/* * cutter.c: The video cutting facilities * * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * * $Id: cutter.c 5.4 2025/01/10 13:12:04 kls Exp $ */ #include "cutter.h" #include "menu.h" #include "remux.h" #include "videodir.h" // --- cPacketBuffer --------------------------------------------------------- class cPacketBuffer { private: uchar *data; int size; int length; public: cPacketBuffer(void); ~cPacketBuffer(); void Append(uchar *Data, int Length); ///< Appends Length bytes of Data to this packet buffer. void Flush(uchar *Data, int &Length, int MaxLength); ///< Flushes the content of this packet buffer into the given Data, starting ///< at position Length, and clears the buffer afterwards. Length will be ///< incremented accordingly. If Length plus the total length of the stored ///< packets would exceed MaxLength, nothing is copied. }; cPacketBuffer::cPacketBuffer(void) { data = NULL; size = length = 0; } cPacketBuffer::~cPacketBuffer() { free(data); } void cPacketBuffer::Append(uchar *Data, int Length) { if (length + Length >= size) { int NewSize = (length + Length) * 3 / 2; if (uchar *p = (uchar *)realloc(data, NewSize)) { data = p; size = NewSize; } else return; // out of memory } memcpy(data + length, Data, Length); length += Length; } void cPacketBuffer::Flush(uchar *Data, int &Length, int MaxLength) { if (Data && length > 0 && Length + length <= MaxLength) { memcpy(Data + Length, data, length); Length += length; } length = 0; } // --- cPacketStorage -------------------------------------------------------- class cPacketStorage { private: cPacketBuffer *buffers[MAXPID]; public: cPacketStorage(void); ~cPacketStorage(); void Append(int Pid, uchar *Data, int Length); void Flush(int Pid, uchar *Data, int &Length, int MaxLength); }; cPacketStorage::cPacketStorage(void) { for (int i = 0; i < MAXPID; i++) buffers[i] = NULL; } cPacketStorage::~cPacketStorage() { for (int i = 0; i < MAXPID; i++) delete buffers[i]; } void cPacketStorage::Append(int Pid, uchar *Data, int Length) { if (!buffers[Pid]) buffers[Pid] = new cPacketBuffer; buffers[Pid]->Append(Data, Length); } void cPacketStorage::Flush(int Pid, uchar *Data, int &Length, int MaxLength) { if (buffers[Pid]) buffers[Pid]->Flush(Data, Length, MaxLength); } // --- cMpeg2Fixer ----------------------------------------------------------- class cMpeg2Fixer : private cTsPayload { private: bool FindHeader(uint32_t Code, const char *Header); public: cMpeg2Fixer(uchar *Data, int Length, int Vpid); void SetBrokenLink(void); void SetClosedGop(void); int GetTref(void); void AdjGopTime(int Offset, int FramesPerSecond); void AdjTref(int TrefOffset); }; cMpeg2Fixer::cMpeg2Fixer(uchar *Data, int Length, int Vpid) { // Go to first video packet: for (; Length > 0; Data += TS_SIZE, Length -= TS_SIZE) { if (TsPid(Data) == Vpid) { Setup(Data, Length, Vpid); break; } } } bool cMpeg2Fixer::FindHeader(uint32_t Code, const char *Header) { Reset(); if (Find(Code)) return true; esyslog("ERROR: %s header not found!", Header); return false; } void cMpeg2Fixer::SetBrokenLink(void) { if (!FindHeader(0x000001B8, "GOP")) return; SkipBytes(3); uchar b = GetByte(); if (!