2001-10-19 13:22:24 +02:00

1074 lines
28 KiB

eit.c - description
begin : Fri Aug 25 2000
copyright : (C) 2000 by Robert Schneider
email : Robert.Schneider@web.de
2001-08-15: Adapted to 'libdtv' by Rolf Hakenes <hakenes@hippomi.de>
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* $Id: eit.c 1.28 2001/10/19 13:13:25 kls Exp $
#include "eit.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <fstream.h>
#include <iomanip.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/poll.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "config.h"
#include "libdtv/libdtv.h"
#include "videodir.h"
// --- cMJD ------------------------------------------------------------------
class cMJD {
cMJD(u_char date_hi, u_char date_lo);
cMJD(u_char date_hi, u_char date_lo, u_char timehr, u_char timemi, u_char timese);
/** */
void ConvertToTime();
/** */
bool SetSystemTime();
/** */
time_t GetTime_t();
protected: // Protected attributes
/** */
time_t mjdtime;
protected: // Protected attributes
/** */
u_char time_second;
protected: // Protected attributes
/** */
u_char time_minute;
protected: // Protected attributes
/** */
u_char time_hour;
protected: // Protected attributes
/** */
u_short mjd;
cMJD::cMJD(u_char date_hi, u_char date_lo)
mjd = date_hi << 8 | date_lo;
time_hour = time_minute = time_second = 0;
cMJD::cMJD(u_char date_hi, u_char date_lo, u_char timehr, u_char timemi, u_char timese)
mjd = date_hi << 8 | date_lo;
time_hour = timehr;
time_minute = timemi;
time_second = timese;
/** */
void cMJD::ConvertToTime()
struct tm t;
t.tm_sec = time_second;
t.tm_min = time_minute;
t.tm_hour = time_hour;
int k;
t.tm_year = (int) ((mjd - 15078.2) / 365.25);
t.tm_mon = (int) ((mjd - 14956.1 - (int)(t.tm_year * 365.25)) / 30.6001);
t.tm_mday = (int) (mjd - 14956 - (int)(t.tm_year * 365.25) - (int)(t.tm_mon * 30.6001));
k = (t.tm_mon == 14 || t.tm_mon == 15) ? 1 : 0;
t.tm_year = t.tm_year + k;
t.tm_mon = t.tm_mon - 1 - k * 12;
t.tm_isdst = -1;
t.tm_gmtoff = 0;
mjdtime = timegm(&t);
//isyslog(LOG_INFO, "Time parsed = %s\n", ctime(&mjdtime));
/** */
bool cMJD::SetSystemTime()
struct tm *ptm;
time_t loctim;
struct tm tm_r;
ptm = localtime_r(&mjdtime, &tm_r);
loctim = time(NULL);
if (abs(mjdtime - loctim) > 2)
isyslog(LOG_INFO, "System Time = %s (%ld)\n", ctime(&loctim), loctim);
isyslog(LOG_INFO, "Local Time = %s (%ld)\n", ctime(&mjdtime), mjdtime);
if (stime(&mjdtime) < 0)
esyslog(LOG_ERR, "ERROR while setting system time: %m");
return true;
return false;
/** */
time_t cMJD::GetTime_t()
return mjdtime;
// --- cTDT ------------------------------------------------------------------
class cTDT {
cTDT(tdt_t *ptdt);
/** */
bool SetSystemTime();
protected: // Protected attributes
/** */
tdt_t tdt;
/** */
cMJD mjd; // kls 2001-03-02: made this a member instead of a pointer (it wasn't deleted in the destructor!)
