/* * epg.h: Electronic Program Guide * * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * * Original version (as used in VDR before 1.3.0) written by * Robert Schneider and Rolf Hakenes . * * $Id: epg.h 2.1 2010/01/03 11:17:20 kls Exp $ */ #ifndef __EPG_H #define __EPG_H #include "channels.h" #include "thread.h" #include "tools.h" #define MAXEPGBUGFIXLEVEL 3 #define MAXEVCONTENTS 4 #define EVCONTENTMASK_MOVIEDRAMA 0x10 #define EVCONTENTMASK_NEWSCURRENTAFFAIRS 0x20 #define EVCONTENTMASK_SHOW 0x30 #define EVCONTENTMASK_SPORTS 0x40 #define EVCONTENTMASK_CHILDRENYOUTH 0x50 #define EVCONTENTMASK_MUSICBALLETDANCE 0x60 #define EVCONTENTMASK_ARTSCULTURE 0x70 #define EVCONTENTMASK_SOCIALPOLITICALECONOMICS 0x80 #define EVCONTENTMASK_EDUCATIONALSCIENCE 0x90 #define EVCONTENTMASK_LEISUREHOBBIES 0xA0 #define EVCONTENTMASK_SPECIAL 0xB0 #define EVCONTENTMASK_USERDEFINED 0xF0 enum eDumpMode { dmAll, dmPresent, dmFollowing, dmAtTime }; struct tComponent { uchar stream; uchar type; char language[MAXLANGCODE2]; char *description; cString ToString(void); bool FromString(const char *s); }; class cComponents { private: int numComponents; tComponent *components; void Realloc(int Index); public: cComponents(void); ~cComponents(void); int NumComponents(void) const { return numComponents; } void SetComponent(int Index, const char *s); void SetComponent(int Index, uchar Stream, uchar Type, const char *Language, const char *Description); tComponent *Component(int Index) const { return (Index < numComponents) ? &components[Index] : NULL; } tComponent *GetComponent(int Index, uchar Stream, uchar Type); // Gets the Index'th component of Stream and Type, skipping other components // In case of an audio stream the 'type' check actually just distinguishes between "normal" and "Dolby Digital" }; class cSchedule; typedef u_int32_t tEventID; class cEvent : public cListObject { friend class cSchedule; private: cSchedule *schedule; // The Schedule this event belongs to tEventID eventID; // Event ID of this event uchar tableID; // Table ID this event came from uchar version; // Version number of section this event came from int runningStatus; // 0=undefined, 1=not running, 2=starts in a few seconds, 3=pausing, 4=running char *title; // Title of this event char *shortText; // Short description of this event (typically the episode name in case of a series) char *description; // Description of this event cComponents *components; // The stream components of this event uchar contents[MAXEVCONTENTS]; // Contents of this event time_t startTime; // Start time of this event int duration; // Duration of this event in seconds time_t vps; // Video Programming Service timestamp (VPS, aka "Programme Identification Label", PIL) time_t seen; // When this event was last seen in the data stream public: cEvent(tEventID EventID); ~cEvent(); virtual int Compare(const cListObject &ListObject) const; tChannelID ChannelID(void) const; const cSchedule *Schedule(void) const { return schedule; } tEventID EventID(void) const { return eventID; } uchar TableID(void) const { return tableID; } uchar Version(void) const { return version; } int RunningStatus(void) const { return runningStatus; } const char *Title(void) const { return title; } const char *ShortText(void) const { return shortText; } const char *Description(void) const { return description; } const cComponents *Components(void) const { return components; } uchar Contents(int i = 0) const { return (0 <= i && i < MAXEVCONTENTS) ? contents[i] : 0; } time_t StartTime(void) const { return startTime; } time_t EndTime(void) const { return startTime + duration; } int Duration(void) const { return duration; } time_t Vps(void) const { return vps; } time_t Seen(void) const { return seen; } bool SeenWithin(int Seconds) const { return time(NULL) - seen < Seconds; } bool HasTimer(void) const; bool IsRunning(bool OrAboutToStart = false) const; static const char *ContentToString(uchar Content); cString GetDateString(void) const; cString GetTimeString(void) const; cString GetEndTimeString(void) const; cString GetVpsString(void) const; void SetEventID(tEventID EventID); void SetTableID(uchar TableID); void SetVersion(uchar Version); void SetRunningStatus(int RunningStatus, cChannel *Channel = NULL); void SetTitle(const char *Title); void SetShortText(const char *ShortText); void SetDescription(const char *Description); void SetComponents(cComponents *Components); // Will take ownership of Components! void SetContents(uchar *Contents); void SetStartTime(time_t StartTime); void SetDuration(int Duration); void SetVps(time_t Vps); void SetSeen(void); cString ToDescr(void) const; void Dump(FILE *f, const char *Prefix = "", bool InfoOnly = false) const; bool Parse(char *s); static bool Read(FILE *f, cSchedule *Schedule); void FixEpgBugs(void); }; class cSchedules; class cSchedule : public cListObject { private: tChannelID channelID; cList events; cHash eventsHashID; cHash eventsHashStartTime; bool hasRunning; time_t modified; time_t presentSeen; public: cSchedule(tChannelID ChannelID); tChannelID ChannelID(void) const { return channelID; } time_t Modified(void) const { return modified; } time_t PresentSeen(void) const { return presentSeen; } bool PresentSeenWithin(int Seconds) const { return time(NULL) - presentSeen < Seconds; } void SetModified(void) { modified = time(NULL); } void SetPresentSeen(void) { presentSeen = time(NULL); } void SetRunningStatus(cEvent *Event, int RunningStatus, cChannel *Channel = NULL); void ClrRunningStatus(cChannel *Channel = NULL); void ResetVersions(void); void Sort(void); void DropOutdated(time_t SegmentStart, time_t SegmentEnd, uchar TableID, uchar Version); void Cleanup(time_t Time); void Cleanup(void); cEvent *AddEvent(cEvent *Event); void DelEvent(cEvent *Event); void HashEvent(cEvent *Event); void UnhashEvent(cEvent *Event); const cList *Events(void) const { return &events; } const cEvent *GetPresentEvent(void) const; const cEvent *GetFollowingEvent(void) const; const cEvent *GetEvent(tEventID EventID, time_t StartTime = 0) const; const cEvent *GetEventAround(time_t Time) const; void Dump(FILE *f, const char *Prefix = "", eDumpMode DumpMode = dmAll, time_t AtTime = 0) const; static bool Read(FILE *f, cSchedules *Schedules); }; class cSchedulesLock { private: bool locked; public: cSchedulesLock(bool WriteLock = false, int TimeoutMs = 0); ~cSchedulesLock(); bool Locked(void) { return locked; } }; class cSchedules : public cList { friend class cSchedule; friend class cSchedulesLock; private: cRwLock rwlock; static cSchedules schedules; static const char *epgDataFileName; static time_t lastCleanup; static time_t lastDump; static time_t modified; public: static void SetEpgDataFileName(const char *FileName); static const cSchedules *Schedules(cSchedulesLock &SchedulesLock); ///< Caller must provide a cSchedulesLock which has to survive the entire ///< time the returned cSchedules is accessed. Once the cSchedules is no ///< longer used, the cSchedulesLock must be destroyed. static time_t Modified(void) { return modified; } static void SetModified(cSchedule *Schedule); static void Cleanup(bool Force = false); static void ResetVersions(void); static bool ClearAll(void); static bool Dump(FILE *f, const char *Prefix = "", eDumpMode DumpMode = dmAll, time_t AtTime = 0); static bool Read(FILE *f = NULL); cSchedule *AddSchedule(tChannelID ChannelID); const cSchedule *GetSchedule(tChannelID ChannelID) const; const cSchedule *GetSchedule(const cChannel *Channel, bool AddIfMissing = false) const; }; void ReportEpgBugFixStats(bool Reset = false); #endif //__EPG_H