DVB-C receivers)

  Device n connected to sat cable = own
                         Defines whether DVB-S device n has its own satellite cable,
                         or is "bonded" with another device. All DVB-S devices that
                         are connected to the same sat cable must be set to the same
                         number here.

  Use dish positioner = no
                         By default, the 'P' command code in DiSEqC command sequences
                         is ignored. Set this parameter to 'yes' if you are using a
                         satellite dish positioner.

  Site latitude (degrees) = 0
  Site longitude (degrees) = 0
                         Set these to the latitude and longitude of your dish's
                         location if you use a satellite dish positioner. Use the
                         "Green" key to switch between north/south and east/west,

  Max. positioner swing (degrees) = 65
                         Defines the maximum angle by which the positioner can move
                         the dish away from due south (or north) in either direction.
                         The valid range is 0...90.

  Positioner speed (degrees/s) = 1.5
                         Defines the speed at which the positioner moves the dish.
                         The valid range is 0.1...180. This value is used to calculate
                         how long it takes the positioner to reach the target position.


  n CAM Name             Shows the CAM slots that are present in this system, where
                         'n' is the number of the slot, followed by the name of the
                         CAM. If a CAM slot is empty, '-' is displayed as name, and
                         if it is in the process of being reset, its current status
                         is displayed.  The "Red" key can be pressed to enter the CAM
                         menu, and the "Green" key triggers a reset of the selected
                         slot. The "Ok" key also opens the CAM menu. The "Yellow" key
                         assigns the selected CAM to a device and switches it to the
                         current channel. The CAM/device combination remains tuned to
                         the current channel until the smart card in the CAM has been
                         activated and thus starts to descramble, or until a recording
                         needs this device. Pressing the "Yellow" key while a CAM is
                         in activation mode cancels the activation. The activation mode
                         remains in effect even if you switch to a different channel
                         (provided there is more than one device in the system) or
                         watch a recording. To activate your smart card simply switch
                         to the channel you want to watch, open the "Setup/CAM" menu,
                         select the CAM that contains the smart card (in case you
                         have more than one CAM) and press the "Yellow" key.


  Margin at start = 2    Defines how many minutes before the official start time
  Margin at stop = 10    of a broadcast VDR shall start recording, and how long
                         after the official end time it shall stop recording.
                         These margins are added automatically to timers that
                         are created from the EPG data.

  Default priority = 50  The default Priority and Lifetime values used when
  Default lifetime = 99  creating a new timer event. A Lifetime value of 99
                         means that this recording will never be deleted

  Pause priority = 10    The Priority and Lifetime values used when pausing live
  Pause lifetime = 1     video.

  Pause key handling = 2 Defines what happens if the Pause key on the remote control
                         is pressed during live tv.
                         0 = do not pause live video
                         1 = confirm pause live video
                         2 = pause live video
                         The default is 2.

  Use episode name = yes Repeating timers use the EPG's 'Episode name' information
                         to create recording file names in a hierarchical structure
                         (for instance to gather all episodes of a series in a
                         common subdirectory). This parameter can be used to
                         control this.
                         no  = don't use the 'Episode name'
                         yes = use it (and create subdirectories)

  Use VPS = 0            Defines whether a timer that is created from an EPG entry
                         (by pressing the "Record" (red) key in the "Schedules"
                         or "What's on now/next?" menu) will automatically use VPS
                         if the event it is created for has a VPS time.

  VPS margin = 120       Defines how many seconds before a VPS controlled timer is
                         scheduled to start, VDR will make sure that one of the DVB
                         devices is tuned to the transponder that timer shall record
                         from. This is necessary for the "Running Status" information
                         that is broadcast in the EPG data to be seen by VDR.

  Mark instant recording = yes
                         Defines whether an "instant recording" (started by
                         pressing the "Red" key in the "VDR" menu) will be
                         marked with a '@' character to make it distinguishable
                         from timer recordings in the "Recordings" menu.

  Name instant recording = TITLE EPISODE
                         Defines how to name an instant recording. If the keywords
                         TITLE and/or EPISODE are present, they will be replaced
                         with the title and episode information from the EPG data
                         at the time of recording (if that data is available).
                         If this parameter is empty, the channel name will be used
                         by default.