#define BCD2DEC(b) (((b >> 4) & 0x0F) * 10 + (b & 0x0F))
cTDT::cTDT(tdt_t *ptdt)
,mjd(tdt.utc_mjd_hi, tdt.utc_mjd_lo, BCD2DEC(tdt.utc_time_h), BCD2DEC(tdt.utc_time_m), BCD2DEC(tdt.utc_time_s))
/** */
bool cTDT::SetSystemTime()
return mjd.SetSystemTime();
// --- cEventInfo ------------------------------------------------------------
cEventInfo::cEventInfo(unsigned short serviceid, unsigned short eventid)
pTitle = NULL;
pSubtitle = NULL;
pExtendedDescription = NULL;
bIsPresent = bIsFollowing = false;
lDuration = 0;
tTime = 0;
uEventID = eventid;
uServiceID = serviceid;
nChannelNumber = 0;
delete pTitle;
delete pSubtitle;
delete pExtendedDescription;
/** */
const char * cEventInfo::GetTitle() const
return pTitle;
/** */
const char * cEventInfo::GetSubtitle() const
return pSubtitle;
/** */
const char * cEventInfo::GetExtendedDescription() const
return pExtendedDescription;
/** */
bool cEventInfo::IsPresent() const
return bIsPresent;
/** */
void cEventInfo::SetPresent(bool pres)
bIsPresent = pres;
/** */
bool cEventInfo::IsFollowing() const
return bIsFollowing;
/** */
void cEventInfo::SetFollowing(bool foll)
bIsFollowing = foll;
/** */
const char * cEventInfo::GetDate() const
static char szDate[25];
struct tm tm_r;
strftime(szDate, sizeof(szDate), "%d.%m.%Y", localtime_r(&tTime, &tm_r));
return szDate;
/** */
const char * cEventInfo::GetTimeString() const
static char szTime[25];
struct tm tm_r;
strftime(szTime, sizeof(szTime), "%R", localtime_r(&tTime, &tm_r));
return szTime;
/** */
const char * cEventInfo::GetEndTimeString() const
static char szEndTime[25];
time_t tEndTime = tTime + lDuration;
struct tm tm_r;
strftime(szEndTime, sizeof(szEndTime), "%R", localtime_r(&tEndTime, &tm_r));
return szEndTime;
/** */
time_t cEventInfo::GetTime() const
return tTime;
/** */
long cEventInfo::GetDuration() const
return lDuration;
/** */
unsigned short cEventInfo::GetEventID() const
return uEventID;
/** */
void cEventInfo::SetTitle(const char *string)
pTitle = strcpyrealloc(pTitle, string);
/** */
void cEventInfo::SetSubtitle(const char *string)
pSubtitle = strcpyrealloc(pSubtitle, string);
/** */
void cEventInfo::SetExtendedDescription(const char *string)
pExtendedDescription = strcpyrealloc(pExtendedDescription, string);
/** */
void cEventInfo::SetTime(time_t t)
tTime = t;
/** */
void cEventInfo::SetDuration(long l)
lDuration = l;
/** */
void cEventInfo::SetEventID(unsigned short evid)
uEventID = evid;
/** */
void cEventInfo::SetServiceID(unsigned short servid)
uServiceID = servid;
/** */
unsigned short cEventInfo::GetServiceID() const
return uServiceID;
/** */
void cEventInfo::Dump(FILE *f, const char *Prefix) const
if (tTime + lDuration >= time(NULL)) {
fprintf(f, "%sE %u %ld %ld\n", Prefix, uEventID, tTime, lDuration);
if (!isempty(pTitle))
fprintf(f, "%sT %s\n", Prefix, pTitle);
if (!isempty(pSubtitle))
fprintf(f, "%sS %s\n", Prefix, pSubtitle);
if (!isempty(pExtendedDescription))
fprintf(f, "%sD %s\n", Prefix, pExtendedDescription);
fprintf(f, "%se\n", Prefix);
void cEventInfo::FixEpgBugs(void)
// VDR can't usefully handle newline characters in the EPG data, so let's
// always convert them to blanks (independent of the setting of EPGBugfixLevel):
strreplace(pTitle, '\n', ' ');
strreplace(pSubtitle, '\n', ' ');
strreplace(pExtendedDescription, '\n', ' ');
if (Setup.EPGBugfixLevel == 0)
// Some TV stations apparently have their own idea about how to fill in the
// EPG data. Let's fix their bugs as good as we can:
if (pTitle) {
// Pro7 preceeds the Subtitle with the Title:
// Title
// Title / Subtitle
if (pSubtitle && strstr(pSubtitle, pTitle) == pSubtitle) {
char *p = pSubtitle + strlen(pTitle);
const char *delim = " / ";
if (strstr(p, delim) == p) {
p += strlen(delim);
memmove(pSubtitle, p, strlen(p) + 1);
// VOX and VIVA put the Subtitle in quotes and use either the Subtitle
// or the Extended Description field, depending on how long the string is:
// Title
// "Subtitle". Extended Description
if ((pSubtitle == NULL) != (pExtendedDescription == NULL)) {
char *p = pSubtitle ? pSubtitle : pExtendedDescription;
if (*p == '"') {
const char *delim = "\".";
char *e = strstr(p + 1, delim);
if (e) {
*e = 0;
char *s = strdup(p + 1);
char *d = strdup(e + strlen(delim));
delete pSubtitle;
delete pExtendedDescription;
pSubtitle = s;
pExtendedDescription = d;
// VOX and VIVA put the Extended Description into the Subtitle (preceeded
// by a blank) if there is no actual Subtitle and the Extended Description
// is short enough:
// Title
// Extended Description
if (pSubtitle && !pExtendedDescription) {
if (*pSubtitle == ' ') {
memmove(pSubtitle, pSubtitle + 1, strlen(pSubtitle));
pExtendedDescription = pSubtitle;
pSubtitle = NULL;
// Pro7 sometimes repeats the Title in the Subtitle:
// Title
// Title
if (pSubtitle && strcmp(pTitle, pSubtitle) == 0) {
delete pSubtitle;
pSubtitle = NULL;
// ZDF.info puts the Subtitle between double quotes, which is nothing
// but annoying (some even put a '.' after the closing '"'):
// Title
// "Subtitle"[.]
