 * transfer.c: Transfer mode
 * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and
 * how to reach the author.
 * $Id: transfer.c 2.1 2008/08/15 14:32:12 kls Exp $

#include "transfer.h"

// --- cTransfer -------------------------------------------------------------

cTransfer::cTransfer(tChannelID ChannelID, int VPid, const int *APids, const int *DPids, const int *SPids)
:cReceiver(ChannelID, -1, VPid, APids, Setup.UseDolbyDigital ? DPids : NULL, SPids)


void cTransfer::Activate(bool On)
  if (On) {
     PlayTs(patPmtGenerator.GetPat(), TS_SIZE);
     int Index = 0;
     while (uchar *pmt = patPmtGenerator.GetPmt(Index))
           PlayTs(pmt, TS_SIZE);

void cTransfer::Receive(uchar *Data, int Length)
  if (cPlayer::IsAttached()) {
     // Transfer Mode means "live tv", so there's no point in doing any additional
     // buffering here. The TS packets *must* get through here! However, every
     // now and then there may be conditions where the packet just can't be
     // handled when offered the first time, so that's why we try several times:
     for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
         if (PlayTs(Data, Length) > 0)
         fprintf(stderr, "-");//XXX just for testing - remove when stable
     esyslog("ERROR: TS packet not accepted in Transfer Mode");

// --- cTransferControl ------------------------------------------------------

cDevice *cTransferControl::receiverDevice = NULL;

cTransferControl::cTransferControl(cDevice *ReceiverDevice, tChannelID ChannelID, int VPid, const int *APids, const int *DPids, const int *SPids)
:cControl(transfer = new cTransfer(ChannelID, VPid, APids, DPids, SPids), true)
  receiverDevice = ReceiverDevice;

  receiverDevice = NULL;
  delete transfer;