/* * skins.h: The optical appearance of the OSD * * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * * $Id: skins.h 5.2 2024/06/11 12:43:25 kls Exp $ */ #ifndef __SKINS_H #define __SKINS_H #include "channels.h" #include "epg.h" #include "keys.h" #include "osd.h" #include "positioner.h" #include "recording.h" #include "themes.h" #include "thread.h" #include "timers.h" #include "tools.h" // Several member functions of the following classes are called with a pointer to // an object from a global list (cTimer, cChannel, cRecording or cEvent). In these // cases the core VDR code holds a lock on the respective list. While in general a // plugin should only work with the objects and data that is explicitly given to it // in the function call, the called function may itself set a read lock (not a write // lock!) on this list, because read locks can be nested. It may also set read locks // (not write locks!) on higher order lists. // For instance, a function that is called with a cChannel may lock cRecordings and/or // cSchedules (which contains cEvent objects), but not cTimers. If a plugin needs to // set locks of its own (on mutexes defined inside the plugin code), it shall do so // after setting any locks on VDR's global lists, and it shall always set these // locks in the same sequence, to avoid deadlocks. enum eMessageType { mtStatus = 0, mtInfo, mtWarning, mtError }; // will be used to calculate color offsets! class cSkinDisplay { private: static cSkinDisplay *current; int editableWidth; //XXX this is not nice, but how else could we know this value? public: cSkinDisplay(void); virtual ~cSkinDisplay(); static int AvgCharWidth(void) { return Setup.FontOsdSize * 4 / 6; } ///< Returns the average width of a character in pixel (just a raw estimate). int EditableWidth(void) { return editableWidth; } void SetEditableWidth(int Width) { editableWidth = Width; } ///< If an item is set through a call to cSkinDisplayMenu::SetItem(), this ///< function shall be called to set the width of the rightmost tab separated ///< field. This information will be used for editable items. virtual void SetButtons(const char *Red, const char *Green = NULL, const char *Yellow = NULL, const char *Blue = NULL) {} ///< Sets the color buttons to the given strings, provided this cSkinDisplay ///< actually has a color button display. virtual void SetMessage(eMessageType Type, const char *Text) {} ///< Sets a one line message Text, with the given Type. Type can be used ///< to determine, e.g., the colors for displaying the Text. virtual void Flush(void) {} ///< Actually draws the OSD display to the output device. static cSkinDisplay *Current(void) { return current; } ///< Returns the currently active cSkinDisplay. }; class cSkinDisplayChannel : public cSkinDisplay { ///< This class is used to display the current channel, together with ///< the present and following EPG event. How and to what extent this ///< is done is totally up to the derived class. private: const cPositioner *positioner; public: cSkinDisplayChannel(void); virtual void SetChannel(const cChannel *Channel, int Number) = 0; ///< Sets the current channel to Channel. If Number is not 0, the ///< user is in the process of entering a channel number, which must ///< be displayed accordingly. virtual void SetEvents(const cEvent *Present, const cEvent *Following) = 0; ///< Sets the Present and Following EPG events. If either of these ///< is not available, NULL will be given. virtual void SetMessage(eMessageType Type, const char *Text) = 0; ///< Sets a one line message Text, with the given Type. Type can be used ///< to determine, e.g., the colors for displaying the Text. ///< If Text is NULL, any previously displayed message must be removed, and ///< any previous contents overwritten by the message must be restored. virtual void SetPositioner(const cPositioner *Positioner); ///< Sets the Positioner used to move the satellite dish. The skin may use the ///< data provided by Positioner to implement some form of progress display, ///< since moving the dish may take a while. This function will only be called ///< if the device receiving the current live channel actually uses a positioner, ///< and it will be called with NULL once the dish has reached its target ///< position (or the user switches to a channel that doesn't require positioning ///< the dish). While the dish is moving, SetPositioner() is called repeatedly, ///< so the skin has a chance to update the progress display. ///< The default implementation calls SetMessage() with a text that indicates ///< that the dish is being moved to a new position. /*TODO SetButtons Red = Video options Green = Info now Yellow = Info next */ }; enum eMenuCategory { mcUndefined = -1, mcUnknown = 0, mcMain, mcSchedule, mcScheduleNow, mcScheduleNext, mcChannel, mcChannelEdit, mcTimer, mcTimerEdit, mcRecording, mcRecordingInfo, mcRecordingEdit, mcPlugin, mcPluginSetup, mcSetup, mcSetupOsd, mcSetupEpg, mcSetupDvb, mcSetupLnb, mcSetupCam, mcSetupRecord, mcSetupReplay, mcSetupMisc, mcSetupPlugins, mcCommand, mcEvent, mcText, mcFolder, mcCam }; enum eMenuSortMode { msmUnknown = 0, msmNumber, msmName, msmTime, msmProvider }; enum eMenuOrientation { moVertical = 0, moHorizontal }; class cSkinDisplayMenu : public cSkinDisplay { ///< This class implements the general purpose menu display, which is ///< used throughout the program to display information and let the ///< user interact with items. ///< A menu consists of the following fields, each of which is explicitly ///< set by calls to the member functions below: ///< - Title: a single line of text, indicating what this menu displays ///< - Color buttons: the red, green, yellow and blue buttons, used for ///< various functions ///< - Message: a one line message, indicating a Status, Info, Warning, ///< or Error condition ///< - Central area: the main central area of the menu, used to display ///< one of the following: ///< - Items: a list of single line items, of which the user may be ///< able to select one ///< - Event: the full information about one EPG event ///< - Text: a multi line, scrollable text public: enum { MaxTabs = 6 }; private: eMenuCategory menuCategory; int tabs[MaxTabs]; protected: cTextScroller textScroller; int Tab(int n) { return (n >= 0 && n < MaxTabs) ? tabs[n] : 0; } ///< Returns the offset of the given tab from the left border of the ///< item display area. The value returned is in pixel. const char *GetTabbedText(const char *s, int Tab); ///< Returns the part of the given string that follows the given ///< Tab (where 0 indicates the beginning of the string). If no such ///< part can be found, NULL will be returned. public: cSkinDisplayMenu(void); eMenuCategory MenuCategory(void) const { return menuCategory; } ///< Returns the menu category, set by a previous call to SetMenuCategory(). virtual void SetMenuCategory(eMenuCategory MenuCategory); ///< Sets the current menu category. This allows skins to handle known ///< types of menus in different ways, for instance by displaying icons ///< or special decorations. ///< A derived class can reimplement this function to be informed of any ///< changes in the menu category. If it does, it shall call the base class ///< function in order to set the members accordingly for later calls to the ///< MenuCategory() function. virtual void SetTabs(int Tab1, int Tab2 = 0, int Tab3 = 0, int Tab4 = 0, int Tab5 = 0); ///< Sets the tab columns to the given values, which are the number of ///< characters in each column. virtual void SetMenuSortMode(eMenuSortMode MenuSortMode) {} ///< Sets the mode by which the items in this menu are sorted. ///< This is purely informative and may be used by a skin to display the ///< current sort mode by means of some text or symbol. virtual eMenuOrientation MenuOrientation(void) { return moVertical; } ///< Asks the skin for the orientation of the displayed menu. ///< If menu orientation is set to horizontal, the keys left/right ///< and up/down are just toggled. virtual void Scroll(bool Up, bool Page); ///< If this menu contains a text area that can be scrolled, this function ///< will be called to actually scroll the text. Up indicates whether the ///< text shall be scrolled up or down, and Page is true if it shall be ///< scrolled by a full page, rather than a single line. An object of the ///< cTextScroller class can be used to implement the scrolling text area. virtual int MaxItems(void) = 0; ///< Returns the maximum number of items the menu can display. virtual void Clear(void) = 0; ///< Clears the entire central area of the menu. virtual void SetTitle(const char *Title) = 0; ///< Sets the title of this menu to Title. virtual void SetButtons(const char *Red, const char *Green = NULL, const char *Yellow = NULL, const char *Blue = NULL) = 0; ///< Sets the color buttons to the given strings. If any of the values is ///< NULL, any previous text must be removed from the related button. virtual void SetMessage(eMessageType Type, const char *Text) = 0; ///< Sets a one line message Text, with the given Type. Type can be used ///< to determine, e.g., the colors for displaying the Text. ///< If Text is NULL, any previously displayed message must be removed, and ///< any previous contents overwritten by the message must be restored. virtual void SetItem(const char *Text, int Index, bool Current, bool Selectable) = 0; ///< Sets the item at the given Index to Text. Index is between 0 and the ///< value returned by MaxItems(), minus one. Text may contain tab characters ('\t'), ///< which shall be used to separate the text into several columns, according to the ///< values set by a prior call to SetTabs(). If Current is true, this item shall ///< be drawn in a way indicating to the user that it is the currently selected ///< one. Selectable can be used to display items differently that can't be ///< selected by the user. ///< Whenever the current status is moved from one item to another, ///< this function will be first called for the old current item ///< with Current set to false, and then for the new current item ///< with Current set to true. virtual bool SetItemEvent(const cEvent *Event, int Index, bool Current, bool Selectable, const cChannel *Channel, bool WithDate, eTimerMatch TimerMatch, bool TimerActive) { return false; } ///< Sets the item at the given Index to