if (pSubtitle && *pSubtitle == '"') {
int l = strlen(pSubtitle);
if (l > 2 && (pSubtitle[l - 1] == '"' || (pSubtitle[l - 1] == '.' && pSubtitle[l - 2] == '"'))) {
memmove(pSubtitle, pSubtitle + 1, l);
char *p = strrchr(pSubtitle, '"');
if (p)
*p = 0;
if (Setup.EPGBugfixLevel <= 1)
// Some channels apparently try to do some formatting in the texts,
// which is a bad idea because they have no way of knowing the width
// of the window that will actually display the text.
// Remove excess whitespace:
pTitle = compactspace(pTitle);
pSubtitle = compactspace(pSubtitle);
pExtendedDescription = compactspace(pExtendedDescription);
// Remove superfluous hyphens:
if (pExtendedDescription) {
char *p = pExtendedDescription + 1;
while (*p) {
if (*p == '-' && *(p + 1) == ' ' && *(p + 2) && islower(*(p - 1)) && islower(*(p + 2))) {
if (!startswith(p + 2, "und ")) // special case in German, as in "Lach- und Sachgeschichten"
memmove(p, p + 2, strlen(p + 2) + 1);
// Some channels use the ` ("backtick") character, where a ' (single quote)
// would be normally used. Actually, "backticks" in normal text don't make
// much sense, so let's replace them:
strreplace(pTitle, '`', '\'');
strreplace(pSubtitle, '`', '\'');
strreplace(pExtendedDescription, '`', '\'');
if (Setup.EPGBugfixLevel <= 2)
// Pro7 and Kabel1 apparently are unable to use a calendar/clock,
// because all events between 00:00 and 06:00 have the date of the
// day before (sometimes even this correction doesn't help).
// Channels are recognized by their ServiceID, which may only work
// correctly on the ASTRA satellite system.
if (uServiceID == 898 // Pro-7
|| uServiceID == 899) { // Kabel 1
struct tm tm_r;
tm *t = localtime_r(&tTime, &tm_r);
if (t->tm_hour * 3600 + t->tm_min * 60 + t->tm_sec <= 6 * 3600)
tTime += 24 * 3600;
// --- cSchedule -------------------------------------------------------------
cSchedule::cSchedule(unsigned short servid)
pPresent = pFollowing = NULL;
uServiceID = servid;
/** */
const cEventInfo * cSchedule::GetPresentEvent() const
// checking temporal sanity of present event (kls 2000-11-01)
time_t now = time(NULL);
//XXX if (pPresent && !(pPresent->GetTime() <= now && now <= pPresent->GetTime() + pPresent->GetDuration()))
cEventInfo *pe = Events.First();
while (pe != NULL)
if (pe->GetTime() <= now && now <= pe->GetTime() + pe->GetDuration())
return pe;
pe = Events.Next(pe);
return NULL;//XXX
return pPresent;
/** */
const cEventInfo * cSchedule::GetFollowingEvent() const
// checking temporal sanity of following event (kls 2000-11-01)
time_t now = time(NULL);
const cEventInfo *pr = GetPresentEvent(); // must have it verified!
