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2017-10-25 20:52:40 +00:00
Copyright (c) 2017 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package object
import (
type find struct {
ref bool
kind kinds
name string
maxdepth int
var alias = []struct {
name string
kind string
{"a", "VirtualApp"},
{"c", "ClusterComputeResource"},
{"d", "Datacenter"},
{"f", "Folder"},
{"g", "DistributedVirtualPortgroup"},
{"h", "HostSystem"},
{"m", "VirtualMachine"},
{"n", "Network"},
{"o", "OpaqueNetwork"},
{"p", "ResourcePool"},
{"r", "ComputeResource"},
{"s", "Datastore"},
{"w", "DistributedVirtualSwitch"},
func aliasHelp() string {
var help bytes.Buffer
for _, a := range alias {
fmt.Fprintf(&help, " %s %s\n", a.name, a.kind)
return help.String()
type kinds []string
func (e *kinds) String() string {
return fmt.Sprint(*e)
func (e *kinds) Set(value string) error {
*e = append(*e, e.alias(value))
return nil
func (e *kinds) alias(value string) string {
if len(value) != 1 {
return value
for _, a := range alias {
if a.name == value {
return a.kind
return value
func (e *kinds) wanted(kind string) bool {
if len(*e) == 0 {
return true
for _, k := range *e {
if kind == k {
return true
return false
func init() {
cli.Register("find", &find{})
func (cmd *find) Register(ctx context.Context, f *flag.FlagSet) {
cmd.DatacenterFlag, ctx = flags.NewDatacenterFlag(ctx)
cmd.DatacenterFlag.Register(ctx, f)
f.Var(&cmd.kind, "type", "Resource type")
f.StringVar(&cmd.name, "name", "*", "Resource name")
f.IntVar(&cmd.maxdepth, "maxdepth", -1, "Max depth")
f.BoolVar(&cmd.ref, "i", false, "Print the managed object reference")
func (cmd *find) Usage() string {
return "[ROOT] [KEY VAL]..."
func (cmd *find) Description() string {
atable := aliasHelp()
return fmt.Sprintf(`Find managed objects.
ROOT can be an inventory path or ManagedObjectReference.
ROOT defaults to '.', an alias for the root folder or DC if set.
Optional KEY VAL pairs can be used to filter results against object instance properties.
The '-type' flag value can be a managed entity type or one of the following aliases:
govc find
govc find /dc1 -type c
govc find vm -name my-vm-*
govc find . -type n
govc find . -type m -runtime.powerState poweredOn
govc find . -type m -datastore $(govc find -i datastore -name vsanDatastore)
govc find . -type s -summary.type vsan
govc find . -type h -hardware.cpuInfo.numCpuCores 16`, atable)
func (cmd *find) Process(ctx context.Context) error {
if err := cmd.DatacenterFlag.Process(ctx); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// rootMatch returns true if the root object path should be printed
func (cmd *find) rootMatch(ctx context.Context, root object.Reference, client *vim25.Client, filter property.Filter) bool {
ref := root.Reference()
if !cmd.kind.wanted(ref.Type) {
return false
if len(filter) == 1 && filter["name"] == "*" {
return true
var content []types.ObjectContent
pc := property.DefaultCollector(client)
_ = pc.RetrieveWithFilter(ctx, []types.ManagedObjectReference{ref}, filter.Keys(), &content, filter)
return content != nil
func (cmd *find) Run(ctx context.Context, f *flag.FlagSet) error {
client, err := cmd.Client()
if err != nil {
return err
finder, err := cmd.Finder()
if err != nil {
return err
root := client.ServiceContent.RootFolder
rootPath := "/"
arg := f.Arg(0)
props := f.Args()
if len(props) > 0 {
if strings.HasPrefix(arg, "-") {
arg = "."
} else {
props = props[1:]
if len(props)%2 != 0 {
return flag.ErrHelp
switch arg {
case rootPath:
case "", ".":
dc, _ := cmd.DatacenterIfSpecified()
if dc == nil {
arg = rootPath
} else {
arg = "."
root = dc.Reference()
rootPath = dc.InventoryPath
l, ferr := finder.ManagedObjectList(ctx, arg)
if ferr != nil {
return err
switch len(l) {
case 0:
return fmt.Errorf("%s not found", arg)
case 1:
root = l[0].Object.Reference()
rootPath = l[0].Path
return flag.ErrHelp
filter := property.Filter{}
for i := 0; i < len(props); i++ {
key := props[i]
if !strings.HasPrefix(key, "-") {
return flag.ErrHelp
key = key[1:]
val := props[i]
if xf := f.Lookup(key); xf != nil {
// Support use of -flag following the ROOT arg (flag package does not do this)
if err = xf.Value.Set(val); err != nil {
return err
} else {
filter[key] = val
filter["name"] = cmd.name
printPath := func(o types.ManagedObjectReference, p string) {
if cmd.ref {
fmt.Fprintln(cmd.Out, o)
path := strings.Replace(p, rootPath, arg, 1)
fmt.Fprintln(cmd.Out, path)
recurse := false
switch cmd.maxdepth {
case -1:
recurse = true
case 0:
case 1:
return flag.ErrHelp // TODO: ?
if cmd.rootMatch(ctx, root, client, filter) {
printPath(root, arg)
if cmd.maxdepth == 0 {
return nil
m := view.NewManager(client)
v, err := m.CreateContainerView(ctx, root, cmd.kind, recurse)
if err != nil {
return err
defer v.Destroy(ctx)
objs, err := v.Find(ctx, cmd.kind, filter)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, o := range objs {
var path string
if !cmd.ref {
e, err := finder.Element(ctx, o)
if err != nil {
return err
path = e.Path
printPath(o, path)
return nil