Event. See SetItem() for more information. ///< If a derived skin class implements this function, it can display an Event item ///< in a more elaborate way than just a simple line of text. ///< If Channel is not NULL, the channel's name and/or number shall be displayed. ///< If WithDate is true, the date of the Event shall be displayed (in addition to the time). ///< TimerMatch tells how much of this event will be recorded by a timer. ///< TimerActive tells whether the timer that will record this event is active. ///< If the skin displays the Event item in its own way, it shall return true. ///< The default implementation does nothing and returns false, which results in ///< a call to SetItem() with a proper text. #ifndef DEPRECATED_SKIN_SETITEMEVENT #define DEPRECATED_SKIN_SETITEMEVENT 0 #endif #if DEPRECATED_SKIN_SETITEMEVENT virtual bool SetItemEvent(const cEvent *Event, int Index, bool Current, bool Selectable, const cChannel *Channel, bool WithDate, eTimerMatch TimerMatch) { return SetItemEvent(Event, Index, Current, Selectable, Channel, WithDate, TimerMatch, true); } ///< This function is here for comaptibility with older plugins and may be removed ///< in a future version. Use the above version of SetItemEvent() with the TimerActive ///< parameter instead. #endif virtual bool SetItemTimer(const cTimer *Timer, int Index, bool Current, bool Selectable) { return false; } ///< Sets the item at the given Index to Timer. See SetItem() for more information. ///< If a derived skin class implements this function, it can display a Timer item ///< in a more elaborate way than just a simple line of text. ///< If the skin displays the Timer item in its own way, it shall return true. ///< The default implementation does nothing and returns false, which results in ///< a call to SetItem() with a proper text. virtual bool SetItemChannel(const cChannel *Channel, int Index, bool Current, bool Selectable, bool WithProvider) { return false; } ///< Sets the item at the given Index to Channel. See SetItem() for more information. ///< If a derived skin class implements this function, it can display a Channel item ///< in a more elaborate way than just a simple line of text. ///< If WithProvider ist true, the provider shall be displayed in addition to the ///< channel's name. ///< If the skin displays the Channel item in its own way, it shall return true. ///< The default implementation does nothing and returns false, which results in ///< a call to SetItem() with a proper text. virtual bool SetItemRecording(const cRecording *Recording, int Index, bool Current, bool Selectable, int Level, int Total, int New) { return false; } ///< Sets the item at the given Index to Recording. See SetItem() for more information. ///< If a derived skin class implements this function, it can display a Recording item ///< in a more elaborate way than just a simple line of text. ///< Level is the currently displayed level of the video directory, where 0 is the ///< top level. A value of -1 means that the full path names of the recordings ///< shall be displayed. If Total is greater than 0, this is a directory with the given ///< total number of entries, and New contains the number of new (unwatched) recordings. ///< If the skin displays the Recording item in its own way, it shall return true. ///< The default implementation does nothing and returns false, which results in ///< a call to SetItem() with a proper text. virtual void SetScrollbar(int Total, int Offset); ///< Sets the Total number of items in the currently displayed list, and the ///< Offset of the first item that is currently displayed (the skin knows how ///< many items it can display at once, see MaxItems()). This can be used to ///< display a scrollbar. virtual void SetEvent(const cEvent *Event) = 0; ///< Sets the Event that shall be displayed, using the entire central area ///< of the menu. The Event's 'description' shall be displayed using a ///< cTextScroller, and the Scroll() function will be called to drive scrolling ///< that text if necessary. virtual void SetRecording(const cRecording *Recording) = 0; ///< Sets the Recording that shall be displayed, using the entire central area ///< of the menu. The Recording's 'description' shall be displayed using a ///< cTextScroller, and the Scroll() function will be called to drive scrolling ///< that text if necessary. virtual void SetText(const char *Text, bool FixedFont) = 0; ///< Sets the Text that shall be displayed, using the entire central area ///< of the menu. The Text shall be displayed using a cTextScroller, and ///< the Scroll() function will be called to drive scrolling that text if ///< necessary. //XXX ??? virtual void SetHelp(const char *Help) = 0; virtual int GetTextAreaWidth(void) const; ///< Returns the width in pixel of the area which is used to display text ///< with SetText(). The width of the area is the width of the central area ///< minus the width of any possibly displayed scroll-bar or other decoration. ///< The default implementation returns 0. Therefore a caller of this method ///< must be prepared to receive 0 if the plugin doesn't implement this method. virtual const cFont *GetTextAreaFont(bool FixedFont) const; ///< Returns a pointer to the font which is used to display text with SetText(). ///< The parameter FixedFont has the same meaning as in SetText(). The default ///< implementation returns NULL. Therefore a caller of this method must be ///< prepared to receive NULL if the plugin doesn't implement this method. ///< The returned pointer is valid a long as the instance of cSkinDisplayMenu ///< exists. }; class cSkinDisplayReplay : public cSkinDisplay { ///< This class implements the progress display used during replay of ///< a recording. protected: const cMarks *marks; class cProgressBar : public cBitmap { protected: int total; int Pos(int p) { return int(int64_t(p) * Width() / total); } void Mark(int x, bool Start, bool Current, tColor ColorMark, tColor ColorCurrent); public: cProgressBar(int Width, int Height, int Current, int Total, const cMarks *Marks, tColor ColorSeen, tColor ColorRest, tColor ColorSelected, tColor ColorMark, tColor ColorCurrent); }; public: cSkinDisplayReplay(void); virtual void SetMarks(const cMarks *Marks); ///< Sets the editing marks to Marks, which shall be used to display the ///< progress bar through a cProgressBar object. virtual void SetRecording(const cRecording *Recording); ///< Sets the recording that is currently being played. ///< The default implementation calls SetTitle() with the title and short ///< text of the Recording. A derived class can use any information provided ///< by the given Recording and display it. virtual void SetTitle(const char *Title) = 0; ///< Sets the title of the recording. virtual void SetMode(bool Play, bool Forward, int Speed) = 0; ///< Sets the current replay mode, which can be used to display some ///< indicator, showing the user whether we are currently in normal ///< play mode, fast forward etc. virtual void SetProgress(int Current, int Total) = 0; ///< This function will be called whenever the position in or the total ///< length of the recording has changed. A cProgressBar shall then be ///< used to display a progress indicator. virtual void SetCurrent(const char *Current) = 0; ///< Sets the current position within the recording, as a user readable ///< string in the form "h:mm:ss.ff". The ".ff" part, indicating the ///< frame number, is optional and the actual implementation needs to ///< take care that it is erased from the display when a Current string ///< _with_ ".ff" is followed by one without it. virtual void SetTotal(const char *Total) = 0; ///< Sets the total length of the recording, as a user readable ///< string in the form "h:mm:ss". virtual void SetJump(const char *Jump) = 0; ///< Sets the prompt that allows the user to enter a jump point. ///< Jump is a string of the form "Jump: mm:ss". The actual implementation ///< needs to be able to handle variations in the length of this ///< string, which will occur when the user enters an actual value. ///< If Jump is NULL, the jump prompt shall be removed from the display. virtual void SetMessage(eMessageType Type, const char *Text) = 0; ///< Sets a one line message Text, with the given Type. Type can be used ///< to determine, e.g., the colors for displaying the Text. ///< If Text is NULL, any previously displayed message must be removed, and ///< any previous contents overwritten by the message must be restored. }; class cSkinDisplayVolume : public cSkinDisplay { ///< This class implements the volume/mute display. public: virtual void SetVolume(int Current, int Total, bool Mute) = 0; ///< Sets the volume to the given Current value, which is in the range ///< 0...Total. If Mute is true, audio is currently muted and a "mute" ///< indicator shall be displayed. }; class cSkinDisplayTracks : public cSkinDisplay { ///< This class implements the track display. public: virtual void SetTrack(int Index, const char * const *Tracks) = 0; ///< Sets the current track to the one given by Index, which ///< points into the Tracks array of strings. virtual void SetAudioChannel(int AudioChannel) = 0; ///< Sets the audio channel indicator. ///< 0=stereo, 1=left, 2=right, -1=don't display the audio channel indicator. }; class cSkinDisplayMessage : public cSkinDisplay { ///< This class implements a simple message display. public: virtual void SetMessage(eMessageType Type, const char *Text) = 0; ///< Sets the message to Text. Type can be used to decide how to display ///< the message, for instance in which colors. }; class cSkin : public cListObject { private: char *name; cTheme *theme; public: cSkin(const char *Name, cTheme *Theme = NULL); ///< Creates a new skin class, with the given Name and Theme. ///< Name will be used to identify this skin in the 'setup.conf' ///< file, and is normally not seen by the user. It should ///< consist of only lowercase letters and digits. ///< Theme must be a static object that survives the entire lifetime ///< of this skin. ///< The constructor of a derived class shall not set up any data ///< structures yet, because whether or not this skin will actually ///< be used is not yet known at this point. All actual work shall ///< be done in the pure functions below. ///< A cSkin object must be created on the heap and