if (pr)//XXX if (pFollowing && !(pr && pr->GetTime() + pr->GetDuration() <= pFollowing->GetTime()))
int minDt = INT_MAX;
cEventInfo *pe = Events.First(), *pf = NULL;
while (pe != NULL)
int dt = pe->GetTime() - now;
if (dt > 0 && dt < minDt)
minDt = dt;
pf = pe;
pe = Events.Next(pe);
return pf;
return NULL;//XXX
return pFollowing;
/** */
void cSchedule::SetServiceID(unsigned short servid)
uServiceID = servid;
/** */
unsigned short cSchedule::GetServiceID() const
return uServiceID;
/** */
const cEventInfo * cSchedule::GetEvent(unsigned short uEventID) const
cEventInfo *pe = Events.First();
while (pe != NULL)
if (pe->GetEventID() == uEventID)
return pe;
pe = Events.Next(pe);
return NULL;
/** */
const cEventInfo * cSchedule::GetEvent(time_t tTime) const
cEventInfo *pe = Events.First();
while (pe != NULL)
if (pe->GetTime() <= tTime && tTime <= pe->GetTime() + pe->GetDuration())
return pe;
pe = Events.Next(pe);
return NULL;
/** */
bool cSchedule::SetPresentEvent(cEventInfo *pEvent)
if (pPresent != NULL)
pPresent = pEvent;
return true;
/** */
bool cSchedule::SetFollowingEvent(cEventInfo *pEvent)
if (pFollowing != NULL)
pFollowing = pEvent;
return true;
/** */
void cSchedule::Cleanup()
/** */
void cSchedule::Cleanup(time_t tTime)
cEventInfo *pEvent;
for (int a = 0; true ; a++)
pEvent = Events.Get(a);
if (pEvent == NULL)
if (pEvent->GetTime() + pEvent->GetDuration() + 3600 < tTime) // adding one hour for safety
/** */
void cSchedule::Dump(FILE *f, const char *Prefix) const
cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByServiceID(uServiceID);
if (channel)
fprintf(f, "%sC %u %s\n", Prefix, uServiceID, channel->name);
for (cEventInfo *p = Events.First(); p; p = Events.Next(p))
p->Dump(f, Prefix);
fprintf(f, "%sc\n", Prefix);
// --- cSchedules ------------------------------------------------------------
pCurrentSchedule = NULL;
uCurrentServiceID = 0;
/** */
bool cSchedules::SetCurrentServiceID(unsigned short servid)
pCurrentSchedule = GetSchedule(servid);
if (pCurrentSchedule == NULL)
Add(new cSchedule(servid));
pCurrentSchedule = GetSchedule(servid);
if (pCurrentSchedule == NULL)
return false;
uCurrentServiceID = servid;
return true;
/** */
const cSchedule * cSchedules::GetSchedule() const
return pCurrentSchedule;
/** */
const cSchedule * cSchedules::GetSchedule(unsigned short servid) const
cSchedule *p;
p = First();
while (p != NULL)
if (p->GetServiceID() == servid)
return p;
p = Next(p);
return NULL;
/** */
void cSchedules::Cleanup()
cSchedule *p;
p = First();
while (p != NULL)
p = Next(p);
/** */
void cSchedules::Dump(FILE *f, const char *Prefix) const
for (cSchedule *p = First(); p; p = Next(p))
p->Dump(f, Prefix);
// --- cEIT ------------------------------------------------------------------
class cEIT {
cSchedules *schedules;
cEIT(unsigned char *buf, int length, cSchedules *Schedules);
/** */
int ProcessEIT(unsigned char *buffer);
protected: // Protected methods
/** returns true if this EIT covers a
present/following information, false if it's
schedule information */
bool IsPresentFollowing();
protected: // Protected attributes
/** Table ID of this EIT struct */
u_char tid;
cEIT::cEIT(unsigned char * buf, int length, cSchedules *Schedules)
tid = buf[0];
schedules = Schedules;
/** */
int cEIT::ProcessEIT(unsigned char *buffer)
cEventInfo *pEvent, *rEvent = NULL;
cSchedule *pSchedule, *rSchedule = NULL;
struct LIST *VdrProgramInfos;
struct VdrProgramInfo *VdrProgramInfo;
if (!buffer)
return -1;
VdrProgramInfos = createVdrProgramInfos(buffer);
if (VdrProgramInfos) {
for (VdrProgramInfo = (struct VdrProgramInfo *) VdrProgramInfos->Head; VdrProgramInfo; VdrProgramInfo = (struct VdrProgramInfo *) xSucc (VdrProgramInfo)) {
pSchedule = (cSchedule *)schedules->GetSchedule(VdrProgramInfo->ServiceID);
if (!pSchedule) {
schedules->Add(new cSchedule(VdrProgramInfo->ServiceID));
pSchedule = (cSchedule *)schedules->GetSchedule(VdrProgramInfo->ServiceID);
if (!pSchedule)
if (VdrProgramInfo->ReferenceServiceID) {
rSchedule = (cSchedule *)schedules->GetSchedule(VdrProgramInfo->ReferenceServiceID);
if (!rSchedule)
rEvent = (cEventInfo *)rSchedule->GetEvent((unsigned short)VdrProgramInfo->ReferenceEventID);
if (!rEvent)
pEvent = (cEventInfo *)pSchedule->GetEvent((unsigned short)VdrProgramInfo->EventID);
if (!pEvent) {
// If we don't have that event ID yet, we create a new one.
