#!/bin/bash -e # Usage: govc host.cert.csr | ./host_cert_sign.sh | govc host.cert.import pushd "$(dirname "$0")" >/dev/null days=$((365 * 5)) if [ ! -e govc_ca.key ] ; then echo "Generating CA private key..." 1>&2 openssl genrsa -out govc_ca.key 2048 echo "Generating CA self signed certificate..." 1>&2 openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key govc_ca.key -out govc_ca.pem -subj /C=US/ST=CA/L=SF/O=VMware/OU=Eng/CN=govc-ca -days $days fi echo "Signing CSR with the CA certificate..." 1>&2 # The hostd generated CSR includes: # Requested Extensions: # X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: # IP Address:$ip # But seems it doesn't get copied by default, so we end up with: # x509: cannot validate certificate for $ip because it doesn't contain any IP SANs (x509.HostnameError) # Using -extfile to add it to the signed cert. ip=$(govc env -x GOVC_URL_HOST) openssl x509 -req -CA govc_ca.pem -CAkey govc_ca.key -CAcreateserial -days $days -extfile <(echo "subjectAltName=IP:$ip") popd >/dev/null