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* menu.h: The actual menu implementations
* See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and
* how to reach the author.
* $Id: menu.h 5.5 2024/10/11 14:10:50 kls Exp $
#ifndef __MENU_H
#define __MENU_H
#include "ci.h"
#include "device.h"
#include "epg.h"
#include "osdbase.h"
#include "dvbplayer.h"
#include "menuitems.h"
#include "recorder.h"
#include "skins.h"
class cMenuText : public cOsdMenu {
char *text;
eDvbFont font;
cMenuText(const char *Title, const char *Text, eDvbFont Font = fontOsd);
virtual ~cMenuText();
void SetText(const char *Text);
virtual void Display(void);
virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
class cMenuFolder : public cOsdMenu {
cNestedItemList *nestedItemList;
cList<cNestedItem> *list;
cString dir;
cOsdItem *firstFolder;
bool editing;
int helpKeys;
void SetHelpKeys(void);
void Set(const char *CurrentFolder = NULL);
void DescendPath(const char *Path);
eOSState SetFolder(void);
eOSState Select(bool Open);
eOSState New(void);
eOSState Delete(void);
eOSState Edit(void);
cMenuFolder(const char *Title, cList<cNestedItem> *List, cNestedItemList *NestedItemList, const char *Dir, const char *Path = NULL);
cMenuFolder(const char *Title, cNestedItemList *NestedItemList, const char *Path = NULL);
cString GetFolder(void);
virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
class cMenuCommands : public cOsdMenu {
cList<cNestedItem> *commands;
cString parameters;
cString title;
cString command;
bool confirm;
char *result;
bool Parse(const char *s);
eOSState Execute(void);
cMenuCommands(const char *Title, cList<cNestedItem> *Commands, const char *Parameters = NULL);
virtual ~cMenuCommands();
virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
class cMenuEditTimer : public cOsdMenu {
static const cTimer *addedTimer;
cTimer *timer;
cTimer data;
int channel;
bool addIfConfirmed;
cStringList svdrpServerNames;
char remote[HOST_NAME_MAX];
cMenuEditStrItem *pattern;
cMenuEditStrItem *file;
cMenuEditDateItem *day;
cMenuEditDateItem *firstday;
eOSState SetFolder(void);
void SetFirstDayItem(void);
void SetPatternItem(bool Initial = false);
void SetHelpKeys(void);
cMenuEditTimer(cTimer *Timer, bool New = false);
virtual ~cMenuEditTimer();
virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
static const cTimer *AddedTimer(void);
class cMenuEvent : public cOsdMenu {
const cEvent *event;
cMenuEvent(const cTimers *Timers, const cChannels *Channels, const cEvent *Event, bool CanSwitch = false, bool Buttons = false);
virtual void Display(void);
virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
class cMenuMain : public cOsdMenu {
bool replaying;
cOsdItem *stopReplayItem;
cOsdItem *cancelEditingItem;
cOsdItem *stopRecordingItem;
int recordControlsState;
static cOsdObject *pluginOsdObject;
void Set(void);
bool Update(bool Force = false);
cMenuMain(eOSState State = osUnknown, bool OpenSubMenus = false);
virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
static cOsdObject *PluginOsdObject(void);
class cDisplayChannel : public cOsdObject {
cSkinDisplayChannel *displayChannel;
int group;
bool withInfo;
cTimeMs lastTime;
int number;
bool timeout;
int osdState;
const cPositioner *positioner;
const cChannel *channel;
const cEvent *lastPresent;
const cEvent *lastFollowing;
static cDisplayChannel *currentDisplayChannel;
void DisplayChannel(void);
void DisplayInfo(void);
void Refresh(void);
const cChannel *NextAvailableChannel(const cChannel *Channel, int Direction);
cDisplayChannel(int Number, bool Switched);
cDisplayChannel(eKeys FirstKey);
virtual ~cDisplayChannel();
virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
static bool IsOpen(void) { return currentDisplayChannel != NULL; }
class cDisplayVolume : public cOsdObject {
cSkinDisplayVolume *displayVolume;
cTimeMs timeout;
static cDisplayVolume *currentDisplayVolume;
virtual void Show(void);
virtual ~cDisplayVolume();
static cDisplayVolume *Create(void);
static void Process(eKeys Key);
eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
class cDisplayTracks : public cOsdObject {
cSkinDisplayTracks *displayTracks;
cTimeMs timeout;
eTrackType types[ttMaxTrackTypes];
char *descriptions[ttMaxTrackTypes + 1]; // list is NULL terminated
int numTracks, track, audioChannel;
static cDisplayTracks *currentDisplayTracks;
virtual void Show(void);
virtual ~cDisplayTracks();
static bool IsOpen(void) { return currentDisplayTracks != NULL; }
static cDisplayTracks *Create(void);
static void Process(eKeys Key);
eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
class cDisplaySubtitleTracks : public cOsdObject {
cSkinDisplayTracks *displayTracks;
cTimeMs timeout;
eTrackType types[ttMaxTrackTypes];
char *descriptions[ttMaxTrackTypes + 1]; // list is NULL terminated
int numTracks, track;
static cDisplaySubtitleTracks *currentDisplayTracks;
virtual void Show(void);
virtual ~cDisplaySubtitleTracks();
static bool IsOpen(void) { return currentDisplayTracks != NULL; }
static cDisplaySubtitleTracks *Create(void);
static void Process(eKeys Key);
eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
cOsdObject *CamControl(void);
bool CamMenuActive(void);
class cRecordingFilter {
virtual ~cRecordingFilter(void) {};
virtual bool Filter(const cRecording *Recording) const = 0;
///< Returns true if the given Recording shall be displayed in the Recordings menu.