  Instant rec. time = 180
                         Defines the duration of an instant recording in minutes.
                         Default is 180 minutes (3 hours). The stop time of an
                         instant recording can be modified at any time by editing
                         the respective timer in the "Timers" menu.
                         If this parameter is set to 0 ("present event"), only the
                         currently running event will be recorded, using the stop
                         margin and VPS setting as configured.
                         Note that this parameter is also used when pausing live

  Max. video file size = 2000
                         The maximum size of a single recorded video file in MB.
                         The valid range is 100...1048570. Default is 2000, but
                         you may want to use smaller values if you are planning
                         on archiving a recording to CD.

  Split edited files = no
                         During the actual editing process VDR writes the result
                         into files that may grow up to MaxVideoFileSize. If you
                         prefer to have each marked sequence stored in a separate
                         file (named 00001.ts, 00002.ts, ...) you can set this
                         option to 'yes'.

  Delete timeshift recording = 0
                         Controls whether a timeshift recording is deleted after
                         viewing it.
                         0 = no
                         1 = confirm
                         2 = yes
                         The default is 0.


  Multi speed mode = no  Defines the function of the "Left" and "Right" keys in
                         replay mode. If set to 'no', one speed will be used, while
                         if set to 'yes' there will be three speeds for fast and slow
                         search, respectively.

  Show replay mode = no  Turns displaying the current replay mode on or off.

  Show remaining time = no
                         Defines whether the replay progress display shows the
                         remaining time or the total length of the recording.

  Progress display time (s) = 0
                         Defines how long (in seconds) the progress display is shown
                         when replay of a recording is started. The default value of 0
                         means that it will not be shown.

  Pause replay when setting mark = no
                         Defines whether the player automatically goes into Pause
                         mode when setting an editing mark.

  Pause replay when jumping to a mark = yes
                         By default replay is automatically paused whenever you jump
                         to an editing mark with the '7' or '9' key in order to allow
                         you to easily adjust those marks. If this option is set to
                         'no', the '9' key will not pause if you are in Play mode and
                         the mark you jump to is not within 3 seconds of the end of
                         the recording.

  Skip edited parts = no Defines whether the edited parts of a recording are
                         automatically skipped during replay. This includes jumping
                         to the first mark if replay starts at the beginning of the
                         recording, and stopping at the last mark.

  Pause replay at last mark = no
                         If enabled, replay of a recording will go into Pause mode
                         when it has reached the last "end" mark (if any). Note that
                         the actual position at which the pause occurs may be a couple
                         of frames before the last "end" mark, depending on how much
                         data is buffered by your output device.

  Initial duration for adaptive skipping (s) = 120
                         Defines the number of seconds to jump from the current replay
                         position in either direction, when pressing the '1' or '3'
                         key for the first time after the "Reset timeout for adaptive
                         The valid range is 10...600.

  Reset timeout for adaptive skipping (s) = 3
                         Defines the number of seconds after which pressing the
                         '1' or '3' key falls back to the "Initial duration for adaptive
                         The valid range is 0...10. Setting the timeout to 0 disables
                         the adaptive mode and makes '1' and '3' always skip the number
                         of seconds configured as the initial duration.

  Alternate behavior for adaptive skipping = no
                         When skipping in adaptive mode with the '1' and '3' keys, the
                         distance of the skip is halved with every key press after the
                         first change of direction. While this allows for locating a
                         particular position in a recording very fast, once you make
                         one step too many in the current direction you have no chance
                         of ever reaching the desired point any more. You will have to
                         wait for the timeout to occur and start adaptive skipping anew.
                         If this option is set to 'yes', the skip distance will only be
                         halved if the direction actually changes. That way, even if
                         you missed the target point, you can still back up to it.

  Use Prev/Next keys for adaptive skipping = no
                         Normally the Prev/Next keys jump between editing marks (or
                         the beginning/end of the recording). You can set this option
                         to 'yes' if you want to use these keys for adaptive skipping

  Skip distance with Green/Yellow keys (s) = 60
                         Defines the number of seconds to skip in either direction
                         when pressing the "Green" or "Yellow" key, respectively.
                         The valid range is 5...600.

  Skip distance with Green/Yellow keys in repeat (s) = 60
                         Defines the number of seconds to skip in either direction
                         when pressing and holding the "Green" or "Yellow" key,
                         The valid range is 5...600.

