'\" t .\" ** The above line should force tbl to be a preprocessor ** .\" Man page for vdr .\" .\" Copyright (C) 2002 Klaus Schmidinger .\" .\" You may distribute under the terms of the GNU General Public .\" License as specified in the file COPYING that comes with the .\" vdr distribution. .\" .\" $Id: vdr.1 1.5 2002/11/24 15:52:00 kls Exp $ .\" .TH vdr 1 "9 May 2002" "1.1.0" "Video Disk Recorder" .SH NAME vdr - the Video Disk Recorder .SH SYNOPSIS .B vdr [options] .SH DESCRIPTION .B vdr implements a complete digital Set-Top-Box and Video Recorder. It can work with signals received from satellites (DVB-S) as well as cable (DVB-C) and terrestrial (DVB-T) signals. At least one DVB card is required to run \fBvdr\fR, but in order to watch one broadcast while recording another, or to start watching a recorded programme before the live broadcast has ended (\fBtime shifting\fR), two DVB cards are necessary. By default \fBvdr\fR can support up to four DVB cards. The primary DVB card (the one your tv set is connected to) has to be a "full featured" card, which means it must contain an MPEG decoder and provide audio and video signal outputs. \fBvdr\fR uses the On Screen Display of the DVB card to display its menus. It can be controlled by the PC keyboard, a home built "Remote Control Unit" (RCU) or the "Linux Infrared Remote Control" (LIRC). Remote access is possible via the "Simple Video Disk Recorder Protocol" (SVDRP), which can be accessed on port 2001, for instance by \fBtelnet\fR. .SH OPTIONS .TP .BI -a\ cmd ,\ --audio= cmd Send Dolby Digital audio to stdin of command \fIcmd\fR. .TP .BI -c\ dir ,\ --config= dir Read config files from directory \fIdir\fR (default is to read them from the video directory). .TP .B -d, --daemon Run in daemon mode. .TP .BI -D\ num ,\ --device= num Use only the given DVB device (\fInum\fR = 0, 1, 2...). There may be several \fB-D\fR options (by default all DVB devices will be used). .TP .BI -E\ file ,\ --epgfile= file Write the EPG data into the given \fIfile\fR (default is \fI/video/epg.data\fR). Use \fB-E-\fR to disable this. If \fIfile\fR is a directory, the file \fIepg.data\fR will be created in that directory. .TP .B -h, --help Print a help message and exit. .TP .BI -l\ level ,\ --log= level Set logging to \fIlevel\fR. \fB0\fR\ =\ no logging, \fB1\fR\ =\ errors only, \fB2\fR\ =\ errors and info, \fB3\fR\ =\ errors, info and debug. The default logging level is \fB3\fR. If logging should be done to LOG_LOCALn instead of LOG_USER, add '.n' to LEVEL, as in 3.7 (n=0..7). .TP .BI -L\ dir ,\ --lib= dir Search for plugins in directory \fIdir\fR (default is ./PLUGINS/lib). There can be several \fB-L\fR options with different \fIdir\fR values. Each of them will apply to the \fB-P\fR options following it. .TP .B -m, --mute Mute audio of the primary DVB device at startup. .TP .BI -p\ port ,\ --port= port Use \fIport\fR for SVDRP. A value of \fB0\fR turns off SVDRP. The default SVDRP port is \fB2001\fR. You need to edit the file \fIsvdrphosts.conf\fR in order to enable access to the SVDRP port. .TP .BI -P\ options ,\ --plugin= options Load a plugin, defined by the given \fIoptions\fR. The first word in \fIoptions\fR must be the name of an existing \fBvdr\fR plugin, optionally followed by a blank separated list of command line options for that plugin. If \fIoptions\fR contains any blanks, you need to enclose it in quotes, like for example \fBvdr -P "abc -a -b xyz"\fR which would load a plugin named \fBabc\fR, giving it the command line options \fB-a\ -b\ xyz\fR. .TP .BI -r\ cmd ,\ --record= cmd Call \fIcmd\fR before and after a recording. .TP .BI -s\ cmd ,\ --shutdown= cmd Call \fIcmd\fR to shutdown the computer. .TP .BI -t\ tty ,\ --terminal= tty Set the controlling terminal. .TP .BI -v\ dir ,\ --video= dir Use \fIdir\fR as video directory. The default is \fI/video\fR. .TP .B -V, --version Print version information and exit. .TP .BI -w\ sec ,\ --watchdog= sec Activate the watchdog timer with a timeout of \fIsec\fR seconds. A value of \fB0\fR (default) disables the watchdog. .SH EXIT STATUS .TP .B 0 Successful program execution. .TP .B 1 An error has been detected which requires the DVB driver and \fBvdr\fR to be re-loaded. .TP .B 2 An non-recoverable error has been detected, \fBvdr\fR has given up. .SH FILES .TP .I channels.conf Channel configuration. .TP .I ca.conf Conditional access configuration. .TP .I timers.conf Timer configuration. .TP .I setup.conf User definable setup. .TP .I commands.conf User definable commands (executed from the \fBCommands\fR menu). .TP .I svdrphosts.conf SVDRP host configuration, defining which hosts or networks are given access to the SVDRP port. .TP .I marks.vdr Contains the editing marks defined for a recording. .TP .I summary.vdr Contains a description of the recording. .TP .I resume.vdr Contains the index into the recording where the last replay session left off. .TP .I index.vdr Contains the file number, offset and type of each frame of the recording. .TP .I keys.conf Contains the key assignments for the remote control. .TP .I keys-pc.conf Contains the key assignments for the PC keyboard (used if the program was compiled with DEBUG_OSD=1). .TP .IR 001.vdr\ ...\ 255.vdr The actual data files of a recording. .TP .I epg.data Contains all current EPG data. Can be used for external processing and will also be read at program startup to have the full EPG data available immediately. .SH SEE ALSO .BR vdr (5) .SH AUTHOR Written by Klaus Schmidinger, with contributions from many others. See the file \fICONTRIBUTORS\fR in the \fBvdr\fR source distribution. .SH REPORTING BUGS Report bugs to . .SH COPYRIGHT Copyright \(co 2002 Klaus Schmidinger. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.