# govc usage This document is generated from `govc -h` and `govc $cmd -h` commands. The following common options are filtered out in this document, but appear via `govc $cmd -h`: ``` -cert= Certificate [GOVC_CERTIFICATE] -debug=false Store debug logs [GOVC_DEBUG] -dump=false Enable output dump -json=false Enable JSON output -k=false Skip verification of server certificate [GOVC_INSECURE] -key= Private key [GOVC_PRIVATE_KEY] -persist-session=true Persist session to disk [GOVC_PERSIST_SESSION] -tls-ca-certs= TLS CA certificates file [GOVC_TLS_CA_CERTS] -tls-known-hosts= TLS known hosts file [GOVC_TLS_KNOWN_HOSTS] -u= ESX or vCenter URL [GOVC_URL] -vim-namespace=urn:vim25 Vim namespace [GOVC_VIM_NAMESPACE] -vim-version=6.0 Vim version [GOVC_VIM_VERSION] -dc= Datacenter [GOVC_DATACENTER] -host.dns= Find host by FQDN -host.ip= Find host by IP address -host.ipath= Find host by inventory path -host.uuid= Find host by UUID -vm.dns= Find VM by FQDN -vm.ip= Find VM by IP address -vm.ipath= Find VM by inventory path -vm.path= Find VM by path to .vmx file -vm.uuid= Find VM by UUID ``` ## about ``` Usage: govc about [OPTIONS] Display About info for HOST. System information including the name, type, version, and build number. Examples: govc about govc about -json | jq -r .About.ProductLineId Options: -l=false Include service content ``` ## about.cert ``` Usage: govc about.cert [OPTIONS] Display TLS certificate info for HOST. If the HOST certificate cannot be verified, about.cert will return with exit code 60 (as curl does). If the '-k' flag is provided, about.cert will return with exit code 0 in this case. The SHA1 thumbprint can also be used as '-thumbprint' for the 'host.add' and 'cluster.add' commands. Examples: govc about.cert -k -json | jq -r .ThumbprintSHA1 govc about.cert -k -show | sudo tee /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/host.crt govc about.cert -k -thumbprint | tee -a ~/.govmomi/known_hosts Options: -show=false Show PEM encoded server certificate only -thumbprint=false Output host hash and thumbprint only ``` ## cluster.add ``` Usage: govc cluster.add [OPTIONS] Add HOST to CLUSTER. The host is added to the cluster specified by the 'cluster' flag. Examples: thumbprint=$(govc about.cert -k -u host.example.com -thumbprint | awk '{print $2}') govc cluster.add -cluster ClusterA -hostname host.example.com -username root -password pass -thumbprint $thumbprint govc cluster.add -cluster ClusterB -hostname -username root -password pass -noverify Options: -cluster=* Path to cluster -connect=true Immediately connect to host -force=false Force when host is managed by another VC -hostname= Hostname or IP address of the host -license= Assign license key -noverify=false Accept host thumbprint without verification -password= Password of administration account on the host -thumbprint= SHA-1 thumbprint of the host's SSL certificate -username= Username of administration account on the host ``` ## cluster.change ``` Usage: govc cluster.change [OPTIONS] CLUSTER... Change configuration of the given clusters. Examples: govc cluster.change -drs-enabled -vsan-enabled -vsan-autoclaim ClusterA govc cluster.change -drs-enabled=false ClusterB Options: -drs-enabled= Enable DRS -drs-mode= DRS behavior for virtual machines: manual, partiallyAutomated, fullyAutomated -ha-enabled= Enable HA -vsan-autoclaim= Autoclaim storage on cluster hosts -vsan-enabled= Enable vSAN ``` ## cluster.create ``` Usage: govc cluster.create [OPTIONS] CLUSTER Create CLUSTER in datacenter. The cluster is added to the folder specified by the 'folder' flag. If not given, this defaults to the host folder in the specified or default datacenter. Examples: govc cluster.create ClusterA govc cluster.create -folder /dc2/test-folder ClusterB Options: -folder= Inventory folder [GOVC_FOLDER] ``` ## datacenter.create ``` Usage: govc datacenter.create [OPTIONS] NAME... Options: -folder= Inventory folder [GOVC_FOLDER] ``` ## datacenter.info ``` Usage: govc datacenter.info [OPTIONS] [PATH]... Options: ``` ## datastore.cp ``` Usage: govc datastore.cp [OPTIONS] SRC DST Copy SRC to DST on DATASTORE. Examples: govc datastore.cp foo/foo.vmx foo/foo.vmx.old govc datastore.cp -f my.vmx foo/foo.vmx Options: -ds= Datastore [GOVC_DATASTORE] -f=false If true, overwrite any identically named file at the destination ``` ## datastore.create ``` Usage: govc datastore.create [OPTIONS] HOST... Create datastore on HOST. Examples: govc datastore.create -type nfs -name nfsDatastore -remote-host -remote-path /share cluster1 govc datastore.create -type vmfs -name vmfsDatastore -disk=mpx.vmhba0:C0:T0:L0 cluster1 govc datastore.create -type local -name localDatastore -path /var/datastore host1 Options: -disk= Canonical name of disk (VMFS only) -force=false Ignore DuplicateName error if datastore is already mounted on a host -host= Host system [GOVC_HOST] -mode=readOnly Access mode for the mount point (readOnly|readWrite) -name= Datastore name -password= Password to use when connecting (CIFS only) -path= Local directory path for the datastore (local only) -remote-host= Remote hostname of the NAS datastore -remote-path= Remote path of the NFS mount point -type= Datastore type (NFS|NFS41|CIFS|VMFS|local) -username= Username to use when connecting (CIFS only) ``` ## datastore.disk.create ``` Usage: govc datastore.disk.create [OPTIONS] VMDK Create VMDK on DS. Examples: govc datastore.mkdir disks govc datastore.disk.create -size 24G disks/disk1.vmdk Options: -ds= Datastore [GOVC_DATASTORE] -size=10.0GB Size of new disk ``` ## datastore.disk.info ``` Usage: govc datastore.disk.info [OPTIONS] VMDK Query VMDK info on DS. Examples: govc datastore.disk.info disks/disk1.vmdk Options: -c=false Chain format -d=false Include datastore in output -ds= Datastore [GOVC_DATASTORE] -p=true Include parents ``` ## datastore.download ``` Usage: govc datastore.download [OPTIONS] SOURCE DEST Copy SOURCE from DS to DEST on the local system. If DEST name is "-", source is written to stdout. Examples: govc datastore.download vm-name/vmware.log ./local.log govc datastore.download vm-name/vmware.log - | grep -i error Options: -ds= Datastore [GOVC_DATASTORE] -host= Host system [GOVC_HOST] ``` ## datastore.info ``` Usage: govc datastore.info [OPTIONS] [PATH]... Options: ``` ## datastore.ls ``` Usage: govc datastore.ls [OPTIONS] [FILE]... Options: -R=false List subdirectories recursively -a=false Do not ignore entries starting with . -ds= Datastore [GOVC_DATASTORE] -l=false Long listing format -p=false Append / indicator to directories ``` ## datastore.mkdir ``` Usage: govc datastore.mkdir [OPTIONS] DIRECTORY Options: -ds= Datastore [GOVC_DATASTORE] -namespace=false Return uuid of namespace created on vsan datastore -p=false Create intermediate directories as needed ``` ## datastore.mv ``` Usage: govc datastore.mv [OPTIONS] SRC DST Move SRC to DST on DATASTORE. Examples: govc datastore.mv foo/foo.vmx foo/foo.vmx.old govc datastore.mv -f my.vmx foo/foo.vmx Options: -ds= Datastore [GOVC_DATASTORE] -f=false If true, overwrite any identically named file at the destination ``` ## datastore.remove ``` Usage: govc datastore.remove [OPTIONS] HOST... Remove datastore from HOST. Examples: govc datastore.remove -ds nfsDatastore cluster1 govc datastore.remove -ds nasDatastore host1 host2 host3 Options: -ds= Datastore [GOVC_DATASTORE] -host= Host system [GOVC_HOST] ``` ## datastore.rm ``` Usage: govc datastore.rm [OPTIONS] FILE Remove FILE from DATASTORE. Examples: govc datastore.rm vm/vmware.log govc datastore.rm vm govc datastore.rm -f images/base.vmdk Options: -ds= Datastore [GOVC_DATASTORE] -f=false Force; ignore nonexistent files and arguments -namespace=false Path is uuid of namespace on vsan datastore -t=true Use file type to choose disk or file manager ``` ## datastore.tail ``` Usage: govc datastore.tail [OPTIONS] PATH Output the last part of datastore files. Examples: govc datastore.tail -n 100 vm-name/vmware.log govc datastore.tail -n 0 -f vm-name/vmware.log Options: -c=-1 Output the last NUM bytes -ds= Datastore [GOVC_DATASTORE] -f=false Output appended data as the file grows -host= Host system [GOVC_HOST] -n=10 Output the last NUM lines ``` ## datastore.upload ``` Usage: govc datastore.upload [OPTIONS] SOURCE DEST Copy SOURCE from the local system to DEST on DS. If SOURCE name is "-", read source from stdin. Examples: govc datastore.upload -ds datastore1 ./config.iso vm-name/config.iso genisoimage ... | govc datastore.upload -ds datastore1 - vm-name/config.iso Options: -ds= Datastore [GOVC_DATASTORE] ``` ## datastore.vsan.dom.ls ``` Usage: govc datastore.vsan.dom.ls [OPTIONS] [UUID]... List vSAN DOM objects in DS. Examples: govc datastore.vsan.dom.ls govc datastore.vsan.dom.ls -ds vsanDatastore -l govc datastore.vsan.dom.ls -l d85aa758-63f5-500a-3150-0200308e589c Options: -ds= Datastore [GOVC_DATASTORE] -l=false Long listing -o=false List orphan objects ``` ## datastore.vsan.dom.rm ``` Usage: govc datastore.vsan.dom.rm [OPTIONS] UUID... Remove vSAN DOM objects in DS. Examples: govc datastore.vsan.dom.rm d85aa758-63f5-500a-3150-0200308e589c govc datastore.vsan.dom.rm -f d85aa758-63f5-500a-3150-0200308e589c govc datastore.vsan.dom.ls -o | xargs govc datastore.vsan.dom.rm Options: -ds= Datastore [GOVC_DATASTORE] -f=false Force delete -v=false Print deleted UUIDs to stdout, failed to stderr ``` ## device.boot ``` Usage: govc device.boot [OPTIONS] Configure VM boot settings. Examples: govc device.boot -vm $vm -delay 1000 -order floppy,cdrom,ethernet,disk Options: -delay=0 Delay in ms before starting the boot sequence -order= Boot device order -retry=false If true, retry boot after retry-delay -retry-delay=0 Delay in ms before a boot retry -setup=false If true, enter BIOS setup on next boot -vm= Virtual machine [GOVC_VM] ``` ## device.cdrom.add ``` Usage: govc device.cdrom.add [OPTIONS] Add CD-ROM device to VM. Examples: govc device.cdrom.add -vm $vm govc device.ls -vm $vm | grep ide- govc device.cdrom.add -vm $vm -controller ide-200 govc device.info cdrom-* Options: -controller= IDE controller name -vm= Virtual machine [GOVC_VM] ``` ## device.cdrom.eject ``` Usage: govc device.cdrom.eject [OPTIONS] Eject media from CD-ROM device. If device is not specified, the first CD-ROM device is used. Examples: govc device.cdrom.eject -vm vm-1 govc device.cdrom.eject -vm vm-1 -device floppy-1 Options: -device= CD-ROM device name -vm= Virtual machine [GOVC_VM] ``` ## device.cdrom.insert ``` Usage: govc device.cdrom.insert [OPTIONS] ISO Insert media on datastore into CD-ROM device. If device is not specified, the first CD-ROM device is used. Examples: govc device.cdrom.insert -vm vm-1 -device cdrom-3000 images/boot.iso Options: -device= CD-ROM device name -ds= Datastore [GOVC_DATASTORE] -vm= Virtual machine [GOVC_VM] ``` ## device.connect ``` Usage: govc device.connect [OPTIONS] DEVICE... Connect DEVICE on VM. Examples: govc device.connect -vm $name cdrom-3000 Options: -vm= Virtual machine [GOVC_VM] ``` ## device.disconnect ``` Usage: govc device.disconnect [OPTIONS] DEVICE... Disconnect DEVICE on VM. Examples: govc device.disconnect -vm $name cdrom-3000 Options: -vm= Virtual machine [GOVC_VM] ``` ## device.floppy.add ``` Usage: govc device.floppy.add [OPTIONS] Add floppy device to VM. Examples: govc device.floppy.add -vm $vm govc device.info floppy-* Options: -vm= Virtual machine [GOVC_VM] ``` ## device.floppy.eject ``` Usage: govc device.floppy.eject [OPTIONS] Eject image from floppy device. If device is not specified, the first floppy device is used. Examples: govc device.floppy.eject -vm vm-1 Options: -device= Floppy device name -vm= Virtual machine [GOVC_VM] ``` ## device.floppy.insert ``` Usage: govc device.floppy.insert [OPTIONS] IMG Insert IMG on datastore into floppy device. If device is not specified, the first floppy device is used. Examples: govc device.floppy.insert -vm vm-1 vm-1/config.img Options: -device= Floppy device name -ds= Datastore [GOVC_DATASTORE] -vm= Virtual machine [GOVC_VM] ``` ## device.info ``` Usage: govc device.info [OPTIONS] [DEVICE]... Device info for VM. Examples: govc device.info -vm $name govc device.info -vm $name disk-* govc device.info -vm $name -json ethernet-0 | jq -r .Devices[].MacAddress Options: -net= Network [GOVC_NETWORK] -net.adapter=e1000 Network adapter type -net.address= Network hardware address -vm= Virtual machine [GOVC_VM] ``` ## device.ls ``` Usage: govc device.ls [OPTIONS] List devices for VM. Examples: govc device.ls -vm $name Options: -boot=false List devices configured in the VM's boot options -vm= Virtual machine [GOVC_VM] ``` ## device.remove ``` Usage: govc device.remove [OPTIONS] DEVICE... Remove DEVICE from VM. Examples: govc device.remove -vm $name cdrom-3000 govc device.remove -vm $name -keep disk-1000 Options: -keep=false Keep files in datastore -vm= Virtual machine [GOVC_VM] ``` ## device.scsi.add ``` Usage: govc device.scsi.add [OPTIONS] Add SCSI controller to VM. Examples: govc device.scsi.add -vm $vm govc device.scsi.add -vm $vm -type pvscsi govc device.info -vm $vm {lsi,pv}* Options: -hot=false Enable hot-add/remove -sharing=noSharing SCSI sharing -type=lsilogic SCSI controller type (lsilogic|buslogic|pvscsi|lsilogic-sas) -vm= Virtual machine [GOVC_VM] ``` ## device.serial.add ``` Usage: govc device.serial.add [OPTIONS] Add serial port to VM. Examples: govc device.serial.add -vm $vm govc device.info -vm $vm serialport-* Options: -vm= Virtual machine [GOVC_VM] ``` ## device.serial.connect ``` Usage: govc device.serial.connect [OPTIONS] URI Connect service URI to serial port. If "-" is given as URI, connects file backed device with file name of device name + .log suffix in the VM Config.Files.LogDirectory. Defaults to the first serial port if no DEVICE is given. Examples: govc device.ls | grep serialport- govc device.serial.connect -vm $vm -device serialport-8000 telnet://:33233 govc device.info -vm $vm serialport-* govc device.serial.connect -vm $vm "[datastore1] $vm/console.log" govc device.serial.connect -vm $vm - govc datastore.tail -f $vm/serialport-8000.log Options: -client=false Use client direction -device= serial port device name -vm= Virtual machine [GOVC_VM] -vspc-proxy= vSPC proxy URI ``` ## device.serial.disconnect ``` Usage: govc device.serial.disconnect [OPTIONS] Disconnect service URI from serial port. Examples: govc device.ls | grep serialport- govc device.serial.disconnect -vm $vm -device serialport-8000 govc device.info -vm $vm serialport-* Options: -device= serial port device name -vm= Virtual machine [GOVC_VM] ``` ## device.usb.add ``` Usage: govc device.usb.add [OPTIONS] Add USB device to VM. Examples: govc device.usb.add -vm $vm govc device.usb.add -type xhci -vm $vm govc device.info usb* Options: -auto=true Enable ability to hot plug devices -ehci=true Enable enhanced host controller interface (USB 2.0) -type=usb USB controller type (usb|xhci) -vm= Virtual machine [GOVC_VM] ``` ## dvs.add ``` Usage: govc dvs.add [OPTIONS] HOST... Add hosts to DVS. Examples: govc dvs.add -dvs dvsName -pnic vmnic1 hostA hostB hostC Options: -dvs= DVS path -host= Host system [GOVC_HOST] -pnic=vmnic0 Name of the host physical NIC ``` ## dvs.create ``` Usage: govc dvs.create [OPTIONS] DVS Create DVS (DistributedVirtualSwitch) in datacenter. The dvs is added to the folder specified by the 'folder' flag. If not given, this defaults to the network folder in the specified or default datacenter. Examples: govc dvs.create DSwitch govc dvs.create -product-version 5.5.0 DSwitch Options: -folder= Inventory folder [GOVC_FOLDER] -product-version= DVS product version ``` ## dvs.portgroup.add ``` Usage: govc dvs.portgroup.add [OPTIONS] NAME Add portgroup to DVS. Examples: govc dvs.create DSwitch govc dvs.portgroup.add -dvs DSwitch -type earlyBinding -nports 16 ExternalNetwork govc dvs.portgroup.add -dvs DSwitch -type ephemeral InternalNetwork Options: -dvs= DVS path -nports=128 Number of ports -type=earlyBinding Portgroup type (earlyBinding|lateBinding|ephemeral) -vlan=0 VLAN ID ``` ## dvs.portgroup.change ``` Usage: govc dvs.portgroup.change [OPTIONS] PATH Change DVS