influxd(1) ========== NAME ---- influxd - InfluxDB server daemon SYNOPSIS -------- [verse] 'influxd' [command] [options] DESCRIPTION ----------- 'influxd' is the server daemon for InfluxDB. COMMANDS -------- These commands can be invoked using the 'influxd' program. The default is 'run' if the command parameter is skipped. backup:: Downloads a snapshot of a data node and saves it to disk. config:: Displays the default configuration. This can also read an existing configuration file and output the default values for any missing fields. Default values and existing entries in a configuration file can be customized through environment variables. restore:: Uses backups to restore the metastore, databases, retention policies, or specific shards. The InfluxDB process must not be running during a restore. run:: Runs the InfluxDB server. This is the default command if none is specified. version:: Displays the InfluxDB version, build branch, and git commit hash. SEE ALSO -------- *influxd-backup*(1), *influxd-config*(1), *influxd-restore*(1), *influxd-run*(1), *influxd-version*(1) include::footer.txt[]