/* * skins.c: The optical appearance of the OSD * * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * * $Id: skins.c 5.2 2024/07/13 09:12:18 kls Exp $ */ #include "skins.h" #include "interface.h" #include "status.h" // --- cSkinQueuedMessage ---------------------------------------------------- class cSkinQueuedMessage : public cListObject { friend class cSkins; private: eMessageType type; char *message; int seconds; int timeout; tThreadId threadId; eKeys key; int state; cMutex mutex; cCondVar condVar; public: cSkinQueuedMessage(eMessageType Type, const char *s, int Seconds, int Timeout); virtual ~cSkinQueuedMessage(); }; cSkinQueuedMessage::cSkinQueuedMessage(eMessageType Type, const char *s, int Seconds, int Timeout) { type = Type; message = s ? strdup(s) : NULL; seconds = Seconds; timeout = Timeout; threadId = cThread::ThreadId(); key = kNone; state = 0; // waiting } cSkinQueuedMessage::~cSkinQueuedMessage() { free(message); } cList SkinQueuedMessages; // --- cSkinDisplay ---------------------------------------------------------- cSkinDisplay *cSkinDisplay::current = NULL; cSkinDisplay::cSkinDisplay(void) { current = this; editableWidth = 100; //XXX } cSkinDisplay::~cSkinDisplay() { current = NULL; } // --- cSkinDisplayChannel --------------------------------------------------- cSkinDisplayChannel::cSkinDisplayChannel(void) { positioner = NULL; } void cSkinDisplayChannel::SetPositioner(const cPositioner *Positioner) { if (positioner && Positioner != positioner) SetMessage(mtInfo, NULL); positioner = Positioner; if (positioner) SetMessage(mtInfo, cString::sprintf(tr("Moving dish to %.1f..."), double(positioner->TargetLongitude()) / 10)); } // --- cSkinDisplayMenu ------------------------------------------------------ cSkinDisplayMenu::cSkinDisplayMenu(void) { menuCategory = mcUndefined; SetTabs(0); } void cSkinDisplayMenu::SetMenuCategory(eMenuCategory MenuCategory) { menuCategory = MenuCategory; } void cSkinDisplayMenu::SetTabs(int Tab1, int Tab2, int Tab3, int Tab4, int Tab5) { tabs[0] = 0; tabs[1] = Tab1 ? tabs[0] + Tab1 : 0; tabs[2] = Tab2 ? tabs[1] + Tab2 : 0; tabs[3] = Tab3 ? tabs[2] + Tab3 : 0; tabs[4] = Tab4 ? tabs[3] + Tab4 : 0; tabs[5] = Tab5 ? tabs[4] + Tab5 : 0; for (int i = 1; i < MaxTabs; i++) tabs[i] *= AvgCharWidth(); } void cSkinDisplayMenu::Scroll(bool Up, bool Page) { textScroller.Scroll(Up, Page); } const char *cSkinDisplayMenu::GetTabbedText(const char *s, int Tab) { if (!s) return NULL; static char buffer[1000]; const char *a = s; const char *b = strchrnul(a, '\t'); while (*b && Tab-- > 0) { a = b + 1; b = strchrnul(a, '\t'); } if (!*b) return (Tab <= 0) ? a : NULL; unsigned int n = b - a; if (n >= sizeof(buffer)) n = sizeof(buffer) - 1; strncpy(buffer, a, n); buffer[n] = 0; return buffer; } void cSkinDisplayMenu::SetScrollbar(int Total, int Offset) { } int cSkinDisplayMenu::GetTextAreaWidth(void) const { return 0; } const cFont *cSkinDisplayMenu::GetTextAreaFont(bool FixedFont) const { return cFont::GetFont(FixedFont ? fontFix : fontOsd); } // --- cSkinDisplayReplay::cProgressBar -------------------------------------- cSkinDisplayReplay::cProgressBar::cProgressBar(int Width, int Height, int Current, int Total, const cMarks *Marks, tColor ColorSeen, tColor ColorRest, tColor ColorSelected, tColor ColorMark, tColor ColorCurrent) :cBitmap(Width, Height, 2) { total = Total; if (total > 0) { int p = Pos(Current); DrawRectangle(0, 0, p, Height - 1, ColorSeen); DrawRectangle(p + 1, 0, Width - 1, Height - 1, ColorRest); if (Marks) { bool Start = true; for (const cMark *m = Marks->First(); m; m = Marks->Next(m)) { int p1 = Pos(m->Position()); if (Start) { const cMark *m2 = Marks->Next(m); int p2 = Pos(m2 ? m2->Position() : total); int h = Height / 3; DrawRectangle(p1, h, p2, Height - h - 1, ColorSelected); } Mark(p1, Start, m->Position() == Current, ColorMark, ColorCurrent); Start = !Start; } } } } void cSkinDisplayReplay::cProgressBar::Mark(int x, bool Start, bool Current, tColor ColorMark, tColor ColorCurrent) { DrawRectangle(x, 0, x, Height() - 1, ColorMark); const int d = Height() / (Current ? 