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* timers.h: Timer handling
* See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and
* how to reach the author.
* $Id: timers.h 5.9 2022/11/20 10:57:31 kls Exp $
#ifndef __TIMERS_H
#define __TIMERS_H
#include "channels.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "epg.h"
#include "tools.h"
enum eTimerFlags { tfNone = 0x0000,
tfActive = 0x0001,
tfInstant = 0x0002,
tfVps = 0x0004,
tfRecording = 0x0008,
tfSpawned = 0x0010,
tfAvoid = 0x0020,
tfAll = 0xFFFF,
enum eTimerMatch { tmNone, tmPartial, tmFull };
class cTimers;
class cTimer : public cListObject {
friend class cMenuEditTimer;
int id;
mutable time_t startTime, stopTime; ///< the time_t value calculated from 'day', 'start' and 'stop'
int scheduleStateSet;
int scheduleStateSpawn;
int scheduleStateAdjust;
mutable time_t deferred; ///< Matches(time_t, ...) will return false if the current time is before this value
bool pending, inVpsMargin;
uint flags;
const cChannel *channel;
mutable time_t day; ///< midnight of the day this timer shall hit, or of the first day it shall hit in case of a repeating timer
int weekdays; ///< bitmask, lowest bits: SSFTWTM (the 'M' is the LSB)
int start; ///< the start and stop time of this timer as given by the user,
int stop; ///< in the form hhmm, with hh (00..23) and mm (00..59) added as hh*100+mm
int priority;
int lifetime;
mutable char pattern[NAME_MAX * 2 + 1]; // same size as 'file', to be able to initially fill 'pattern' with 'file' in the 'Edit timer' menu
mutable char file[NAME_MAX * 2 + 1]; // *2 to be able to hold 'title' and 'episode', which can each be up to 255 characters long
char *aux;
char *remote;
const cEvent *event;
cTimer(bool Instant = false, bool Pause = false, const cChannel *Channel = NULL);
cTimer(const cEvent *Event, const char *FileName = NULL, const cTimer *PatternTimer = NULL);
cTimer(const cTimer &Timer);
virtual ~cTimer();
cTimer& operator= (const cTimer &Timer);
void CalcMargins(int &MarginStart, int &MarginStop, const cEvent *Event);
virtual int Compare(const cListObject &ListObject) const;
int Id(void) const { return id; }
bool Recording(void) const { return HasFlags(tfRecording); }
bool Pending(void) const { return pending; }
bool InVpsMargin(void) const { return inVpsMargin; }
uint Flags(void) const { return flags; }
const cChannel *Channel(void) const { return channel; }
time_t Day(void) const { return day; }
int WeekDays(void) const { return weekdays; }
int Start(void) const { return start; }
int Stop(void) const { return stop; }
int Priority(void) const { return priority; }
int Lifetime(void) const { return lifetime; }
const char *Pattern(void) const { return pattern; }
const char *File(void) const { return file; }
time_t FirstDay(void) const { return weekdays ? day : 0; }
const char *Aux(void) const { return aux; }
const char *Remote(void) const { return remote; }
bool Local(void) const { return !remote; } // convenience
time_t Deferred(void) const { return deferred; }
cString PatternAndFile(void) const;
cString ToText(bool UseChannelID = false) const;
cString ToDescr(void) const;
const cEvent *Event(void) const { return event; }
bool Parse(const char *s);
bool Save(FILE *f);
bool IsSingleEvent(void) const;
static int GetMDay(time_t t);
static int GetWDay(time_t t);
bool DayMatches(time_t t) const;
static time_t IncDay(time_t t, int Days);
static time_t SetTime(time_t t, int SecondsFromMidnight);
void SetPattern(const char *Pattern);
void SetFile(const char *File);
bool IsPatternTimer(void) const { return *pattern; }
bool Matches(time_t t = 0, bool Directly = false, int Margin = 0) const;
eTimerMatch Matches(const cEvent *Event, int *Overlap = NULL) const;
bool Expired(void) const;
time_t StartTime(void) const; ///< the start time as given by the user
time_t StopTime(void) const; ///< the stop time as given by the user