(b & 0x40)) { // GOP not closed b |= 0x20; SetByte(b, GetLastIndex()); } } void cMpeg2Fixer::SetClosedGop(void) { if (!FindHeader(0x000001B8, "GOP")) return; SkipBytes(3); uchar b = GetByte(); b |= 0x40; SetByte(b, GetLastIndex()); } int cMpeg2Fixer::GetTref(void) { if (!FindHeader(0x00000100, "picture")) return 0; int Tref = GetByte() << 2; Tref |= GetByte() >> 6; return Tref; } void cMpeg2Fixer::AdjGopTime(int Offset, int FramesPerSecond) { if (!FindHeader(0x000001B8, "GOP")) return; uchar Byte1 = GetByte(); int Index1 = GetLastIndex(); uchar Byte2 = GetByte(); int Index2 = GetLastIndex(); uchar Byte3 = GetByte(); int Index3 = GetLastIndex(); uchar Byte4 = GetByte(); int Index4 = GetLastIndex(); uchar Frame = ((Byte3 & 0x1F) << 1) | (Byte4 >> 7); uchar Sec = ((Byte2 & 0x07) << 3) | (Byte3 >> 5); uchar Min = ((Byte1 & 0x03) << 4) | (Byte2 >> 4); uchar Hour = ((Byte1 & 0x7C) >> 2); int GopTime = ((Hour * 60 + Min) * 60 + Sec) * FramesPerSecond + Frame; if (GopTime) { // do not fix when zero GopTime += Offset; if (GopTime < 0) GopTime += 24 * 60 * 60 * FramesPerSecond; Frame = GopTime % FramesPerSecond; GopTime = GopTime / FramesPerSecond; Sec = GopTime % 60; GopTime = GopTime / 60; Min = GopTime % 60; GopTime = GopTime / 60; Hour = GopTime % 24; SetByte((Byte1 & 0x80) | (Hour << 2) | (Min >> 4), Index1); SetByte(((Min & 0x0F) << 4) | 0x08 | (Sec >> 3), Index2); SetByte(((Sec & 0x07) << 3) | (Frame >> 1), Index3); SetByte((Byte4 & 0x7F) | ((Frame & 0x01) << 7), Index4); } } void cMpeg2Fixer::AdjTref(int TrefOffset) { if (!FindHeader(0x00000100, "picture")) return; int Tref = GetByte() << 2; int Index1 = GetLastIndex(); uchar Byte2 = GetByte(); int Index2 = GetLastIndex(); Tref |= Byte2 >> 6; Tref -= TrefOffset; SetByte(Tref >> 2, Index1); SetByte((Tref << 6) | (Byte2 & 0x3F), Index2); } // --- cCuttingThread -------------------------------------------------------- class cCuttingThread : public cThread { private: const char *error; bool isPesRecording; double framesPerSecond; cUnbufferedFile *fromFile, *toFile; cFileName *fromFileName, *toFileName; cIndexFile *fromIndex, *toIndex; cMarks fromMarks, toMarks; int numSequences; off_t maxVideoFileSize; off_t fileSize; int frameErrors; time_t lastErrorHandling; cString editedRecordingName; cRecordingInfo *recordingInfo; bool suspensionLogged; int sequence; // cutting sequence int delta; // time between two frames (PTS ticks) int64_t lastVidPts; // the video PTS of the last frame (in display order) bool multiFramePkt; // multiple frames within one PES packet int64_t firstPts; // first valid PTS, for dangling packet stripping int64_t offset; // offset to add to all timestamps int tRefOffset; // number of stripped frames in GOP uchar counter[MAXPID]; // the TS continuity counter for each PID bool keepPkt[MAXPID]; // flag for each PID to keep packets, for dangling packet stripping int numIFrames; // number of I-frames without pending packets cPatPmtParser patPmtParser; bool Throttled(void); bool SwitchFile(bool Force = false); bool LoadFrame(int Index, uchar *Buffer, bool &Independent, int &Length, bool *Errors = NULL, bool *Missing = NULL); bool FramesAreEqual(int Index1, int Index2); void GetPendingPackets(uchar *Buffer, int &Length, int Index); // Gather all non-video TS packets from Index upward that either belong to // payloads that started before Index, or have a PTS that is before lastVidPts, // and add them to the end of the given Data. bool FixFrame(uchar *Data, int &Length, bool Independent, int Index, bool CutIn, bool CutOut); bool ProcessSequence(int LastEndIndex, int BeginIndex, int EndIndex, int NextBeginIndex); void HandleErrors(bool Force = false); protected: virtual void Action(void); public: cCuttingThread(const char *FromFileName, const char *ToFileName, cRecordingInfo *RecordingInfo); virtual ~cCuttingThread(); const char *Error(void) { return error; } }; cCuttingThread::cCuttingThread(const char *FromFileName, const char *ToFileName, cRecordingInfo *RecordingInfo) :cThread("video cutting", true) { error = NULL; fromFile = toFile = NULL; fromFileName = toFileName = NULL; fromIndex = toIndex = NULL; cRecording Recording(FromFileName); isPesRecording = Recording.IsPesRecording(); framesPerSecond = Recording.FramesPerSecond(); suspensionLogged = false; fileSize = 0; frameErrors = 0; lastErrorHandling = 0; editedRecordingName = ToFileName; recordingInfo = RecordingInfo; sequence = 0; delta = int(round(PTSTICKS / framesPerSecond)); lastVidPts = -1; multiFramePkt = false; firstPts = -1; offset = 0; tRefOffset = 0; memset(counter, 0x00, sizeof(counter)); numIFrames = 0; if (fromMarks.Load(FromFileName, framesPerSecond, isPesRecording) && fromMarks.Count()) { numSequences = fromMarks.GetNumSequences(); if (numSequences > 0) { fromFileName = new cFileName(FromFileName, false, true, isPesRecording); toFileName = new cFileName(ToFileName, true, true, isPesRecording); fromIndex = new cIndexFile(FromFileName, false, isPesRecording); toIndex = new cIndexFile(ToFileName, true, isPesRecording); toMarks.Load(ToFileName, framesPerSecond, isPesRecording); // doesn't actually load marks, just sets the file name maxVideoFileSize = MEGABYTE(Setup.MaxVideoFileSize); if (isPesRecording && maxVideoFileSize > MEGABYTE(MAXVIDEOFILESIZEPES)) maxVideoFileSize = MEGABYTE(MAXVIDEOFILESIZEPES); if (fromIndex->GetErrors()->Size() > 0) { recordingInfo->SetErrors(0); // the fromIndex has error indicators, so we reset the error count recordingInfo->Write(); } Start(); } else esyslog("no editing sequences found for %s", FromFileName); } else esyslog("no editing marks found for %s", FromFileName); } cCuttingThread::~cCuttingThread() { Cancel(3); delete fromFileName; delete toFileName; delete fromIndex; delete toIndex; } bool cCuttingThread::Throttled(void) { if (cIoThrottle::Engaged()) { if (!suspensionLogged) { dsyslog("suspending cutter thread"); suspensionLogged = true; } return true; } else if (suspensionLogged) { dsyslog("resuming cutter thread"); suspensionLogged = false; } return false; } bool cCuttingThread::LoadFrame(int Index, uchar *Buffer, bool &Independent, int &Length, bool *Errors, bool *Missing) { uint16_t FileNumber; off_t FileOffset; if (fromIndex->Get(Index, &FileNumber, &FileOffset, &Independent, &Length, Errors, Missing)) { fromFile = fromFileName->SetOffset(FileNumber, FileOffset); if (fromFile) { fromFile->SetReadAhead(MEGABYTE(20)); int len = ReadFrame(fromFile, Buffer, Length, MAXFRAMESIZE); if (len < 0) error = "ReadFrame"; else if (len != Length) Length = len; return error == NULL; } else error = "fromFile"; } return false; } bool cCuttingThread::SwitchFile(bool Force) { if (fileSize > maxVideoFileSize || Force) { toFile = toFileName->NextFile(); if (!toFile) { error = "toFile"; return false; } fileSize = 0; } return true; } class cHeapBuffer { private: uchar *buffer; public: cHeapBuffer(int Size) { buffer = MALLOC(uchar, Size); } ~cHeapBuffer() { free(buffer); } operator uchar * () { return buffer; } }; bool cCuttingThread::FramesAreEqual(int Index1, int Index2) { cHeapBuffer Buffer1(MAXFRAMESIZE); cHeapBuffer Buffer2(MAXFRAMESIZE); if (!Buffer1 || !Buffer2) return false; bool Independent; int Length1; int Length2; if (LoadFrame(Index1, Buffer1, Independent, Length1) && LoadFrame(Index2, Buffer2, Independent, Length2)) { if (Length1 == Length2) { int Diffs = 0; for (int i = 0; i < Length1; i++) { if (Buffer1[i] != Buffer2[i]) { if (Diffs++ > 10) // the continuity counters of the PAT/PMT packets may differ return false; } } return true; } } return false; } void