portgroup configuration. Examples: govc dvs.portgroup.change -nports 26 ExternalNetwork govc dvs.portgroup.change -vlan 3214 ExternalNetwork Options: -nports=0 Number of ports -type=earlyBinding Portgroup type (earlyBinding|lateBinding|ephemeral) -vlan=0 VLAN ID ``` ## dvs.portgroup.info ``` Usage: govc dvs.portgroup.info [OPTIONS] DVS Portgroup info for DVS. Examples: govc dvs.portgroup.info DSwitch govc find / -type DistributedVirtualSwitch | xargs -n1 govc dvs.portgroup.info Options: -active=false Filter by port active or inactive status -connected=false Filter by port connected or disconnected status -count=0 Number of matches to return (0 = unlimited) -inside=true Filter by port inside or outside status -pg= Distributed Virtual Portgroup -uplinkPort=false Filter for uplink ports -vlan=0 Filter by VLAN ID (0 = unfiltered) ``` ## env ``` Usage: govc env [OPTIONS] Output the environment variables for this client. If credentials are included in the url, they are split into separate variables. Useful as bash scripting helper to parse GOVC_URL. Options: -x=false Output variables for each GOVC_URL component ``` ## events ``` Usage: govc events [OPTIONS] [PATH]... Display events. Examples: govc events vm/my-vm1 vm/my-vm2 govc events /dc1/vm/* /dc2/vm/* govc ls -t HostSystem host/* | xargs govc events | grep -i vsan Options: -f=false Follow event stream -force=false Disable number objects to monitor limit -n=25 Output the last N events ``` ## extension.info ``` Usage: govc extension.info [OPTIONS] [KEY]... Options: ``` ## extension.register ``` Usage: govc extension.register [OPTIONS] Options: -update=false Update extension ``` ## extension.setcert ``` Usage: govc extension.setcert [OPTIONS] ID Set certificate for the extension ID. The '-cert-pem' option can be one of the following: '-' : Read the certificate from stdin '+' : Generate a new key pair and save locally to ID.crt and ID.key ... : Any other value is passed as-is to ExtensionManager.SetCertificate Options: -cert-pem=- PEM encoded certificate -org=VMware Organization for generated certificate ``` ## extension.unregister ``` Usage: govc extension.unregister [OPTIONS] Options: ``` ## fields.add ``` Usage: govc fields.add [OPTIONS] NAME Options: ``` ## fields.ls ``` Usage: govc fields.ls [OPTIONS] Options: ``` ## fields.rename ``` Usage: govc fields.rename [OPTIONS] KEY NAME Options: ``` ## fields.rm ``` Usage: govc fields.rm [OPTIONS] KEY... Options: ``` ## fields.set ``` Usage: govc fields.set [OPTIONS] KEY VALUE PATH... Options: ``` ## find ``` Usage: govc find [OPTIONS] [ROOT] [KEY VAL]... Find managed objects. ROOT can be an inventory path or ManagedObjectReference. ROOT defaults to '.', an alias for the root folder or DC if set. Optional KEY VAL pairs can be used to filter results against object instance properties. The '-type' flag value can be a managed entity type or one of the following aliases: a VirtualApp c ClusterComputeResource d Datacenter f Folder g DistributedVirtualPortgroup h HostSystem m VirtualMachine n Network o OpaqueNetwork p ResourcePool r ComputeResource s Datastore w DistributedVirtualSwitch Examples: govc find govc find /dc1 -type c govc find vm -name my-vm-* govc find . -type n govc find . -type m -runtime.powerState poweredOn govc find . -type m -datastore $(govc find -i datastore -name vsanDatastore) govc find . -type s -summary.type vsan govc find . -type h -hardware.cpuInfo.numCpuCores 16 Options: -i=false Print the managed object reference -maxdepth=-1 Max depth -name=* Resource name -type=[] Resource type ``` ## firewall.ruleset.find ``` Usage: govc firewall.ruleset.find [OPTIONS] Find firewall rulesets matching the given rule. For a complete list of rulesets: govc host.esxcli network firewall ruleset list For a complete list of rules: govc host.esxcli network firewall ruleset rule list Examples: govc firewall.ruleset.find -direction inbound -port 22 govc firewall.ruleset.find -direction outbound -port 2377 Options: -c=true Check if esx firewall is enabled -direction=outbound Direction -enabled=true Find enabled rule sets if true, disabled if false -host= Host system [GOVC_HOST] -port=0 Port -proto=tcp Protocol -type=dst Port type ``` ## folder.create ``` Usage: govc folder.create [OPTIONS] PATH... Create folder with PATH. Examples: govc folder.create /dc1/vm/folder-foo govc object.mv /dc1/vm/vm-foo-* /dc1/vm/folder-foo govc folder.create -pod /dc1/datastore/sdrs govc object.mv /dc1/datastore/iscsi-* /dc1/datastore/sdrs Options: -pod=false Create folder(s) of type StoragePod (DatastoreCluster) ``` ## folder.info ``` Usage: govc folder.info [OPTIONS] [PATH]... Options: ``` ## guest.chmod ``` Usage: govc guest.chmod [OPTIONS] MODE FILE Change FILE MODE on VM. Examples: govc guest.chmod -vm $name 0644 /var/log/foo.log Options: -l=: Guest VM credentials [GOVC_GUEST_LOGIN] -vm= Virtual machine [GOVC_VM] ``` ## guest.chown ``` Usage: govc guest.chown [OPTIONS] UID[:GID] FILE Change FILE UID and GID on VM. Examples: govc guest.chown -vm $name UID[:GID] /var/log/foo.log Options: -l=: Guest VM credentials [GOVC_GUEST_LOGIN] -vm= Virtual machine [GOVC_VM] ``` ## guest.download ``` Usage: govc guest.download [OPTIONS] SOURCE DEST Copy SOURCE from the guest VM to DEST on the local system. If DEST name is "-", source is written to stdout. Examples: govc guest.download -l user:pass -vm=my-vm /var/log/my.log ./local.log govc guest.download -l user:pass -vm=my-vm /etc/motd - Options: -f=false If set, the local destination file is clobbered -l=: Guest VM credentials [GOVC_GUEST_LOGIN] -vm= Virtual machine [GOVC_VM] ``` ## guest.getenv ``` Usage: govc guest.getenv [OPTIONS] [NAME]... Read NAME environment variables from VM. Examples: govc guest.getenv -vm $name govc guest.getenv -vm $name HOME Options: -l=: Guest VM credentials [GOVC_GUEST_LOGIN] -vm= Virtual machine [GOVC_VM] ``` ## guest.kill ``` Usage: govc guest.kill [OPTIONS] Kill process ID on VM. Examples: govc guest.kill -vm $name -p 12345 Options: -l=: Guest VM credentials [GOVC_GUEST_LOGIN] -p=[] Process ID -vm= Virtual machine [GOVC_VM] ``` ## guest.ls ``` Usage: govc guest.ls [OPTIONS] PATH List PATH files in VM. Examples: govc guest.ls -vm $name /tmp Options: -l=: Guest VM credentials [GOVC_GUEST_LOGIN] -s=false Simple path only listing -vm= Virtual machine [GOVC_VM] ``` ## guest.mkdir ``` Usage: govc guest.mkdir [OPTIONS] PATH Create directory PATH in VM. Examples: govc guest.mkdir -vm $name /tmp/logs govc guest.mkdir -vm $name -p /tmp/logs/foo/bar Options: -l=: Guest VM credentials [GOVC_GUEST_LOGIN] -p=false Create intermediate directories as needed -vm= Virtual machine [GOVC_VM] ``` ## guest.mktemp ``` Usage: govc guest.mktemp [OPTIONS] Create a temporary file or directory in VM. Examples: govc guest.mktemp -vm $name govc guest.mktemp -vm $name -d govc guest.mktemp -vm $name -t myprefix govc guest.mktemp -vm $name -p /var/tmp/$USER Options: -d=false Make a directory instead of a file -l=: Guest VM credentials [GOVC_GUEST_LOGIN] -p= If specified, create relative to this directory -s= Suffix -t= Prefix -vm= Virtual machine [GOVC_VM] ``` ## guest.mv ``` Usage: govc guest.mv [OPTIONS] SOURCE DEST Move (rename) files in VM. Examples: govc guest.mv -vm $name /tmp/foo.sh /tmp/bar.sh govc guest.mv -vm $name -n /tmp/baz.sh /tmp/bar.sh Options: -l=: Guest VM credentials [GOVC_GUEST_LOGIN] -n=false Do not overwrite an existing file -vm= Virtual machine [GOVC_VM] ``` ## guest.ps ``` Usage: govc guest.ps [OPTIONS] List processes in VM. By default, unless the '-e', '-p' or '-U' flag is specified, only processes owned by the '-l' flag user are displayed. The '-x' and '-X' flags only apply to processes started by vmware-tools, such as those started with the govc guest.start command. Examples: govc guest.ps -vm $name govc guest.ps -vm $name -e govc guest.ps -vm $name -p 12345 govc guest.ps -vm $name -U root Options: -U= Select by process UID -X=false Wait for process to exit -e=false Select all processes -l=: Guest VM credentials [GOVC_GUEST_LOGIN] -p=[] Select by process ID -vm= Virtual machine [GOVC_VM] -x=false Output exit time and code ``` ## guest.rm ``` Usage: govc guest.rm [OPTIONS] PATH Remove file PATH in VM. Examples: govc guest.rm -vm $name /tmp/foo.log Options: -l=: Guest VM credentials [GOVC_GUEST_LOGIN] -vm= Virtual machine [GOVC_VM] ``` ## guest.rmdir ``` Usage: govc guest.rmdir [OPTIONS] PATH Remove directory PATH in VM. Examples: govc guest.rmdir -vm $name /tmp/empty-dir govc guest.rmdir -vm $name -r /tmp/non-empty-dir Options: -l=: Guest VM credentials [GOVC_GUEST_LOGIN] -r=false Recursive removal -vm= Virtual machine [GOVC_VM] ``` ## guest.start ``` Usage: govc guest.start [OPTIONS] PATH [ARG]... Start program in VM. The process can have its status queried with govc guest.ps. When the process completes, its exit code and end time will be available for 5 minutes after completion. Examples: govc guest.start -vm $name /bin/mount /dev/hdb1 /data pid=$(govc guest.start -vm $name /bin/long-running-thing) govc guest.ps -vm $name -p $pid -X Options: -C= The absolute path of the working directory for the program to start -e=[] Set environment variable (key=val) -l=: Guest VM credentials [GOVC_GUEST_LOGIN] -vm= Virtual machine [GOVC_VM] ``` ## guest.touch ``` Usage: govc guest.touch [OPTIONS] FILE Change FILE times on VM. Examples: govc guest.touch -vm $name /var/log/foo.log govc guest.touch -vm $name -d "$(date -d '1 day ago')" /var/log/foo.log Options: -a=false Change only the access time -c=false Do not create any files -d= Use DATE instead of current time -l=: Guest VM credentials [GOVC_GUEST_LOGIN] -vm= Virtual machine [GOVC_VM] ``` ## guest.upload ``` Usage: govc guest.upload [OPTIONS] SOURCE DEST Copy SOURCE from the local system to DEST in the guest VM. If SOURCE name is "-", read source from stdin. Examples: govc guest.upload -l user:pass -vm=my-vm ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub /home/$USER/.ssh/authorized_keys cowsay "have a great day" | govc guest.upload -l user:pass -vm=my-vm - /etc/motd Options: -f=false If set, the guest destination file is clobbered -gid= Group ID -l=: Guest VM credentials [GOVC_GUEST_LOGIN] -perm=0 File permissions -uid= User ID -vm= Virtual machine [GOVC_VM] ``` ## host.account.create ``` Usage: govc host.account.create [OPTIONS] Create local account on HOST. Examples: govc host.account.create -id $USER -password password-for-esx60 Options: -description= The description of the specified account -host= Host system [GOVC_HOST] -id= The ID of the specified account -password= The password for the specified account id ``` ## host.account.remove ``` Usage: govc host.account.remove [OPTIONS] Remove local account on HOST. Examples: govc host.account.remove -id $USER Options: -description= The description of the specified account -host= Host system [GOVC_HOST] -id= The ID of the specified account -password= The password for the specified account id ``` ## host.account.update ``` Usage: govc host.account.update [OPTIONS] Update local account on HOST. Examples: govc host.account.update -id root -password password-for-esx60 Options: -description= The description of the specified account -host= Host system [GOVC_HOST] -id= The ID of the specified account -password= The password for the specified account id ``` ## host.add ``` Usage: govc host.add [OPTIONS] Add host to datacenter. The host is added to the folder specified by the 'folder' flag. If not given, this defaults to the host folder in the specified or default datacenter. Examples: thumbprint=$(govc about.cert -k -u host.example.com -thumbprint | awk '{print $2}') govc host.add -hostname host.example.com -username root -password pass -thumbprint $thumbprint govc host.add -hostname -username root -password pass -noverify Options: -connect=true Immediately connect to host -folder= Inventory folder [GOVC_FOLDER] -force=false Force when host is managed by another VC -hostname= Hostname or IP address of the host -noverify=false Accept host thumbprint without verification -password= Password of administration account on the host -thumbprint= SHA-1 thumbprint of the host's SSL certificate -username= Username of administration account on the host ``` ## host.autostart.add ``` Usage: govc host.autostart.add [OPTIONS] VM... Options: -host= Host system [GOVC_HOST] -start-action=powerOn Start Action -start-delay=-1 Start Delay -start-order=-1 Start Order -stop-action=systemDefault Stop Action -stop-delay=-1 Stop Delay -wait=systemDefault Wait for Hearbeat Setting (systemDefault|yes|no) ``` ## host.autostart.configure ``` Usage: govc host.autostart.configure [OPTIONS] Options: -enabled= -host= Host system [GOVC_HOST] -start-delay=0 -stop-action= -stop-delay=0 -wait-for-heartbeat= ``` ## host.autostart.info ``` Usage: govc host.autostart.info [OPTIONS] Options: -host= Host system [GOVC_HOST] ``` ## host.autostart.remove ``` Usage: govc host.autostart.remove [OPTIONS] VM... Options: -host= Host system [GOVC_HOST] ``` ## host.cert.csr ``` Usage: govc host.cert.csr [OPTIONS] Generate a certificate-signing request (CSR) for HOST. Options: -host= Host system [GOVC_HOST] -ip=false Use IP address as CN ``` ## host.cert.import ``` Usage: govc host.cert.import [OPTIONS] FILE Install SSL certificate FILE on HOST. If FILE name is "-", read certificate from stdin. Options: -host= Host system [GOVC_HOST] ``` ## host.cert.info ``` Usage: govc host.cert.info [OPTIONS] Display SSL certificate info for HOST. Options: -host= Host system [GOVC_HOST] ``` ## host.date.change ``` Usage: govc host.date.change [OPTIONS] Change date and time for HOST. Examples: govc host.date.change -date "$(date -u)" govc host.date.change -server time.vmware.com govc host.service enable ntpd govc host.service start ntpd Options: -date= Update the date/time on the host -host= Host system [GOVC_HOST] -server= IP or FQDN for NTP server(s) -tz= Change timezone of the host ``` ## host.date.info ``` Usage: govc host.date.info [OPTIONS] Display date and time info for HOST. Options: -host= Host system [GOVC_HOST] ``` ## host.disconnect ``` Usage: govc host.disconnect [OPTIONS] Disconnect HOST from vCenter. Options: -host= Host system [GOVC_HOST] ``` ## host.esxcli ``` Usage: govc host.esxcli [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARG]... Invoke esxcli command on HOST. Output is rendered in table form when possible, unless disabled with '-hints=false'. Examples: govc host.esxcli network ip connection list govc host.esxcli system settings advanced set -o /Net/GuestIPHack -i 1 govc host.esxcli network firewall ruleset set -r remoteSerialPort -e true govc host.esxcli network firewall set -e false Options: -hints=true Use command info hints when formatting output -host= Host system [GOVC_HOST] ``` ## host.info ``` Usage: govc host.info [OPTIONS] Options: -host= Host system [GOVC_HOST] ``` ## host.maintenance.enter ``` Usage: govc host.maintenance.enter [OPTIONS] HOST... Put HOST in maintenance mode. While this task is running and when the host is in maintenance mode, no VMs can be powered on and no provisioning operations can be performed on the host. Options: -evacuate=false Evacuate powered off VMs -host= Host system [GOVC_HOST] -timeout=0 Timeout ``` ## host.maintenance.exit ``` Usage: govc host.maintenance.exit [OPTIONS] HOST... Take HOST out of maintenance mode. This blocks if any concurrent running maintenance-only host configurations operations are being performed. For example, if VMFS volumes are being upgraded. The 'timeout' flag is the number of seconds to wait for the exit maintenance mode to succeed. If the timeout is less than or equal to zero, there is no timeout. Options: -host= Host system [GOVC_HOST] -timeout=0 Timeout ``` ## host.option.ls ``` Usage: govc host.option.ls [OPTIONS] [NAME] List option with the given NAME. If NAME ends with a dot, all options for that subtree are listed. Examples: govc host.option.ls govc host.option.ls Config.HostAgent. govc host.option.ls Config.HostAgent.plugins.solo.enableMob Options: -host= Host system [GOVC_HOST] ``` ## host.option.set ``` Usage: govc host.option.set [OPTIONS] NAME VALUE Set option NAME to VALUE. Examples: govc host.option.set Config.HostAgent.plugins.solo.enableMob true govc host.option.set Config.HostAgent.log.level verbose Options: -host= Host system [GOVC_HOST] ``` ## host.portgroup.add ``` Usage: govc host.portgroup.add [OPTIONS] NAME Add portgroup to HOST. Examples: govc host.portgroup.add -vswitch vSwitch0 -vlan 3201 bridge Options: -host= Host system [GOVC_HOST] -vlan=0 VLAN ID -vswitch= vSwitch Name ``` ## host.portgroup.change ``` Usage: govc host.portgroup.change [OPTIONS] NAME Change configuration of HOST portgroup NAME. Examples: govc host.portgroup.change -allow-promiscuous -forged-transmits -mac-changes "VM Network" govc host.portgroup.change -vswitch-name vSwitch1 "Management Network" Options: -allow-promiscuous= Allow promiscuous mode -forged-transmits= Allow forged transmits -host= Host system [GOVC_HOST] -mac-changes= Allow MAC changes -name= Portgroup name -vlan-id=-1 VLAN ID -vswitch-name= vSwitch name ``` ## host.portgroup.info ``` Usage: govc host.portgroup.info [OPTIONS] Options: -host= Host system [GOVC_HOST] ``` ## host.portgroup.remove ``` Usage: govc host.portgroup.remove [OPTIONS] NAME Remove portgroup from HOST. Examples: govc host.portgroup.remove bridge Options: -host= Host system [GOVC_HOST] ``` ## host.reconnect ``` Usage: govc host.reconnect [OPTIONS] Reconnect HOST to vCenter. This command can also be used to change connection properties (hostname, fingerprint, username, password), without disconnecting the host. Options: -force=false Force when host is managed by another VC -host= Host system [GOVC_HOST] -hostname= Hostname or IP address of the host -noverify=false Accept host thumbprint without verification -password= Password of administration account on the host -sync-state=false Sync state -thumbprint= SHA-1 thumbprint of the host's SSL certificate -username= Username of administration account on the host ``` ## host.remove ``` Usage: govc host.remove [OPTIONS] HOST... Remove HOST from vCenter. Options: -host= Host system [GOVC_HOST] ``` ## host.service ``` Usage: govc host.service [OPTIONS] ACTION ID Apply host service ACTION to service ID. Where ACTION is one of: start, stop, restart, status, enable, disable Examples: govc host.service enable TSM-SSH govc host.service start TSM-SSH Options: -host= Host system [GOVC_HOST] ``` ## host.service.ls ``` Usage: govc host.service.ls [OPTIONS] List HOST services. Options: -host= Host system [GOVC_HOST] ``` ## host.shutdown ``` Usage: govc host.shutdown [OPTIONS] Shutdown HOST. Options: -f=false Force shutdown when host is not in maintenance mode -host= Host system [GOVC_HOST] ``` ## host.storage.info ``` Usage: govc host.storage.info [OPTIONS] Show HOST storage system information. Examples: govc ls -t HostSystem host/* | xargs -n1 govc host.storage.info -unclaimed -host Options: -host= Host system [GOVC_HOST] -rescan=false Rescan for new storage devices -t=lun Type (hba,lun) -unclaimed=false Only show disks that can be used as new VMFS datastores ``` ## host.storage.mark ``` Usage: govc host.storage.mark [OPTIONS] DEVICE_PATH Mark device at DEVICE_PATH. Options: -host= Host system [GOVC_HOST] -local= Mark as local -ssd= Mark as SSD ``` ## host.storage.partition ``` Usage: govc host.storage.partition [OPTIONS] DEVICE_PATH Show partition table for device at DEVICE_PATH. Options: -host= Host system [GOVC_HOST] ``` ## host.vnic.info ``` Usage: govc host.vnic.info [OPTIONS] Options: -host= Host system [GOVC_HOST] ``` ## host.vnic.service ``` Usage: govc host.vnic.service [OPTIONS] SERVICE DEVICE Enable or disable service on a virtual nic device. Where SERVICE is one of: vmotion|faultToleranceLogging|vSphereReplication|vSphereReplicationNFC|management|vsan|vSphereProvisioning Where DEVICE is one of: vmk0|vmk1|... Examples: govc host.vnic.service -host hostname -enable vsan vmk0 govc host.vnic.service -host hostname -enable=false vmotion vmk1 Options: -enable=true Enable service -host= Host system [GOVC_HOST] ``` ## host.vswitch.add ``` Usage: govc host.vswitch.add [OPTIONS] NAME Options: -host= Host system [GOVC_HOST] -mtu=0 MTU -nic= Bridge nic device -ports=128 Number of ports ``` ## host.vswitch.info ``` Usage: govc host.vswitch.info [OPTIONS] Options: -host= Host system [GOVC_HOST] ``` ## host.vswitch.remove ``` Usage: govc host.vswitch.remove [OPTIONS] NAME Options: -host= Host system [GOVC_HOST] ``` ## import.ova ``` Usage: govc import.ova [OPTIONS] PATH_TO_OVA Options: -ds= Datastore [GOVC_DATASTORE] -folder= Path to folder to add the VM to -host= Host system [GOVC_HOST] -name= Name to use for new entity -options= Options spec file path for VM deployment -pool= Resource pool [GOVC_RESOURCE_POOL] ``` ## import.ovf ``` Usage: govc import.ovf [OPTIONS] PATH_TO_OVF Options: -ds= Datastore [GOVC_DATASTORE] -folder= Path to folder to add the VM to -host= Host system [GOVC_HOST] -name= Name to use for new entity -options= Options spec file path for VM deployment -pool= Resource pool [GOVC_RESOURCE_POOL] ``` ## import.spec ``` Usage: govc import.spec [OPTIONS] PATH_TO_OVF_OR_OVA Options: -verbose=false Verbose spec output ``` ## import.vmdk ``` Usage: govc import.vmdk [OPTIONS] PATH_TO_VMDK [REMOTE_DIRECTORY] Options: -ds= Datastore [GOVC_DATASTORE] -force=false Overwrite existing disk -keep=false Keep uploaded disk after import -pool= Resource pool [GOVC_RESOURCE_POOL] -upload=true Upload specified disk ``` ## license.add ``` Usage: govc license.add [OPTIONS] KEY... Options: ``` ## license.assign ``` Usage: govc license.assign [OPTIONS] KEY Options: -host= Host system [GOVC_HOST] -name= Display name -remove=false Remove assignment ``` ## license.assigned.ls ``` Usage: govc license.assigned.ls [OPTIONS] Options: -id= Entity ID ``` ## license.decode ``` Usage: govc license.decode [OPTIONS] KEY... Options: -feature= List licenses with given feature ``` ## license.ls ``` Usage: govc license.ls [OPTIONS] Options: -feature= List licenses with given feature ``` ## license.remove ``` Usage: govc license.remove [OPTIONS] KEY... Options: ``` ## logs ``` Usage: govc logs [OPTIONS] View VPX and ESX logs. The '-log' option defaults to "hostd" when connected directly to a host or when connected to VirtualCenter and a '-host' option is given. Otherwise, the '-log' option defaults to "vpxd:vpxd.log". The '-host' option is ignored when connected directly to a host. See 'govc logs.ls' for other '-log' options. Examples: govc logs -n 1000 -f govc logs -host esx1 govc logs -host esx1 -log vmkernel Options: -f=false Follow log file changes -host= Host system [GOVC_HOST] -log= Log file key -n=25 Output the last N log lines ``` ## logs.download ``` Usage: govc logs.download [OPTIONS] [PATH]... Generate diagnostic bundles. A diagnostic bundle includes log files and other configuration information. Use PATH to include a specific set of hosts to include. Examples: govc logs.download govc logs.download host-a host-b Options: -default=true Specifies if the bundle should include the default server ``` ## logs.ls ``` Usage: govc logs.ls [OPTIONS] List diagnostic log keys. Examples: govc logs.ls govc logs.ls -host host-a Options: -host= Host system [GOVC_HOST] ``` ## ls ``` Usage: govc ls [OPTIONS] [PATH]... List inventory items. Examples: govc ls -l '*' govc ls -t ClusterComputeResource host govc ls -t Datastore host/ClusterA/* | grep -v local | xargs -n1 basename | sort | uniq Options: -L=false Follow managed object references -i=false Print the managed object reference -l=false Long listing format -t= Object type ``` ## metric.change ``` Usage: govc metric.change [OPTIONS] NAME... Change counter NAME levels. Examples: govc metric.change -level 1 net.bytesRx.average net.bytesTx.average Options: -device-level=0 Level for the per device counter -i=0 Interval ID -level=0 Level for the aggregate counter ``` ## metric.info ``` Usage: govc metric.info [OPTIONS] PATH [NAME]... Metric info for NAME. If PATH is a value other than '-', provider summary and instance list are included for the given object