shall not be ///< explicitly deleted. virtual ~cSkin(); const char *Name(void) { return name; } cTheme *Theme(void) { return theme; } virtual const char *Description(void) = 0; ///< Returns a user visible, single line description of this skin, ///< which may consist of arbitrary text and can, if the skin ///< implementation wishes to do so, be internationalized. ///< The actual text shouldn't be too long, so that it can be ///< fully displayed in the Setup/OSD menu. virtual cSkinDisplayChannel *DisplayChannel(bool WithInfo) = 0; ///< Creates and returns a new object for displaying the current ///< channel. WithInfo indicates whether it shall display only ///< the basic channel data, or also information about the present ///< and following EPG event. ///< The caller must delete the object after use. virtual cSkinDisplayMenu *DisplayMenu(void) = 0; ///< Creates and returns a new object for displaying a menu. ///< The caller must delete the object after use. virtual cSkinDisplayReplay *DisplayReplay(bool ModeOnly) = 0; ///< Creates and returns a new object for displaying replay progress. ///< ModeOnly indicates whether this should be a full featured replay ///< display, or just a replay mode indicator. ///< The caller must delete the object after use. virtual cSkinDisplayVolume *DisplayVolume(void) = 0; ///< Creates and returns a new object for displaying the current volume. ///< The caller must delete the object after use. virtual cSkinDisplayTracks *DisplayTracks(const char *Title, int NumTracks, const char * const *Tracks) = 0; ///< Creates and returns a new object for displaying the available tracks. ///< NumTracks indicates how many entries in Tracks are available. ///< Tracks will be valid throughout the entire lifetime of the returned ///< cSkinDisplayTrack object. ///< The caller must delete the object after use. virtual cSkinDisplayMessage *DisplayMessage(void) = 0; ///< Creates and returns a new object for displaying a message. ///< The caller must delete the object after use. }; class cSkins : public cList { private: cSkin *current; cSkinDisplayMessage *displayMessage; cMutex queueMessageMutex; public: cSkins(void); ~cSkins(); bool SetCurrent(const char *Name = NULL); ///< Sets the current skin to the one indicated by name. ///< If no such skin can be found, the first one will be used. cSkin *Current(void) { return current; } ///< Returns a pointer to the current skin. bool IsOpen(void) { return cSkinDisplay::Current(); } ///< Returns true if there is currently a skin display object active. eKeys Message(eMessageType Type, const char *s, int Seconds = 0); ///< Displays the given message, either through a currently visible ///< display object that is capable of doing so, or by creating a ///< temporary cSkinDisplayMessage object. ///< The return value is the key pressed by the user. If no user input ///< has been received within Seconds (the default value of 0 results ///< in the value defined for "Message time" in the setup), kNone ///< will be returned. ///< If Message() is called from a background thread and Type is not ///< mtStatus, the call will be automatically forwarded to QueueMessage(). int QueueMessage(eMessageType Type, const char *s, int Seconds = 0, int Timeout = 0); ///< Like Message(), but this function may be called from a background ///< thread. The given message is put into a queue and the main program ///< loop will display it as soon as this is suitable. If Timeout is 0, ///< QueueMessage() returns immediately and the return value will be kNone. ///< If a positive Timeout is given, the thread will wait at most the given ///< number of seconds for the message to be actually displayed (note that ///< the user may currently be doing something that doesn't allow for ///< queued messages to be displayed immediately). If the timeout expires ///< and the message hasn't been displayed yet, the return value is -1 ///< and the message will be removed from the queue without being displayed. ///< Positive values of Timeout are only allowed for background threads. ///< If QueueMessage() is called from the foreground thread with a Timeout ///< greater than 0, the call is ignored and nothing is displayed. ///< Queued messages will be displayed in the sequence they have been ///< put into the queue, so messages from different threads may appear ///< mingled. If a particular thread queues a message with a Timeout of ///< -1, and the previous message from the same thread also had a Timeout ///< of -1, only the last message will be displayed. This can be used for ///< progress displays, where only the most recent message is actually ///< important. ///< Type may only be mtInfo, mtWarning or mtError. A call with mtStatus ///< will be ignored. A call with an empty message from a background thread ///< removes all queued messages from the calling thread. A call with ///< an empty message from the main thread will be ignored. void ProcessQueuedMessages(void); ///< Processes the first queued message, if any. void Flush(void); ///< Flushes the currently active cSkinDisplay, if any. virtual void Clear(void); ///< Free up all registered skins }; extern cSkins Skins; #endif //__SKINS_H