/* * ringbuffer.c: A threaded ring buffer * * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * * Parts of this file were inspired by the 'ringbuffy.c' from the * LinuxDVB driver (see linuxtv.org). * * $Id: ringbuffer.c 2002/05/18 08:45:09 kls Exp $ */ #include "ringbuffer.h" #include "tools.h" // --- cRingBufferInputThread ------------------------------------------------- class cRingBufferInputThread : public cThread { private: cRingBuffer *ringBuffer; protected: virtual void Action(void) { ringBuffer->Input(); } public: cRingBufferInputThread(cRingBuffer *RingBuffer) { ringBuffer = RingBuffer; } }; // --- cRingBufferOutputThread ------------------------------------------------ class cRingBufferOutputThread : public cThread { private: cRingBuffer *ringBuffer; protected: virtual void Action(void) { ringBuffer->Output(); } public: cRingBufferOutputThread(cRingBuffer *RingBuffer) { ringBuffer = RingBuffer; } }; // --- cRingBuffer ------------------------------------------------------------ cRingBuffer::cRingBuffer(int Size, bool Statistics) { size = Size; statistics = Statistics; inputThread = NULL; outputThread = NULL; busy = false; maxFill = 0; } cRingBuffer::~cRingBuffer() { delete inputThread; delete outputThread; if (statistics) dsyslog(LOG_INFO, "buffer stats: %d (%d%%) used", maxFill, maxFill * 100 / (size - 1)); } void cRingBuffer::WaitForPut(void) { putMutex.Lock(); readyForPut.Wait(putMutex); putMutex.Unlock(); } void cRingBuffer::WaitForGet(void) { getMutex.Lock(); readyForGet.Wait(getMutex); getMutex.Unlock(); } void cRingBuffer::EnablePut(void) { readyForPut.Broadcast(); } void cRingBuffer::EnableGet(void) { readyForGet.Broadcast(); } bool cRingBuffer::Start(void) { if (!busy) { busy = true; outputThread = new cRingBufferOutputThread(this); if (!outputThread->Start()) DELETENULL(outputThread); inputThread = new cRingBufferInputThread(this); if (!inputThread->Start()) { DELETENULL(inputThread); DELETENULL(outputThread); } busy = outputThread && inputThread; } return busy; } bool cRingBuffer::Active(void) { return outputThread && outputThread->Active() && inputThread && inputThread->Active(); } void cRingBuffer::Stop(void) { busy = false; for (time_t t0 = time(NULL) + 3; time(NULL) < t0; ) { if (!((outputThread && outputThread->Active()) || (inputThread && inputThread->Active()))) break; } DELETENULL(inputThread); DELETENULL(outputThread); } // --- cRingBufferLinear ---------------------------------------------------- cRingBufferLinear::cRingBufferLinear(int Size, bool Statistics) :cRingBuffer(Size, Statistics) { buffer = NULL; if (Size > 1) { // 'Size - 1' must not be 0! buffer = new uchar[Size]; if (!buffer) esyslog(LOG_ERR, "ERROR: can't allocate ring buffer (size=%d)", Size); Clear(); } else esyslog(LOG_ERR, "ERROR: illegal size for ring buffer (%d)", Size); } cRingBufferLinear::~cRingBufferLinear() { delete buffer; } int cRingBufferLinear::Available(void) { Lock(); int diff = head - tail; Unlock(); return (diff >= 0) ? diff : Size() + diff; } void cRingBufferLinear::Clear(void) { Lock(); head = tail = 0; Unlock(); } int cRingBufferLinear::Put(const uchar *Data, int Count) { if (Count > 0) { Lock(); int rest = Size() - head; int diff = tail - head; int free = (diff > 0) ? diff - 1 : Size() + diff - 1; if (statistics) { int fill = Size() - free - 1 + Count; if (fill >= Size()) fill = Size() - 1; if (fill > maxFill) { maxFill = fill; int percent = maxFill * 100 / (Size() - 1); if (percent > 75) dsyslog(LOG_INFO, "buffer usage: %d%%", percent); } } if (free > 0) { if (free < Count) Count = free; if (Count > maxFill) maxFill = Count; if (Count >= rest) { memcpy(buffer + head, Data, rest); if (Count - rest) memcpy(buffer, Data + rest, Count - rest); head = Count - rest; } else { memcpy(buffer + head, Data, Count); head += Count; } } else Count = 0; Unlock(); } return Count; } int cRingBufferLinear::Get(uchar *Data, int Count) { if (Count > 0) { Lock(); int rest = Size() - tail; int diff = head - tail; int cont = (diff >= 0) ? diff : Size() + diff; if (rest > 0) { if (cont < Count) Count = cont; if (Count >= rest) { memcpy(Data, buffer + tail, rest); if (Count - rest) memcpy(Data + rest, buffer, Count - rest); tail = Count - rest; } else { memcpy(Data, buffer + tail, Count); tail += Count; } } else Count = 0; Unlock(); } return Count; } // --- cFrame ---------------------------------------------------------------- cFrame::cFrame(const uchar *Data, int Count, eFrameType Type, int Index) { count = Count; type = Type; index = Index; data = new uchar[count]; if (data) memcpy(data, Data, count); else esyslog(LOG_ERR, "ERROR: can't allocate frame buffer (count=%d)", count); next = NULL; } cFrame::~cFrame() { delete data; } // --- cRingBufferFrame ------------------------------------------------------ cRingBufferFrame::cRingBufferFrame(int Size, bool Statistics) :cRingBuffer(Size, Statistics) { head = NULL; currentFill = 0; } cRingBufferFrame::~cRingBufferFrame() { Clear(); } void cRingBufferFrame::Clear(void) { Lock(); const cFrame *p; while ((p = Get(false)) != NULL) Drop(p); Unlock(); EnablePut(); EnableGet(); } bool cRingBufferFrame::Put(cFrame *Frame) { if (Frame->Count() <= Free()) { Lock(); if (head) { Frame->next = head->next; head->next = Frame; head = Frame; } else { head = Frame->next = Frame; } currentFill += Frame->Count(); Unlock(); EnableGet(); return true; } WaitForPut(); return false; } const cFrame *cRingBufferFrame::Get(bool Wait) { Lock(); cFrame *p = head ? head->next : NULL; Unlock(); if (!p && Wait) WaitForGet(); return p; } void cRingBufferFrame::Delete(const cFrame *Frame) { currentFill -= Frame->Count(); delete Frame; } void cRingBufferFrame::Drop(const cFrame *Frame) { Lock(); if (head) { if (Frame == head->next) { if (head->next != head) { head->next = Frame->next; Delete(Frame); } else { Delete(head); head = NULL; } } else esyslog(LOG_ERR, "ERROR: attempt to drop wrong frame from ring buffer!"); } Unlock(); EnablePut(); } int cRingBufferFrame::Available(void) { Lock(); int av = currentFill; Unlock(); return av; }