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* channels.h: Channel handling
* See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and
* how to reach the author.
* $Id: channels.h 4.3 2017/06/10 15:06:40 kls Exp $
#ifndef __CHANNELS_H
#define __CHANNELS_H
#include "config.h"
#include "sources.h"
#include "thread.h"
#include "tools.h"
#define ISTRANSPONDER(f1, f2) (abs((f1) - (f2)) < 4) //XXX
#define CHANNELMOD_NONE 0x00
#define CHANNELMOD_NAME 0x01
#define CHANNELMOD_PIDS 0x02
#define CHANNELMOD_ID 0x04
#define CHANNELMOD_AUX 0x08
#define CHANNELMOD_CA 0x10
#define MAXAPIDS 32 // audio
#define MAXDPIDS 16 // dolby (AC3 + DTS)
#define MAXSPIDS 32 // subtitles
#define MAXCAIDS 12 // conditional access
#define MAXLANGCODE1 4 // a 3 letter language code, zero terminated
#define MAXLANGCODE2 8 // up to two 3 letter language codes, separated by '+' and zero terminated
#define CA_FTA 0x0000
#define CA_DVB_MIN 0x0001
#define CA_DVB_MAX 0x000F
#define CA_USER_MIN 0x0010
#define CA_USER_MAX 0x00FF
#define CA_ENCRYPTED_MIN 0x0100
struct tChannelID {
int source;
int nid; ///< actually the "original" network id
int tid;
int sid;
int rid;
tChannelID(void) { source = nid = tid = sid = rid = 0; }
tChannelID(int Source, int Nid, int Tid, int Sid, int Rid = 0) { source = Source; nid = Nid; tid = Tid; sid = Sid; rid = Rid; }
bool operator== (const tChannelID &arg) const { return source == arg.source && nid == arg.nid && tid == arg.tid && sid == arg.sid && rid == arg.rid; }
bool Valid(void) const { return (nid || tid) && sid; } // rid is optional and source may be 0//XXX source may not be 0???
tChannelID &ClrRid(void) { rid = 0; return *this; }
tChannelID &ClrPolarization(void);
int Source(void) const { return source; }
int Nid(void) const { return nid; }
int Tid(void) const { return tid; }
int Sid(void) const { return sid; }
int Rid(void) const { return rid; }
static tChannelID FromString(const char *s);
cString ToString(void) const;
static const tChannelID InvalidID;
class cChannel;
class cLinkChannel : public cListObject {
cChannel *channel;
cLinkChannel(cChannel *Channel) { channel = Channel; }
cChannel *Channel(void) { return channel; }
class cLinkChannels : public cList<cLinkChannel> {
class cSchedule;
class cChannels;
class cChannel : public cListObject {
friend class cSchedules;
friend class cMenuEditChannel;
friend class cDvbSourceParam;
static cString ToText(const cChannel *Channel);
char *name;
char *shortName;
char *provider;
char *portalName;
int __BeginData__;
int frequency; // MHz
int source;
int srate;
int vpid;
int ppid;
int vtype;
int apids[MAXAPIDS + 1]; // list is zero-terminated
int atypes[MAXAPIDS + 1]; // list is zero-terminated
int dpids[MAXDPIDS + 1]; // list is zero-terminated
int dtypes[MAXAPIDS + 1]; // list is zero-terminated
int spids[MAXSPIDS + 1]; // list is zero-terminated
uchar subtitlingTypes[MAXSPIDS];
uint16_t compositionPageIds[MAXSPIDS];
uint16_t ancillaryPageIds[MAXSPIDS];
int tpid;
int caids[MAXCAIDS + 1]; // list is zero-terminated
int nid;
int tid;
int sid;
int rid;
int lcn; // Logical channel number assigned by data stream (or -1 if not available)
int number; // Sequence number assigned on load
bool groupSep;
int __EndData__;
mutable cString nameSource;
mutable int nameSourceMode;
mutable cString shortNameSource;
cString parameters;
mutable int modification;
time_t seen; // When this channel was last seen in the SDT of its transponder
mutable const cSchedule *schedule;
cLinkChannels *linkChannels;
cChannel *refChannel;
cString TransponderDataToString(void) const;
cChannel(const cChannel &Channel);
cChannel& operator= (const cChannel &Channel);
cString ToText(void) const;
bool Parse(const char *s);
bool Save(FILE *f);
const char *Name(void) const;
const char *ShortName(bool OrName = false) const;
const char *Provider(void) const { return provider; }
const char *PortalName(void) const { return portalName; }
int Frequency(void) const { return frequency; } ///< Returns the actual frequency, as given in 'channels.conf'
