influx_tsm(1) ============= NAME ---- influx_tsm - Convert a database from b1 or bz1 format to tsm1 format SYNPOSIS -------- [verse] 'influx_tsm' [options] DESCRIPTION ----------- This tool can be used to convert a database from the deprecated b1 or bz1 formats to tsm1 format. The b1 and bz1 formats were deprecated in 0.10 and removed in 0.12. This tool will backup the directories before conversion (if not disabled). The backed-up files must be removed manually, generally after starting up the node again to make sure all of the data has been converted correctly. To restore a backup after attempting to convert to tsm1, you shut down the node, remove the converted directory, and copy the backed-up directory to the original location. OPTIONS ------- -backup :: The location to backup the current databases. Must not be within the data directory. -dbs :: Comma-delimited list of databases to convert. The default is to convert all databases. -debug :: If set, http debugging endpoints will be enabled on the given address. -interval :: How often status updates are printed. Default is '5s'. -nobackup:: Disable database backups. Not recommended. -parallel:: Perform parallel conversions (up to GOMAXPROCS shards at once). -profile :: Write a CPU profile to the path. -sz :: Maximum size of individual TSM files. Defaults to 2147483648. -y:: Don't ask, just convert. include::footer.txt[]