3 : 9); for (int i = 0; i < d; i++) { int h = Start ? i : Height() - 1 - i; DrawRectangle(x - d + i, h, x + d - i, h, Current ? ColorCurrent : ColorMark); } } // --- cSkinDisplayReplay ---------------------------------------------------- cSkinDisplayReplay::cSkinDisplayReplay(void) { marks = NULL; } void cSkinDisplayReplay::SetRecording(const cRecording *Recording) { SetTitle(Recording->Title()); } void cSkinDisplayReplay::SetMarks(const cMarks *Marks) { marks = Marks; } // --- cSkin ----------------------------------------------------------------- cSkin::cSkin(const char *Name, cTheme *Theme) { name = strdup(Name); theme = Theme; if (theme) cThemes::Save(name, theme); Skins.Add(this); } cSkin::~cSkin() { free(name); } // --- cSkins ---------------------------------------------------------------- cSkins Skins; cSkins::cSkins(void) { displayMessage = NULL; } cSkins::~cSkins() { delete displayMessage; } bool cSkins::SetCurrent(const char *Name) { if (Name) { for (cSkin *Skin = First(); Skin; Skin = Next(Skin)) { if (strcmp(Skin->Name(), Name) == 0) { isyslog("setting current skin to \"%s\"", Name); current = Skin; return true; } } } current = First(); if (current) isyslog("skin \"%s\" not available - using \"%s\" instead", Name, current->Name()); else esyslog("ERROR: no skin available"); return current != NULL; } eKeys cSkins::Message(eMessageType Type, const char *s, int Seconds) { if (!cThread::IsMainThread()) { if (Type != mtStatus) QueueMessage(Type, s, Seconds); else dsyslog("cSkins::Message(%d, \"%s\", %d) called from background thread - ignored! (Use cSkins::QueueMessage() instead)", Type, s, Seconds); return kNone; } switch (Type) { case mtInfo: isyslog("info: %s", s); break; case mtWarning: isyslog("warning: %s", s); break; case mtError: esyslog("ERROR: %s", s); break; default: ; } if (!Current()) return kNone; if (!cSkinDisplay::Current()) { if (displayMessage) delete displayMessage; displayMessage = Current()->DisplayMessage(); } cSkinDisplay::Current()->SetMessage(Type, s); cSkinDisplay::Current()->Flush(); cStatus::MsgOsdStatusMessage(s); eKeys k = kNone; if (Type != mtStatus) { k = Interface->Wait(Seconds); if (displayMessage) { delete displayMessage; displayMessage = NULL; cStatus::MsgOsdClear(); } else { cSkinDisplay::Current()->SetMessage(Type, NULL); cStatus::MsgOsdStatusMessage(NULL); } } else if (!s && displayMessage) { delete displayMessage; displayMessage = NULL; cStatus::MsgOsdClear(); } return k; } int cSkins::QueueMessage(eMessageType Type, const char *s, int Seconds, int Timeout) { if (Type == mtStatus) { dsyslog("cSkins::QueueMessage() called with mtStatus - ignored!"); return kNone; } if (isempty(s)) { if (!cThread::IsMainThread()) { queueMessageMutex.Lock(); for (cSkinQueuedMessage *m = SkinQueuedMessages.Last(); m; m = SkinQueuedMessages.Prev(m)) { if (m->threadId == cThread::ThreadId() && m->state == 0) m->state = 2; // done } queueMessageMutex.Unlock(); } else dsyslog("cSkins::QueueMessage() called with empty message from main thread - ignored!"); return kNone; } int k = kNone; if (Timeout > 0) { if (cThread::IsMainThread()) { dsyslog("cSkins::QueueMessage() called from main thread with Timeout = %d - ignored!", Timeout); return k; } cSkinQueuedMessage *m = new cSkinQueuedMessage(Type, s, Seconds, Timeout); queueMessageMutex.Lock(); SkinQueuedMessages.Add(m); m->mutex.Lock(); queueMessageMutex.Unlock(); if (m->condVar.TimedWait(m->mutex, Timeout * 1000)) k = m->key; else k = -1; // timeout, nothing has been displayed m->state = 2; // done m->mutex.Unlock(); } else { queueMessageMutex.Lock(); // Check if there is a waiting message w/o timeout for this thread: if (Timeout == -1) { for (cSkinQueuedMessage *m = SkinQueuedMessages.Last(); m; m = SkinQueuedMessages.Prev(m)) { if (m->threadId == cThread::ThreadId()) { if (m->state == 0 && m->timeout == -1) m->state = 2; // done break; } } } // Add the new message: SkinQueuedMessages.Add(new cSkinQueuedMessage(Type, s, Seconds, Timeout)); queueMessageMutex.Unlock(); } return k; } void cSkins::ProcessQueuedMessages(void) { if (!cThread::IsMainThread()) { dsyslog("cSkins::ProcessQueuedMessages() called from background thread - ignored!"); return; } // Check whether there is a cSkinDisplay object (if any) that implements SetMessage(): if (cSkinDisplay *sd = cSkinDisplay::Current()) { if (!(dynamic_cast(sd) || dynamic_cast(sd) || dynamic_cast(sd) || dynamic_cast(sd))) return; } cSkinQueuedMessage *msg = NULL; // Get the first waiting message: queueMessageMutex.Lock(); for (cSkinQueuedMessage *m = SkinQueuedMessages.First(); m; m = SkinQueuedMessages.Next(m)) { if (m->state == 0) { // waiting m->state = 1; // active msg = m; break; } } queueMessageMutex.Unlock(); // Display the message: if (msg) { msg->mutex.Lock(); if (msg->state == 1) { // might have changed since we got it msg->key = Skins.Message(msg->type, msg->message, msg->seconds); if (msg->timeout == 0) msg->state = 2; // done else msg->condVar.Broadcast(); } msg->mutex.Unlock(); } // Remove done messages from the queue: queueMessageMutex.Lock(); for (;;) { cSkinQueuedMessage *m = SkinQueuedMessages.First(); if (m && m->state == 2) { // done SkinQueuedMessages.Del(m); } else break; } queueMessageMutex.Unlock(); } void cSkins::Flush(void) { if (cSkinDisplay::Current()) cSkinDisplay::Current()->Flush(); } void cSkins::Clear(void) { if (displayMessage) { delete displayMessage; displayMessage = NULL; } cList::Clear(); }