#!/bin/bash function printHelp() { >&2 echo "USAGE: $0 -i PATH_TO_SOURCE_TARBALL -o OUTDIR Runs unit tests for influxdb. If the environment variable GO_NEXT is not empty, tests run with the 'next' version of Go. " } if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then printHelp exit 1 fi SRCDIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" source "$SRCDIR/../_go_versions.sh" OUTDIR="" TARBALL="" while getopts hi:o: arg; do case "$arg" in h) printHelp; exit 1;; i) TARBALL="$OPTARG";; o) OUTDIR="$OPTARG";; esac done if [ -z "$TARBALL" ] || [ -z "$OUTDIR" ]; then printHelp exit 1 fi if [ -z "$GO_NEXT" ]; then DOCKER_TAG=latest GO_VERSION="$GO_CURRENT_VERSION" else DOCKER_TAG=next GO_VERSION="$GO_NEXT_VERSION" fi docker build --build-arg "GO_VERSION=$GO_VERSION" -t influxdata/influxdb/releng/unit-tests:"$DOCKER_TAG" "$SRCDIR" docker run --rm \ --mount type=bind,source="$OUTDIR",destination=/out \ --mount type=bind,source="$TARBALL",destination=/influxdb-src.tar.gz,ro=1 \ influxdata/influxdb/releng/unit-tests:"$DOCKER_TAG"