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* osdbase.h: Basic interface to the On Screen Display
* See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and
* how to reach the author.
* $Id: osdbase.h 1.8 2004/01/04 15:19:20 kls Exp $
#ifndef __OSDBASE_H
#define __OSDBASE_H
#include <stdio.h>
#include "font.h"
#define MAXNUMCOLORS 256
enum eDvbColor {
#ifdef DEBUG_OSD
clrTransparent = clrBackground,
clrBlack = clrBackground,
clrTransparent = 0x00000000,
clrBackground = 0x7F000000, // 50% gray
clrBlack = 0xFF000000,
clrRed = 0xFF1414FC,
clrGreen = 0xFF24FC24,
clrYellow = 0xFF24C0FC,
clrMagenta = 0xFFFC00B0,
clrBlue = 0xFFFC0000,
clrCyan = 0xFFFCFC00,
clrWhite = 0xFFFCFCFC,
class cPalette {
eDvbColor color[MAXNUMCOLORS];
int maxColors, numColors;
bool used[MAXNUMCOLORS];
bool fetched[MAXNUMCOLORS];
bool full;
typedef unsigned char tIndexes[MAXNUMCOLORS];
cPalette(int Bpp);
int Index(eDvbColor Color);
void Reset(void);
void SetColor(int Index, eDvbColor Color);
eDvbColor GetColor(int Index) { return Index < maxColors ? color[Index] : clrBlack; }
const eDvbColor *NewColors(int &FirstColor, int &LastColor);
// With every call this function returns a consecutive range of
// color entries that have been added since the last call. The
// return value is the address of the first new color, and the
// index of the first and last new color are returned in the given
// int parameters. If there are no new color entries, NULL will
// be returned.
const eDvbColor *AllColors(int &NumColors);
// Returns a pointer to the complete color table and stores the
// number of valid entries in NumColors. If no colors have been
// stored yet, NumColors will be set to 0 and the function will
// return NULL.
void Take(const cPalette &Palette, tIndexes *Indexes = NULL);
class cBitmap : public cPalette {
const cFont *font;
eDvbFont fontType;
char *bitmap;
bool clearWithBackground;
int width, height;
int dirtyX1, dirtyY1, dirtyX2, dirtyY2;
cBitmap(int Width, int Height, int Bpp, bool ClearWithBackground = true);
virtual ~cBitmap();
bool ClearWithBackground(void) { return clearWithBackground; }
eDvbFont SetFont(eDvbFont Font);
bool Dirty(int &x1, int &y1, int &x2, int &y2);
void SetIndex(int x, int y, char Index);
void SetPixel(int x, int y, eDvbColor Color);
void SetBitmap(int x, int y, const cBitmap &Bitmap);
int Width(void) { return width; }
int Width(unsigned char c);
int Width(const char *s);
int Height(void) { return height; }
void Text(int x, int y, const char *s, eDvbColor ColorFg = clrWhite, eDvbColor ColorBg = clrBackground);
void Fill(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, eDvbColor Color);
void Clean(void);
void Clear(void);
const char *Data(int x, int y);
#define MAXNUMWINDOWS 7 // OSD windows are counted 1...7
class cWindow : public cBitmap {
int handle; // the index within the OSD's window array (0...MAXNUMWINDOWS - 1)
int x0, y0;
int bpp;
bool tiled;
bool shown;
cWindow(int Handle, int x, int y, int w, int h, int Bpp, bool ClearWithBackground, bool Tiled);
int X0(void) { return x0; }
int Y0(void) { return y0; }
int Bpp(void) { return bpp; }
bool Tiled(void) { return tiled; }
bool Shown(void) { bool s = shown; shown = true; return s; }
int Handle(void) { return handle; }
bool Contains(int x, int y);
void Relocate(int x, int y);
void Fill(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, eDvbColor Color);
void SetBitmap(int x, int y, const cBitmap &Bitmap);
void Text(int x, int y, const char *s, eDvbColor ColorFg = clrWhite, eDvbColor ColorBg = clrBackground);
const char *Data(int x, int y);
typedef int tWindowHandle;
// '-1' is used as an error return value!