  Resume ID = 0          Defines an additional ID that can be used in a multi user
                         environment, so that every user has his/her own resume
                         files for each recording. The valid range is 0...99, with
                         0 resulting in a file named 'resume', and any other
                         value resulting in 'resume.n'.


  Min. event timeout = 30
  Min. user inactivity = 300
                         If the command line option '-s' has been set, VDR will
                         automatically shutdown the computer if the next timer
                         event is at least MinEventTimeout minutes in the future,
                         and the user has been inactive for at least
                         MinUserInactivity minutes. Setting MinUserInactivity
                         to 0 disables the automatic shutdown, while still
                         retaining the possibility to manually shutdown the

  SVDRP timeout = 300    The time (in seconds) of inactivity on an open SVDRP
                         connection after which the connection is automatically
                         closed. Default is 300, a value of 0 means no timeout.

  Zap timeout = 3        The time (in seconds) until a channel counts as "previous"
                         for switching with '0'

  Channel entry timeout = 1000
                         The time (in milliseconds) after the last keypress until
                         a numerically entered channel number is considered
                         complete, and the channel is switched. Default is 1000,
                         a value of 0 turns this off, so a numerically entered
                         channel number then needs to be confirmed with the "Ok"
                         key. Note that the total maximum is also limited by
                         the "OSD/Channel info time" parameter.

  Remote control repeat delay = 300
                         The earliest time (in milliseconds) after which the repeat
                         function of the remote control kicks in if a key is held
                         pressed down for a while. If the remote control in use
                         has a repeat delay that is longer than that given in this
                         parameter, that longer delay will prevail.
  Remote control repeat delta = 100
                         The time (in milliseconds) between two subsequent key
                         presses generated by the remote control's repeat function.
                         If the remote control in use has a repeat delta that is
                         longer than that given in this parameter, that longer delay
                         will prevail.
  Initial channel =      The channel ID of the channel that shall be tuned to when
                         VDR starts. Default is empty, which means that it will
                         tune to the channel that was on before VDR was stopped.

  Initial volume = -1    The volume that shall be set when VDR starts. Default
                         is -1, which means that the same volume as before
                         VDR was stopped will be used. The valid range is from
                         0 (silent) to 255 (loudest).

  Volume steps = 51      The number of steps the volume will use when moving from
                         the lowest to the highest value. The valid range is from
                         5 to 255.

  Volume linearize = 0   How to linearize the volume control. The valid range is
                         from -20 to 20. A value of 0 results in no linearization.
                         The higher this value is, the more fine grained the control
                         of the volume is for low sound levels. Lower values do the
                         same for high sound levels. This allows you to adjust the
                         more or less linear volume control of your sound card.

  Channels wrap = no     During zapping with the "Up" and "Down" keys (or the
                         "Channel+" and "Channel-" keys) the current channel will
                         wrap around the beginning or end of the channel list if
                         this parameter is set to 'yes'.

  Show channel names with source = no
                         If this option is turned on, channel names will be displayed
                         with the source appended to them, as in "ZDF (S)", where
                         'S' stands for "Satellite".

  Emergency exit = yes   If, for some reason, a recording fails because the video
                         data stream is broken, or the CAM doesn't decrypt etc.,
                         VDR automatically exits in order to allow the surrounding
                         wrapper script to reload the DVB drivers. If this option
                         is set to 'no', the "emergency exit" will be ignored,
                         hoping that the problem will go away by itself (as, for
                         instance, with bad weather conditions).

* Executing system commands

  The "VDR" menu option "Commands" allows you to execute any system commands
  defined in the configuration file 'commands.conf' (see vdr(5) for details).
  The "Commands" option will only be present in the "VDR" menu if a valid
  'commands.conf' file containing at least one command definition has been
  found at program start.

  This feature can be used to do virtually anything, like checking for new
  mail, displaying the CPU temperature - you name it! All you need to do is
  enter the necessary command definition into 'commands.conf' and implement
  the actual command that will be called. Such a command can typically be a
  shell script or a Perl program. Anything that command writes to stdout will
  be displayed on a result screen after executing the command. This screen will
  use a 'fixed' font so that you can generate formatted output. In order to
  avoid error messages going to stderr, command definitions should redirect
  stderr to stdout (see vdr(5)).

           (LIKE 'root').