// Otherwise we copy the information into the existing event anyway, because the data might have changed.
pSchedule->Events.Add(new cEventInfo(VdrProgramInfo->ServiceID, VdrProgramInfo->EventID));
pEvent = (cEventInfo *)pSchedule->GetEvent((unsigned short)VdrProgramInfo->EventID);
if (!pEvent)
if (rEvent) {
else {
//XXX kls 2001-09-22:
//XXX apparently this never occurred, so I have simpified ExtendedDescription handling
//XXX pEvent->AddExtendedDescription(VdrProgramInfo->ExtendedText);
if (IsPresentFollowing()) {
if ((GetRunningStatus(VdrProgramInfo->Status) == RUNNING_STATUS_PAUSING) || (GetRunningStatus(VdrProgramInfo->Status) == RUNNING_STATUS_RUNNING))
else if (GetRunningStatus(VdrProgramInfo->Status) == RUNNING_STATUS_AWAITING)
return 0;
/** returns true if this EIT covers a
present/following information, false if it's
schedule information */
bool cEIT::IsPresentFollowing()
if (tid == 0x4e || tid == 0x4f)
return true;
return false;
// --- cSIProcessor ----------------------------------------------------------
#define MAX_FILTERS 20
#define EPGDATAFILENAME "epg.data"
int cSIProcessor::numSIProcessors = 0;
cSchedules *cSIProcessor::schedules = NULL;
cMutex cSIProcessor::schedulesMutex;
const char *cSIProcessor::epgDataFileName = EPGDATAFILENAME;
/** */
cSIProcessor::cSIProcessor(const char *FileName)
fileName = strdup(FileName);
masterSIProcessor = numSIProcessors == 0; // the first one becomes the 'master'
useTStime = false;
filters = NULL;
if (!numSIProcessors++) // the first one creates it
schedules = new cSchedules;
filters = (SIP_FILTER *)calloc(MAX_FILTERS, sizeof(SIP_FILTER));
active = false;
delete filters;
if (!--numSIProcessors) // the last one deletes it
delete schedules;
delete fileName;
void cSIProcessor::SetEpgDataFileName(const char *FileName)
epgDataFileName = NULL;
if (FileName)
epgDataFileName = strdup(DirectoryOk(FileName) ? AddDirectory(FileName, EPGDATAFILENAME) : FileName);
const char *cSIProcessor::GetEpgDataFileName(void)
if (epgDataFileName)
return *epgDataFileName == '/' ? epgDataFileName : AddDirectory(VideoDirectory, epgDataFileName);
return NULL;
void cSIProcessor::SetStatus(bool On)
if (On)
AddFilter(0x14, 0x70); // TDT
AddFilter(0x14, 0x73); // TOT
AddFilter(0x12, 0x4e); // event info, actual TS, present/following
AddFilter(0x12, 0x4f); // event info, other TS, present/following
AddFilter(0x12, 0x50); // event info, actual TS, schedule
AddFilter(0x12, 0x60); // event info, other TS, schedule
/** use the vbi device to parse all relevant SI
information and let the classes corresponding
to the tables write their information to the disk */
void cSIProcessor::Action()
dsyslog(LOG_INFO, "EIT processing thread started (pid=%d)%s", getpid(), masterSIProcessor ? " - master" : "");
time_t lastCleanup = time(NULL);
time_t lastDump = time(NULL);
active = true;
if (masterSIProcessor)
time_t now = time(NULL);
struct tm tm_r;
struct tm *ptm = localtime_r(&now, &tm_r);
if (now - lastCleanup > 3600 && ptm->tm_hour == 5)
isyslog(LOG_INFO, "cleaning up schedules data");
lastCleanup = now;
if (epgDataFileName && now - lastDump > 600)