int Transponder(void) const; ///< Returns the transponder frequency in MHz, plus the polarization in case of sat
static int Transponder(int Frequency, char Polarization); ///< builds the transponder from the given Frequency and Polarization
int Source(void) const { return source; }
int Srate(void) const { return srate; }
int Vpid(void) const { return vpid; }
int Ppid(void) const { return ppid; }
int Vtype(void) const { return vtype; }
const int *Apids(void) const { return apids; }
const int *Dpids(void) const { return dpids; }
const int *Spids(void) const { return spids; }
int Apid(int i) const { return (0 <= i && i < MAXAPIDS) ? apids[i] : 0; }
int Dpid(int i) const { return (0 <= i && i < MAXDPIDS) ? dpids[i] : 0; }
int Spid(int i) const { return (0 <= i && i < MAXSPIDS) ? spids[i] : 0; }
const char *Alang(int i) const { return (0 <= i && i < MAXAPIDS) ? alangs[i] : ""; }
const char *Dlang(int i) const { return (0 <= i && i < MAXDPIDS) ? dlangs[i] : ""; }
const char *Slang(int i) const { return (0 <= i && i < MAXSPIDS) ? slangs[i] : ""; }
int Atype(int i) const { return (0 <= i && i < MAXAPIDS) ? atypes[i] : 0; }
int Dtype(int i) const { return (0 <= i && i < MAXDPIDS) ? dtypes[i] : 0; }
uchar SubtitlingType(int i) const { return (0 <= i && i < MAXSPIDS) ? subtitlingTypes[i] : uchar(0); }
uint16_t CompositionPageId(int i) const { return (0 <= i && i < MAXSPIDS) ? compositionPageIds[i] : uint16_t(0); }
uint16_t AncillaryPageId(int i) const { return (0 <= i && i < MAXSPIDS) ? ancillaryPageIds[i] : uint16_t(0); }
int Tpid(void) const { return tpid; }
const int *Caids(void) const { return caids; }
int Ca(int Index = 0) const { return Index < MAXCAIDS ? caids[Index] : 0; }
int Nid(void) const { return nid; }
int Tid(void) const { return tid; }
int Sid(void) const { return sid; }
int Rid(void) const { return rid; }
int Lcn(void) const { return lcn; }
int Number(void) const { return number; }
void SetNumber(int Number) { number = Number; }
bool GroupSep(void) const { return groupSep; }
const char *Parameters(void) const { return parameters; }
const cLinkChannels* LinkChannels(void) const { return linkChannels; }
const cChannel *RefChannel(void) const { return refChannel; }
bool IsAtsc(void) const { return cSource::IsAtsc(source); }
bool IsCable(void) const { return cSource::IsCable(source); }
bool IsSat(void) const { return cSource::IsSat(source); }
bool IsTerr(void) const { return cSource::IsTerr(source); }
bool IsSourceType(char Source) const { return cSource::IsType(source, Source); }
tChannelID GetChannelID(void) const { return tChannelID(source, nid, (nid || tid) ? tid : Transponder(), sid, rid); }
int Modification(int Mask = CHANNELMOD_ALL) const;
time_t Seen(void) const { return seen; }
void CopyTransponderData(const cChannel *Channel);
bool SetTransponderData(int Source, int Frequency, int Srate, const char *Parameters, bool Quiet = false);
bool SetSource(int Source);
bool SetId(cChannels *Channels, int Nid, int Tid, int Sid, int Rid = 0);
bool SetLcn(int Lcn);
bool SetName(const char *Name, const char *ShortName, const char *Provider);
bool SetPortalName(const char *PortalName);
bool SetPids(int Vpid, int Ppid, int Vtype, int *Apids, int *Atypes, char ALangs[][MAXLANGCODE2], int *Dpids, int *Dtypes, char DLangs[][MAXLANGCODE2], int *Spids, char SLangs[][MAXLANGCODE2], int Tpid);
bool SetCaIds(const int *CaIds); // list must be zero-terminated
bool SetCaDescriptors(int Level);
bool SetLinkChannels(cLinkChannels *LinkChannels);
void SetRefChannel(cChannel *RefChannel);
bool SetSubtitlingDescriptors(uchar *SubtitlingTypes, uint16_t *CompositionPageIds, uint16_t *AncillaryPageIds);
void SetSeen(void);
void DelLinkChannel(cChannel *LinkChannel);
class cChannels : public cConfig<cChannel> {
static cChannels channels;
static int maxNumber;
static int maxChannelNameLength;
static int maxShortChannelNameLength;
int modifiedByUser;
cHash<cChannel> channelsHashSid;
void DeleteDuplicateChannels(void);
static const cChannels *GetChannelsRead(cStateKey &StateKey, int TimeoutMs = 0);
///< Gets the list of channels for read access.