type. If NAME is not specified, all available metrics for the given INTERVAL are listed. An object PATH must be provided in this case. Examples: govc metric.info vm/my-vm govc metric.info -i 300 vm/my-vm govc metric.info - cpu.usage.average govc metric.info /dc1/host/cluster cpu.usage.average Options: -i=0 Interval ID ``` ## metric.interval.change ``` Usage: govc metric.interval.change [OPTIONS] Change historical metric intervals. Examples: govc metric.interval.change -i 300 -level 2 govc metric.interval.change -i 86400 -enabled=false Options: -enabled= Enable or disable -i=0 Interval ID -level=0 Level ``` ## metric.interval.info ``` Usage: govc metric.interval.info [OPTIONS] List historical metric intervals. Examples: govc metric.interval.info govc metric.interval.info -i 300 Options: -i=0 Interval ID ``` ## metric.ls ``` Usage: govc metric.ls [OPTIONS] PATH List available metrics for PATH. Examples: govc metric.ls /dc1/host/cluster1 govc metric.ls datastore/* govc metric.ls vm/* | grep mem. | xargs govc metric.sample vm/* Options: -i=0 Interval ID -l=false Long listing format ``` ## metric.reset ``` Usage: govc metric.reset [OPTIONS] NAME... Reset counter NAME to the default level of data collection. Examples: govc metric.reset net.bytesRx.average net.bytesTx.average Options: -i=0 Interval ID ``` ## metric.sample ``` Usage: govc metric.sample [OPTIONS] PATH... NAME... Sample for object PATH of metric NAME. Interval ID defaults to 20 (realtime) if supported, otherwise 300 (5m interval). By default, INSTANCE '*' samples all instances and the aggregate counter. An INSTANCE value of '-' will only sample the aggregate counter. An INSTANCE value other than '*' or '-' will only sample the given instance counter. If PLOT value is set to '-', output a gnuplot script. If non-empty with another value, PLOT will pipe the script to gnuplot for you. The value is also used to set the gnuplot 'terminal' variable, unless the value is that of the DISPLAY env var. Only 1 metric NAME can be specified when the PLOT flag is set. Examples: govc metric.sample host/cluster1/* cpu.usage.average govc metric.sample -plot .png host/cluster1/* cpu.usage.average | xargs open govc metric.sample vm/* net.bytesTx.average net.bytesTx.average govc metric.sample -instance vmnic0 vm/* net.bytesTx.average govc metric.sample -instance - vm/* net.bytesTx.average Options: -d=30 Limit object display name to D chars -i=0 Interval ID -instance=* Instance -n=6 Max number of samples -plot= Plot data using gnuplot -t=false Include sample times ``` ## object.collect ``` Usage: govc object.collect [OPTIONS] [MOID] [PROPERTY]... Collect managed object properties. MOID can be an inventory path or ManagedObjectReference. MOID defaults to '-', an alias for 'ServiceInstance:ServiceInstance'. By default only the current property value(s) are collected. Use the '-n' flag to wait for updates. Examples: govc object.collect - content govc object.collect -s HostSystem:ha-host hardware.systemInfo.uuid govc object.collect -s /ha-datacenter/vm/foo overallStatus govc object.collect -json -n=-1 EventManager:ha-eventmgr latestEvent | jq . govc object.collect -json -s $(govc object.collect -s - content.perfManager) description.counterType | jq . Options: -n=0 Wait for N property updates -s=false Output property value only ``` ## object.destroy ``` Usage: govc object.destroy [OPTIONS] PATH... Destroy managed objects. Examples: govc object.destroy /dc1/network/dvs /dc1/host/cluster Options: ``` ## object.method ``` Usage: govc object.method [OPTIONS] PATH... Enable or disable methods for managed objects. Examples: govc object.method -name Destroy_Task -enable=false /dc1/vm/foo govc object.collect /dc1/vm/foo disabledMethod | grep --color Destroy_Task govc object.method -name Destroy_Task -enable /dc1/vm/foo Options: -enable=true Enable method -name= Method name -reason= Reason for disabling method -source=govc Source ID ``` ## object.mv ``` Usage: govc object.mv [OPTIONS] PATH... FOLDER Move managed entities to FOLDER. Examples: govc folder.create /dc1/host/example govc object.mv /dc2/host/*.example.com /dc1/host/example Options: ``` ## object.reload ``` Usage: govc object.reload [OPTIONS] PATH... Reload managed object state. Examples: govc datastore.upload $vm.vmx $vm/$vm.vmx govc object.reload /dc1/vm/$vm Options: ``` ## object.rename ``` Usage: govc object.rename [OPTIONS] PATH NAME Rename managed objects. Examples: govc object.rename /dc1/network/dvs1 Switch1 Options: ``` ## option.ls ``` Usage: govc option.ls [OPTIONS] [NAME] List option with the given NAME. If NAME ends with a dot, all options for that subtree are listed. Examples: govc option.ls govc option.ls config.vpxd.sso. govc option.ls config.vpxd.sso.sts.uri Options: ``` ## option.set ``` Usage: govc option.set [OPTIONS] NAME VALUE Set option NAME to VALUE. Examples: govc option.set log.level info govc option.set logger.Vsan verbose Options: ``` ## permissions.ls ``` Usage: govc permissions.ls [OPTIONS] [PATH]... List the permissions defined on or effective on managed entities. Examples: govc permissions.ls govc permissions.ls /dc1/host/cluster1 Options: -a=true Include inherited permissions defined by parent entities -i=false Use moref instead of inventory path ``` ## permissions.remove ``` Usage: govc permissions.remove [OPTIONS] [PATH]... Removes a permission rule from managed entities. Examples: govc permissions.remove -principal root govc permissions.remove -principal $USER@vsphere.local -role Admin /dc1/host/cluster1 Options: -group=false True, if principal refers to a group name; false, for a user name -i=false Use moref instead of inventory path -principal= User or group for which the permission is defined ``` ## permissions.set ``` Usage: govc permissions.set [OPTIONS] [PATH]... Set the permissions managed entities. Examples: govc permissions.set -principal root -role Admin govc permissions.set -principal $USER@vsphere.local -role Admin /dc1/host/cluster1 Options: -group=false True, if principal refers to a group name; false, for a user name -i=false Use moref instead of inventory path -principal= User or group for which the permission is defined -propagate=true Whether or not this permission propagates down the hierarchy to sub-entities -role=Admin Permission role name ``` ## pool.change ``` Usage: govc pool.change [OPTIONS] POOL... Change the configuration of one or more resource POOLs. POOL may be an absolute or relative path to a resource pool or a (clustered) compute host. If it resolves to a compute host, the associated root resource pool is returned. If a relative path is specified, it is resolved with respect to the current datacenter's "host" folder (i.e. /ha-datacenter/host). Paths to nested resource pools must traverse through the root resource pool of the selected compute host, i.e. "compute-host/Resources/nested-pool". The same globbing rules that apply to the "ls" command apply here. For example, POOL may be specified as "*/Resources/*" to expand to all resource pools that are nested one level under the root resource pool, on all (clustered) compute hosts in the current datacenter. Options: -cpu.expandable= CPU expandable reservation -cpu.limit=0 CPU limit in MHz -cpu.reservation=0 CPU reservation in MHz -cpu.shares= CPU shares level or number -mem.expandable= Memory expandable reservation -mem.limit=0 Memory limit in MB -mem.reservation=0 Memory reservation in MB -mem.shares= Memory shares level or number -name= Resource pool name ``` ## pool.create ``` Usage: govc pool.create [OPTIONS] POOL... Create one or more resource POOLs. POOL may be an absolute or relative path to a resource pool. The parent of the specified POOL must be an existing resource pool. If a relative path is specified, it is resolved with respect to the current datacenter's "host" folder (i.e. /ha-datacenter/host). The basename of the specified POOL is used as the name for the new resource pool. The same globbing rules that apply to the "ls" command apply here. For example, the path to the parent resource pool in