time_t StartTimeEvent(void) const; ///< the start/stop times as given by the event (for VPS timers), by event plus margins (for spawned non-VPS timers),
time_t StopTimeEvent(void) const; ///< or by the user (for normal timers)
void SetId(int Id);
cTimer *SpawnPatternTimer(const cEvent *Event, cTimers *Timers);
bool SpawnPatternTimers(const cSchedules *Schedules, cTimers *Timers);
bool AdjustSpawnedTimer(void);
void TriggerRespawn(void);
bool SetEventFromSchedule(const cSchedules *Schedules);
bool SetEvent(const cEvent *Event);
void SetRecording(bool Recording);
void SetPending(bool Pending);
void SetInVpsMargin(bool InVpsMargin);
void SetDay(time_t Day);
void SetWeekDays(int WeekDays);
void SetStart(int Start);
void SetStop(int Stop);
void SetPriority(int Priority);
void SetLifetime(int Lifetime);
void SetAux(const char *Aux);
void SetRemote(const char *Remote);
void SetDeferred(int Seconds);
void SetFlags(uint Flags);
void ClrFlags(uint Flags);
void InvFlags(uint Flags);
bool HasFlags(uint Flags) const;
void Skip(void);
void OnOff(void);
cString PrintFirstDay(void) const;
static int TimeToInt(int t);
static bool ParseDay(const char *s, time_t &Day, int &WeekDays);
static cString PrintDay(time_t Day, int WeekDays, bool SingleByteChars);
class cTimers : public cConfig<cTimer> {
static cTimers timers;
static int lastTimerId;
time_t lastDeleteExpired;
static const cTimers *GetTimersRead(cStateKey &StateKey, int TimeoutMs = 0);
///< Gets the list of timers for read access. If TimeoutMs is given,
///< it will wait that long to get a read lock before giving up.
///< Otherwise it will wait indefinitely. If no read lock can be
///< obtained within the given timeout, NULL will be returned.
///< The list is locked and a pointer to it is returned if the state
///< of the list is different than the state of the given StateKey.
///< If both states are equal, the list of timers has not been modified
///< since the last call with the same StateKey, and NULL will be
///< returned (and the list is not locked). After the returned list of
///< timers is no longer needed, the StateKey's Remove() function must
///< be called to release the list. The time between calling
///< cTimers::GetTimersRead() and StateKey.Remove() should be as short
///< as possible. After calling StateKey.Remove() the list returned from
///< this call must not be accessed any more. If you need to access the
///< timers again later, a new call to GetTimersRead() must be made.
///< A typical code sequence would look like this:
///< cStateKey StateKey;
///< if (const cTimers *Timers = cTimers::GetTimersRead(StateKey)) {
///< // access the timers
///< StateKey.Remove();
///< }
static cTimers *GetTimersWrite(cStateKey &StateKey, int TimeoutMs = 0);
///< Gets the list of timers for write access. If TimeoutMs is given,
///< it will wait that long to get a write lock before giving up.
///< Otherwise it will wait indefinitely. If no write lock can be
///< obtained within the given timeout, NULL will be returned.
///< If a write lock can be obtained, the list of timers will be
///< returned, regardless of the state values of the timers or the
///< given StateKey. After the returned list of timers is no longer
///< needed, the StateKey's Remove() function must be called to release
///< the list. The time between calling cTimers::GetTimersWrite() and
///< StateKey.Remove() should be as short as possible. After calling
///< StateKey.Remove() the list returned from this call must not be
///< accessed any more. If you need to access the timers again later,
///< a new call to GetTimersWrite() must be made. The call
///< to StateKey.Remove() will increment the state of the list of
///< timers and will copy the new state value to the StateKey. You can
///< suppress this by using 'false' as the parameter to the call, in
///< which case the state values are left untouched.