cCuttingThread::GetPendingPackets(uchar *Data, int &Length, int Index) { cHeapBuffer Buffer(MAXFRAMESIZE); if (!Buffer) return; bool Processed[MAXPID] = { false }; cPacketStorage PacketStorage; int64_t LastPts = lastVidPts + delta;// adding one frame length to fully cover the very last frame Processed[patPmtParser.Vpid()] = true; // we only want non-video packets for (int NumIndependentFrames = 0; NumIndependentFrames < 2; Index++) { bool Independent; int len; if (LoadFrame(Index, Buffer, Independent, len)) { if (Independent) NumIndependentFrames++; for (uchar *p = Buffer; len >= TS_SIZE && *p == TS_SYNC_BYTE; len -= TS_SIZE, p += TS_SIZE) { int Pid = TsPid(p); if (Pid != PATPID && !patPmtParser.IsPmtPid(Pid) && !Processed[Pid]) { int64_t Pts = TsGetPts(p, TS_SIZE); if (Pts >= 0) { int64_t d = PtsDiff(LastPts, Pts); if (d < 0) // Pts is before LastPts PacketStorage.Flush(Pid, Data, Length, MAXFRAMESIZE); else { // Pts is at or after LastPts NumIndependentFrames = 0; // we search until we find two consecutive I-frames without any more pending packets Processed[Pid] = true; } } if (!Processed[Pid]) PacketStorage.Append(Pid, p, TS_SIZE); } } } else break; } } bool cCuttingThread::FixFrame(uchar *Data, int &Length, bool Independent, int Index, bool CutIn, bool CutOut) { if (!patPmtParser.Vpid()) { if (!patPmtParser.ParsePatPmt(Data, Length)) return false; } if (CutIn) { sequence++; memset(keepPkt, false, sizeof(keepPkt)); numIFrames = 0; firstPts = TsGetPts(Data, Length); // Determine the PTS offset at the beginning of each sequence (except the first one): if (sequence != 1) { if (firstPts >= 0) offset = (lastVidPts + delta - firstPts) & MAX33BIT; } } if (CutOut) GetPendingPackets(Data, Length, Index + 1); if (Independent) { numIFrames++; tRefOffset = 0; } // Fix MPEG-2: if (patPmtParser.Vtype() == 2) { cMpeg2Fixer Mpeg2fixer(Data, Length, patPmtParser.Vpid()); if (CutIn) { if (sequence == 1 || multiFramePkt) Mpeg2fixer.SetBrokenLink(); else { Mpeg2fixer.SetClosedGop(); tRefOffset = Mpeg2fixer.GetTref(); } } if (tRefOffset) Mpeg2fixer.AdjTref(tRefOffset); if (sequence > 1 && Independent) Mpeg2fixer.AdjGopTime((offset - MAX33BIT) / delta, round(framesPerSecond)); } bool DeletedFrame = false; bool GotVidPts = false; bool StripVideo = sequence > 1 && tRefOffset; uchar *p; int len; for (p = Data, len = Length; len >= TS_SIZE && *p == TS_SYNC_BYTE; p += TS_SIZE, len -= TS_SIZE) { int Pid = TsPid(p); // Strip dangling packets: if (numIFrames < 2 && Pid != PATPID && !patPmtParser.IsPmtPid(Pid)) { if (Pid != patPmtParser.Vpid() || StripVideo) { int64_t Pts = TsGetPts(p, TS_SIZE); if (Pts >= 0) keepPkt[Pid] = PtsDiff(firstPts, Pts) >= 0; // Pts is at or after FirstPts if (!keepPkt[Pid]) { TsHidePayload(p); numIFrames = 0; // we search until we find two consecutive I-frames without any more dangling packets if (Pid == patPmtParser.Vpid()) DeletedFrame = true; } } } // Adjust the TS continuity counter: if (sequence > 1) { if (TsHasPayload(p)) counter[Pid] = (counter[Pid] + 1) & TS_CONT_CNT_MASK; TsSetContinuityCounter(p, counter[Pid]); } else counter[Pid] = TsContinuityCounter(p); // collect initial counters // Adjust PTS: int64_t Pts = TsGetPts(p, TS_SIZE); if (Pts >= 0) { if (sequence > 1) { Pts = PtsAdd(Pts, offset); TsSetPts(p, TS_SIZE, Pts); } // Keep track of the highest video PTS - in case of multiple fields per frame, take the first one if (!GotVidPts && Pid == patPmtParser.Vpid()) { GotVidPts = true; if (lastVidPts < 0 || PtsDiff(lastVidPts, Pts) > 0) lastVidPts = Pts; } } // Adjust DTS: if (sequence > 1) { int64_t