#define ALL_WINDOWS (-2)
#define ALL_TILED_WINDOWS (-3)
class cOsdBase {
int numWindows;
int x0, y0;
cWindow *window[MAXNUMWINDOWS];
cWindow *GetWindow(int x, int y);
cWindow *GetWindow(tWindowHandle Window);
cWindow *GetWindowNr(int i) { return i < MAXNUMWINDOWS ? window[i] : NULL; }
int NumWindows(void) { return numWindows; }
int X0(void) { return x0; }
int Y0(void) { return y0; }
virtual bool OpenWindow(cWindow *Window) = 0;
// Opens the window on the OSD hardware, without actually showing it (the
// initial state shall be "hidden").
virtual void CommitWindow(cWindow *Window) = 0;
// Write any modified data and color definitions to the OSD hardware.
// Use the window's Dirty() function to find out which area of data
// actually needs to be transferred. If the window has not yet been explicitly
// shown through a call to ShowWindow(), no visible activity shall take place.
virtual void ShowWindow(cWindow *Window) = 0;
// Make the window actually visible on the OSD hardware.
virtual void HideWindow(cWindow *Window, bool Hide) = 0;
// Temporarily hide the window (if 'Hide' is 'true') or make a previously
// hidden window visible again (if 'Hide' is 'false').
virtual void MoveWindow(cWindow *Window, int x, int y) = 0;
// Move the window to a new location.
virtual void CloseWindow(cWindow *Window) = 0;
// Close the window and release any OSD hardware resources allocated for it.
cOsdBase(int x, int y);
// Initializes the OSD, starting at screen coordinates (x, y).
virtual ~cOsdBase();
// Destroys all windows and shuts down the OSD.
tWindowHandle Create(int x, int y, int w, int h, int Bpp, bool ClearWithBackground = true, bool Tiled = true);
// Creates a window at coordinates (x, y), which are relative to the OSD's
// origin given in the constructor, with the given width, height and color
// depth. ClearWithBackground controls whether the window will be filled with
// clrBackground when it is cleared. Setting this to 'false' may be useful
// for windows that don't need clrBackground but want to save this color
// palette entry for a different color. Tiled controls whether this will
// be part of a multi section OSD (with several windows that all have
// different color depths and palettes and form one large OSD area), or
// whether this is a "standalone" window that will be drawn "in front"
// of any windows defined *after* this one (this can be used for highlighting
// certain parts of the OSD, as would be done in a 'cursor').
// Returns a handle that can be used to identify this window.
void AddColor(eDvbColor Color, tWindowHandle Window = LAST_CREATED_WINDOW);
// Adds the Color to the color palette of the given window if it is not
// already contained in the palette (and if the palette still has free
// slots for new colors). The default value LAST_CREATED_WINDOW will
// access the most recently created window, without the need of explicitly
// using a window handle.
void Flush(void);
// Actually commits all data of all windows to the OSD.
void Clear(tWindowHandle Window = ALL_TILED_WINDOWS);
// Clears the given window. If ALL_TILED_WINDOWS is given, only the tiled
// windows will be cleared, leaving the standalone windows untouched. If
// ALL_WINDOWS is given, the standalone windows will also be cleared.
void Fill(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, eDvbColor Color, tWindowHandle Window = ALL_TILED_WINDOWS);
// Fills the rectangle defined by the upper left (x1, y2) and lower right
// (x2, y2) corners with the given Color. If a specific window is given,
// the coordinates are relative to that window's upper left corner.
// Otherwise they are relative to the upper left corner of the entire OSD.
// If all tiled windows are selected, only that window which contains the
// point (x1, y1) will actually be filled.
void SetBitmap(int x, int y, const cBitmap &Bitmap, tWindowHandle Window = ALL_TILED_WINDOWS);
// Sets the pixels within the given window with the data from the given
// Bitmap. See Fill() for details about the coordinates.
int Width(unsigned char c);
// Returns the width (in pixels) of the given character in the current font.
int Width(const char *s);
// Returns the width (in pixels) of the given string in the current font.
eDvbFont SetFont(eDvbFont Font);
// Sets the current font for subsequent Width() and Text() operations.
void Text(int x, int y, const char *s, eDvbColor ColorFg = clrWhite, eDvbColor ColorBg = clrBackground, tWindowHandle Window = ALL_TILED_WINDOWS);
// Writes the given string at coordinates (x, y) with the given foreground
// and background color into the given window (see Fill() for details
// about the coordinates).
void Relocate(tWindowHandle Window, int x, int y, int NewWidth = -1, int NewHeight = -1);
// Moves the given window to the new location at (x, y). If NewWidth and
// NewHeight are also given, the window will also be resized to the new
// width and height.
void Hide(tWindowHandle Window);
// Hides the given window.
void Show(tWindowHandle Window);
// Shows the given window.
#endif //__OSDBASE_H