#!/usr/bin/perl # VDR SVDRP Peer Demo # # (C) 2017 by Klaus Schmidinger use Getopt::Std; use IO::Socket; use IO::Select; $Usage = qq{ Usage: $0 options Options: -c communicate with peer VDR -v be verbose }; die $Usage if (!getopts("cv")); $Communicate = $opt_c || 0; $Verbose = $opt_v || 0; $SvdrpPort = 6419; $MyName = "peerdemo"; # Open TCP and UDP sockets: $TcpSocket = new IO::Socket::INET(Listen => 5, LocalPort => $SvdrpPort, Proto => "tcp", ReusePort => 1) || die "$!"; $UdpSocket = new IO::Socket::INET( LocalPort => $SvdrpPort, Proto => "udp", ReusePort => 1) || die "$!"; $SvdrpSelect = new IO::Select($TcpSocket); setsockopt($UdpSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, pack('L!L!', 0, 1000)); # 1ms timeout on UDP socket # Send UDP broadcast: $BcastSocket = new IO::Socket::INET(PeerAddr => '', PeerPort => $SvdrpPort, Proto => "udp", Broadcast => 1) || die "$!"; $BcastMsg = "SVDRP:discover name:$MyName port:6419 vdrversion:20309 apiversion:20309 timeout:300"; Log('>', $BcastSocket, $BcastMsg); print($BcastSocket $BcastMsg); $BcastSocket->close(); # Listen on UDP and TCP socket: while (1) { if ($UdpSocket->recv($Request, 1024)) { if ($SkippedFirstUdpPacket++) { # the first one is the one we sent, so skip it Log('<', $UdpSocket, $Request); $Request .= " "; # for easier parsing my $Name = Extract($Request, "name"); my $Port = Extract($Request, "port"); my $VdrVersion = Extract($Request, "vdrversion"); my $ApiVersion = Extract($Request, "apiversion"); my $Timeout = Extract($Request, "timeout"); my $PeerHost = $UdpSocket->peerhost(); print("found VDR '$Name' at $PeerHost with SVDRP port '$Port'\n"); } } if (my @Ready = $SvdrpSelect->can_read(0.01)) { for my $fh (@Ready) { if ($fh == $TcpSocket) { # accept connection: my $new = $TcpSocket->accept(); Log('<', $new, "incoming TCP connection"); # send mandatory response to simulate an SVDRP host: my $Prompt = "220 $MyName SVDRP VideoDiskRecorder 2.3.9; Wed Nov 29 17:00:29 2017; ISO-8859-1"; Log('>', $new, $Prompt); print($new $Prompt); if ($Communicate) { # add incoming connection to select: $SvdrpSelect->add($new); } else { # close connection: $new->close; } } else { # process connection: my $Request; if ($fh->recv($Request, 1024)) { Log('<', $fh, $Request); if ($Request =~ /^LSTT/) { my $Response = "550 No timers defined"; Log('>', $fh, $Response); print($fh "$Response\n"); } } # close connection: $SvdrpSelect->remove($fh); $fh->close; } } } } # Tools: sub Extract { my ($s, $n) = @_; return ($s =~ / $n:([^ ]*) /)[0]; } sub Log { return unless ($Verbose); my ($Dir, $Socket, $Msg) = @_; printf("SVDRP %s [%s:%s] %s\n", $Dir, $Socket->peerhost(), $Socket->peerport(), $Msg); }