Dts = TsGetDts(p, TS_SIZE); if (Dts >= 0) { Dts = PtsAdd(Dts, offset); if (CutIn) Dts = PtsAdd(Dts, tRefOffset * delta); TsSetDts(p, TS_SIZE, Dts); } int64_t Pcr = TsGetPcr(p); if (Pcr >= 0) { Pcr = Pcr + offset * PCRFACTOR; if (Pcr > MAX27MHZ) Pcr -= MAX27MHZ + 1; TsSetPcr(p, Pcr); } } } if (!DeletedFrame && !GotVidPts) { // Adjust PTS for multiple frames within a single PES packet: lastVidPts = (lastVidPts + delta) & MAX33BIT; multiFramePkt = true; } return DeletedFrame; } bool cCuttingThread::ProcessSequence(int LastEndIndex, int BeginIndex, int EndIndex, int NextBeginIndex) { // Check for seamless connections: bool SeamlessBegin = LastEndIndex >= 0 && FramesAreEqual(LastEndIndex, BeginIndex); bool SeamlessEnd = NextBeginIndex >= 0 && FramesAreEqual(EndIndex, NextBeginIndex); // Process all frames from BeginIndex (included) to EndIndex (excluded): cHeapBuffer Buffer(MAXFRAMESIZE); if (!Buffer) { error = "malloc"; return false; } for (int Index = BeginIndex; Running() && Index < EndIndex; Index++) { bool Independent; int Length; bool Errors; bool Missing; if (LoadFrame(Index, Buffer, Independent, Length, &Errors, &Missing)) { // Make sure there is enough disk space: AssertFreeDiskSpace(-1); bool CutIn = !SeamlessBegin && Index == BeginIndex; bool CutOut = !SeamlessEnd && Index == EndIndex - 1; bool DeletedFrame = false; if (!isPesRecording) { DeletedFrame = FixFrame(Buffer, Length, Independent, Index, CutIn, CutOut); } else if (CutIn) cRemux::SetBrokenLink(Buffer, Length); // Every file shall start with an independent frame: if (Independent) { if (!SwitchFile()) return false; } // Write index: if (!DeletedFrame && !toIndex->Write(Independent, toFileName->Number(), fileSize, Errors, Missing)) { error = "toIndex"; return false; } frameErrors += Errors + Missing; HandleErrors(); // Write data: if (toFile->Write(Buffer, Length) < 0) { error = "safe_write"; return false; } fileSize += Length; // Generate marks at the editing points in the edited recording: if (numSequences > 1 && Index == BeginIndex) { if (toMarks.Count() > 0) toMarks.Add(toIndex->Last()); toMarks.Add(toIndex->Last()); toMarks.Save(); } } else return false; } return true; } #define ERROR_HANDLING_DELTA 1 // seconds between handling errors void cCuttingThread::HandleErrors(bool Force) { if (Force || time(NULL) - lastErrorHandling >= ERROR_HANDLING_DELTA) { if (frameErrors > recordingInfo->Errors()) { recordingInfo->SetErrors(frameErrors); recordingInfo->Write(); Force = true; } if (Force) { cStateKey StateKey; if (cRecordings *Recordings = cRecordings::GetRecordingsWrite(StateKey, 1)) { Recordings->UpdateByName(editedRecordingName); StateKey.Remove(); } } lastErrorHandling = time(NULL); } } void cCuttingThread::Action(void) { if (cMark *BeginMark = fromMarks.GetNextBegin()) { fromFile = fromFileName->Open(); toFile = toFileName->Open(); if (!fromFile || !toFile) return; int LastEndIndex = -1; HandleErrors(true); // to make sure an initially reset error count is displayed correctly while (BeginMark && Running()) { // Suspend cutting if we have severe throughput problems: if (Throttled()) { cCondWait::SleepMs(100); continue; } // Determine the actual begin and end marks, skipping any marks at the same position: cMark *EndMark = fromMarks.GetNextEnd(BeginMark); // Process the current sequence: int EndIndex = EndMark ? EndMark->Position() : fromIndex->Last() + 1; int NextBeginIndex = -1; if (EndMark) { if (cMark *NextBeginMark = fromMarks.GetNextBegin(EndMark)) NextBeginIndex = NextBeginMark->Position(); } if (!ProcessSequence(LastEndIndex, BeginMark->Position(), EndIndex, NextBeginIndex)) break; if (!EndMark) break; // reached EOF LastEndIndex = EndIndex; // Switch to the next sequence: BeginMark = fromMarks.GetNextBegin(EndMark); if (BeginMark) { // Split edited files: if (Setup.SplitEditedFiles) { if (!SwitchFile(true)) break; } } } HandleErrors(true); } else esyslog("no editing marks found!"); } // --- cCutter --------------------------------------------------------------- cCutter::cCutter(const char *FileName) :recordingInfo(FileName) { cuttingThread = NULL; error = false; originalVersionName = FileName; } cCutter::~cCutter() { Stop(); } cString cCutter::EditedFileName(const char *FileName) { cRecording Recording(FileName); cMarks Marks; if (Marks.Load(FileName, Recording.FramesPerSecond(), Recording.IsPesRecording())) { if (cMark *First = Marks.GetNextBegin()) Recording.SetStartTime(Recording.Start() + (int(First->Position() / Recording.FramesPerSecond() + 30) / 60) * 60); return Recording.PrefixFileName('%'); } return NULL; } bool cCutter::Start(void) { if (!cuttingThread) { error = false; if (*originalVersionName) { cRecording Recording(originalVersionName); editedVersionName = EditedFileName(originalVersionName); if (*editedVersionName) { if (strcmp(originalVersionName, editedVersionName) != 0) { // names must be different! cRecordingUserCommand::InvokeCommand(RUC_EDITINGRECORDING, editedVersionName, originalVersionName); if (cVideoDirectory::RemoveVideoFile(editedVersionName) && MakeDirs(editedVersionName, true)) { recordingInfo.Read(); recordingInfo.SetFileName(editedVersionName); recordingInfo.Write(); SetRecordingTimerId(editedVersionName, cString::sprintf("%d@%s", 0, Setup.SVDRPHostName)); cuttingThread = new cCuttingThread(originalVersionName, editedVersionName, &recordingInfo); return true; } } } } } return false; } void cCutter::Stop(void) { bool Interrupted = cuttingThread && cuttingThread->Active(); const char *Error = cuttingThread ? cuttingThread->Error() : NULL; delete cuttingThread; cuttingThread = NULL; SetRecordingTimerId(editedVersionName, NULL); if ((Interrupted || Error) && *editedVersionName) { if (Interrupted) isyslog("editing process has been interrupted"); if (Error) esyslog("ERROR: '%s' during editing process", Error); if (cReplayControl::NowReplaying() && strcmp(cReplayControl::NowReplaying(), editedVersionName) == 0) cControl::Shutdown(); } } bool cCutter::Active(void) { if (cuttingThread) { if (cuttingThread->Active()) return true; error = cuttingThread->Error(); Stop(); if (!error) cRecordingUserCommand::InvokeCommand(RUC_EDITEDRECORDING, editedVersionName, originalVersionName); } return false; } bool cCutter::Error(void) { return error; } #define CUTTINGCHECKINTERVAL 500 // ms between checks for the active cutting process bool CutRecording(const char *FileName) { if (DirectoryOk(FileName)) { cRecording Recording(FileName); if (Recording.Name()) { cMarks Marks; if (Marks.Load(FileName, Recording.FramesPerSecond(), Recording.IsPesRecording()) && Marks.Count()) { if (Marks.GetNumSequences()) { cCutter Cutter(FileName); if (Cutter.Start()) { while (Cutter.Active()) cCondWait::SleepMs(CUTTINGCHECKINTERVAL); if (!Cutter.Error()) return true; fprintf(stderr, "error while cutting\n"); } else fprintf(stderr, "can't start editing process\n"); } else fprintf(stderr, "'%s' has no editing sequences\n", FileName); } else fprintf(stderr, "'%s' has no editing marks\n", FileName); } else fprintf(stderr, "'%s' is not a recording\n", FileName); } else fprintf(stderr, "'%s' is not a directory\n", FileName); return false; }