class cMenuRecordingItem;
class cMenuRecordings : public cOsdMenu {
char *base;
int level;
cStateKey recordingsStateKey;
int helpKeys;
const cRecordingFilter *filter;
static cString path;
static cString fileName;
void SetHelpKeys(void);
void Set(bool Refresh = false);
bool Open(bool OpenSubMenus = false);
eOSState Play(void);
eOSState Rewind(void);
eOSState Delete(void);
eOSState Info(void);
eOSState Sort(void);
eOSState Commands(eKeys Key = kNone);
cString DirectoryName(void);
cMenuRecordings(const char *Base = NULL, int Level = 0, bool OpenSubMenus = false, const cRecordingFilter *Filter = NULL);
virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
static void SetRecording(const char *FileName);
class cRecordControl {
cDevice *device;
cTimer *timer;
cRecorder *recorder;
const cEvent *event;
cString instantId;
char *fileName;
bool GetEvent(void);
cRecordControl(cDevice *Device, cTimers *Timers, cTimer *Timer = NULL, bool Pause = false);
virtual ~cRecordControl();
bool Process(time_t t);
cDevice *Device(void) { return device; }
void Stop(bool ExecuteUserCommand = true);
const char *InstantId(void) { return instantId; }
const char *FileName(void) { return fileName; }
cTimer *Timer(void) { return timer; }
class cRecordControls {
static cRecordControl *RecordControls[];
static int state;
static bool Start(cTimers *Timers, cTimer *Timer, bool Pause = false);
static bool Start(bool Pause = false);
static void Stop(const char *InstantId);
static void Stop(cTimer *Timer);
static bool PauseLiveVideo(void);
static const char *GetInstantId(const char *LastInstantId);
static cRecordControl *GetRecordControl(const char *FileName);
static cRecordControl *GetRecordControl(const cTimer *Timer);
///< Returns the cRecordControl for the given Timer.
///< If there is no cRecordControl for Timer, NULL is returned.
static bool Process(cTimers *Timers, time_t t);
static void ChannelDataModified(const cChannel *Channel);
static bool Active(void);
static void Shutdown(void);
static void ChangeState(void) { state++; }
static bool StateChanged(int &State);
class cAdaptiveSkipper {
int *initialValue;
int currentValue;
double framesPerSecond;
eKeys lastKey;
cTimeMs timeout;
void Initialize(int *InitialValue, double FramesPerSecond);
int GetValue(eKeys Key);
class cReplayControl : public cDvbPlayerControl {
cSkinDisplayReplay *displayReplay;
cAdaptiveSkipper adaptiveSkipper;
cMarks marks;
bool marksModified;
bool visible, modeOnly, shown, displayFrames;
int lastErrors;
int lastCurrent, lastTotal;
bool lastPlay, lastForward;
int lastSpeed;
time_t timeoutShow;
cTimeMs updateTimer;
bool timeSearchActive, timeSearchHide;
int timeSearchTime, timeSearchPos;
void TimeSearchDisplay(void);
void TimeSearchProcess(eKeys Key);
void TimeSearch(void);
void ShowTimed(int Seconds = 0);
static cReplayControl *currentReplayControl;
static cString fileName;
void ShowMode(void);
bool ShowProgress(bool Initial);
void MarkToggle(void);
void MarkJump(bool Forward);
void MarkMove(int Frames, bool MarkRequired);
void ErrorJump(bool Forward);
void EditCut(void);
void EditTest(void);
cReplayControl(bool PauseLive = false);
virtual ~cReplayControl();
void Stop(void);
virtual cOsdObject *GetInfo(void);
virtual const cRecording *GetRecording(void);
virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key);
virtual void Show(void);
virtual void Hide(void);
bool Visible(void) { return visible; }
virtual void ClearEditingMarks(void);
static void SetRecording(const char *FileName);
static const char *NowReplaying(void);
static const char *LastReplayed(void);
static void ClearLastReplayed(const char *FileName);
void SetTrackDescriptions(int LiveChannel);
#endif //__MENU_H