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* device.h: The basic device interface
* See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and
* how to reach the author.
* $Id: device.h 1.5 2002/08/04 14:02:19 kls Exp $
#ifndef __DEVICE_H
#define __DEVICE_H
#include "thread.h"
#include "tools.h"
#define MAXDEVICES 16 // the maximum number of devices in the system
#define MAXCACAPS 16 // the maximum number of different CA values per device
#define MAXPIDHANDLES 16 // the maximum number of different PIDs per device
#define MAXRECEIVERS 16 // the maximum number of receivers per device
#define MAXVOLUME 255
#define VOLUMEDELTA 5 // used to increase/decrease the volume
#define TS_SIZE 188
#define TS_SYNC_BYTE 0x47
#define PID_MASK_HI 0x1F
enum eSetChannelResult { scrOk, scrNoTransfer, scrFailed };
class cChannel;
class cPlayer;
class cReceiver;
class cDevice : cThread {
static int numDevices;
static int useDevice;
static cDevice *device[MAXDEVICES];
static cDevice *primaryDevice;
static int NumDevices(void) { return numDevices; }
// Returns the total number of devices.
static void SetUseDevice(int n);
// Sets the 'useDevice' flag of the given device.
// If this function is not called before initializing, all devices
// will be used.
static bool UseDevice(int n) { return useDevice == 0 || (useDevice & (1 << n)) != 0; }
// Tells whether the device with the given card index shall be used in
// this instance of VDR.
static bool SetPrimaryDevice(int n);
// Sets the primary device to 'n' (which must be in the range
// 1...numDevices) and returns true if this was possible.
static cDevice *PrimaryDevice(void) { return primaryDevice; }
// Returns the primary device.
static cDevice *GetDevice(int Ca, int Priority, int Frequency = 0, int Vpid = 0, bool *ReUse = NULL);
// Selects a free device, avoiding the primaryDevice if possible.
// If Ca is not 0, the device with the given number will be returned
// in case Ca is <= MAXDEVICES, or the device that provides the given
// value in its caCaps.
// If there is a device that is already receiving and can be re-used to
// receive another data stream, that device will be returned.
// If all devices are currently receiving, the one receiving with the
// lowest priority (if any) that is lower than the given Priority
// will be returned.
// If ReUse is given, the caller will be informed whether the device can be re-used
// for a new recording. If ReUse returns 'true', the caller must NOT switch the channel
// (the device is already properly tuned). Otherwise the caller MUST switch the channel.
static void SetCaCaps(int Index = -1);
// Sets the CaCaps of the given device according to the Setup data.
// By default the CaCaps of all devices are set.
static void Shutdown(void);
// Closes down all devices.
// Must be called at the end of the program.
static int nextCardIndex;
int cardIndex;
int caCaps[MAXCACAPS];
virtual ~cDevice();
static int NextCardIndex(int n = 0);
// Each device in a given machine must have a unique card index, which
// will be used to identify the device for assigning Ca parameters and
// deciding whether to actually use that device in this particular
// instance of VDR. Every time a new cDevice is created, it will be
// given the current nextCardIndex, and then nextCardIndex will be
// automatically incremented by 1. A derived class can determine whether
// a given device shall be used by checking UseDevice(NextCardIndex()).
// If a device is skipped, or if there are possible device indexes left
// after a derived class has set up all its devices, NextCardIndex(n)
// must be called, where n is the number of card indexes to skip.
virtual void MakePrimaryDevice(bool On);
// Informs a device that it will be the primary device. If there is
// anything the device needs to set up when it becomes the primary
// device (On = true) or to shut down when it no longer is the primary
// device (On = false), it should do so in this function.
bool IsPrimaryDevice(void) const { return this == primaryDevice; }
int CardIndex(void) const { return cardIndex; }
// Returns the card index of this device (0 ... MAXDEVICES - 1).
int ProvidesCa(int Ca);
// Checks whether this device provides the given value in its
// caCaps. Returns 0 if the value is not provided, 1 if only this
// value is provided, and > 1 if this and other values are provided.
// If the given value is equal to the number of this device,
// 1 is returned. If it is 0 (FTA), 1 plus the number of other values
// in caCaps is returned.
virtual bool CanBeReUsed(int Frequency, int Vpid);//XXX TODO make it more abstract
// Tells whether this device is already receiving and allows another
// receiver with the given settings to be attached to it.
virtual bool HasDecoder(void) const;
// Tells whether this device has an MPEG decoder.
// Channel facilities
int currentChannel;
eSetChannelResult SetChannel(const cChannel *Channel);
// Sets the device to the given channel (general setup).
virtual bool SetChannelDevice(const cChannel *Channel);
// Sets the device to the given channel (actual physical setup).
static int CurrentChannel(void) { return primaryDevice ? primaryDevice->currentChannel : 0; }
// Returns the number of the current channel on the primary device.
int Channel(void) { return currentChannel; }
// Returns the number of the current channel on this device.