POOL may be specified as "*/Resources" to expand to the root resource pools on all (clustered) compute hosts in the current datacenter. For example: */Resources/test Create resource pool "test" on all (clustered) compute hosts in the current datacenter. somehost/Resources/*/nested Create resource pool "nested" in every resource pool that is a direct descendant of the root resource pool on "somehost". Options: -cpu.expandable=true CPU expandable reservation -cpu.limit=0 CPU limit in MHz -cpu.reservation=0 CPU reservation in MHz -cpu.shares=normal CPU shares level or number -mem.expandable=true Memory expandable reservation -mem.limit=0 Memory limit in MB -mem.reservation=0 Memory reservation in MB -mem.shares=normal Memory shares level or number ``` ## pool.destroy ``` Usage: govc pool.destroy [OPTIONS] POOL... Destroy one or more resource POOLs. POOL may be an absolute or relative path to a resource pool or a (clustered) compute host. If it resolves to a compute host, the associated root resource pool is returned. If a relative path is specified, it is resolved with respect to the current datacenter's "host" folder (i.e. /ha-datacenter/host). Paths to nested resource pools must traverse through the root resource pool of the selected compute host, i.e. "compute-host/Resources/nested-pool". The same globbing rules that apply to the "ls" command apply here. For example, POOL may be specified as "*/Resources/*" to expand to all resource pools that are nested one level under the root resource pool, on all (clustered) compute hosts in the current datacenter. Options: -children=false Remove all children pools ``` ## pool.info ``` Usage: govc pool.info [OPTIONS] POOL... Retrieve information about one or more resource POOLs. POOL may be an absolute or relative path to a resource pool or a (clustered) compute host. If it resolves to a compute host, the associated root resource pool is returned. If a relative path is specified, it is resolved with respect to the current datacenter's "host" folder (i.e. /ha-datacenter/host). Paths to nested resource pools must traverse through the root resource pool of the selected compute host, i.e. "compute-host/Resources/nested-pool". The same globbing rules that apply to the "ls" command apply here. For example, POOL may be specified as "*/Resources/*" to expand to all resource pools that are nested one level under the root resource pool, on all (clustered) compute hosts in the current datacenter. Options: -a=false List virtual app resource pools -p=true List resource pools ``` ## role.create ``` Usage: govc role.create [OPTIONS] NAME [PRIVILEGE]... Create authorization role. Optionally populate the role with the given PRIVILEGE(s). Examples: govc role.create MyRole govc role.create NoDC $(govc role.ls Admin | grep -v Datacenter.) Options: -i=false Use moref instead of inventory path ``` ## role.ls ``` Usage: govc role.ls [OPTIONS] [NAME] List authorization roles. If NAME is provided, list privileges for the role. Examples: govc role.ls govc role.ls Admin Options: -i=false Use moref instead of inventory path ``` ## role.remove ``` Usage: govc role.remove [OPTIONS] NAME Remove authorization role. Examples: govc role.remove MyRole govc role.remove MyRole -force Options: -force=false Force removal if role is in use -i=false Use moref instead of inventory path ``` ## role.update ``` Usage: govc role.update [OPTIONS] NAME [PRIVILEGE]... Update authorization role. Set, Add or Remove role PRIVILEGE(s). Examples: govc role.update MyRole $(govc role.ls Admin | grep VirtualMachine.) govc role.update -r MyRole $(govc role.ls Admin | grep VirtualMachine.GuestOperations.) govc role.update -a MyRole $(govc role.ls Admin | grep Datastore.) govc role.update -name RockNRole MyRole Options: -a=false Add given PRIVILEGE(s) -i=false Use moref instead of inventory path -name= Change role name -r=false Remove given PRIVILEGE(s) ``` ## role.usage ``` Usage: govc role.usage [OPTIONS] NAME... List usage for role NAME. Examples: govc role.usage govc role.usage Admin Options: -i=false Use moref instead of inventory path ``` ## session.ls ``` Usage: govc session.ls [OPTIONS] List active sessions. Examples: govc session.ls govc session.ls -json | jq -r .CurrentSession.Key Options: ``` ## session.rm ``` Usage: govc session.rm [OPTIONS] KEY... Remove active sessions. Examples: govc session.ls | grep root govc session.rm 5279e245-e6f1-4533-4455-eb94353b213a Options: ``` ## snapshot.create ``` Usage: govc snapshot.create [OPTIONS] NAME Create snapshot of VM with NAME. Examples: govc snapshot.create -vm my-vm happy-vm-state Options: -d= Snapshot description -m=true Include memory state -q=false Quiesce guest file system -vm= Virtual machine [GOVC_VM] ``` ## snapshot.remove ``` Usage: govc snapshot.remove [OPTIONS] NAME Remove snapshot of VM with given NAME. NAME can be the snapshot name, tree path, moid or '*' to remove all snapshots. Examples: govc snapshot.remove -vm my-vm happy-vm-state Options: -c=true Consolidate disks -r=false Remove snapshot children -vm= Virtual machine [GOVC_VM] ``` ## snapshot.revert ``` Usage: govc snapshot.revert [OPTIONS] [NAME] Revert to snapshot of VM with given NAME. If NAME is not provided, revert to the current snapshot. Otherwise, NAME can be the snapshot name, tree path or moid. Examples: govc snapshot.revert -vm my-vm happy-vm-state Options: -s=false Suppress power on -vm= Virtual machine [GOVC_VM] ``` ## snapshot.tree ``` Usage: govc snapshot.tree [OPTIONS] List VM snapshots in a tree-like format. The command will exit 0 with no output if VM does not have any snapshots. Examples: govc snapshot.tree -vm my-vm govc snapshot.tree -vm my-vm -D -i Options: -D=false Print the snapshot creation date -c=true Print the current snapshot -f=false Print the full path prefix for snapshot -i=false Print the snapshot id -vm= Virtual machine [GOVC_VM] ``` ## vapp.destroy ``` Usage: govc vapp.destroy [OPTIONS] VAPP... Options: ``` ## vapp.power ``` Usage: govc vapp.power [OPTIONS] Options: -force=false Force (If force is false, the shutdown order in the vApp is executed. If force is true, all virtual machines are powered-off (regardless of shutdown order)) -off=false Power off -on=false Power on -suspend=false Power suspend -vapp.ipath= Find vapp by inventory path ``` ## version ``` Usage: govc version [OPTIONS] Options: -require= Require govc version >= this value ``` ## vm.change ``` Usage: govc vm.change [OPTIONS] Change VM configuration. To add ExtraConfig variables that can read within the guest, use the 'guestinfo.' prefix. Examples: govc vm.change -vm $vm -e smc.present=TRUE -e ich7m.present=TRUE govc vm.change -vm $vm -e guestinfo.vmname $vm # Read the variable set above inside the guest: vmware-rpctool "info-get guestinfo.vmname" Options: -c=0 Number of CPUs -e=[] ExtraConfig. = -g= Guest OS -m=0 Size in MB of memory -name= Display name -nested-hv-enabled= Enable nested hardware-assisted virtualization -sync-time-with-host= Enable SyncTimeWithHost -vm= Virtual machine [GOVC_VM] ``` ## vm.clone ``` Usage: govc vm.clone [OPTIONS] NAME Clone VM to NAME. Examples: govc vm.clone -vm template-vm new-vm Options: -annotation= VM description -c=0 Number of CPUs -customization= Customization Specification Name -datastore-cluster= Datastore cluster [GOVC_DATASTORE_CLUSTER] -ds= Datastore [GOVC_DATASTORE] -folder= Inventory folder [GOVC_FOLDER] -force=false Create VM if vmx already exists -host= Host system [GOVC_HOST] -m=0 Size in MB of memory -net= Network [GOVC_NETWORK] -net.adapter=e1000 Network adapter type -net.address= Network hardware address -on=true Power on VM -pool= Resource pool [GOVC_RESOURCE_POOL] -template=false Create a Template -vm= Virtual machine [GOVC_VM] -waitip=false Wait for VM to acquire IP address ``` ## vm.create ``` Usage: govc vm.create [OPTIONS] Options: -annotation= VM description -c=1 Number of CPUs -datastore-cluster= Datastore cluster [GOVC_DATASTORE_CLUSTER] -disk= Disk path (to use existing) OR size (to create new, e.g. 20GB) -disk-datastore= Datastore