FILE *f = fopen(GetEpgDataFileName(), "w");
if (f) {
lastDump = now;
// set up pfd structures for all active filter
pollfd pfd[MAX_FILTERS];
int NumUsedFilters = 0;
for (int a = 0; a < MAX_FILTERS ; a++)
if (filters[a].inuse)
pfd[NumUsedFilters].fd = filters[a].handle;
pfd[NumUsedFilters].events = POLLIN;
// wait until data becomes ready from the bitfilter
if (poll(pfd, NumUsedFilters, 1000) != 0)
for (int a = 0; a < NumUsedFilters ; a++)
if (pfd[a].revents & POLLIN)
/* read section */
unsigned char buf[4096+1]; // max. allowed size for any EIT section (+1 for safety ;-)
if (safe_read(filters[a].handle, buf, 3) == 3)
int seclen = ((buf[1] & 0x0F) << 8) | (buf[2] & 0xFF);
int pid = filters[a].pid;
int n = safe_read(filters[a].handle, buf + 3, seclen);
if (n == seclen)
seclen += 3;
//dsyslog(LOG_INFO, "Received pid 0x%02x with table ID 0x%02x and length of %04d\n", pid, buf[0], seclen);
switch (pid)
case 0x14:
if (buf[0] == 0x70)
if (useTStime)
cTDT ctdt((tdt_t *)buf);
/*XXX this comes pretty often:
dsyslog(LOG_INFO, "Time packet was not 0x70 but 0x%02x\n", (int)buf[0]);
case 0x12:
if (buf[0] != 0x72)
cEIT ceit(buf, seclen, schedules);
dsyslog(LOG_INFO, "Received stuffing section in EIT\n");
dsyslog(LOG_INFO, "read incomplete section - seclen = %d, n = %d", seclen, n);
dsyslog(LOG_INFO, "EIT processing thread ended (pid=%d)%s", getpid(), masterSIProcessor ? " - master" : "");
/** Add a filter with packet identifier pid and
table identifer tid */
bool cSIProcessor::AddFilter(u_char pid, u_char tid)
dmxSctFilterParams sctFilterParams;
sctFilterParams.pid = pid;
memset(&sctFilterParams.filter.filter, 0, DMX_FILTER_SIZE);
memset(&sctFilterParams.filter.mask, 0, DMX_FILTER_SIZE);
sctFilterParams.timeout = 0;
sctFilterParams.flags = DMX_IMMEDIATE_START;
sctFilterParams.filter.filter[0] = tid;
sctFilterParams.filter.mask[0] = 0xFF;
for (int a = 0; a < MAX_FILTERS; a++)
if (!filters[a].inuse)
filters[a].pid = pid;
filters[a].tid = tid;
if ((filters[a].handle = open(fileName, O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK)) >= 0)
if (ioctl(filters[a].handle, DMX_SET_FILTER, &sctFilterParams) >= 0)
filters[a].inuse = true;
esyslog(LOG_ERR, "ERROR: can't set filter");
return false;
// dsyslog(LOG_INFO, " Registered filter handle %04x, pid = %02d, tid = %02d", filters[a].handle, filters[a].pid, filters[a].tid);
esyslog(LOG_ERR, "ERROR: can't open filter handle");
return false;
return true;
esyslog(LOG_ERR, "ERROR: too many filters");
return false;
/** set whether local systems time should be
set by the received TDT or TOT packets */
bool cSIProcessor::SetUseTSTime(bool use)
useTStime = use;
return useTStime;
/** */
bool cSIProcessor::ShutDownFilters(void)
for (int a = 0; a < MAX_FILTERS; a++)
if (filters[a].inuse)
// dsyslog(LOG_INFO, "Deregistered filter handle %04x, pid = %02d, tid = %02d", filters[a].handle, filters[a].pid, filters[a].tid);
filters[a].inuse = false;
return true; // there's no real 'boolean' to return here...
/** */
bool cSIProcessor::SetCurrentServiceID(unsigned short servid)
return schedules ? schedules->SetCurrentServiceID(servid) : false;