// PID handle facilities
bool active;
virtual void Action(void);
enum ePidType { ptVideo, ptAudio, ptTeletext, ptDolby, ptOther };
class cPidHandle {
int pid;
int handle;
int used;
cPidHandle(void) { pid = used = 0; handle = -1; }
cPidHandle pidHandles[MAXPIDHANDLES];
bool AddPid(int Pid, ePidType PidType = ptOther);
// Adds a PID to the set of PIDs this device shall receive.
void DelPid(int Pid);
// Deletes a PID from the set of PIDs this device shall receive.
virtual bool SetPid(cPidHandle *Handle, int Type, bool On);
// Does the actual PID setting on this device.
// On indicates whether the PID shall be added or deleted.
// Handle->handle can be used by the device to store information it
// needs to receive this PID (for instance a file handle).
// Handle->used indicated how many receivers are using this PID.
// Type indicates some special types of PIDs, which the device may
// need to set in a specific way.
// Image Grab facilities
virtual bool GrabImage(const char *FileName, bool Jpeg = true, int Quality = -1, int SizeX = -1, int SizeY = -1);
// Grabs the currently visible screen image into the given file, with the
// given parameters.
// Video format facilities
virtual void SetVideoFormat(bool VideoFormat16_9);
// Sets the output video format to either 16:9 or 4:3 (only useful
// if this device has an MPEG decoder).
// Volume facilities
bool mute;
int volume;
virtual void SetVolumeDevice(int Volume);
// Sets the audio volume on this device (Volume = 0...255).
bool IsMute(void) { return mute; }
bool ToggleMute(void);
// Turns the volume off or on and returns the new mute state.
void SetVolume(int Volume, bool Absolute = false);
// Sets the volume to the given value, either absolutely or relative to
// the current volume.
static int CurrentVolume(void) { return primaryDevice ? primaryDevice->volume : 0; }//XXX???
// Player facilities
cPlayer *player;
virtual int SetPlayMode(bool On);
// Sets the device into play mode (On = true) or normal
// viewing mode (On = false). If On is true, it may return a file
// handle that a player can use to poll this device when replaying.
//XXX TODO should be implemented differently
virtual void TrickSpeed(int Speed);
// Sets the device into a mode where replay is done slower.
// Every single frame shall then be displayed the given number of
// times.
virtual void Clear(void);
// Clears all video and audio data from the device.
virtual void Play(void);
// Sets the device into play mode (after a previous trick
// mode).
virtual void Freeze(void);
// Puts the device into "freeze frame" mode.
virtual void Mute(void);
// Turns off audio while replaying.
virtual void StillPicture(const uchar *Data, int Length);
// Displays the given I-frame as a still picture.
virtual int PlayVideo(const uchar *Data, int Length);
// Actually plays the given data block as video. The data must be
// part of a PES (Packetized Elementary Stream) which can contain
// one video and one audio strem.
virtual int PlayAudio(const uchar *Data, int Length);
// Plays additional audio streams, like Dolby Digital.
bool Replaying(void);
// Returns true if we are currently replaying.
void StopReplay(void);
// Stops the current replay session (if any).
bool AttachPlayer(cPlayer *Player);
// Attaches the given player to this device.
void Detach(cPlayer *Player);
// Detaches the given player from this device.
// Receiver facilities
cReceiver *receiver[MAXRECEIVERS];
int ca;
int Priority(void);
// Returns the priority of the current receiving session (0..MAXPRIORITY),
// or -1 if no receiver is currently active. The primary device will
// always return at least Setup.PrimaryLimit-1.
int CanShift(int Ca, int Priority, int UsedCards = 0);
virtual bool OpenDvr(void);
// Opens the DVR of this device and prepares it to deliver a Transport
// Stream for use in a cReceiver.
virtual void CloseDvr(void);
// Shuts down the DVR.
virtual int GetTSPacket(uchar *Data);
// Gets exactly one TS packet from the DVR of this device and copies it
// into the given memory area (which is exactly 188 bytes in size).
// Returns the number of bytes copied into Data (which must be 188).
// If there is currently no TS packet available, 0 should be returned.
// In case of a non recoverable error, returns -1.
int Ca(void) { return ca; }
// Returns the ca of the current receiving session.
bool Receiving(void);
// Returns true if we are currently receiving.
bool AttachReceiver(cReceiver *Receiver);
// Attaches the given receiver to this device.
void Detach(cReceiver *Receiver);
// Detaches the given receiver from this device.
#endif //__DEVICE_H