/* * transfer.c: Transfer mode * * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * * $Id: transfer.c 1.17 2004/10/16 09:22:58 kls Exp $ */ #include "transfer.h" #define TRANSFERBUFSIZE MEGABYTE(2) #define POLLTIMEOUTS_BEFORE_DEVICECLEAR 3 // --- cTransfer ------------------------------------------------------------- cTransfer::cTransfer(int VPid, int APid1, int APid2, int DPid1, int DPid2) :cReceiver(0, -1, 5, VPid, APid1, APid2, DPid1, DPid2) ,cThread("transfer") { ringBuffer = new cRingBufferLinear(TRANSFERBUFSIZE, TS_SIZE * 2, true, "Transfer"); remux = new cRemux(VPid, APid1, APid2, DPid1, DPid2); canToggleAudioTrack = false; audioTrack = 0xC0; active = false; } cTransfer::~cTransfer() { cReceiver::Detach(); cPlayer::Detach(); delete remux; delete ringBuffer; } void cTransfer::Activate(bool On) { if (On) { if (!active) Start(); } else if (active) { active = false; Cancel(3); } } void cTransfer::Receive(uchar *Data, int Length) { if (IsAttached() && active) { int p = ringBuffer->Put(Data, Length); if (p != Length && active) ringBuffer->ReportOverflow(Length - p); return; } } void cTransfer::Action(void) { int PollTimeouts = 0; uchar *p = NULL; int Result = 0; active = true; while (active) { int Count; uchar *b = ringBuffer->Get(Count); if (b) { if (Count > TRANSFERBUFSIZE * 2 / 3) { // If the buffer runs full, we have no chance of ever catching up // since the data comes in at the same rate as it goes out (it's "live"). // So let's clear the buffer instead of suffering from permanent // overflows. dsyslog("clearing transfer buffer to avoid overflows"); ringBuffer->Clear(); remux->Clear(); p = NULL; continue; } Count = remux->Put(b, Count); if (Count) ringBuffer->Del(Count); } if (!p && (p = remux->Get(Result)) != NULL) StripAudioPackets(p, Result, audioTrack); if (p) { cPoller Poller; if (DevicePoll(Poller, 100)) { PollTimeouts = 0; int w = PlayVideo(p, Result); if (w > 0) { p += w; Result -= w; remux->Del(w); if (Result <= 0) p = NULL; } else if (w < 0 && FATALERRNO) LOG_ERROR; } else { PollTimeouts++; if (PollTimeouts == POLLTIMEOUTS_BEFORE_DEVICECLEAR) { dsyslog("clearing device because of consecutive poll timeouts"); DeviceClear(); ringBuffer->Clear(); remux->Clear(); p = NULL; } } } } active = false; } void cTransfer::StripAudioPackets(uchar *b, int Length, uchar Except) { for (int i = 0; i < Length - 6; i++) { if (b[i] == 0x00 && b[i + 1] == 0x00 && b[i + 2] == 0x01) { uchar c = b[i + 3]; int l = b[i + 4] * 256 + b[i + 5] + 6; switch (c) { case 0xBD: // dolby if (Except) PlayAudio(&b[i], l); // continue with deleting the data - otherwise it disturbs DVB replay case 0xC0 ... 0xC1: // audio if (c == 0xC1) canToggleAudioTrack = true; if (!Except || c != Except) memset(&b[i], 0x00, min(l, Length-i)); break; case 0xE0 ... 0xEF: // video break; default: //esyslog("ERROR: unexpected packet id %02X", c); l = 0; } if (l) i += l - 1; // the loop increments, too! } /*XXX else esyslog("ERROR: broken packet header"); XXX*/ } } int cTransfer::NumAudioTracks(void) const { return canToggleAudioTrack ? 2 : 1; } const char **cTransfer::GetAudioTracks(int *CurrentTrack) const { if (NumAudioTracks()) { if (CurrentTrack) *CurrentTrack = (audioTrack == 0xC0) ? 0 : 1; static const char *audioTracks1[] = { "Audio 1", NULL }; static const char *audioTracks2[] = { "Audio 1", "Audio 2", NULL }; return NumAudioTracks() > 1 ? audioTracks2 : audioTracks1; } return NULL; } void cTransfer::SetAudioTrack(int Index) { if ((audioTrack == 0xC0) != (Index == 0)) { audioTrack = (Index == 1) ? 0xC1 : 0xC0; DeviceClear(); } } // --- cTransferControl ------------------------------------------------------ cDevice *cTransferControl::receiverDevice = NULL; cTransferControl::cTransferControl(cDevice *ReceiverDevice, int VPid, int APid1, int APid2, int DPid1, int DPid2) :cControl(transfer = new cTransfer(VPid, APid1, APid2, DPid1, DPid2), true) { ReceiverDevice->AttachReceiver(transfer); receiverDevice = ReceiverDevice; } cTransferControl::~cTransferControl() { receiverDevice = NULL; delete transfer; }