///< A typical code sequence would look like this:
///< cStateKey StateKey;
///< if (cTimers *Timers = cTimers::GetTimersWrite(StateKey)) {
///< // access the timers
///< StateKey.Remove();
///< }
static bool Load(const char *FileName);
static int NewTimerId(void);
const cTimer *GetById(int Id, const char *Remote = NULL) const;
cTimer *GetById(int Id, const char *Remote = NULL) { return const_cast<cTimer *>(static_cast<const cTimers *>(this)->GetById(Id, Remote)); };
const cTimer *GetTimer(const cTimer *Timer) const;
cTimer *GetTimer(const cTimer *Timer) { return const_cast<cTimer *>(static_cast<const cTimers *>(this)->GetTimer(Timer)); };
const cTimer *GetMatch(time_t t) const;
cTimer *GetMatch(time_t t) { return const_cast<cTimer *>(static_cast<const cTimers *>(this)->GetMatch(t)); };
const cTimer *GetMatch(const cEvent *Event, eTimerMatch *Match = NULL) const;
cTimer *GetMatch(const cEvent *Event, eTimerMatch *Match = NULL) { return const_cast<cTimer *>(static_cast<const cTimers *>(this)->GetMatch(Event, Match)); }
const cTimer *GetTimerForEvent(const cEvent *Event, eTimerFlags Flags = tfNone) const;
int GetMaxPriority(void) const;
///< Returns the maximum priority of all local timers that are currently recording.
///< If there is no local timer currently recording, -1 is returned.
const cTimer *GetNextActiveTimer(void) const;
const cTimer *UsesChannel(const cChannel *Channel) const;
bool SetEvents(const cSchedules *Schedules);
bool SpawnPatternTimers(const cSchedules *Schedules);
bool AdjustSpawnedTimers(void);
bool DeleteExpired(bool Force);
void Add(cTimer *Timer, cTimer *After = NULL);
void Ins(cTimer *Timer, cTimer *Before = NULL);
void Del(cTimer *Timer, bool DeleteObject = true);
bool StoreRemoteTimers(const char *ServerName = NULL, const cStringList *RemoteTimers = NULL);
///< Stores the given list of RemoteTimers, which come from the VDR ServerName, in
///< this list. If no ServerName is given, all remote timers from all peer machines
///< will be removed from this list. If no RemoteTimers are given, only the remote
///< timers from ServerName will be removed from this list.
///< The given list of RemoteTimers must be sorted numerically (by a call to its
///< SortNumerically() function).
///< Returns true if any remote timers have been added, deleted or modified.
bool HandleRemoteTimerModifications(cTimer *NewTimer, cTimer *OldTimer = NULL, cString *Msg = NULL);
///< Performs any operations necessary to synchronize changes to a timer
///< between peer VDR machines. OldTimer must point to the old version
///< of the timer, while NewTimer points to the new version. If either
///< of the two is a remote timer, the necessary SVDRP commands are executed
///< to reflect the changes on the remote machine(s). If NewTimer is NULL,
///< OldTimer will be removed from the remote machine (if applicable).
///< If OldTimer is NULL, NewTimer will be added to the remote machine (if
///< applicable). If anything goes wrong, an error message is generated in the
///< optional Msg string, which should be presented to the user.
///< Any necessary local operations (like adding/deleting the timer to the
///< local list of timers etc.) must be done before and/or after the call to this
///< function. Proper log messages will be generated by this function, even
///< if no remote operations are required.
///< Returns true if successful.
// Provide lock controlled access to the list:
// These macros provide a convenient way of locking the global timers list
// and making sure the lock is released as soon as the current scope is left
// (note that these macros wait forever to obtain the lock!):
class cSortedTimers : public cVector<const cTimer *> {
cSortedTimers(const cTimers *Timers);
#endif //__TIMERS_H