/* Copyright (c) 2015 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package ovf type Envelope struct { References []File `xml:"References>File"` // Package level meta-data Annotation *AnnotationSection `xml:"AnnotationSection"` Product *ProductSection `xml:"ProductSection"` Network *NetworkSection `xml:"NetworkSection"` Disk *DiskSection `xml:"DiskSection"` OperatingSystem *OperatingSystemSection `xml:"OperatingSystemSection"` Eula *EulaSection `xml:"EulaSection"` VirtualHardware *VirtualHardwareSection `xml:"VirtualHardwareSection"` ResourceAllocation *ResourceAllocationSection `xml:"ResourceAllocationSection"` DeploymentOption *DeploymentOptionSection `xml:"DeploymentOptionSection"` // Content: A VirtualSystem or a VirtualSystemCollection VirtualSystem *VirtualSystem `xml:"VirtualSystem"` } type VirtualSystem struct { Content Annotation []AnnotationSection `xml:"AnnotationSection"` Product []ProductSection `xml:"ProductSection"` OperatingSystem []OperatingSystemSection `xml:"OperatingSystemSection"` Eula []EulaSection `xml:"EulaSection"` VirtualHardware []VirtualHardwareSection `xml:"VirtualHardwareSection"` } type File struct { ID string `xml:"id,attr"` Href string `xml:"href,attr"` Size uint `xml:"size,attr"` Compression *string `xml:"compression,attr"` ChunkSize *int `xml:"chunkSize,attr"` } type Content struct { ID string `xml:"id,attr"` Info string `xml:"Info"` Name *string `xml:"Name"` } type Section struct { Required *bool `xml:"required,attr"` Info string `xml:"Info"` } type AnnotationSection struct { Section Annotation string `xml:"Annotation"` } type ProductSection struct { Section Class *string `xml:"class,attr"` Instance *string `xml:"instance,attr"` Product string `xml:"Product"` Vendor string `xml:"Vendor"` Version string `xml:"Version"` FullVersion string `xml:"FullVersion"` ProductURL string `xml:"ProductUrl"` VendorURL string `xml:"VendorUrl"` AppURL string `xml:"AppUrl"` Property []Property `xml:"Property"` } type Property struct { Key string `xml:"key,attr"` Type string `xml:"type,attr"` Qualifiers *string `xml:"qualifiers,attr"` UserConfigurable *bool `xml:"userConfigurable,attr"` Default *string `xml:"value,attr"` Password *bool `xml:"password,attr"` Label *string `xml:"Label"` Description *string `xml:"Description"` Values []PropertyConfigurationValue `xml:"Value"` } type PropertyConfigurationValue struct { Value string `xml:"value,attr"` Configuration *string `xml:"configuration,attr"` } type NetworkSection struct { Section Networks []Network `xml:"Network"` } type Network struct { Name string `xml:"name,attr"` Description string `xml:"Description"` } type DiskSection struct { Section Disks []VirtualDiskDesc `xml:"Disk"` } type VirtualDiskDesc struct { DiskID string `xml:"diskId,attr"` FileRef *string `xml:"fileRef,attr"` Capacity string `xml:"capacity,attr"` CapacityAllocationUnits *string `xml:"capacityAllocationUnits,attr"` Format *string `xml:"format,attr"` PopulatedSize *int `xml:"populatedSize,attr"` ParentRef *string `xml:"parentRef,attr"` } type OperatingSystemSection struct { Section ID uint16 `xml:"id,attr"` Version *string `xml:"version,attr"` OSType *string `xml:"osType,attr"` Description *string `xml:"Description"` } type EulaSection struct { Section License string `xml:"License"` } type VirtualHardwareSection struct { Section ID *string `xml:"id,attr"` Transport *string `xml:"transport,attr"` System *VirtualSystemSettingData `xml:"System"` Item []ResourceAllocationSettingData `xml:"Item"` } type VirtualSystemSettingData struct { CIMVirtualSystemSettingData } type ResourceAllocationSettingData struct { CIMResourceAllocationSettingData Required *bool `xml:"required,attr"` Configuration *string `xml:"configuration,attr"` Bound *string `xml:"bound,attr"` } type ResourceAllocationSection struct { Section Item []ResourceAllocationSettingData `xml:"Item"` } type DeploymentOptionSection struct { Section Configuration []DeploymentOptionConfiguration `xml:"Configuration"` } type DeploymentOptionConfiguration struct { ID string `xml:"id,attr"` Default *bool `xml:"default,attr"` Label string `xml:"Label"` Description string `xml:"Description"` }