// Package diagnostics provides the diagnostics type so that // other packages can provide diagnostics without depending on the monitor package. package diagnostics // import "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/monitor/diagnostics" import "sort" // Client is the interface modules implement if they register diagnostics with monitor. type Client interface { Diagnostics() (*Diagnostics, error) } // The ClientFunc type is an adapter to allow the use of // ordinary functions as Diagnostics clients. type ClientFunc func() (*Diagnostics, error) // Diagnostics calls f(). func (f ClientFunc) Diagnostics() (*Diagnostics, error) { return f() } // Diagnostics represents a table of diagnostic information. The first value // is the name of the columns, the second is a slice of interface slices containing // the values for each column, by row. This information is never written to an InfluxDB // system and is display-only. An example showing, say, connections follows: // // source_ip source_port dest_ip dest_port // 2890 38901 // 2924 38902 type Diagnostics struct { Columns []string Rows [][]interface{} } // NewDiagnostic initialises a new Diagnostics with the specified columns. func NewDiagnostics(columns []string) *Diagnostics { return &Diagnostics{ Columns: columns, Rows: make([][]interface{}, 0), } } // AddRow appends the provided row to the Diagnostics' rows. func (d *Diagnostics) AddRow(r []interface{}) { d.Rows = append(d.Rows, r) } // RowFromMap returns a new one-row Diagnostics from a map. func RowFromMap(m map[string]interface{}) *Diagnostics { // Display columns in deterministic order. sortedKeys := make([]string, 0, len(m)) for k := range m { sortedKeys = append(sortedKeys, k) } sort.Strings(sortedKeys) d := NewDiagnostics(sortedKeys) row := make([]interface{}, len(sortedKeys)) for i, k := range sortedKeys { row[i] = m[k] } d.AddRow(row) return d }