for disk file -disk.controller=scsi Disk controller type -ds= Datastore [GOVC_DATASTORE] -folder= Inventory folder [GOVC_FOLDER] -force=false Create VM if vmx already exists -g=otherGuest Guest OS -host= Host system [GOVC_HOST] -iso= ISO path -iso-datastore= Datastore for ISO file -link=true Link specified disk -m=1024 Size in MB of memory -net= Network [GOVC_NETWORK] -net.adapter=e1000 Network adapter type -net.address= Network hardware address -on=true Power on VM. Default is true if -disk argument is given. -pool= Resource pool [GOVC_RESOURCE_POOL] ``` ## vm.destroy ``` Usage: govc vm.destroy [OPTIONS] Options: ``` ## vm.disk.attach ``` Usage: govc vm.disk.attach [OPTIONS] Options: -controller= Disk controller -disk= Disk path name -ds= Datastore [GOVC_DATASTORE] -link=true Link specified disk -persist=true Persist attached disk -vm= Virtual machine [GOVC_VM] ``` ## vm.disk.change ``` Usage: govc vm.disk.change [OPTIONS] Change some properties of a VM's DISK In particular, you can change the DISK mode, and the size (as long as it is bigger) Examples: govc vm.disk.change -vm VM -disk.key 2001 -size 10G govc vm.disk.change -vm VM -disk.label "BDD disk" -size 10G govc vm.disk.change -vm VM -disk.name "hard-1000-0" -size 12G govc vm.disk.change -vm VM -disk.filePath "[DS] VM/VM-1.vmdk" -mode nonpersistent Options: -disk.filePath= Disk file name -disk.key=0 Disk unique key -disk.label= Disk label -disk.name= Disk name -mode= Disk mode (persistent|nonpersistent|undoable|independent_persistent|independent_nonpersistent|append) -size=0B New disk size -vm= Virtual machine [GOVC_VM] ``` ## vm.disk.create ``` Usage: govc vm.disk.create [OPTIONS] Create disk and attach to VM. Examples: govc vm.disk.create -vm $name -name $name/disk1 -size 10G Options: -controller= Disk controller -ds= Datastore [GOVC_DATASTORE] -eager=false Eagerly scrub new disk -mode=persistent Disk mode (persistent|nonpersistent|undoable|independent_persistent|independent_nonpersistent|append) -name= Name for new disk -size=10.0GB Size of new disk -thick=false Thick provision new disk -vm= Virtual machine [GOVC_VM] ``` ## vm.guest.tools ``` Usage: govc vm.guest.tools [OPTIONS] VM... Manage guest tools in VM. Examples: govc vm.guest.tools -mount VM govc vm.guest.tools -unmount VM govc vm.guest.tools -upgrade -options "opt1 opt2" VM Options: -mount=false Mount tools CD installer in the guest -options= Installer options -unmount=false Unmount tools CD installer in the guest -upgrade=false Upgrade tools in the guest ``` ## vm.info ``` Usage: govc vm.info [OPTIONS] Options: -e=false Show ExtraConfig -g=true Show general summary -r=false Show resource summary -t=false Show ToolsConfigInfo -waitip=false Wait for VM to acquire IP address ``` ## vm.ip ``` Usage: govc vm.ip [OPTIONS] VM... List IPs for VM. By default the vm.ip command depends on vmware-tools to report the 'guest.ipAddress' field and will wait until it has done so. This value can also be obtained using: govc vm.info -json $vm | jq -r .VirtualMachines[].Guest.IpAddress When given the '-a' flag, only IP addresses for which there is a corresponding virtual nic are listed. If there are multiple nics, the listed addresses will be comma delimited. The '-a' flag depends on vmware-tools to report the 'guest.net' field and will wait until it has done so for all nics. Note that this list includes IPv6 addresses if any, use '-v4' to filter them out. IP addresses reported by tools for which there is no virtual nic are not included, for example that of the 'docker0' interface. These values can also be obtained using: govc vm.info -json $vm | jq -r .VirtualMachines[].Guest.Net[].IpConfig.IpAddress[].IpAddress When given the '-n' flag, filters '-a' behavior to the nic specified by MAC address or device name. The 'esxcli' flag does not require vmware-tools to be installed, but does require the ESX host to have the /Net/GuestIPHack setting enabled. The 'wait' flag default to 1hr (original default was infinite). If a VM does not obtain an IP within the wait time, the command will still exit with status 0. Examples: govc vm.ip $vm govc vm.ip -wait 5m $vm govc vm.ip -a -v4 $vm govc vm.ip -n 00:0c:29:57:7b:c3 $vm govc vm.ip -n ethernet-0 $vm govc host.esxcli system settings advanced set -o /Net/GuestIPHack -i 1 govc vm.ip -esxcli $vm Options: -a=false Wait for an IP address on all NICs -esxcli=false Use esxcli instead of guest tools -n= Wait for IP address on NIC, specified by device name or MAC -v4=false Only report IPv4 addresses -wait=1h0m0s Wait time for the VM obtain an IP address ``` ## vm.markastemplate ``` Usage: govc vm.markastemplate [OPTIONS] VM... Mark VM as a virtual machine template. Examples: govc vm.markastemplate $name Options: ``` ## vm.markasvm ``` Usage: govc vm.markasvm [OPTIONS] VM... Mark VM template as a virtual machine. Examples: govc vm.markasvm $name -host host1 govc vm.markasvm $name -pool cluster1/Resources Options: -host= Host system [GOVC_HOST] -pool= Resource pool [GOVC_RESOURCE_POOL] ``` ## vm.migrate ``` Usage: govc vm.migrate [OPTIONS] VM... Migrates VM to a specific resource pool, host or datastore. Examples: govc vm.migrate -host another-host vm-1 vm-2 vm-3 govc vm.migrate -ds another-ds vm-1 vm-2 vm-3 Options: -ds= Datastore [GOVC_DATASTORE] -host= Host system [GOVC_HOST] -pool= Resource pool [GOVC_RESOURCE_POOL] -priority=defaultPriority The task priority ``` ## vm.network.add ``` Usage: govc vm.network.add [OPTIONS] Add network adapter to VM. Examples: govc vm.network.add -vm $vm -net "VM Network" -net.adapter e1000e govc device.info -vm $vm ethernet-* Options: -net= Network [GOVC_NETWORK] -net.adapter=e1000 Network adapter type -net.address= Network hardware address -vm= Virtual machine [GOVC_VM] ``` ## vm.network.change ``` Usage: govc vm.network.change [OPTIONS] DEVICE Change network DEVICE configuration. Examples: govc vm.network.change -vm $vm -net PG2 ethernet-0 govc vm.network.change -vm $vm -net.address 00:00:0f:2e:5d:69 ethernet-0 govc device.info -vm $vm ethernet-* Options: -net= Network [GOVC_NETWORK] -net.adapter=e1000 Network adapter type -net.address= Network hardware address -vm= Virtual machine [GOVC_VM] ``` ## vm.power ``` Usage: govc vm.power [OPTIONS] Options: -force=false Force (ignore state error and hard shutdown/reboot if tools unavailable) -off=false Power off -on=false Power on -r=false Reboot guest -reset=false Power reset -s=false Shutdown guest -suspend=false Power suspend ``` ## vm.question ``` Usage: govc vm.question [OPTIONS] Options: -answer= Answer to question -vm= Virtual machine [GOVC_VM] ``` ## vm.rdm.attach ``` Usage: govc vm.rdm.attach [OPTIONS] Attach DEVICE to VM with RDM. Examples: govc vm.rdm.attach -vm VM -device /vmfs/devices/disks/naa.000000000000000000000000000000000 Options: -device= Device Name -vm= Virtual machine [GOVC_VM] ``` ## vm.rdm.ls ``` Usage: govc vm.rdm.ls [OPTIONS] List available devices that could be attach to VM with RDM. Examples: govc vm.rdm.ls -vm VM Options: -vm= Virtual machine [GOVC_VM] ``` ## vm.register ``` Usage: govc vm.register [OPTIONS] VMX Add an existing VM to the inventory. VMX is a path to the vm config file, relative to DATASTORE. Examples: govc vm.register path/name.vmx Options: -as-template=false Mark VM as template -ds= Datastore [GOVC_DATASTORE] -folder= Inventory folder [GOVC_FOLDER] -host= Host system [GOVC_HOST] -name= Name of the VM -pool= Resource pool [GOVC_RESOURCE_POOL] ``` ## vm.unregister ``` Usage: govc vm.unregister [OPTIONS] VM... Remove VM from inventory without removing any of the VM files on disk. Options: ``` ## vm.vnc ``` Usage: govc vm.vnc [OPTIONS] VM... Enable or disable VNC for VM. Port numbers are automatically chosen if not specified. If neither -enable or -disable is specified, the current state is returned. Examples: govc vm.vnc -enable -password 1234 $vm | awk '{print $2}' | xargs open Options: -disable=false Disable VNC -enable=false Enable VNC -password= VNC password -port=-1 VNC port (-1 for auto-select) -port-range=5900-5999 VNC port auto-select range ```