///< See cTimers::GetTimersRead() for details.
static cChannels *GetChannelsWrite(cStateKey &StateKey, int TimeoutMs = 0);
///< Gets the list of channels for write access.
///< See cTimers::GetTimersWrite() for details.
static bool Load(const char *FileName, bool AllowComments = false, bool MustExist = false);
void HashChannel(cChannel *Channel);
void UnhashChannel(cChannel *Channel);
int GetNextGroup(int Idx) const; ///< Get next channel group
int GetPrevGroup(int Idx) const; ///< Get previous channel group
int GetNextNormal(int Idx) const; ///< Get next normal channel (not group)
int GetPrevNormal(int Idx) const; ///< Get previous normal channel (not group)
void ReNumber(void); ///< Recalculate 'number' based on channel type
void Del(cChannel *Channel); ///< Delete the given Channel from the list
const cChannel *GetByNumber(int Number, int SkipGap = 0) const;
cChannel *GetByNumber(int Number, int SkipGap = 0) { return const_cast<cChannel *>(static_cast<const cChannels *>(this)->GetByNumber(Number, SkipGap)); }
const cChannel *GetByServiceID(int Source, int Transponder, unsigned short ServiceID) const;
cChannel *GetByServiceID(int Source, int Transponder, unsigned short ServiceID) { return const_cast<cChannel *>(static_cast<const cChannels *>(this)->GetByServiceID(Source, Transponder, ServiceID)); }
const cChannel *GetByChannelID(tChannelID ChannelID, bool TryWithoutRid = false, bool TryWithoutPolarization = false) const;
cChannel *GetByChannelID(tChannelID ChannelID, bool TryWithoutRid = false, bool TryWithoutPolarization = false) { return const_cast<cChannel *>(static_cast<const cChannels *>(this)->GetByChannelID(ChannelID, TryWithoutRid, TryWithoutPolarization)); }
const cChannel *GetByTransponderID(tChannelID ChannelID) const;
cChannel *GetByTransponderID(tChannelID ChannelID) { return const_cast<cChannel *>(static_cast<const cChannels *>(this)->GetByTransponderID(ChannelID)); }
bool HasUniqueChannelID(const cChannel *NewChannel, const cChannel *OldChannel = NULL) const;
bool SwitchTo(int Number) const;
static int MaxNumber(void) { return maxNumber; }
static int MaxChannelNameLength(void);
static int MaxShortChannelNameLength(void);
void SetModifiedByUser(void);
bool ModifiedByUser(int &State) const;
///< Returns true if the channels have been modified by the user since the last call
///< to this function with the same State variable. State must be initialized with 0
///< and will be set to the current value of the list's internal state variable upon
///< return from this function.
cChannel *NewChannel(const cChannel *Transponder, const char *Name, const char *ShortName, const char *Provider, int Nid, int Tid, int Sid, int Rid = 0);
bool MarkObsoleteChannels(int Source, int Nid, int Tid);
// Provide lock controlled access to the list:
// These macros provide a convenient way of locking the global channels list
// and making sure the lock is released as soon as the current scope is left
// (note that these macros wait forever to obtain the lock!):
cString ChannelString(const cChannel *Channel, int Number);
#endif //__CHANNELS_H